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Research allows you to pursue your interests, to learn something new, to hone your problem-solving
skills and to challenge yourself in new ways.

The main purposes of research are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and
contribute to developing knowledge in a field of study. This article discusses the significance of research
and the many reasons why it is important for everyone—not just students and scientists.

What is exploratory research? Exploratory research is a methodology approach that explores research
questions that have not previously been studied in depth. It is often used when the issue you're studying
is new, or the data collection process is challenging in some way.

Descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or

phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why questions. A
descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more

What is explanatory research?

Explanatory research is a research method that explores why something occurs when limited
information is available. It can help you increase your understanding of a given topic, ascertain how or
why a particular phenomenon is occurring, and predict future occurrences.

Predictive research is chiefly concerned with forecasting (predicting) outcomes, consequences, costs, or
effects. This type of research tries to extrapolate from the analysis of existing phenomena, policies, or
other entities in order to predict something that has not been tried, tested, or proposed before.

Pure research focuses on understanding basic properties and processes. Applied research focuses on the
use of information to create useful materials. Sometimes there is no clear line between pure and applied

Pure research focuses on answering basic questions such as, "how do gases behave?"
Applied research would be involved in the process of developing specific preparation for a gas in order
for it to be produced and delivered efficiently and economically.

What is the difference between primary and secondary research?

Primary research usually costs more and often takes longer to conduct than secondary research, but it
gives conclusive results. Secondary research is a type of research that has already been compiled,
gathered, organized and published by others.
Empirical or Theoretical? Empirical: Based on data gathered by original experiments or observations.
Theoretical: Analyzes and makes connections between empirical studies to define or advance a
theoretical position.

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