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Polar ice caps

I consider that my topic is important because it deals with the polar caps, that means that it has
to do with glaciers. The polar caps are places where it is always cold, and ice is part of the
landscape. All of us love to see the photos of our loved ones enjoying the snow and some of us
love or would love to play with it, but something is happening that if we don't solve it in time
there will be no going back.

The polar ice caps are melting as global warming is causing climate change. Arctic sea ice is
being lost at a rate of almost 13 percent every decade, and in the past 30 years, the oldest and
thickest ice in the Arctic has declined by an impressive 95%.

If carbon emissions continue to rise unchecked, there is a study that says that by 2040 the
summer months in the Arctic could be ice-free. Some will think that this does not affect us and
if it does, since the melting of glaciers can bring viruses, bacteria and diseases that have been
frozen for years. On top of that, with the melting of the glaciers it's not just melting ice, many
animals like polar bears and penguins are losing their home and could be in danger of

Currently there are some places where polar bears are in danger of extinction due to the melting
of glaciers and that is our fault because of the large amount of carbon we emit. But it's not all
bad since we have time to reverse the problem and that is possible if we reduce carbon
emissions worldwide by at least 45 percent in the next decade and zero after 2050 in order to
stop global warming. Some ask how I can help and it's easy, stop consuming a high amount of
meat, eliminate processed foods a bit, stop using many private vehicles and contribute to public
transport, try to cut down fewer trees, reuse the leaves we use in to write. In the case of the
sheets, whether from notebooks or books, there are many ways to reuse them or rather recycle
them and make new sheets with them, among many other things. We just must push ourselves a
little and find a more sustainable way in which we can live and while doing that help the planet

Some will not find sense in it since they may not see any benefit, but if it does because nobody
wants to die, that is, we are all going to die one day, but we want to live to enjoy the landscapes,
give love and affection to our loved ones, to see how they smile with our bullshit among other
things. If we reduce carbon emissions in the world, we will be providing a better future and
world for our future children, grandchildren and nephews that we will one day have, and it will
give us a better quality of life to enjoy with them. Another reason to reduce carbon emissions in
our lives is to be able to have better quality for animals, there are many types of animals and
insects that help us have the oxygen that we breathe. As my mom says, if we don't take care of
what we have, nobody will.

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