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1 period Mr. Bermudez

Phonics 5th grade

Study hard and carefully so you can be ready for the exam,
these themes will be coming in the exam about the specific
classes given before. Pages # 5, #10 and #16.

Spelling 5th grade

Memorize the words Vocabulary understanding the right

vowel sounds for each one according to pages: 18, 24 30
and 42
Make sure you are ready for the exams by reading and
studying the following pages, also use them to practice: 22,
28 and 40
There will be a dictation at the end of the exam about pages
18, 24, 30 and 42
1 period Mr. Bermudez


Short vowels will be use in the exam so study as hard as
possible the following pages : # 3 # 7 AND # 8


Memorize the words Vocabulary understanding the right

vowel sounds for each one according to pages: 18, 24 30
and 42
Make sure you are ready for the exams by reading and
studying the following pages, also use them to practice: 22,
28 and 40
There will be a dictation at the end of the exam about pages
18, 24, 30 and 42

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