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Power of Language Essay

Danielle Enriquez

ENGL 420 Princ of Lang (010) FA2 2022

Los Angeles Pacific University

Professor Crystal Gentry

December 19, 2022


Language is a big part of our lives. We use it now more than ever in the 21st century.

Technology and social media has made written communication something that occurs often

everyday in our lives. Communication is key and knowledge is power. Therefore, combining

the two will not only prepare students to be citizens in the 21st century, but exceed

expectations, thrive, and succeed.

It is not uncommon to hear someone be impressed by another and describe them as

being “well spoken”. That is because of the power language and communication have. One

can resolve almost anything through communication. Many important leaders have resolved

historical crises by making a speech in front of the public. Communication is a tool and skill

that many students take for granted and have yet to learn to appreciate. That is why it is

important for future educators to find a way to teach language in an effective way that will set

a solid foundation for their student’s futures in the 21st century. An article by

states that, “...we want our students to be able to: perform independently and with groups in a

highly technologically advanced atmosphere, be ready for daily global interaction, be cable of

adaptive, flexible and creative thinking, and understand how to plan for, build, and include

collaboration with peers who are colleagues and experts in the field”(Davila & Davila, 2017).

Teachers apply these goals when teaching language to their students because these are

beneficial tools for them to have in all aspects of their future lives and careers.

Communication is important in all aspects of life, everyday of life. In the professional field,

being able to communicate appropriately and effectively can make the difference between if

you get your dream job or receive a promotion. In personal life, it can help someone make the

right connections or mend an important relationship. By teaching students how to

communicate, we are assuring that they have the skills they need to have a successful future

in this world.

Skills needed to achieve success in the 21st century are communication, critical

thinking, creativity, and collaboration, also known as the 4Cs. According to the same article

by, “several teachers have proved that you can embed 21st century skills by

utilizing the most important resource available in the classroom, your students”(Davila &

Davila, 2017). It is important to keep things alive and fresh for your students and not just

follow the book. Allowing students room for their own discoveries and learning will help

them incorporate the 4Cs in everyday lessons regardless of the subject matter. This will force

the students to encounter different methods of communication and language, and therefore

have more practice in those areas. mentions, “as language teachers it’s a matter

of blending the 4Cs more thoughtfully into a student centered classroom where learners can

engage in high interest content that is relevant, useful, and promotes innovation”(Davila &

Davila, 2017).

Taking that final quote from the article by into consideration, I would

implement these key ideas to my future role as a classroom teacher. I would make it a priority

to apply the 4Cs into each lesson no matter the subject. I would also allow my students space

to grow, learn, and explore on their own. It would be a main goal to provide independence as

well as support to my students. My strategies would be to have my students use

communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration in as many if not all

assignments that I assign. I know that by employing these priorities and strategies, I am

equipping my future students for language skills in the 21st century. The ethical and spiritual

implications of language study as a means of preparing children for 21st century citizenship

are knowing that I am doing what I can to help these students not only succeed in their future

but also giving them the tools to be kind and emotionally aware citizens as well. Students

who are aware of their emotions and capable of communicating them in the correct way can

avoid more conflict than those who were not taught how to self express appropriately. By

doing this, we are helping make the world a better place and helping guide children in

becoming images of our Heavenly Father just as he has intended. I feel it is my duty as a

child of God to help others in any way and as many ways as I can. This is why I believe God

has chosen this vocation for me, so that I can not only help individuals set up for their future,

but also help the world become a better place one classroom at a time.


Davila, S., & Davila, S. (2017, June 28). 21st century skills and the English language

classroom. Resources for English Language Learners and Teachers | Pearson English.

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