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First year, Information Technology, MSc Student

System development proposal documentation

Phase 0: Title selection with some description

PROJECT TITLE: Online Registration & Admission Management System for Gamo Bayra Boarding Secondary School.

Prepared by: -

No Name

1. Mamaru Endalamaw

2. Desalegn Walo

3. Tena Lamesgen

4. Feleke Assefa

Submitted to: Dr. Mohammed

February 13, 2022

Arba Minch, Ethiopia.

Every decade brings with itself new technological changes and new inventions that are changing the way the
workforce functions.  One of the strongest new mantras that are redefining the present-day world is workforce
Today, not just the corporate world but even schools and colleges across the world are opting to take their
processes online and automate their key functions. Student registration and admission management
system is one such function of schools and colleges that is fast getting automated and processed online.

On the first phase of the proposal, we select appropriate project title, and then describes some descriptions what we
do on proposed system. As a whole we may cover or list down what we do and how it works starting from gathering
requirements up to implementation via analysis and design including testing by using different methodologies.

1. Project Title
Online Registration & Admission Management System for Gamo Bayra Boarding Secondary School.

Develop web based student registration system for Teachers Training College (T.T.C) in ArbaMinch Town.

2. Description

Obviously as we know, it changes manual student registration system into computerized system. So, it shows the
advancement of technology we use in our day to day activities. We will gather requirement, identify the problem,
find the solution, design the system, implement the system and test its functionality. To reduce Tedious, Time
consumption, Redundancy and Irresponsiveness of existing system we will develop this system. The main activities
of the system are: - Online register students, Select stream, Generating and assign automatic students’
identification number and Generate section assignment. Administrator, teacher, student, registrar and department
head are actors of the system.

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