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Контрольна робота

Доценко Олександра

A memorable experience

Last summer, the first time in my life I traveled independently. My parents

awarded the trip to me. I was in Lija in Malta.
To tell you the truth, I had some big and small stressful situations during
the trip such as flying alone to the unknown country, going on an
independent walk along the narrow streets. Then sharing a room and
staying in the campus. Moreover people who lived with me had different
lifestyles and vision of life. But the biggest stress was with the language.
However, at the airport I realised that I could not understand what the
Maltese were speaking about. I was at the point of no return, I thought I
was up the whole with the language.
On my first day there it seemed to me that I was left alone in the whole
world. There was a rule at the camp: "Do not speak your native language,
just English". I tried to follow it. My parents supported me and said that
was a temporary problem, adviced me to look at the sunny side of things
and soon everything would be fine.
My first independent trip was my golden opportunity to prove my parents
that I can be flexible, highly adaptable to new situations. I overcome many
stressful situations and proved my parents in my independence.
I spend a wonderful time, I met a lot of interesting people from different
countries. These holidays were an unforgettable experience in my life!

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