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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi có 08 trang)

I. LISTENING (20pts)
Part 1: You will hear part of a talk about dolls. Complete the sentences by writing NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (10 points)
Dolls have always fascinated me. They have existed for thousands of years. The first known dolls were
found in (1) ________ in ancient Egypt. I wish we could have one or two ancient dolls for our museum.
The earliest dolls in the museum date from the (2) ________. Early European dolls were dressed like
their/ the owners. On the 17th century dolls, you can see details like the (3) ________. 17th century dolls
may cost as much as 10 thousand pounds each. Collectors look for examples in perfect condition, with
their original clothes. 19th century dolls had soft bodies and real hair. If you can take off the doll’s hair,
you may see the (4) ________ underneath and of course the right one increase a doll’s value. Before the
20th century, all dolls were (5) ________ not babies. From the 1930s, dolls were made of plastic.

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2: You will listen to an interview with the couple, and for questions 1-5, choose the answer A,
B, C, or D which best fits according to what you hear. (10 points)
1. Pete says their forthcoming trip will challenge them because of the _________.
A. kind of terrain they are crossing.
B. enormous distances they are covering.
C. means of transport they are using.
D. length of time they are taking.
2. Sally says she and Pete were motivated to go on the trip because of a __________.
A. need for excitement
B. Lifelong ambition
C. desire to earn money.
D. plan to write a book.
3. How does Pete feel about talking the journey?
A. He thinks that their chances of succeeding are above average.
B. He would prefer not to talk about what might happen.
C. He’s excited about the dangers they’re about to experience.
D. He suspects they’re about to face their toughest challenge yet.
4. They are going to ensure their safety and well-being during the journey by __________.
A. carrying enough supplies for the whole trip.
B. avoiding routes which are known to be dangerous.
C. making sure they have enough hot meals.
D. wearing suitable clothing for the climate.
5. What comment does Sally make about the weather during their journey?
A. Unexpected bad weather often interferes with timings for stops.
B. Whatever the weather, they will try to stick to the scheduled stop times.
C. If the weather is against them, they will be forced to abandon their trip.
D. Bad weather has less effect on motorbikes than other forms of transport.

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each
group. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your answer.
Question 1. A. begged B. dogged C. buttoned D. blamed
Question 2. A. devilish B. repugnant C. embezzle D. trespass
Question 3. A. fortunate B. questionnaire C. combustion D. initiative
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in the same group.
Write your answer in the numbered box.
Question 4. A. pioneer B. principle C. architect D. military
Question 5. A. dental B. rental C. sandals D. canal

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate
your answer. (30 pts)
Question 1. ________, business managers plan the tasks that their employees are to carry out.
A. Through the organizing process B. They process the organizing
C. It is the organizing process D. While the organizing process
Question 2. Sales began the year at 30,000 units in January and increased slightly ________ 2,000 units
in February.
A. by B. to C. in D. at
Question 3. Closure of schools took place ________ falling numbers of pupils.
A. in the context of B. with regard to C. with a concern for D. in favour of
Question 4. I ________ at the exam paper lying on Mr Gregson’s desk, but I didn’t want to risk it.
A. could look B. can look C. can have looked D. could have looked
Question 5. ________ Mozart was an accomplished compose while still a child.
A. Remarkable as it seems B. As it seems remarkable
C. No matter remarkable it seems D. Remarkable however it seem
Question 6. ________ before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
A. Though having never acted B. Despite he had never acted
C. As he had never acted D. In spite of his never having acted
Question 7. ________ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to B. What we refer to C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to
Question 8. Thanks for lending me your umbrella; it really came in ________.
A. used B. handy C. handful D. needy
Question 9. This insect is ________, I've never seen anything like that before.
A. out of the way B. out of sight C. off the way D. off the track
Question 10. Widely reproduced in magazines and books, ________.
A. Ansel Adams depicted the Western wilderness in his photographs
B. the Western wilderness was depicted in the photographs of Ansel Adams
C. Ansel Adams's photographs depicted the Western wilderness
D. it was through his photographs that Ansel Adams depicted the Western wilderness
Question 11. I don’t know if Julie is really sick, or she is just ________. She knows clearly that I am expecting
A. pulling my leg B. calling it a day C. putting her back up D. lifting her finger
Question 12. Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be ________ by our centre.
A. put down B. turn over C. passed away D. taken out
Question 13. We were alerted to the fire when we saw thick, heavy smoke ________ out of the window.
A. clouding B. billowing C. choking D. pushing
Question 14. Mr Wright is being ________for fraud at the Old Bailey courthouse, this afternoon.
A. taken to court B. tried C. summoned D. charged
Question 15. We will have to work round the_________ if we want to complete the project as scheduled.
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A. watch B. minute C. hour D. clock
Question 16. In order to deal with problems including waste and water treatment and
public transportation, developing smart cities will be the ________ such challenges.
A. key to meeting B. means of coping with
C. approach to obtaining D. remedy for getting into
Question 17. Denise has been burning the midnight ________ trying to finish this report, so she must be
A. lamp B. candle C. oil D. gas
Question 18. I haven’t seen Jane for nearly ten years, ________ I had got married and had two children.
A. during which time B. at that point C. for that duration D. in that time
Question 19. ________ I can’t make the presentation myself, I’ve asked my assistant to be prepared to
do it for me.
A. For B. In the event that C. Only if D. On the other hand
Question 20. TikTok, also known as Douyin in China, is a social media app downloaded more
than 2 billion times globally with a (an) ________ to creating and sharing videos.
A. aim B. view C. purpose D. plan
Question 21. Those without the major studios’ huge spending ________ are not convinced by the
argument that marketing movies can double their budget.
A. force B. strength C. weight D. power
Question 22. One day, I received a note from him asking me to lunch and I conceived the ________ that
he was trying me out.
A. impression B. suspicion C. notion D. opinion
Question 23. He ________ at the last minute and withdrew from the competition.
A. put his foot down B. got up his nose
C. couldn’t keep a straight face D. got cold feet
Question 24. It is imperative that all migrants ________the rule and regulations of the residential area
they move to.
A. would obey B. might obey C. obey D. obeying
Question 25. ________, we tried our best to complete it.
A. As though the homework was difficult B. Thanks to the difficult homework
C. Difficult as the homework was D. Despite the homework was difficult
Question 26. Could you lend me some money to ________ me over to the end of the month?
A. hand B. tide C. get D. make
Question 27. When I got stuck in the elevator, I was scared out of my ________.
A. brains B. head C. wits D. nerves
Question 28. This evidence should prove ________ that he was telling the truth.
A. once and for all B. now and then C. over and above D. from time to time
Question 29. It isn’t easy to obtain admission to this university, to say ________ of the costs you have to
A. but a few B. nothing more C. not so much D. only a little
Question 30. My parents always had a happily ________ attitude to my staying out late in the evening.
A. cold-blooded B. long-suffering C. easy-going D. thick-skinned

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

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Part 2. Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following questions. Write your answers in the space provided. (5 points)
Question 1. For a long term period, Lizzie Magie has been battling against the vicissitudes of life.
A. mutability B. caprice C. ups and downs D. determination
Question 2. The aim of University education is to inure students to hardship, trials and adverse
situations in life.
A. accustom B. obliterate C. shun D. estrange.
Question 3. The book received a lot of good reviews in the press, and went on to become one of the year’s
best sellers.
A. write-ups B. suggestions C. achievements D. supports
Question 4. After the political scandal in the government no-one in the cabinet is prepared to put their
head above the parapet.
A. show their head B. raise their head C. speak in public D. speak in the air
Question 5. In view of the global financial crisis, Tom and his brother has been laid off, so they are on
the dole.
A. selling goods on pavements B. receiving a lot of attention
C. living on their parents' support D. living on unemployment benefits

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 3. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following questions. Write your answers in the space provided. (5 points)
Question 1. With her sophisticated tastes, the singer has become an omnipresent icon of style and
A. oblivious B. controversial C. ubiquitous D. unknown
Question 2. The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting far-reaching research to determine
the psychological effects of using drugs.
A. refined B. extensive C. prevalent D. tentative
Question 3. Tired of being a tiny cog in a vast machine, he handed in his resignation.
A. an important person B. a large piece of equipment
C. a small group of people D. a small group of people
Question 4. Even today, women don’t have a level playing field in terms of opportunities to excel and
A. a situation that is fair B. a situation that is biased
C. a situation that is important D. a situation that is trivial
Question 5. Unless you get your information from a credible website, you should doubt the veracity of
the facts until you have confirmed them else where.
A. accuracy B. truthfulness C. inexactness D. unfairness

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 4. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. Write your
answers in the space provided. (10 points)
Question 1. The Homestead Act of 1862 granted 160 acres of land for any settler who would spend five
years on the land.
A. who B. would C. for D. on
Question 2. The results of our marketing survey show that there will be quite a demand for electric cars
in the ahead years.
A. show that B. be C. ahead D. quite a demand
Question 3. I try to put an example for my employees by always arriving to work on time, replying to
emails and phone calls promptly, and taking care of problems as they arise.
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A. put B. work C. replying D. arise
Question 4. The shortage of cooking gas in North Korea raised prices: an example of how the law of
supply and demand also apply to planned economies.
A. The shortage of B. raised C. an example of D. apply
Question 5. Benjamin Franklin was the editor of the largest newspaper in the colonies, a diplomatic
representative to France and later to England, and he invented many useful devices
A. was B. the largest C. he invented D. many
Question 6. The concentration of population may help to minimize our environmental impact on the
planet and help cities designs policies and practices to prepare for the influx.
A. concentration B. on C. designs D. practices
Question 7. Many people move into cities for the economic opportunities, but this does not fully
explain the very high recent urbanization rates in places as China and India.
A. move into B. opportunities C. very high D. as
Question 8. When rain occurs in these large cities, the rain filters down the pollutants such as CO2 and
others green house gases in the air onto the ground below.
A. filters down B. pollutants C. others D. onto
Question 9. Fiorello La Guadian made a speech to the United Nations Relief Administration, which he
was the director, stating that Europe experienced prosperity after the World War II.
A. made B. which C. he D. stating
Question 10. Physics and mental exercise has been found to be beneficial for our brain, but scientists
have now found it could also improve the learning ability of our children.
A. has been B. Physics C. learning ability D. it

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
Write your answers in the space provided.
Question 1. Jim invited Helen to visit his gardens:
- Helen: "I love your gardens. The plants are well taken care of!"
- Jim: “Thanks. Yes, I suppose I've always ________.”
A. had green fingers B. let nature take its course
C. made it down on my luck D. drawn the short straw
Question 2. Two high school students, Jane and John, are talking about their plan after graduation.
Jane: “________.”
John: As far as I’m concerned, there’s no doubt about it.
A. How come you decided to take a gap year before university?
B. Let’s take a gap year and see how things go.
C. What do you think about taking a gap year before university?
D. Taking a gap year should be among the best choices for us, don’t you think?
Question 3. John and Mary are talking to each other after class.
- John: “Are you going to buy a new computer or just continue using the old one?”
- Mary: “________.”
A. Yes, I'd like one. Thank you. B. That's impossible. I can’t afford a new one
C. Neither. I’m going to lease one. D. Yes, I am.
Question 4. Peter sees David on the way home.
- Peter: "Hi, David, do you think it's possible for you to have a talk sometime today?"
- David: "________."
A. I’d love to but I’ve got pretty tight schedule today.
B. No more time for me. I have to work with my boss.
C. I wish I had been free yesterday to have time with you.
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D. Excuse me; However, I am so busy all day from morning.
Question 5. Little Deon is sick and being taken care of by her mother.
Little Deon: “This herb smells horrible, mommy!”
Mommy: “________, it will do you a power of good.”
A. Come what may B. By the by C. What is more D. Be that as it may

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word for each of the blanks. (20 points)
For many people doing physical exercise may (1) ________ a painful torturing of the body. Therefore,
there’s usually something we come up with that is of bigger importance than putting one’s muscles
through their (2) ________. Unless we are forced to go in for a physical training, we are (3)________ to
treat it as something of a lower priority than staying in front of the TV set, spending time in a pub
(4)________ alcoholic beverages or consuming excessive quantities of fattening confectionery in a café.
We need to be considerably motivated to (5) ________ a body workout and build our physical fitness.
What usually repels individuals from (6) ________ themselves to strenuous exercise is the fear of
fatigue, discomfort or even the inhibitions of being outdone by true fitness zealots.
However, getting fit is fully a (7) ________ of common sense. Different forms of exercise may be of
great benefit to the human body increasing its strength, flexibility and endurance. When supported by a
nutritious diet, much better performance of the heart and the lungs improves the blood
(8)________making an individual more resistant to stressful situations as well as more (9) ________ to
infections and diseases.
In the first place, self-discipline that is requisite for proceeding with such physical effort ought to be
attained to ensure that the intention of becoming healthier and more vigorous isn’t (10) ________by any
trivial impediments.
Question 1. A. incorporate B. entail C. administer D. correspond
Question 2. A. paces B. efforts C. labours D. burdens
Question 3. A. tended B. implied C. affirmed D. inclined
Question 4. A. smacking B. sipping C. seething D. sniffing
Question 5. A. take up B. put up C. get up D. make up
Question 6. A. committing B. absorbing C. involving D. engrossing
Question 7. A. point B. case C. matter D. reason
Question 8. A. transportation B. transference C. move D. circulation
Question 9. A. irresistible B. preventative C. immune D. wary
Question 10. A. persecuted B. tormented C. harassed D. suppressed

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 2. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Write your answer in the
space provided. (20 points)
The first scientific attempt at coaxing moisture from a cloud was in 1946, when scientist Vincent
Schaefer dropped 3 pounds of dry ice from an airplane into a cloud and, to his delight, produced snow.
The success of the experiment was modest, but it spawned optimism among farmers and ranchers
around the country. It seemed to them that science had finally triumphed over weather.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way. Although there were many cloud-seeding operations, during
the late 1940s and the 1950s, no one could say whether they had any effect on precipitation. Cloud
seeding, or weather modification as it came to be called, was dearly more complicated than had been

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thought. It was not until the early 1970s that enough experiments had been done to understand the
processes involved. What these studies indicated was that only certain types of clouds are amenable to
seeding. One of the most responsive is the winter orographic cloud, formed when air currents encounter
a mountain slope and rise. If the temperature in such a cloud is right, seeding can increase snow yield by
10 to 20 percent.
There are two major methods of weather modification. In one method, silver iodide is burned in
propane-fired ground generators. The smoke rises into the clouds where the tiny silver-iodide particles
act as nuclei for the formation of ice crystals. The alternate system uses airplanes to deliver dry-ice
pellets. Dry ice does not provide ice-forming nuclei. Instead, it lowers the temperature near the water
droplets in the clouds so that they freeze instantly—a process called spontaneous nucleation. Seeding
from aircraft is more efficient but also more expensive.
About 75 percent of all weather modification in the United States takes place in the Western states. With
the population of the West growing rapidly, few regions of the world require more water. About 85
percent of the waters in the rivers of the West comes from melted snow. As one expert put it, the water
problems of the future may make the energy problems of the 70s seem like child’s play to solve. That’s
why the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, along with state governments, municipal water districts, and
private interests such as ski areas and agricultural cooperatives, is putting increased effort into cloud-
seeding efforts. Without consistent and heavy snowfalls in the Rockies and Sierras, the West would
literally dry up. The most intensive efforts to produce precipitation was during the West’s disastrous
snow drought of 1976-77. It is impossible to judge the efficiency of weather modification based on one
crash program, but most experts think that such hurry-up programs are not very effective.

Question 1. What is the main subject of the passage?

A. The scientific contributions of Vincent Schaefer
B. Developments in methods of increasing precipitation
C. The process by which snow crystals form
D. The effects of cloud seeding
Question 2. The word spawned is closest in meaning to
A. intensified B. reduced C. preceded D. created
Question 3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the term weather
modification ?
A. It is not as old as the term cloud seeding. B. It has been in use since at least 1946.
C. It refers to only one type of cloud seeding. D. It was first used by Vincent Schaefer.
Question 4. According to the passage, winter orographic clouds are formed
A. on relatively warm winter days B. over large bodies of water
C. during intense snow storms D. when air currents rise over mountains
Question 5. To which of the following does the word they refer?
A. Water droplets B. Clouds C. Ice-forming nuclei D. Airplanes
Question 6. When clouds are seeded from the ground, what actually causes ice crystals to form?
A. Propane B. Silver-iodide smoke C. Dry-ice pellets D. Nuclear radiation
Question 7. Clouds would most likely be seeded from airplanes when
A. it is important to save money
B. the process of spontaneous nucleation cannot be employed
C. the production of precipitation must be efficient
D. temperatures are lower than usual
Question 8. What does the author imply about the energy problems of the 1970s?
A. They were caused by a lack of water.
B. They took attention away from water problems.
C. They may not be as critical as water problems will be in the future.
D. They were thought to be minor at the time but turned out to be serious.
Question 9. The author mentions agricultural cooperatives as an example of
A. state government agencies
B. private interests
C. organizations that compete with ski areas for water

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D. municipal water districts
Question 10. It can be inferred from, the passage that the weather-modification project of 1976-77 was
A. put together quickly B. a complete failure C. not necessary D. easy to evaluate

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. Read the text and do the tasks that follow. (20 points)
The reading passage has seven paragraphs,  A–G. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A–
G  from the list below.
List of headings
  i. The best moment to migrate
  ii. The unexplained rejection of closer feeding ground
  iii. The influence of weather on the migration route
  iv. Physical characteristics that allow birds to migrate
  v. The main reason why birds migrate
  vi. The best wintering grounds for birds
  vii. Research findings on how birds migrate
  viii. Successful migration despite trouble of wind
  ix. Contrast between long-distance migration and short-distance migration
  x. Mysterious migration despite lack of teaching

1. Paragraph A: _______
2. Paragraph B: _______
3. Paragraph C: _______
4. Paragraph D: _______
5. Paragraph E: _______
6. Paragraph F: _______

A. Birds have many unique design features that enable them to perform such amazing feats of
endurance. They are equipped with lightweight, hollow bones, intricately designed feathers providing
both lift and thrust for rapid flight, navigation systems superior to any that man has developed, and an
ingenious heat conserving design that, among other things, concentrates all blood circulation beneath
layers of warm, waterproof plumage, leaving them fit to face life in the harshest of climates. Their
respiratory systems have to perform efficiently during sustained flights at altitude, so they have a system
of extracting oxygen from their lungs that far exceeds that of any other animal. During the later stages of
the summer breeding season, when food is plentiful, their bodies are able to accumulate considerable
layers of fat, in order to provide sufficient energy for their long migratory flights.
B. The fundamental reason that birds migrate is to find adequate food during the winter months when it
is in short supply. This particularly applies to birds that breed in the temperate and Arctic regions of the
Northern Hemisphere, where food is abundant during the short growing season. Many species can
tolerate cold temperatures if food is plentiful, but when food is not available they must migrate.
However, intriguing questions remain.
C. One puzzling fact is that many birds journey much further than would be necessary just to find food
and good weather. Nobody knows, for instance, why British swallows, which could presumably survive
equally well if they spent the winter in equatorial Africa, instead fly several thousands of miles further
to their preferred winter home in South Africa’s Cape Province. Another mystery involves the huge
migrations performed by arctic terns and mudflat-feeding shorebirds that breed close to Polar Regions.
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In general, the further north a migrant species breeds, the further south it spends the winter. For arctic
terns this necessitates an annual round trip of 25,000 miles. Yet, en route to their final destination in far-
flung southern latitudes, all these individuals overfly other areas of seemingly suitable habitat spanning
two hemispheres. While we may not fully understand birds’ reasons for going to particular places, we
can marvel at their feats.
D. One of the greatest mysteries is how young birds know how to find the traditional wintering areas
without parental guidance. Very few adults migrate with juveniles in tow, and youngsters may even
have little or no inkling of their parents’ appearance. A familiar example is that of the cuckoo, which
lays its eggs in another species’ nest and never encounters its young again. It is mind boggling to
consider that, once raised by its host species, the young cuckoo makes it own way to ancestral wintering
grounds in the tropics before returning single-handedly to northern Europe the next season to seek out a
mate among its own kind. The obvious implication is that it inherits from its parents an inbuilt route
map and direction-finding capability, as well as a mental image of what another cuckoo looks like. Yet
nobody has the slightest idea as to how this is possible.
E. Mounting evidence has confirmed that birds use the positions of the sun and stars to obtain compass
directions. They seem also to be able to detect the earth’s magnetic field, probably due to having minute
crystals of magnetite in the region of their brains. However, true navigation also requires an awareness
of position and time, especially when lost. Experiments have shown that after being taken thousands of
miles over an unfamiliar landmass, birds are still capable of returning rapidly to nest sites. Such
phenomenal powers are the product of computing a number of sophisticated cues, including an inborn
map of the night sky and the pull of the earth’s magnetic field. How the birds use their ‘instruments’
remains unknown, but one thing is clear: they see the world with a superior sensory perception to ours.
Most small birds migrate at night and take their direction from the position of the setting sun. However,
as well as seeing the sun go down, they also seem to see the plane of polarized light caused by it, which
calibrates their compass. Traveling at night provides other benefits. Daytime predators are avoided and
the danger of dehydration due to flying for long periods in warm, sunlit skies is reduced. Furthermore, at
night the air is generally cool and less turbulent and so conducive to sustained, stable flight.
F. Nevertheless, all journeys involve considerable risk, and part of the skill in arriving safely is setting
off at the right time. This means accurate weather forecasting, and utilizing favorable winds. Birds are
adept at both, and, in laboratory tests, some have been shown to detect the minute difference in
barometric pressure between the floor and ceiling of a room. Often birds react to weather changes before
there is any visible sign of them. Lapwings, which feed on grassland, flee west from the Netherlands to
the British Isles, France and Spain at the onset of a cold snap. When the ground surface freezes the birds
could starve. Yet they return to Holland ahead of a thaw, their arrival linked to a pressure change
presaging an improvement in the weather.
Questions 7-10: Complete the notes below. Choose NO MORE THAN ONE WORDS OR NUMBER
from the text for each answer. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
6. It is a great mystery that young birds like cuckoos can find their wintering grounds without………….
7. Evidence shows birds can tell directions like a………….by observing the sun and the stars.
8. One advantage for birds flying at night is that they can avoid contact with ……………………….
9. Laboratory tests show that birds can detect weather without…………….signs.

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 1. Choose the option A, B, C or D that has the same meaning as the sentence provided. Write
your answers in the space provided. (5 points)

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Question 1. Having prepared for the worst, they were pleasantly surprised to find themselves bypassed
by the hurricane.
A. Even if the hurricane had hit them, they wouldn’t have been affected much.
B. It was such a relief when the hurricane did not strike them, though they had prepared for the worst.
C. Had they not made such extensive preparations, they would have suffered even worse damage.
D. While they had made preparations for the hurricane, it was still a relief that they did not suffer much
Question 2. Most of the public believes that cancer is caused by toxic substances.
A. Most of the population thinks that poisonous substances play a role in the increase in cancer cases.
B. It is generally believed that poisonous chemicals are the main factor in the development of cancer
C. The majority of the population is of the opinion that poisonous substances are the reason behind the
development of cancer.
D. The fact that toxic chemicals cause cancerous tumors in the human body is well-known among the public.
Question 3. You ought to think harder about what you want to study before you make your choice, so
that you can make the most of your future.
A. In order to have the best chance for your future, you shouldn’t decide until you’ve thought about
what you want to study more.
B. You should think about what you want to study, but don’t choose anything until you have also
thought about its relevance to your future.
C. So as not to regret your choice in the future, don’t make a hasty decision about what you want to study.
D. If what you want to study does not provide a good future for you, then you should think harder
about the relevance of your choice.
Question 4. The electricity was no longer cut off by the time Cindy returned home from work.
A. The electricity was once again on when Cindy came back home from her job.
B. Hardly had Cindy got into her house after coming home from work when the electricity came back on.
C. The electricity came back on as soon as Cindy returned from her job to her house.
D. Cindy hoped, as she was on her way home from work, that the electricity was no longer cut off.
Question 5. No one without a good knowledge of English has much chance of succeeding in international
A. Ability in English is almost essential to success in the field of global finance.
B. Without a good knowledge of English and international finance, you are a nobody.
C. Even an exceptional knowledge of English is not enough to assure success in international finance.
D. If you want to go into international finance, it would be a good idea to learn English.

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of the following sentences. Write your
answers in the space provided. (5 points)
Question 1. It had been snowing all day. A great many people managed to get to the end-of term
A. Very few people indeed were prevented from getting to the end-of-term concert by the heavy snow.
B. Since there had been snow all day long it wasn’t easy for people to get to the end-of-term concert.
C. As it had been snowing heavily all day, a great many people just could not get to the end-of-term concert.
D. A lot of people did get to the end-of-term concert in spite of the snow that fell all day.
Question 2. Anna is Ken’s boss. His criticism of her may have a bad effect on him
A. Ken’s criticism of Anna may be rooted in the fact that she is his boss.
B. Ken’s criticism of Anna may be a matter of concern to her now that she’s his boss.
C. Ken’s criticism of Anna may be put into effect because she’s his boss.
D. Ken’s criticism of Anna may rebound on him now that she’s his boss.
Question 3. We saw that we couldn’t solve anything in the end. It is obvious that the whole thing was a
waste of time and effort.
A. Instead of solving everything, in the end we saw that the whole thing was a waste of time and
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B. If we had solved everything, it wouldn’t have been obvious that the whole thing was a waste of
time and effort.
C. Seeing that we couldn’t solve anything in the end, it is obvious that the whole thing was a waste of
time and effort.
D. We couldn’t solve anything in the end until we obviously saw that the whole thing was a waste of
time and effort.
Question 4. He has been giving most of his money to charity. He hopes to ease the pain and suffering
of the disadvantaged.
A. Giving most of his money to charity, he hopes to ease the pain and suffering of the disadvantaged.
B. Easing the pain and suffering of the disadvantaged made him give most of his money to charity.
C. He has been giving most of his money to the disadvantaged to ease their pain and suffering.
D. Hoping to ease the pain and suffering of the disadvantaged, he has given them most of his money.
Question 5. Culture, language, facilities or economy level of the family are different. Vocal
guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge transfer.
A. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge
transfer despite of different culture, language, facilities or economy level of the family.
B. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge
transfer regardless of different culture, language, facilities or economy level of the family.
C. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge
transfer due to different culture, language, facilities or economy level of the family.
D. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge
transfer although different culture, language, facilities or economy level of the family.

Write your answers here:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

PART 3: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentences printed before it.
Question 1. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought.
=> I lacked … … ……………………………………………….………………….………….
Question 2. The house shouldn’t be left unlocked for any reason.
=> On no … … ……………………………………………….……………………………………….
Question 3. We had to go home early from our holiday because of a strike threat from airport workers.
=> We had to cut………………………………………………………………………
Question 4. The headmaster has a very good opinion of the physics teacher.
=> The headmaster holds……………………………………………………………………………
Question 5. Suzanne is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge.
=> When it………………………………………………………………….……………………………

Part 4. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence
has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the word in brackets. Write your
answers in the space provided. (10 points).
Question 1. The students in his class come from many different places, which makes the place very
special. WIDE
=> The students …………………………………………………………………………………………
Question 2. She is likely to be shortlisted for the position. STANDS
Question 3. Everybody wants Pauline as an after-dinner speaker. DEMAND

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Question 4. They have discovered some interesting new information. LIGHT
Question 5. Those official files cannot be seen by the public until the end of the decade. ACCESS
=> The …………………………………………………………………………………….

Part 5. Essay writing (30 points)

Some human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too
late to do anything about this problem while others think effective measures can be taken to improve
this situation. Discuss both views and give our opinion.
(Write at least 250 words.)
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