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American does not have the official language

Subway is the largest fast food brand

.Immigration history

1. Native Americans (American Indian, Indian, Indigenous American)

why “Indian” -> mistook the Indian with the people at the central of
● 20.000 years ago from Asia
● >500 tribes in North America
● Since 15th C, population declined (disease, warfare, slavery,
removal, discrimination) 

2. Explorers
● Italian explorers: 
● 1492: Christopher Columbus -> “Indians” = native Americans 
● 1499: Amerigo
● Latinized name: Americus Vespucus
● America (1507)

● Other European explorers (North America – British/French,

Center – Spain)
3. Colonists
● 1565: The Spanish built a fort in Florida
● 1607, Jamestown, Virgina (1st English successful settlement)
● 1621, Massachusetts: the Pilgrims Fathers
● 1624: Dutch founded New Netherland
● 1664: King Charles II granted to Duke of York -> New York
● 1682 to 1762: The French settled Louisiana (King Louis XIV)
4. Other immigrants:
- 1700’s: Protestant immigrants from Scotland, Ireland, Holland,
Germany, Sweden, Poland (for adventure and economy)
- 1820 -1880:
+ Irish Catholics (potato famine 1840)
1848 California Gold Rush
1850: Chinese (gold mining + transcontinental railroad)
1872: Chinese Exclusion Act
1880 – 1930: the “Great Migration
After WWIIL refugees
1958: Hungarians
1860s: Cubans
1979: Vietnamese
A nation of immigrants
🡺 Cultural diversity
🡺 Common characteristics
Because of: Experimental, Pioneering, Mobile, Optimistic

I. Society
2 View: Melting pot or Salad bowl

+ Motto: “E pluribus unum” = From many, one -> In God we trust

+ Dominant Culture:
- English – speaking
- Western European (white)
- Protestant
- Middle – class
+ Values – National Characteristics:
- Individualism, freedom & self-reliance
o Privacy, confidentiality
- Equality (in law, theory) however, still discriminations, inequality
(in real life, society)
o Informality
- Competitiveness
o Progress
- Materialism
Money talks – everything else walks. (American Proverb)
o Hard work
- Optimism
o Change
- Humanity
o Charity
- Efficiency
o Speed
- Directness


II. Famous people

Founding -> Growth -> Development -> Preservation
Washington -> Jefferson -> Roosevelt -> Lincoln

1. George Washington: 1st president (1789-1796)

- “The Father of Our Country”
- Commander in chief during the American Revolutionary War
(1775 – 1783)
- 1775, Revolutionary War at Massachusetts
- July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence
- 1783, America won with the help of France
🡺 The treaty of peace in Paris
2. Thomas Jefferson
- Author of Declaration of Independence
- 3rd president, 1801 – 1809
- Bought Louisiana
- Died on July 4, 1826
3. Theodore Roosevelt
- “Teddy”
- After William McKinley’s assassination
- 26th president, 1901 -09
- Youngest: 42
- Home-schooled -> Harvard College
- Panama Canal
4. Abraham Lincoln
- 16th president (1861-65)
- Civil War
- Abolished slavery (Emancipation Proclamation: Văn bản loại bỏ
chế độ nô lệ)
- Assassinated (ám sát) in 1865

Civil War (1861-1865)

- 1800s: Northern and Southern states
The North (Union) The South (Confederate)
- Industy -> no slaves - Agriculture -> slaves
- Abraham Lincoln - Jefferson Davis

5. Alexander Hamilton
- 1st Secretary of the Treasury (Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính đầu tiên)
6. Andrew Jackson
- 7th President
- The Indian Removal Act
7. Ulyses S.Grant
8. Benjamin Franklin: author, printer, political theorist, scientist
9. Franklin D.Roosevelt
- 32nd President (12 years: 1933-1945: LONGEST)
- Great Depression (1929-39) and World War II
🡺 Bring
10.John F. Kennedy
- Catholic
- Youngest elected president (43)
- Against Communism
- Assassinated, 1961-1963
11. Sacagawea
- Helped Lewis and Clark
- Expedition across the West
12. Martin Luther King (1929 -1968)
- Christian minister
- Civil Rights Movement leader
- 1955, bus boycott
- 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech
- 1964, Nobel Peace Prize
13. Barack Hussein Obama
- 44th President
14. Donald John Trump
- 45th president (2017-2021)
- Richest
15. Joe Biden (Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.)
- 46th oldest elected president
- 2nd Catholic

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