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As a principal of a school if you are hiring new teachers; which professional qualities you

are looking in your teachers. Write at-least three qualities and mention their importance.
As the principal of school, I'm seeking for the following traits in instructors for my school.
Sincere interest in student success.
Saying something like, "I adore kids," is insufficient. Instead, a good candidate will show
through remarks that the student is constantly at the heart of decision-making that he or she is
genuinely concerned about the student as a whole. This refers to both the entire class of pupils as
well as each individual student.
A thorough understanding of various teaching techniques and subject-matter expertise to
make studying entertaining for all pupils.
I've spoken with prospective instructors who knew the titles of every instructional strategy and
others who didn't. Candidates should be well-versed in a range of instructional methodologies so
that they have a number of resources at their disposal.
Effective teamwork with peers.
Teaching entails working as part of a school-wide team to ensure the success of all students,
even if it may appear to be an act between one adult and a group of pupils. All educators in a
school must collaborate when teaching since the process is becoming more and more social.
As a principal of a school if you are hiring new teachers; which professional qualities you
are looking in your teachers. Write at-least three qualities and mention their importance.
I'm looking for the following qualities in instructors for my school as its principal.
Effective peer cooperation.
While teaching may appear to be a one-on-one interaction between an adult and a group of kids,
it really entails involvement in a school-wide team dedicated to the achievement of all students.
Teaching has become increasingly collaborative, requiring all instructors in a school to
Prove that you are a lifelong learner.
It is your responsibility as a teacher to be the primary learner. Change is a constant in our
society, and when administrators hire a teacher, they want to build a long-term connection with
someone who will evolve through time. Prepare to discuss your plans for academic and
professional development.
Genuine concern for student’s achievements.
It's not enough to say something like, "I adore children." Instead, a good candidate will show that
he or she is genuinely concerned for the entire student by making statements that show the
student is always at the centre of decision-making. This includes the whole class of students as
well as each individual within the class.

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