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Anthony McClinton Jr.


When it comes to this specific article about Kobe Bryant I believe that truth telling can be

told it a timely and respectful manner. When it comes to this story in particular the truth telling

by Felicia Somnez was mainly used for attention and publicity due to the fact that Kobe Bryant

has passed away. When it comes to revealing the truth in news I believe it is okay only when it is

necessary and in a timely manner. The way that she went about it looks more of an attention

seeking tactic because of the timing that she decided to report it in. When she received the

backlash for reporting that brutal information she took it down and since she took down her post

that even indicated more that she was revealing that information with an intention to hurt or

slander. There is definitely a limit to truth telling because even if the story is true the timing also

plays a part in this article Felicia could have told this truth about Kobe Bryant through the many

years that he was alive if she felt like the media needed to know that. Since it was told as soon as

he passed away shows that she has an intention of slandering him or it's a form of a specific

attention that this reporter is trying to gain by doing this as soon as he passes away. Truth telling

does have a limit on it because there is a form of respect as a reporter you can have for the

people or person that you are reporting about. In addition, the time also is a factor when it comes

to limits because the time can determine if the reporter is revealing this information to tell the

truth for a greater good or is the reporter telling the truth to gain an audience or slander the

person who they are reporting about. Therefore, there should definitely be limits of telling the

truth when it comes to media and stories about a specific topic.

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