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School Of Leaders 2

Name; Maxileo Romal V. Abecia

Lesson 2 Ass. The cellular vision

I'm now in a Close cell/G12 cell, we always meet at the
office my G12 leader leo brian leuterio.. it helps me a
lot because for me my co G12 is already my family,
they help me how to establish my own cell group and
grow as a Christian.

Lesson 6 Ass. Strategies for success.

I will declare that success is for me. i will always think
that I'm a conqueror so that i will conquer all the
obstacles that i will encounter before i open my cell.

Lesson 6 Ass. Evangelism part 1.

When the first time i do evangelism i was so nervous i
think i cannot do it, but when i introduced my self the
holy spirit came to me and take over what i say and
that was the best experience in my life.

Lesson 7.ass. Motivation for cellular Growth

i was discouraged when my cell members is tired of

having a cell group meeting but i motivate my self
that this is not for me it is for God, so i correct the
mistakes that I've done before so that they will come
back to the cell group meeting.
Lesson 8.ass. How to solve problems in the cell group

The problem of my cell group is they are tired of

having a meeting already so i devised a plan to pray
more and be obedient to my cell members.

Lesson 8.ass. Evangelism part 3.

acts 21;8
Matthew 9;35
Luke 24;47

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