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True or False. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is not.
TRUE 1. Arnis/Kali/Escrima initially creates by the individuals local
to the islands utilizing basic effect and edged weapons such as
kampilans, rattan, swords, blades, lances, and other grouped
weaponry combat and self-defense.
FALSE 2. The entry of Ferdinand Magellan's drive in 1521 was met in
the fight with a gathering of islanders, driven by General Emilio
Aguinaldo. He crushed Magellan utilizing as it were a bladed weapon.
FALSE 3. The terms Arnis, Kali, and Escrima are all utilized to allude
to the Filipino military expressions.
TRUE 4. Escrima is based on the baston or stick.
TRUE 5. Present-day arnis is the framework of Filipino battling
expressions established by Romy Presas as a self-defense framework.
FALSE 6. Arnis is the Philippines' national martial arts and sport after
President Ejercito Estrada marked the Republic Act. No. 9850 in
TRUE 7. The term Modern Arnis was utilized by Remy Presas' more
youthful brother Ernesto Presas to depict his Filipino martial arts;
since 1999, Ernesto Presas has called his framework Kombatan.
TRUE 8. The Act commands the Department of education to
incorporate the don as a Physical Education course.
FALSE 9. To this day, Arnis/Kali/Escrima has held a solid American
influence not as it were within the names and titles utilized in
preparing but within the effect it has had on Filipino culture.
TRUE 10. Two sorts of arnis are WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis
Federation) - it is the foremost common framework utilized which set
up in 1989, Arnis Philippines (ARPI) framework - it is the foremost
noticeably utilized amid the 2005 Southeast Asian Recreations.

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