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Interview grandpa Thomas

Grandpa Thomas is the second of five children in his nuclear family. He lived with his parents
two sisters and two brothers in a place called Yio Chu Kang in Singapore. His parents
weren’t rich and had to work hard to provide for them. The cost of living was low but so were
peoples salaries. Grandpa’s life as a teenager was though but manageable.

He explained that his father had immigrated from India to Singapore when he was very young
to start a new life after his parents passed away in the war. His mother was born in Singapore
and is part Portuguese and part Indian.

One of the most impressive historical moments from his teenage life was when Singapore
received its Independence from Malaysia.

He told us that because they didn’ t have a lot of money he would usually pack his lunch from
home. Which were mostly sandwiches. Once a week he bought noodles or rice at school with
the school money that he saved. His family grew tapioca and jackfruits which they also ate.

Lifestyles have become unhealthier now. People now earn more and can spend their money
easier. In the past people had to grow their own food and choose wisely when they went out to
eat because they didn’t have much to spend.

Grandpa said that he loved playing sports when he was younger. His favourite sports were:
badminton, football and hockey. His school also played an big role in educating children
about the importance of playing sports. Children had to take part in running, soccer matches
and badminton which later became one of his favourite sports.

Mental health was never a topic to discuss when grandpa was younger. Grandpa believes that
mental health problems start when a person is stressed and the only stress he had was that they
were poor. Other than the money problems hr had a very happy and stress free teenage life.

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