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These days, many people, especially women, tend to go shopping as a leisure

activity, rather than a simple household task as in the past. In my opinion, I

strongly believe that this is a positive trend and will present my reasons in this
To commence with, going shopping on ocassion can be seen as an effective
means of relaxation. It is because shopping allows people to be indulged in the
world filled with attractive material goods, which ease their eyes and their
mind. For example, visiting a clothes store on the weekend or special days
provides women with a sense of comfort and satisfaction. Moreover, being
able to buy their all- time favourite dress with their own money will bring them
a great sense of achievement.
Furthermore, many people may go shopping in order to renew themselves as
well as their own daily life. It is because of the fact that keeping a material
thing for a long time may lead people to feel tedious and low-spirit, For
example, a woman who repeatedly wears the same set of clothes may come
over as being quite boring and monotonous. Therefore, buying new things
such as clothes and household furniture will contribute to bringing people a
new lease of life and make themselves become more diverse and flexible.
To conclude, I can say in affirmative that going shopping regularly as a hobby
serves people as a means of entertainment, and at the same time, colour
people’s daily life with changes.

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