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A Russian warship left well as Porto

Rico.gThese reinforcements
it is mm moveT- SHOULD


Wsyler Replie* to Attack


on Span-
hurriedlyfor Crete today
Russian consnl.
the Piraeus
carrying tho were pushed rapidly forward and some of
them arrived In advance of the command-
INSURGENTS ATTACK TURKS. ing general and were put in position in
ish Offlcsrs.
the trenches around Santiago. Under
Cana, Island of Crete, Wednesday after-
noon, (via Paris).—Numerous Insurgents verbal instructions of the President Gen,
Madrid, September 7.—The Chamber have attacked the Ottoman troops at Miles was directed to go wherever he To Be Retained in Service at Owa
Work of Cuban Commission Begins followed the Senate in discussing the late Candia and are forming a cordon round deemed his presence was required and
war behind closed doors. This aotion has the city. Edhem Pasha, the governor, has
in Few Dais. caused the greatest sensation. The Sen- urged the admirals of the international that he should give such directions as in
his opinion were best for the army and
ate session was a stormy one.
Hundreds «f Christians
fleet to take Immediate steps.
The lighting continues but Candia itself General Says They Were for the government, These were the
Gen. Weyler reminded the Senate of Is quiet.
circumstances under which Gen. Miles
how Count D’Almenas had greeted the The British naval commander has
difficulties to be met in returning soldiers, Ignoring the officers,
lie deolared that tills was a reflection up-
Killed at Crete. threatened to rebombard the town if the
disturbances are renewed. Adopted. left Washington, arriving at Santiago,
July 11, not as a private individual, nor HAVANA.
WORKING OUT DETAILS. as a visitor. Any pretence that he went
on the officers’ efficiency. NO MORE DAINTIES.
there disrobed of his authority or official
J The mistakes made in Cuba are not capacity Is too childish to be considered
to be blamed upon the army,” he said, Alger Says They Breed Discontent In the
by sensible men. Governor Powers Nolifiod That the Order
Spaniards likely To Bring Up All Sorts ‘‘but upon the politicians at the head of Army. From the moment he arrived at Santi-
Mustering Out the Batteries Has Beex)
of Questions, Such as Future Govern- the government. ago, he was responsible for what might
THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS ment of Cuba, Cuban Debt, Rtc.—Rep-
The latter, he declared were responsi- TURKISH TROOPS REFUSED Washington, September 7.—Secretary WAR CARRIED ON
ocour. Redesigned to disembark the
[revoked—Telegrams Which Bed Up to
ble for not sending supplies to the armies Alger is now putting his affairs in shape the Order.
is due not only to the originality and resentative Cubau May Re Taken To in Cuba and Porto Hi jo and, indeed, for ARRANGED. troops and artillery named on the west
simplicity of the combination, but also TO AID. to admit of his absence from Washing-
Paris. completely abandoning them. side of Santiago, as was understood be- [SPECIAL TO THE FBESS.I
ton on a tour of inspection of the army
to the care and skill with which it is The responsibilities for the surrender fore leaving Washington and before ho ! Lewiston, September 7.—The order fop
manufactured by scientific processes Washington, September 7.—With the of Santiago rested wholly upon the gov- camps throughout the country. He will went ashore he made the necessary
known to the California Fig Syrup arrival of the Cuban military commission ernment instead of Gen. Toral. leave tomorrow going j, first to Camp mustering out the Maine batteries which
Gen. Weyler strongly condemned the arrangements accordingly. He then pro- enlisted for the Spanish war and wbieh
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon at Havana within the next few days the seoret sessions of the Cortes. Count Meade, Pa., and thenoe to Detroit. The ceeded to the front and after consnlting
all the importance of purchasing the real work of terminating Spanish rule in D’Almenas replying to Gen. Weyler s secretary now feels free to express views
have been stationed at Fort Popham
with Gen. Shatter a note was sent to the and other places in Maine has been re-
true and original remedy. As the the island will begin. It is realized that stricture, said: entertained by the President and himself
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured many difficulties will confront the com-
“I addressed my greetings to those who
have been martys for their country—to
British Were Few and Were Soon respecting the plans for the treatment He Organized Expedition Against Spanish commander by Gen. Shatter say-
ing that the commanding general of the
voked according to a despatch reoeived by
Gov. Powers who is in this city today,
by the California Fig Syrup Co. mission in working out the details of the Spanish soldiers, beoause they de- of the soldiers and touching tho persons
only, a knowledge of that fact will Spanish evacuation. The only point of served such greetings. I did not address Overcome. upon whom responsibility should be Santiago de Cuba. United States army had arrived
camp with strong reinforcements and
in his and they will b9 retained in the service.
assist one in avoiding the worthless the generals, for they showed themselves It ip not known what will be done with
agreement from which both sides start placed for some of the matters of com-
would meet him between the lines at any
imitations manufactured by other par- is the clause of the peace protoool provid-
incapable of leading soldiers to battle on
plaint. In this connection he says:
the troops but it is supposed that they
of showing them how to fall worthily time agreeable to him. The reply of the
ties. The high standing of the Cali- “The regiments that have been ordered
will be sent to Havana to do garrison
ing for the immediate evacuation of Cuba the field.”
fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi- Marshal Primo de Rivera shouted: mustered out will be mustered out. The Spanish commander was that he would duty when the occupation of the city by
and other Spanish West Indian posses-
cal profession, and the satisfaction “That it not true,” and Gen. Weyler and regiments that have been designated by meet him at 12 o’clock the next morn-
the United States takes place.
sions by the Spanish forces. Bnt the the President to remain in the service
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has others joined In the protest. ing. The meeting was held and after The telegrams leading up to this erdep
word “immediate” is a relative term and Count D'Almenas, addressing Gen. will have to remaiu. As soon as wo have ASKED TO ACCOMPANY IT BDT
GOVERNOR SAYS THE som8 conversation between Gun. Sbafter have been made
given to millions of families, makes it remains to he seen just when the aotual Rivera, replied: TURKISH mustered out 100,000 more or less, we puhllo by Adjutant Gen- j
the name of the Company a guaranty “I amnot afraid of such cries or of shall reorganize the army—every brigade, WAS REFUSED. and General Toral, Gen, Miles frankly eral Richards and are as follows:
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
embarkation of the Spanish forces will ananlni'.i nr of the decorations that will MOB IS UNCONTROLLABLE. Informed the Spanish general that he had
Washington, D. C., September 6, 1888.§
far in advance of all other laxatives, begin and under what circumstances the have to be torn off the breasts of several comfortable camps until suoh of them as left Washington six days before and it To the Governor of Maine:
officers. The sashes of some generals are needed are withdrawn for service in It is represented that the officers and
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and was then the intention of the government
should be torn off and put around their Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines. men of the Maine batteries anxious
bowels without irritating or weaken-
'There are said to be about 100,000 Span- The men composing the army will be that his portion of the Spanish army
necks.” to be retained in the service. What do
ish troops scattered through Cuba. Most
ing them, and it does not gripe nor A great uproar ensued. treated as soldiers. must bo destroyed. He also Informed the you recommend?
of these are in the western provinces, only “The officers commanding regiments
ilciUCsCCtOC. J.UU1UC1
tugcuito UCUCUbUU

about 20,000 remaining in the eastern SENATE SOLIDLY REPUBLICAN. and companies will be held strictly ac-
Spanish general that hls reinforcements H. C. CORBIN, Adjt. Gen.
effects, please remember the name of Christian Refugees Coming Aboard Cam-
Then He Organized Second Expedition and
had already arrived with him, that some to this Governor Powers replied:
countable for the sanitary condition of
the Company — provinces of Puerto Principe and Santi- It tha oamps. During the war many of Accompanied It To Cuba—Fretenee of these forces had already disembarked H. C. Corbin, adjutant general, Washing*
Vermont House Will Stand About as Tell Tale of a Great Massa-
ago. For that reason It is being urged perdowo a
these offloers disregarded the specific in- ton, D. 0.:
and that the j remainder would be disem-
CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. that the evacuation by the Spanish should Did in '03. cre—Relieved That 750 Were Slaughter- structions that had been given looking That He Was Derobed of His Authority
west side of the.harbor and
I most earnestly recommend that tha
to the proper care of their men. Now it barked.on .the Maine batteries be retained in service.
begin at the east end of the island, work- ed—Commander of British Ship is time for them to take this work upon Is Childish—He Remained in Porto
that it was useless.for him to contend They are a fine body of meh and all de-
ing westward until Havana and the west- White River Junction, Vt., Sept. 7.— sire to remain, I think.
themselves. When men are incompetent Rloo As Lone As Deemed Necessary- against the Inevitable. These transports
ern end are included. The senate will be solidly Republican. Threatens to Bombard the Town Again to discharge these duties, they must give LLEWELLYN POWERS,
It is expected that the evacuation of could also be plainly seen by the Spanish Governor of Maine.
Reduction of War Expenses Most Im-

1 NOT FORGET The house of representatives will be From way to competent men.
Havana will come last, as the Spanish in- —Reinforcements Are Expected from Morro Castle and other-points. Gen.
“I hope that there will be less food giv- Hon. Llewellyn Powers, Lewiston, Me.:
terests there doubtless will make the overwhelmingly republican, although Canan. en to the men from ontside sources. The portant Work at Hand. Toral replied that so long as he had Your telegram this day recoived. Am
Spanish element most tenacious of their the opposition may number as many as dainties are of no real help and only tend slad to know the Maine batteries desire
the New York, September 7.—The follow- rations and ammunition he had to light
THAT WE stay at capital.
in 1892, when there were 42. London, September 8.—The corre- to breed dissatisfaction whore they do not to remain in the service and the order for
ing statement written in the third person in order to maintainthe
If the commission coniines its discus- honor of the
Cleanse and do up Lace Curtains, sions to the time and places of evaouatlon Returns from 226 cities and towns spondent of the TimesCandia tele-
at actually destroy the health of the men. In to that he was
the muster out has been revoked.
The army ration is a sound, healthful by General Miles was given to the re- Spanish army. response H. C. CORBIN, Adjutant General.
Cleanse heavy Druggets and Bugs, it is felt that the work will be compara- graphing Wednesday fully confirms the he had already maintainea
tively brief. But the fear is that the gives Smith (Rep.), 36.143; Maloney earlier reports of most serious trouble
porters on the arrival of the Obdam to- informed that
Cleanse Kid Gloves. “When a regiment Is designated to be GEN. WHEELFR’S SON DROWNED.
(Dem.), 13,830; Wyman, (Pro.), 984. there. He the honor of the Spanish army, and that
Spanish commissioners will seek to bring ; soys: mustered out no further appeals wiil be day:
Cleanse Kid Slippers, up the future government of Cuba, the Smith’s plurality, 22,314; majority over allowed to Influence the department to “While at Poito Rico and during the farther efforts would be useless and would
Lieut. Haldane twas killed',and Lieut. He and a Young Army Lieutenant West;
Cleanse Neckties, (4-in-bands.) payment of the Cuban debt, the immuni- all 21,336. The same cities and towns in change its programme. '£nat order is voyage returning on the Obdam, on result in the wanton sacrifice of human
ty of government reservations, forts, Seagrave wounded. The soldiers pluoklly going to be strictly observed until the He then said that he was waiting Surf Bathing and Are Mfs§lng.
Cleanse and press Clothing, 1894 gave Woodbury (Rep.), 39,255: whioh steamer were General Miles and life.
(tailor’s pressmen.) prisons,etc., from forfeitures to tho Unit- carried Lieut. Haldane’s body to the boat President decides tnat he cun make a
ed States, the right of the Spanish troops Smith (Dem.), 13,119; all others 1,181. in the army. When staff,two battalions of the 2d regiment to hear from hls governnment and was
further reduotlon
CLEANSE ANYTHINC. to carry their arms and also to remove Woodbury’s plurality 26,136; majority under a storm of bullets. such reduction is made there will be no of Wisconsin volunteers, I learned the fol- informed by Gen. Miles that he had al- Camp Wlkoff, Montauk Point, N. Y,
over all 23,955. The telegraph office was repeatedly set
heavy ordnance. Muoh will depend upon discrimination in releasing the troops.”
lowing facts concerning the Cuban and ready taken much time for that purpose Sep. 7.—Thomas H. Wheeler, son of
CHOTCO* 0 Forest City Dye House and tho instructions which the state depart- If the same ratio is maintained in the on fire and the father of the superintend-
and would be given until daylight of the General Joseph Wheeler, and second
rliultn u
Steam Carpet Cleansing | ment has given the commissioners, but it vote of Barre city and 15 small towns ent was killed. The wire is still work- Porto Rican expeditions:
VViWiii PIE.R BLOWN DOWN. Lieut. Newton D. Kirkpatrick, first cav-
works. Is believed these guard against endless yet to be heard from, the republican ma- ing. “In the first place let me say that the following morning, It being then 3
13 PREBLE ST, OFP. PREBLE HOUSE, diplomatic wrangle over collateral issues. jority will be about 23,000. war has closed after being conducted o’clock, to submit his final answer, ij He alry, were probably drowned while bath-
Tho despatches from Havana,stating that is feared for the
The worst of majority Accident in Yesterday’s Storm Responsible
STAGE-” largely as Gen. Miles stated publicly at begged for further time and earnestly re- ing here this afternoon. Young Wheeler
the Spanish authorities have levied heavy "TTlSSED
ANDERSON, ADAMS & CO., duties on relief supplies and a line of
OFF Christians. It is reported that only 250
have been saved out of over 1000.
For One Deatli-
the beginning of the war that it would quested until 12 o’clock next day. This was a naval cadet in his second
year. Ho
$500 on a Red Cros3 consignment, is not Criticized the Management of be. Tho statement was publioly made was finally granted by Gen. Miles the had been
acting on his father’s staff for
re-assuring of the Spanish purposes. The Gov.Fingree The situation was extremely difficult. New York, September 7.—A gust of
Fire Insurance Agency and a general order was issued by him as meeting ; dissolved and the officers
some time past. He was 17 years of age,
American case to be presented at Paris War and Veterans Didn’t Dike It. The Turkish troops refused to aid the wind that
preoeded a thunder storm here
is being made up at the state department. commander of the Amerioan army, in separated. On returning from this con was a fine young fellow and had made a
31 Exchange Street.
Some trouble has been experienced in
British, who being exceedingly few in this afternoon blew down the heavy ference a despatch was received by Gen.
which the plan that he has striven to pur- host of friends among the older officers.
I lrst Class American and Foreign Companies preparing the case by the limited amount
Cincinnati, September 7.—During the the town were soon overpowered. The Iron
superstructure of new pier 50, sue was foreshadowed, namely, seek ing Miles from Washington as follows:
Ciias. C. Adams of money
availabl1 to the state depart- G. A. R. campfire at musio hall tonight, 40 wouhded were attended to by the war-
instantly killing one man and injuring to Together with Lieut Kirkpatrick, lie
Horace Anderson.
ment for work of this unusual oharaoter. Gov. Pingree of Michigan was hissed and ships. accomplish results with the least pos- Washington, July 13., 1S9S.
decl8 Taos. J. Little, lp eodtf ten others, one of whom afterwards General Miles: went to the beach to enjoy the surf bath-
The name of Commodore Bradford, sible loss ot life. Major
hooted oft the stage ,because 'of bis criti- The necessity for a large garrison In died. There were 90 men at work on the
chief naval bureau of equipment, Is be- Xou may accept the surrender by grant- ing. Th e surf ran high and the under-
WE ARE GOING ing mentioned among those of tho party
cism of the management of the Spanish Candia has been repeatedly pointed out,
superstructure when it fell. The man “Owing to the fuot that the season
ing parole to offioers and men, the officers tow was very strong. Apparently no
likely to go to Paris. war. Threre was great disturbance. and the blame lies in the quarter respon- killed was Samuel Patterson. suited for campaigning in Cuba had been retaining their side arras, the offioers and one saw the
young men drowned and it
TO MAKE A DRIYE. Commodore Bradford has charge of the sible for leaving against orders a hand- The wounded: James Leonard, (died exhausted in debates and delay in Con-
men after parole tojbe permitted to return
to Spain, the United States assisting. If was not until about six o’clock that they
coaling of our naval vessels, the establish- THE TREASURY BALANCE.
ful of men to represent our ooonpation on the and in necessary preparations, Gen.
ment of coaling stations, etc., and his way to hospital); Charles Bost- gress not accepted then assault, unless in your were missed. Their clothes wore found
It is on our stock of Washington, September 7.—Today’s and enforce our authority. Miles was opposed to rushing an ill-pre-
advice would be valuable in settling
statement of the condition of the treasury wiok, Jerry Brown, J. Malone, Oscar judgment an assault would fall. Consult a short distance from General Wheeler’s
with Sampson and pursue suoh course as
questions of new coaling stations. Lieut. The Mohammedans are pillaging Oslader, George Lilly, J. Callons, Miohael pared, undisciplined and unequipped
RUSSET : SHOES. Stafford ismeutioned as the naval attache
in case Commodore Bradford does not
Available cash balance, $332,053,576; Candia. Edhem Pasha, the governor, de- Eveson, George Conklin, Walter Latham. army in a movement against the capital
to the assault as you Jointly agree upon.
Matter should be settled promptly.
tent, close to the water.
Tonight a detail of 60 men from tha
wish to go. Lieut. Stafford is strongly
gold reserve, $225,638,076; nee silver, $8,- clares that the mob is uncontrollable but The Injured men were taken to the St. of Cuba, defended by 100,000 trained (Signed) R. A. ALGER,
To close out our various lines of He speaks French and 615,220; United States notes in the treas- the Spanish troops, and in this position he Secretary of War. first cavalry, is stationed along the coast
ury. $53,769,229; treasury notes of 1890, general opinion is against him. Vlnoent’s hospital. the bodies that may be
Russet goods, we are to give the Spanish and has had much experience in Havana, This does not look as if Gen. Miles was to watch for
$4,008,57E Keinforoements are expected from The new pier is 800 feet long and is be- stood alone for several weeks. oil shore.
Spanish countries. It is understood that Total reoeipts this day, $1,119,874; do Canea and the Christian insurgents are ing ereoted by the Wilson Steamship com- Matanzas, there a visitor. He was charged with thrown up
PUBLIC THE BENEFIT Adjutant General Corbin’s son will be Santiago and a few other While in command at Camp WikofE
this month, $8,659,721; do this year, $94,- The heavy iron beams and girders places were down on his military map as responsibility of ordering an assault upon General Wheeler’s headquarters were lo-
an attache of tho commission. The report massing around the cordon. As this de- pany.
that Gen. Merritt will be accompanied to 189,537. Total expenditures this day, $2,- reinforoements are arriving
were up and the roof, which was also of
hot beds of disease, destructive to an the entrenohments and fortifications of cated a considerable distance back from
084,000; do this month, $10,8925,000.; do spatch goes iron, was on. When the storm loomed It was only todoy that his
an array, which, if successful, would have the water.
PRICES. raus uy ui
from the southwest a tremen- army and places to be avoided, especially
it uiuul

REDUCED this year, $141,449,193. Deposits in iu the Italian flagship Francesco Mor- up from
•* surgents may have an unofficial recog- national banks, $67,935,438. dous blast of wind rushed in under the duriDg the sickly season. When finally oost at least 5000 men, or of withholding headquarters were shifted down to tha
nition in the settlement of the Philippine sinsio.
iron superstructure and fairly lifting called upon to submit a plan of campaign beach. It was this change of location
Come early. question, has led to the suggestion that The Times correspondent telegraphing the assault, If, in hls judgment, such as-
Good Values at Low Prices. THE WEATHER. from the pier, allowed it to drop again that gave voung Wheeler and Kirkpatrick
some representative of the Cubans ac- later says: in a mass of twisted and gnarled debris, be did so and put it in writing.
In sub- sault would fall. No greater discretion
an opportunity to indulge themselves in
company the American commissioners was ever given to any general command- the surf. three
Hefugees are now coming on board the burying the men under it. stance he took the stand, first that every General Wheeler’s
unofficially. j-TVr:
'w svv*
During the lull that Intervened between effort should be made to equip the Cubans an army and what is more, as will he of whom have been act*

It is understood that the Cuban repre- ing daughters, two

Center & McDowell,

uum^i:uvmii| juuujr ui micui
the first roar of tbe wind and the sharp
sentatives in Washington view this sug- They tell a tale of great masseore. mntfl.11 in nf t.hft 11*011 ond thereby enable them to harrass the observed be was authorized to accept the ing as nurses in the general hospital,
and the other as a nurse in the detention
gestion with favor, feeling tnat the ques- could be beard the cries and moans of the Spanish troops. The cry of “On to surrender which In the interest of his
tion of Cuban debt, Cuban government, hospital are with him, grief stricken,
589 CONGRESS ST.,(ltt etc., which may come up at Paris are CHRISTIANS THREATEN REVENGE. wounded. The uninjured men made a Havana” should be enoouraged, but when
rush for the shore end of the pier and the
subordinates he generously declined to
T.innt. Kirlcnatrick was from Virginia.
do and went away leaving all the honor
sep3 quite as important to the Cubans as the They are Assembling In TliousandsJOutside huddled together trembling with fear.
transports loadedwith troops were
rank. Gen. Sbafter. On

Philippine question is to the Filipinos. In the shed of the time-keeper leav- out of sight ot land they should sail as to his next in AGAIN TURNED DOWN.
IN 2 LB. PACKAGES It is said President Palma or Secretory the Cordon. large
feOLD ing their fellow workmen oryiug for help, straight as could be to the gate of the An- the morning suoceding the first interview
Quesada would not be averse to going to Hung Chang D.prived of His Tower at
Paris in such an official capacity, paying London, September 7.—The correspond- lying under the mass of twisted iron. An tilles and the key of the whole position, a letter was reoeived from Gen. Xoral of u
was sent in brought
of the Standard is on board the alarm of tire which whioh the following is a literal transla-
their own expenses with a view to aid- ent Porto Rico, then, having seized and occu- England’s Bequest.
out two companies of flromen, who went
ing the American commissioners and Boston, Mass., September 7.—Forecast Campordown. He says: to work with all their might to rescue pied that island, a movement to Cuba tion :
giving them the advantage of Cuban co- for Boston and vicinity for Thursday; Edhem Pasha, the governor has just those who wero under tho debris. was to fellow by means of a strong Santiago de Cuba, July 14, 1898. l’ekin, Sept. 7.—Li Hung Chang has
operation. Three men are reported missing. They General-in-Chief of the American forces:
Fair cooler weather: west to northwest arrived (late Wednesday afternoon) on force, which was to be organized Honored Sir—His excellency, the gen- been dismissed from power. It is pre-
ALLIANCE- are Guven Rutherford, Alex Ewanson, cavalry
winds. board the Catnperdown. Capt. Hughes George Kansey. These men were carpen- and equipped by August or September. eral-in-ohlef of the army of the island of sumed this was done in accordance with
Ballet told him plainly In strong terms ters and were at work on the roof. They He contemplated that with 20,000 cavalry Cuba telegraphs from Havana yesterday the demand which it wag rumored the
Hoys Who Claim To Have Left Ship Washington, September 7.—Forecast at 7 p. m. the following:
Two that as governor lie would bo held re- are supposed to have been blown into the thrown to the centre of Cuba cutting the Sir Claude Mac-
for Thursday for New England and Believing the business of such import- British minister here,
in Portland.
sponsible in the event of any further dis- river and drowned. Spanish forces in two and moving west to ance as the capitulation of that place to Donald, was instructed to make on ac-
Eastern New York: Fair, cooler on
turbance. FAIR. Havana by the time the rainy season was be known and decided upon by the gov-
to northwest winds. HANCOCK COUNTY count of the alleged general partiality of
Boston. September 7.—Frank E., and coast; west Edhem Pasha said he was'powerless to ernment of His Majesty, I givoyou notice
to dis- over and it would be possible to that I have sent the conditions of your the great Chinamen to Russia, culmi-
Charles Richards, two boys who esoaped control the mob but his sincerity seems
Ellsworth, September 7.—Owing could move
manoeuvre wo
telegram asking an immediate answer nating in Great Britian boiDg deprived of
an army,
Local Weather Report. over agreeable weather the attendance
at the
from the training ship Alliance in Port- V6ry doubtlul, seeing that he had well and enabling you also to show this to the
4000 Turkish troops under his orders. second clay of the Ilancook county fair againEt the city a well organized, the contract for the Pekin-Hankow rail-
land harbor, Sunday night, were taken Portland, Sept. 7. —The local weather A message just signalled from th» town was not equipped and well disciplined army and general of the American army to soe if he
into custody b7 the police here today. bureau office records as to the weather reports that the guard of
as large as had been expeored. will agree to await the answer of the gov- road, by giving the Russo-Chinese finaa
eight British of the Spanish
of the day were hall complete the capture ernment which cannot be as soon as the cial control of the road.
soldiers, who, with about 30 Christians Speci
al features
The boys were found at the Allston sta- are as follows: forces. time which he has decided, as a com-
took in tho cathedral is games between school teams, athletic
tion of the Boston & Albany road, Brigh- 8 a. m.—Barometer. 29.763: thermome- refuge Greek munication by the way of Bermuda is
of the events for boys and a farmers’ .race. The The enclosure of Cervera’s fleet in the
ton district, and were endeavoring to get ter, 72.0; dew point, 68; humidity, 84; quite safe under the protection much slower than by Key West. In the
Y. At the police station wind, SW; velocity, 5; weather, clear. Turkish troops. trotting was confined to tho 3.44 class, harbor of Santiago ohanged the conditions meanwhile your honor and the general of
to Albany, N. S p. m.—Barometer. 29.734, thermome- Yesterday the chiefs of the Christian p urse $100, and the 2.80 class for an equal and made it necessary to move a military agree upon
the American army may
14, the toys told Capt. Warren that they ter, 69.0; dew point, 6'J; humidity, 98; community offered to Col. Kcid
their as- purse. Tho chestnut mure Nellie Drew,
force to that point. Gen. Miles while at capitulation on the basis of repatriation Use in place
had been ill treated and abused and wind, SW; velocity 10; weather It. rain. sistance but bo declined to accept it. The driven hv A. E. Damson of Union, win (returning to Bpain).
Mean daily thermometer 73; maximum sea is rough and landing is difficult. In- tho first, time, 2.30 3-4, while the second Tampa organizing the expedition felt the this „o
that the boys on board the Alliance were 1 have the honor to transmit
thermometer, 81; minimum thermometer, deed it is impossible to got through
the wont to Scotter, b g, .1. ID P. Wheelden,
importance of the enterprise so greatly you that in case you may
consider tno of Cream of Tartar
a set of bullies. 64; :maximum velocity of wind, 18 S, harbor, which is held by a mob. Marines, small
Bangor. Time, 2.30 1-4. that he requested permission to accom- foregoing satisfactory that
he may desig-
The boys were given a hearty meal ind total preoipltatton. .59. however, are being landed in nate persons, in representation of himself
Capt. Warren communicated with the parties and are hastening to reinforoo the THUNDERSTORM STOPPED RACES pany that expedition or to organize an- who with those in my name may agree
to and Soda
navy yard officials at Charlestown in Weather Observation. British oamp. other to join it. This permission was not clauses of the oapituation upon the busis
regard to them. The latter claimed that The agricultural department weather
Outside the cordon the Christians are Hartford, September 7.—A thunder granted so far as accompanying that ex- of returning to SoaiD, accoptcd already in
they knew nothing of the case, and Capt. assembling in thousands, 'lhey threaten storm broke up the raoing at Charter Oak
the beginning by the ge»eral-in-chiof ol
Warren will give the boys their liberty bureau for yesterday, Sept. 7, taken as to rush into the town and avenge tne tate park this afternoon, only one race being pedition was concerned, but authority
3.12 which was won by this army.
if nothing is heard in the meantime from in., meridian time, the observa- of their co-religionists. iluished, the pace, was granted to equip a second "for
8 p.
Winileld. Awaiting a reply, I am,
the proper authorities. tion for each section being given in this movement and operation against the Very respectfully yonr servant,
In the 3.03 trut four heats only wero
By All First Class Grocers. The boys say they have friends in Al- FIERCE FIGHTING IN STREETS. JOSE XORAL, etc.
order: Temperature, direction of wind trotted, The Abbott taking the first and enemy in Cuba and Porto Rico.”
bany who will look after them. The boys Athens fourth and Kentucky Union the second At the meeting on the following day
ore brothers, Frank is 16 and Charles 17 state cf weather: London, September 8.—The News tele- and third. None of tho otbor events on However, before this expedition was
correspondent of th8 Daily Gen. Xoral stated that he was prepared to
Boston, 70 degrees, W, cloudy; New tho card wero started. The summary: equipped calls wore made for additional
graphing Wednesday says: of fierce surrender with the approval of the captain
Washington, September 7.—The Presi- BRIEFLY TOLD. York, 66 degrees, NW., cloudy; Phil- Reports have been rooeivod 2.12 pace, purse $1500, Winfield, 1st; forces to go to Santiago and they were
clear; fighting in the BtrBets of Candia today Jimmy B., 2d; Pussy Cat, 3d. Best time general of Cuba but it would require a
dent has made the following promotions adelphia, 70 degrees, NW., tho Cam per-
Immediately forwarded. On tbe third
little time to have his acts confirmed by
for distinguished services at Santiago: Wasniugton, 08 degrees, NW., cloudy; and a brisk bombardment by soldiers are 3,10 1-4. day of July Gen. Shatter telegraphed that
To be major generals of volunteers, The President has written a letter to Albany, 64 degrees, N, cloudy; Buffa- “wn. Nearly 100 British
already killed or woounded. GERMANY

underesti- the government; that in the meantime he

Brigadier General William Ludlow and Slayor Van Wyck to the effect that the lo, 64 degrees, W„ clear; Detroit, 54 de- among those CAN’T TAKE PHILIP- his losses had bcon greatly was prepared to appoint commissioners
Brigadier General S. S. Sumner. troops may parade in that city providing g mated, that he met with stronger resist-
grees, SW, clear; Chioago, 60 degrees. W, BOMBARDMENT RENEWED. PINE. to arrange the olauses of capitulation.
To be brigadier general, Col. Richard the surgeons give their permission. ance than he anticipated and that he was
clear; St.Paul, 70 degrees. NW. cloudy; Washington, September 7.—The offic-
E. Combs, 5th infantry, and Lieut. Col. The Spanish transport Sntrustoqui has
Huron, Dak., 70 degrees, NW, eldy: Bis- that Athons, September 7,—It is reported wed at ials of the state attach little seriously considering the advisability of
Not only this he offered to surrender the
Joseph T. Haskell, 17th infantry. arrived at Santander, Spain, from Santi- tlio bombardment was rone department balance of his command whicli had no
There were S3 deaths
marck, 58, IS, cloudy; Jacksonville, 74 Candia today and that the port has been importance to the stories oomlng from falling baok to a position five miles to the
ago de Cuba. on been under fire or engaged in the cam-
CAND1A IS QUIETER. board of her during the voyage. degrees, NE, cloudy. seriously damaged. The foreign warships Hong Kong to the effsot that the German rear, and that he had been unable to bn
have landed sailors to reinforce tho warships are preparing to take possession paign. X'his remarkable offer was on his
Candia, Crete, September 7.—The NO SILVEKITES IN IOWA. Deen of one or moro islands of the up during the heat for four days.
PENSION CHANGES. British garrison and pumps have Philippine own motion and was in the nature of a
battleship Camperdown having on board
consul at Marshalltown, la., September 7.—The landed to assist in quenching the urea group. Technically the United States “Under such circumstances Gen. Miles
surprise to the Amerionn generals present.
More convenient,
Sir A. Blliotti, the British Washington, September 7.—The follow- state conventions of the Democrats, Popu- According to a telegram from Canaia it and Spain are now under an armistice. telegraphed Gen. Shaftor that ho would
CaDea, has arrived here. ing pension changes, rosulting from the lists and Silver Republicans today were is estimated that 22 British
were killed
Germany could not even by cession or
with him in a week, with a strong re-
However, at the conference of the day Makes the food lighter
Several other warships have also reached
not largely uttonded, the Democratic con- and 45 wounded yesterdi y.
purchase acquire from Spain any of the be previous Gen. Miles had reminded him
Ibis port, reinforcements of blue jackets issue of August 26, are announced: of course, taking the troops and healthful.

vention being the smallest since the silver Several Christian families have taken Philippine group pending the deoision of inforcement, that he had been offered the most liberal
hove'been landed and an early restoration INCREASE. refuge in the warships. Many corpses are the peace commission and wore she to expected for the second expedition, which
issue was taken up three years ago. terms ever given to an enemy, that his
of quiet is expected. rn one
attempt to profit in that manner by tho had been ordered by the President to
Tub British vice consul here, Mr. Stephen E, Young, Thoinaston, $17 to Frank Q, Stuart was temporary chair- lying in the streets of Ckndia. ROYAL BAKINO PQWPER AOOv NEW VORg.
family worn kiueu. present situation of Spain, her acts might
man of the convention oase a whole
Calouoherino, was killed during the re- 824; Henry W. Hodson, Caribou, $14 and delivered a
Italian consulate is burned.
reported he regarded us a casus belli. operate againBt the enemy in Cuba as Continued on Second Bage.
cent lighting. $17. a lengthy address.
there before we are through. To give the BIG CROWD AT LEWISTON M1SCB1LAHEOUS, THE DAS LY PRESS
| seen the city, and perhapsso.
I have another chance to do

“To my first requests, namely, that my

muiirtwo VARS.
and 5th
In .Tuua.
After these
Corps gradually
stretched out and relieved other troops
along this portion of the line.
Philippines back to Spain would open
the way for all nations,to rush in after
According: to Ihe Veracious Reporter

I troops be allowed to camp hereabouts and 25,000 People Took in the State Pair. A Well Known Portland CItize.i Hal an
.Next on the left of Fort Sedgwick and the spoils, and serious trouble would
that they bu permitted to parade, I have Experience That Will Interest Peoplo.
Can always be found at tha periodia
near the Jerusalem Plank Road, was ensue.
received'no replv. To my second request Fort Davis, at a more comfortable dis- Lewiston, September 7.—One of the stores of:
I received a reply this morning ordering Col. R. G. Carter of Washington a ro-
tance from the enemy, and the Union crowds in the E. W. Roberts.
the Wisconsin boys home forthwith. The history of the An old writer on politics Beys: “An 100 Congress street
men will go directly from tho transports Interesting Session of the Maine iines gradually stretched out their coil of tlred United States army officer, was next greatest
Maine State fair was on the grounds to- upright minister asks what recommends
A. B. Merrill 247
Continued from First Page. to the cars.
works and forts southward and westward introduced, and he made an interesting E. R. Sprague, 405

“1 shall stay in tho city a day or two to

of this point. Gon. Parke ocoupied the informal address, filled with personal day, estimated from 20,000 to 25,000. It a man, a corrupt minister, who?” In the N. G. Fessenden, 526

transact some business and will then pro

Loyal Legion. front line of works and some protecting
the rear from a little south of Fort Davis, reminiscences and running comment on
was governor’s day and Gov. Powers, with recommendation of articles or mercantile
W U. Jewett
L A. Libby.
fleet was destroyed, and that they were cerd to Washingon. Gen. Wilson’s division member of his staff were present. They wares about, which we know very little, F. A. Jelllson, 936 Congres street
north to the Appomattox, east of Peters- the conduct of the late war. He has a
IjvV'iO miles from home. Total’s offer could will reach .Sew York in a day or two, I visited the grounds in the forenoon and Cbas ASbton.. 931A Cougress street
burg. For many months it had been a long had a personal acquaintance
with yet are compelled to use, both whut rec- 11. L. Donnell 136 Congress street
ba accounted for In two ways—either that think. They will come on the transports
hot place around Fort Sedgwick, known at noon a reception was tendered to them ommends and who recommends are im- C Froderickson. 16 India street.
the troops were wanted at home to meet
Mississippi, "Munitoba, Alamo and Con-
as Fort Hell.
Ssn. Shutter, Gen. Lawton, Gen. Corbin A. Stubbs, corner Federal and Temple Sta.
oho. ;The last will carry Gen. Wilson and INSIDE LIGHT ON THE MILES-AL- The Confedeartes had forts he at the Maine hotel in Auburn, followed portant factors. If the testimony which
that they and redams near the Jerusalem road that •nd Gen. Gribben, with all of whom j J. Beardworth. 87 India street
a threatened uprising, or his headquarters. below by a dinner at which Senator Frye, Con- follows will not convince you that the ar р. h Ersklne. 43 Middle street.
GER CONTROVERSY. swept the approaches in every direction, hart served when the held offices L. D. J. Perkins, 2 Exchange street
wanted to get home and regarded this at their gressman Dingley and other prominent tide referred to is true to its representa-
THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS. and others back of these that could lire their present rank. He described S. P. Dennis, 419 Commercial street
tbe only means of doing so at the expense с. S. Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxlord street
right over them. In this vicinity was traced their oareer oitizens were present. In the afternoon tives. ask this question sobrrly: What
of the United States. Whether Blanco Fort Mahone, Hattery 28, or Fort Damna personal appearance, J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street
they witnessed the races from a box in kind of evidence will convinoe?
and the rest of the Spanish forces in Cuba
The Second Day’s Session of the State
tion, so called, and other batteries, all through the ranks to- the positions they W. L. Crane, 76 Exchange streeL
the grand stand. The Mr. J. Q. Bradbury. of 11 Uasco street, Westman S West, 93 and 95 Commercial
Convention at Gardiner. Capt. Thomas P. I>es- trained to repel assault. Sort Damnatio and highly complimented races were cut
Join 11. Allen, 381 y* Congress street
would surrender on the samelterms is not Beals Graphically now occupy
short by rain after two raoes had been
was neor.y opposite Fort Hell. There
their service. says: “What Doan's Kidney Pills claim Denaet&Co, 646 Cougress street.
known and perhaps may never be known. crlbes the on Fort llcll—Gen.
muon doubt as to which was Fort Dam- 3 bey oured G. J. Hodgson, 9614 Portland street
Gardiner, September 7.—Wednesday Col. Carter took occasion
to oritioise the completed and one heat -of the third to do I can fully endorse.
T. M. Glendening, Long Island.
The place of landing the Porto Rican Connor Rzpresses Confidence in thoNa- nation. but the writer gave Fort Mahono
morning opened fair and bright on tho national guard system and its working trotted. The 2.19 pace was not started. me of a lame and aching back that had F. L. Brackett Peaks Island.
bad been so thoroughly adver- that distinction, although located official-
expedition tional Guard, but Advocates Closer KB‘
months. He said he The deciding heat In the unfinished 8.80 stuck to me for twelve years. O f course It
J. E. Hnriuon, 1115 Congress street
tised in communications sent over the second day’s convention of the Y. P. S.
latioos with the
ly 400 yard, south of the Plank Road. during the last six J. H Whitman & son, 422 Congress streeL
Regular Army. General Grant started his last campaign reasons why our trot was won by Norland. In the first pain—it came by spells H. M. Butler, 68 Pine street
and in the newspapers of
G. E., with a marked Increase in at- believed there were two was not a continual
Frsacb. oable the end of March, 1805, and issnpd an or- heat of the stake for foals of 1895, Maud J. H. Vickery, 221 Spring street.
and telegraphed to tendance. Many regrets are expressed at The banquet hall of the cafe at River-
der to have every corps commander along troops at home were so demoralized. but they were refrequent enough to give II. D. McKenzie, cor. Spring and Clark
our own country Nelson and
the enforced absence of Rev. J. Ij. ton park peopled by distinguished the line assault the enemy’s line of works was to blame for not en- Harold Wilkes were in col- me a thorough idea of what kidney com- Capt Long. 48 Portland Pier.
Sladrid and from there to San Juan, that
was a
First, Congress G. W. Hunt 8Custom House Wliart
Quimby, who, through illness, is absent, company of war veterans, last evening. at 4 a m April 2d. The 31st and 33d larging our regular army
and improving lision,and Harold Wilkes ran the mile. plaint is. It hurt me to stoop or to John Cox. 23 Monument square.
not having received the necessary appli- Maine had been conso idated and mado a
ho decided and who was to have taken an active part The occasion was the September meeting our military system by taking it out of No one was hurt, and Maud Nelson won straighten up after stooping. When the J. F. Hutchinson. 12 Elm street
ances With which to disembark regiment of twelve companies. It was to Peter Tltitns. Forest Avenue
of war, the next three heats easily, Harold Wilkes attaoks were particularly had if I was not
after leaving the Windward passage to
in the convention. of the Maine Commandery, Military Or- this regiment the writer belonged. It politics. With a political secretary Also at the news standi In the Falmouth.
The devotional exercises were conducted der of the Loyal Legion of the United had garrisoned Fort Davis all winter, and political assistant secretary and a being drawn. Johnny Wilkes had an evading stinging shooting twinges I was Preble, Congress Square and United Slates ho-
change his course and land on the south a
tels. and Grand Trunk ami Union Depots.
was doing duty on a strong picket line to It
by the Rev. Mr. George of Gardiner. The States. This organization has held many political adjutant general, the best ser- easy win In the 2.20 class and Nominated suffering with a dull heavy grinding pain can also be obtained ot Chisholm Bros.
side of Porto Rioo, where tbe Spaniards the left of Fort Hell. Agents
addiess of Mr. C. H. Emery was especi- pleasant leuniona at picturesque River- vice cannot bo expected. These officers, took the only heat trotted in the 2.45 that from it’s very persistency was exas- on all trains of the Marne Central, Grand Trunk
wore tbo least prepared and the least ex- The paper then goes on to give Gen and Portland Si Rochester railroads and of
and where he ally fine, taking up the evils of intemper- ton, and have usually beenifavored with Parke’s formation of the 9th Corps, and at the out break of the war, were besieged stake, which was trotted in the mud and perating. When 1 went to H. H. Hoy & agents on any of the Boston Trains.
pecting to receive him, ance and the ruin it is working. his plan of attack along the Jerusalem rain. The summaries: Son’s drug store, at the junction of Free The Pbkss can also Defounu at the following
the disembarkation of the weather more propitious than that of last by applicants for appointments, who bad
knew that Plank Hoad. At 10 p. im. April 1st, the Auburn—G.H. Haskell
Rev. R. T. Hack of Portland, was un- evening, but never in the history of the sought the assistance of their friends In 2.80 trotting; Purse *400. and Middle streets, for Doan’s Kidney
troops and supplies oould be most easily guns of Fort Hell opened lire, and with Augusta—J. F. Pierce,
able to be present and his place was filled commandery has a meeting been more The secretary's ohief duties I was very bad, yet it was not Bath—John 0. Shaw.
effeoted. the other forts kept up the lire till mid- Congress. Norland, b g, by All So,(Gregg),4 112 1 Pills, Berlin Falls .ff. H.—C. S. Clark.
From the time of that disembarkation, by Rev.W. S. Ayers of Portland, subject, thoroughly enjoyed. night. Suoh a roar of artillery the writer under such conditions, were the dispens- Seersucker, b m by The Seer, long before 1 was free from pain. My Biddeford—A. M. Burnham.
“The Kind of Disciples Christ Chor< had never before experienced, and Capk (Hideout), 13 2 12 back feels as strong and supple as ever it
during the following 19 days of the cam-
Gen. C. W. Tilden of Haliowell presid-
Twitohell of the 76h Maine hattery at
ing of favors at the opportuning of po- 8 3 dis
Bridgton—A,. W. Ingalls.
close of the exercises Re M C. C., oh g (Chas. Bussell), did and I heartily recommend Doan’s Brunswick—F■ P. Shaw.
he kept the Spaniards guessing
Tho ed both at the business session and at the Fort Hell stated that fifty mortar shells liticians. As a rule the officers in Wash- Pawtucket, b g, (Chute), 5 4 dis Bangor—J. D. Glynn.
Walker of Foo Chow, China, a Ci,— literary exercises following the banquet. were thrown into the fort thut evening. ington have been antagonistic, to the Bosa Viotor, b g, (Chute), 2 dis Kidney Pills. Boothbay Harbor—C. F. Kermlsoa.
what the next move would be. When they
brigade, under Gen. Brownfield—E. L. Frink,
withdrew along the line of the great missionary, gave a short address oj the At the business meeting it was voted to At 2 a. in. our generals of the army. Gen. Grant found Silkey, oh m, (Nelson), dis What Doan’s KidDey Pills have done n -EMlvoliAlh— i>VAP X:. .Inaw.

Christian Endeavor work In China. He send the following congratulatory mes- Griffin, was put into column of attack, it necessary to withdraw his headquarters Time, 2.24 1-4, 2.23 3-4, 2.23 8-4, 2.22 1-2, for others they will do for you. They are •• .i F. Marrmer.
military road between Pnnoe and San the storming party seleoted to lead the 2.22 1-4. Cumoerland Mil!*—II. U. start
Juan, they destroyed the bridges, ob- closed by singing one verse of “God Be sage to Gen. Mnttooks: column being composed of three oompa- from Washington, and so did .Sherman, sold for 50 cents a box. If your dealer
Camden—Fred Lewis.
With You Till We Meet Again, in the “The Maine Commandery, Military nles 01 tne disc jUBine. cumiw y u, Sheridan and Sohofleld. Gen. Miles is Trotting Foals of 1895: Purse *400. doesn’t keen them write us. Foster-Mli- J. H. Gould.
structed the roads and fortified strong W. H H. Wore, Company H, Cornish—L.b.Knlght.
Lieut. nmv hflvino trmihlft tho same ft3 theV did. burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sola agents for
positions In the mountain passage and
Chinese language. Order of the Loyal Legion of the United Maud Nelson, oh f, by Nelson, Deetma—N. J. Scanlon.
Capt. T. P. Beals, Company L, Capt. A.
then were surprised that one oolumn ol
The following is the morning’s pro- D. Brook, together with the forces of The seoond reason Col. Carter gave for (Nelson), 8 111 tbe United States. Deerilng Center—A. A. McConas
Olwil S, b o, by St. Croix, Damanseotta—M. H. Gam age.
his army was sweeping around the west gramme: Brigadier General Charles P. Mattocks, fusllors, all under Capt. Beals, the senior the prevalence of sickness in the home Remember the name DOAN'S and take
Fairfield—K. H. Evans.
Sunrise prayer meeting, M. E. church, and congratulates him on distinguished officer.
Behind the storming party came (Frenob), 12 3 2
Farmington—H. F. Whiteds Co.
end of the Island, oapturlng cities and camps was that the volunteer national Czar, b b, (Pibkbam), 2 3 2 3
no substitute.
the brigade In column by battalion, 179th, Freeport—A. W. Mltcheu.
towns, while another had passed over the Highland avenue, leader, J. Calvin Mil- service in two wars.” N. Y.. 91st Me.. Bth N. H.t 2d Maryland, guardsmen and their
officers were inex- Harold Wilkes, b h, (Flaherty), dr Frveonrg—A. C. Frye.
ler, Portland. The following letter, in reply to a mes- 17th Vt., 180th N. Y., with 50th Mass, in perienced in the conduct of big camps. Time, 2.80 8 4 2.35 1-4, 2.8 48-4, 2.85 1-4. TORPEDO OUNS AFLOAT AND Fryoburg-J- T. Whitmore.
mountain trails which the Spaniards had Gardiner—Bussell Bros.
Sunrise prayer meeting, First Baptist reserve. The orders to the storming par- system is all
supposed Impassible, and therefore, had sage sent at the last meeting to Capt. "The national guard 2.29 Class, Trotting; Pares $509. ASHORE. Green’s Lanalus—8. W. Flflelfi.
ty were to march on the low call passed Gorham— L. J1. Lermond.
not guarded or fortified, and the nrsl church, leader, Miss Frances R, Upton, Wildes of the United States cruiser Bos- the line, “Four o’olock and all Is wrong," said he. "The national guards
(Captain E. L. Zalinski, U. S. A., in
along Johnnie WilkeB, b s, by Wilkes, N. H.—S. M. Leavitt 4s Son.
they knew of the march of the American
Brewer. ton, was read: well.” Capt. Beals says he never expected men are drilled too much and pay too lit- (Leterraan). Ill Cassier's.) Gore—F. K. Russell.
Praise servioe, devotional, Rev. F. M. U. S. S. Boston, to emerge alive from the assault. He tle attention to the care of their camps. Whirlwind, b g, (McNally), 5 3 2 Kennebunk—J. H. On*.
army was the appearance of a strong
said to his men, “You all know the plaoe In the Torpedo guns, when used in land de- Kennebunkport—C. E. Miller.
Lamb, Kennebunkport. Off Manila, Philippine Is., regular army we endeavor to Light, b g, (McLaren), 6 3 4
brigade within 20 miles of the northern 1898. to attaok. All I ask is for you to 2 6 6 fenses, should be looked upon as auxiliary Livermore f alls—C. Newman.
July 6, we are Silver Street, b in, (iSelson),
Lewiston—Chandler & WInsUln.
coast at the terminus of the railroad con- Paper, “Christian Endeavor Music,” Maine Commandery, M. O. L. L. U. S.: follow me; If I run you may run, but moke Individual soldiers
of the men. We
Queen Wilkes, b m, (Davis), 4 6 3 and Long Island—8. H. Marston.
Miss Annie C. Holmes, Cumberland The paper then goes compel them to keep their quarters clean.
supplementing the fixed submarine
nectlng San Juan with Areoibo. Tbs Dear Sirs and Companions—The resolu- don’t desert me. Jewell, b m, (Cummings), 3 4 5 Limerick—8. A C. Grant.
mines defending a harbor. The mines
island of Porto Bico was fairly won by Mills. tion by the oommandery of May 4th, of on to state how the storming party went The officers daily Inspect their camps, Madrid, b g, (Libby), 7 7 7 Lisbon—C. H. Foster.
congratulation on the victory in Manila silently on, almost unable to see more their tents and their mesa be removed
may byvarious methods of Lisbon Falls—A. M. Gerrv.
the right of conquest, and becomes a part Paper, “Work of Missionary Commit- When the Time, 2.19 1-4, 2.19 1-4, 2.20 1-2. Mecbanlo Falls—Merrill & Denning.
Bay of May 1st, is at hand, and I desire than a few feet before them. countermining, and, once removed, are
tee,” Miss Laura E. Foster, Cumberland “I was at the depot when the Maine No. Deerlug—A.C. Noyes.
of the United States. to express my warmest thanks for this enemy’s picket intreuohments were 2.45 Trotting Stake; Purse $400. (Un- difficult to replace in the presence of an North Stratlora. NH.—J. C. HuoUtlngi
The sentiment of the people wa3 in nc Mills. evidence of Interest, good will and ap- reached they were surprised. At the hospital train from Chickamauga came finished. ) enemy. Not alone may the submarine orway— F.F. 8to e
Address, “Temperance,” Mr. Ed. H. proval by the companions of the course double quiok the storming party made in. I went through that train, and I mines be removed by the action of the ••
A. O. NoyesCo.
fjonse outraged by the invaders but on ths of action on that great day; how great a for them. The rebels opened lire as we Nominated, oh li, by Nominee, (Car- but In the course of an notion N. Conway—0. H. Whittaker.
must say its condition was deplorable. 1 enemy,
Contrary was successfully propitiated. A Ellery, Sanford. day it was ana how it has affected our were going over their pits. My orderly, ter), l Old Orchard—Fogg Sc Libby.
they may be removed by the defense Id Klcnmond—A. L. Preble.
who have endured the severity ol With the closing exeroises of Wednes- oountrymen, we ore just beginning to S. U. Kimball, fell, shot through the talked with some of
the convalescents Jen F., b m (Davis), 2 endeavoring to blow up tbe enemy’s fleet
people Leavitt, b g, (Greely), 8 Kumlord Falls—F. J. ltolfe.
day evening, of the very pleasant learn. body. The rebel pickets retreated and about their rations. They said their beans in the harbor. The fire of torpedo guns & Carr.
Spanish rule for four centuries hail with
4 Kocklar.d—Dunn
I think it safe to say that the spirit, we kept onto the plank road where our Czarwltz, blk g, (Gregg), onr), in such cases, be directed on that ••
A. J. Huston.
joy the protection of the great republlo. days in the state convention of the if. P. orders sent us. Then at the double quick,
were hard, the rice smoked, the soups
Sanford—Trafton Bros.
morale and of the
discipline squadron Time, 2.82 8-4. portion of the torpedo 'field where the
S. C. E., came to an end. The junior
One of the riohest sections of the country were suoh, and we were so well led and a charge was made on Fort Damnation. thin and tasteless. mines may have been thus removed 6kowhegan—Blxby & Buck.
rally and the exercises by the local juniors handled, that the six ship3 were capable The shot and shell crashed through the ‘So you went outside to the suiter’s When the firing is from n fixed South Portland—J. F. Merrimau.
over whioh our flag floats has been added WON IN FIRST INNING- plat- H. Kicker Sc Son.
of doing the very utmost possible for their party, the men were falling, but the tents and form, as in the case in shore defenses, it
and will be of lasting value to our nation are deserving of particular mention. the canteen and filled up on Louth Windham—J. W. Head.
The exeroises was arranged especially for
size and power. charge went on until on the margin of and green water- Boston Took Game From Washington By
has been shown to be extremely accurate. South Paris—A D. Sturterant.
politically, commercially and from a There is still work ahead. Manila is the cheveaux-de-friso the line was halted pies, cakes, doughnuts Where the ranges can be ascertained, as Paris—F. A. Shurtiefl.
military or strategic point of view. Pos- the occasion by Miss Cora B. Bickford, to be taken, and the powerful Spanish to st”aighten it out and take breath for melon, didn’t youP’ I asked of the boys, Bunching Hits. is likely to be the case in seacoast fortifi- South Waterboro—G. C. Downs.
session of that island has also rendered ex-president of the state union, and
the reserve squadron met. Until this is done the iinal assault. The light had come; ‘Yes,’ ha replied, ‘that’s just what we cations, the great accuracy of firing which Saco—H. B. Kendricks Sc Co.
With best there was no concealment. The support- E. L. Prebls.
there oan be no rest for us. has been shown to be possessed by tbe
any further resistance of the Spanish music was composed by Miss Kate Van- did, and sometimes wo got hold of a little Boston, September 7.—The Champions South Bristol—N. W. Damage.
About 100 children
regards and good wishes for the com- ing division couldn't be seen. pneumatio torpedo guns should make an Thomaston—E. Walsn.
forces in Cuba hopeless and Gen. Mile: nah of Gardiner.
mandery, believe me In front of us loomed up the formid- moonshine whiskey.’ won today's game by bunching hits in attack, coming within their range of fire, Vlusl Haven—A B. VinaL
able fort belching forth murderous lire
firmly believes that by lair and just treat participated in the exercises. Eight ITour most obedient servant,
sec- “Is it any wonder that, in their unac- the first inning, a base on balls nnd a Waldoboro—Geo. Bliss.
extremely hazardous. As an example of
of the Christian Endeavor work Frank Wildes, the very object of attack. It seemed as
climated condition, the eating of suoh double steal, ail of which netted four the accuracy of fire obtainable from shore, Watervllle—W. D. Spalding.
ment the people of Cuba can be easily tions Westbrook—W. B. Boothby.
Captain, U. S. N. an hour bad passed when our ears caught the writer would mention that of some
controlled either as a friendly ally anc were represented, one section being that we knew that stuff oaused them to be sickP runs. After that the game was n pitchers’ Woodfords—Chapman & Wyman.
the Union war cry, and trials at Shoeburyness. Three rounds
Paymaster Charles W. Littlefield of the the TarmouthvIHe—A. J .B. Mlchtell.
neighbor, or to become a part of our grea ; of the different countries into which the charge was on. As they appeared in
United States navy, eldest son of Bvt. the distance the storming party
"I asked one of the men if his captain battle, neither side having the advantage. were fired at about 3200 yards, of which
and did not come around
country as the people of Porto Bico. Gen junior work has been carried and was as every day to Inspect Attendance 1200. Score: two rounds entered the same hole In the

Miles remained in Porto Bico aB long a s follows: Scotland, Britain, Australia,

Lleut.-Col. Charles K. Littlefield of Ken- pioneers crawled up nearer and out awuy
the quarters and find out if the boys sand, the other round being two or three PORTLAND POSTOFFICE
the obstructions of the ohevaux do frise; Boston, 4001 0000 x—5
nebunk, was eleoted to membership In the yards from this. At 3,500 yards five 6hots
he deemed his presence necessary fo; China, Wales, India, Hawaii, West In-

separated the logs, and turning the ware sick or well. He replied that there Washington, 00001000 0—1 out of six wore placed in a spaoe no larger
second class. and dis-
carrying out the instructions of the Presi dies, Iceland, Mexico, Persia, Syria, sharpened stakes the other way, were periods of ten days that his captain
Hits, Boston, 9; Washington, 5. Errors, than a billiard table.
The recorder gave notice that the 14th connecting the wire®, made room for the
dent and now returns to the Uniter Spain, Brazil and America. did not come around to inspeot the quar- Boston, 2; Washington, 0. Batteries, In an ofiioial test of.tnree 15-lnoh guns OFFICE HOURS.
U p to the present time nearly 800 visit- annual meeting of the commandery-in- column front to enter, and then pushed and Bergen; Donovan and Mc- In San Franoisoo harbor, 75 per cent of
States bringing with him nearly 500 1 ors have registered, and there are un- held in forward to the fort. But we found a ters. Now in the regular army every cap- Lewis tbe shot fell, at a range of 5,000 yards, in
chief of the order will be Boston, Guire. Cashier’s Office, (Sundays excepted.) ».00 a.
troops who are no longer required, then doubtedly many more who have not yet
October 12.
big trench just outside of the fort, full tain is compelled to make a personal in- a rectangle meaurlng 360 feet by 00 feet. m. to 6.00 p. m.: Money
order department, D.ou
of water, into whioh some of the men fell
being some 12,000 still remaining, amp); done bo. Below is the day’s programme: We then oiroled to spection every day and if he fails to do so Cincinnati, September 7.—Breitenstein The contract requirements were only 34 a. m. to 6.00 p. m.: Registry department, 9.00 a.
afternoon—Junior rally; Exeroises by An announcement was also made of a and were drowned. per cent within such a rectangle. A m. to 6.00 p. m.
sufficient for,all purposes. He returns a ho is seriously neglecting his duty. The after the first four innings was an easy
Miss Cora B. number of new additions to the library the left, and after u sharp struggle,
local Juniors; Address, as-
where he believes hi 1 Bickford, Biddeford; Quiet half hour.
reotangle of 210 feet by 168 feet would General Delivery. (Sundays excepted.) 7.30
cnee to Washington sisted by the troops of the main column, officers of the national guard, though in- mark and Chicago won out. Attendance, have contained all the rounds fired a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Sundays 9.00 to 10.00 a. iu.,
of the commandery since the Inst meet-
oan be most L useful as he considers tin ! Evening—Praise service; Prayer; Ad- we forced our woy inside the works. telligent men and good officers, are inex- 7200. Score: In considering the torpedo gun on ship- 1.00 to 2.oo p. m.

most important need of the hour now tc dress, “The Forward Movement In Mis- ing. Many prisoners and cannon wore taken, in the handling of so many board, Briticisms have usually been made Carriers’ Deliveries, (Sundays excepted.)—In
sion,” Miss Ella D. MacLaurin, Boston; At 7.30 the veterans and their guests and tho latter turned upon the enemy. perienced Chioago, 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 4 1-18
because of the difficulty of firing from an business section of the city between High and
be the immediate reduction of war ex a piece of shell men in camp. Cincinnati, 00001001 0—2 India streets at 7.00. 9.00 and 11.00 a. m., l.oo and
Solo; Address, Rev. Frederick M. Gardi- took possession of the dining hall and Capt. Beals was strnok by unstable platform, but other guns afloat
6 p. m.; lu other sections at 8.00 a. m., 1.C0 p. in.
and the return of large President Massachu- on the shoulder, and was unconscious for
penses a propor ner, East Boston, "Unless conditions arc changed, the
Hits. Chioago, 15; Cincinnati, 9. Er. are sabjeot, in a great measure, to tbe
Sunday delivery at Office window, 9.00 to 10.00
tions of those in military service ai setts C. K. Union, suhjeot, “A Call to partook of one of Caterer Smith’s tempt- quite a time. Then ha picked himself up, same troubles same objection. Tbe high-angle fire of Collections from street
experienced in this war rors, Chicago, 1; Cincinnati, 6. Batteries. a. m., l.oo to 2.00 p. m.
spreads, after Divine blessing had and while passing through the fort found

to their former when Servioe.” ing Griffith and Donahue; Bretensteln and tbe torpedo gun is often cited as an ob- boxes at 7.00 and 11.00 a. in., 4.00 and 8.00 p. in.
possible occupations
been invoked by Chaplain H. A. Phil- the roll of the 63d North Carolina, which
will be encountered whenever an attempt only.
th ey most needed. Peizt. jectionable feature, but it has some ad- Sundays, 6.00 p. m.
GRAND ARMY PARADE. he retains as a souvenir. is made again to mobilize a large body vantages which are not ordinarily con-
brook of Middletown, Conn. Gen. Griffin In his official report, aft9r of Louisville, September 7.—The Colonels AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS.
troops.” ceded. Among these are the fallowing:
MILES SAYS IT IS TRUE- Cincinnati, O., Sept. 7.—The National The following occupied seats at the fes- speaking of the storming party and com- were badly off in all departments of the Boston, Southern and Western, intermediate
Capt. H. N. Fairbanks of Bangor asked High power guns, with their flat trajec- offices and connections via Boston & Maine
Encampment of the Grand Army of the tive board: Gen. C. W. Tilden, Hallo- plimenting some of its offloers, says: “Of today and were shut out. Atten- tories, have as their target only the verti- railroad (Eastern Division.) Arrive at 12.15,
Republic today had its red-letter day. of 108 men, composed Col. Carter wbat his opinion was of the game
Admits Truth of the Kansas City Sta well; a. ft. tmrrage, surgeon s. this gallant party dance 1000. Score: cal projections of the over-water hull of 5.00 and 11.00 p. m.; close 7.45 a. m., 12.00 m.,
The attendance in the city over night present controversy between Gen. Miles the ship. A very slight change of the 5.00 and 9.00 p. m.; Sundavs, arrive 1.00 p. m..
Interview. C. Gordon, Adj. Charles W. Roberts, G. 002001 02 4—9
and today reached fabulous figures, ac- and Secretary Alger. Cleveland, angle of elevation of these guns produces uiuae <*iiu o.w p. m.

cording to the estimates of the two dozen W. Verrill, Capt. A. L. Turner, Maj. vtuuuucu. iupiiuu
viiiu >1W“
Louisvillo, 00000000 0—0 very considerable height at whiah the shot Boston. Southern and Western, and Interme-
Wm. H. 75 killed and wounded, besides live cap- liUl. curtui » ivyiy was, iu auumauw, diate offices and connections, via Boston ind
New York. September 7.—The Unitei railways that have been taxed beyond Green, Capt. B. M. Redlon, Hits. Cleveland, 18; Louisville, 5. Er-
would strike the target, with toe change
Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at
tured or rules!n2. The total lossj of this that there had long been a strained feel- of about one-fourth of a degree of eleva-
States transport Obdam, Capt. Arey, ar their capacity, but the arrangements Maj. Charles Walker, Maj. H. S.Meloher, brtgade in killed, wounded and jjuissing, rors, Cleveland, 0; Louisville, 7. Batter- 10.45 a. m.. 6.30 and 8.80 p. m.; close 6.00 and 7.43
were such that none have wanted for ing between Gen. Corbin and Gen. Miles; les, fow»H auu wngm, uuwjuig ana tion at one mile range, the shot would go a. m., 12 m. and 2.30 p. to
rived here this morning from Ponce Capt. Thomas P. Beals, Lieut. Charles 431, and of the division 732. Jjt. Coi. Shatter and Gen. Corbin under or over the point aimed at, a verti-
food or shelter. that Gen. are
Klitrldge. Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive
"Prvrt-.ri trifh f\l! wnll 0. Hunt, Maj. Sidney W. Thaxter, Capt. Getohell, commanding the 81st, ^nd Ma- _
cal distance of about 23 feet. 2.00 and s.30 a. m., 12.30 and 6.00 p. m.; close
At sunrise a salute of 45 guns was fired Bolton were both wounded, and the especial pete of Secretary Alger, and there Boston. 76
The Obdam left Ponce on September 1 at Camp Sherman. There were numer- Thos. J. Llttlo, Capt. Charles W. Ford, jor command fell to Capt. Keyes. President an effort on his part to push Cincinnati. 78
42 .614 The pneumatlo gun, however, with its 10.16 and 11.30 A m„ 12.30 and 9.00 p. m.
has been 45 .634 high angle fire, has as its target the verti- Augusta, intermediate oiBces and connections
With Major General Miles and staff, Majoi ous meetings previous to the parade, but Capt. C. E. Marshall, Maj. Charles H. Lincoln visited the sick and wounded at ahead and keep Gen. Miles in the Baltimore. 69 71 43 .623 cal projection of the over-watur hull of via Maine Central railroad-Arrive at 2.00 and
Edward M. Rand, Liout. City Point, where they were sent, and thorn
none that attracted more attention than Boyd, Adjt. Cleveland. 49 .684 9.00 a. m, 12.30 and 6.00 p. m.; dose at 6.00 and
Greenleaf, Capt Whitney, the 2d Wlscon to ohoer and oonsolo them. background. This tendency was ob- New York. 68 63 .550
the ship, the entire deck ar>d zone around
sin volunteers, consisting of SO officers the meeting of the “Blue and the Gray” .Tames W. King, Paymaster Wm. H. An- did much 66 64 the ship of from 11 to 40 feet, according 10.16 and 11.30, a. m., 4.16 and 8.oo p. m.
ChloagO. 662
Farmington. Intermediate offices and connec-
and Si
at the Chamber of Commerce at 9 A. M.
derson, Capt. John W. Deering, Harry R. Capt. Beale’s paper was not only well served and oommonted on in the very first Pittsburg. 61 62 .496 to the oharge. A change of angle of eleva-
and 800 men, the hospital corps
Meantime the contest between Sexton of the war. It is doubtful if Gen. Miles Philadelphia. 56 58 tion of one degree would make a change tions. via Mafflo Central railroad—Arrive at
but well delivered, and at its .491
torses. Mrs. Miles, son and daughtei Virgin, Esq., Mr. Edward D. Noyes, written, Louisville. 61 71 .417 in the range of only about 60 yards. Thus 12.46 and 6.00 p. m.; close tfF7.45 a m. and 12.13
0110. w
he was loudly applauded. At would have seen Cuban service had not
UI linuiMh, auu uuuuo vu iicw

were also on board. York, Anderson of Kansas and Mack of Portland; Col. R. G. Carter, Washington, oonolusion Brooklyn. 44 68 .393 with a slight variation due to changes in p. m.
of Major Melcher, the President McKinley come to the conclu- ■Washington.. 40 78 .338 Rockland, intermediate offices and connec-
The Obdam arrived off the bar at i Ohio for Commander-in-Chief goes on United States army; Dr. M. H. Simons, the suggestion St. Louis. 33 83 .273
elevation, and the greater size of the tions via Knox and Uncoin railroad—Arrive
commandery, by a rising vote, expressed sion that It was time to send somebody available target presented, the chances of
anchored at with much animation, while Denver, surgeon, United States navy; Capt. H. 12.30 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.00 and 1130,
o'clock this morning and
Kansas City and Philadelphia are mak- the author of the paper, and to Santiago to assist Gen. Shatter, whose securing effective results are moie than Skowhsgan. intermediate offices and connec-
quarantine about 5 o'clock. N. Fairbanks,Bangor; Lieut.Walnwright its thanks to CANOE RACES AT LAWRENCE. fair.
ing a hot contest for the honor of the him to furnish a copy of it physical disabilities incapacitated him tions, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at
She was decorated profusely with palms next encampment.
Cushing, Foxoroft; Gen. Selden Connor, requested at the head of his command. Lawrence, Mass., September 7.—The 12.45 p. m.; dose at 12.15 p. m.
for the archives of the organization. for service Island Pond, Ft., intermediate offices and
and draped with flags.
The Grand Army moved at 10 A. M. Augusta; AssistantJSurgeon Atwell W. annual regatta of the Lawrence Canoe A WISE OLD HEN. connections, via Grand Trunk Rallway-Ar.
The transport remained at quarantine Wm. H. Brief addresses were made by Gen. Sel- club was held today. The winners of the
Swett, Bangor; Maj Spencer, SPANISH WAR DISCUSSED. rive at 7.00,11.46 a. m., 6.00 p. m.; Sundays 7.00
awaiting orders until 7 o’clock a. m., AGUINALDO’S ADVICE THE den Connor, Capt. John W.Deering, Maj. events were as follows: a. m.; dose at 7.30 a. m., 12.30 and 7.30 p. m.
when she got under way and proceeded to
TO Waterville; Hon.'K. B. Mallet, Freeport; Four single paddle—William CaSery, Used the Goose as a Boat and Watched
INSURGENTS. Commander Tllden said that when the Burrage, Maj. Wm. H. Spencer of Water- Sundays 7.30 p. m.
the city. Chaplain H. A. Philbrook, Middletown, last H. P. Poore, James Lanlgan, Carl Vic- Adopted Babies.
Gorham. X. H.. Intermediate offices and con-
Gen. Miles admitted to tbe associated Hebron Mayhew, Westbrook; meeting of the commandery was held ville, Dr. Swett of Bangor, and Capt. H. tor, 1st. The following remarkable instance of nections, da Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at
Manila, Ssptember ;7.—The Philippine Ct.; Capt. Fairbanks of Bangor, all of whom 7.00 and 11.45 a m., and 6.00 p. m.; Sundays 7.00
press reporter who Interviewed him insurgents are convening in mass meet- Dewey’s victory at Manila had just been N. War Canoe—James Lanlgan, Carl Vic- the communication of ideas among the
while the Obdam was lying off Liberty Capt Charles C. Graham, Cumberland and the country was looking for alluded to the recent war, complimented tor, A. E. Kimberly, B. P. Poore, Wm. a. m., close at 7.80 a m., 12.30. 7.30 p. to. Sun-
ing to assmble shortly at Malolos for the L. reported, lower animals is narrated by Kev. O.
island, the substantial accuracy of the Mills; Lieut. D. Warren, Togus; Merritt, C. M. Lamprey, Ernest Holt, T. days at 8.00 a m. and 7.80 p. m.
purpose of deciding upon the future of news from our other fleets, which have the heroism displayed and expressed re- Otway: Montreal— Arrive at 7.00, 11.43 a m. and 6.00
statements attributed to him by the Kan-
the Philippine isiands. Capt. S. B. Strang,"Chattanooga, Tenn.; since L. Sullivan, Marous Butler, 1st. “At the flour mills of Tubberakeena, p. m., dose at 12.30, 7.30 p. m. Sunday dose
sas City Star’s correspondent at Ponce. given a good account of them- gret at the prevalence of sickness In the Novloe Canoe—J. R. Wellman, 1st; A.
"There are,’’ Gen. Miles said to the Aguinaldo Insists that the lnsurgsnt Assistant Surgeon Alfred Mitchell, Bruns- near Clonmel, while in the possession of 7.30 p. m.
forces should remain in their strategic selves. It gave him pleasure to announce volunteer oamps. E. Kimberly, 2d.
newspaper men about him. “a few minor wick; Capt H. S. Blanchard, Waterville. Mr. Newbold, there was a goose, which by Swanton. Ft., intermediate offices and con-
positions and strengthen them lest the the presence of Dr. M. H. Simons of the Gen. Connor said he has great confi- Single Paddle—H. P. Poore, 1st; W. H. nections, via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.—
inaccuracies in the published reports, After the banquet Commander Tilden some accident was loft solitary, without
in the national guard, but he be- MoAlplne,
Amerioans withdraw from the islands, in 2d. Arrive at 8.10 p. m.; dose at 7.43 a, m.
such as usually occur in such interviews. battleship Iowa, of which “Fighting dence
the meantime threatening Manila, com- of Hallowell rapped for order and intro- Double Paddle Canoe—E. R. Adams, mate or offspring, gander or goslings. Bartlett. X. H„ intermediate offloes and con-
I do not care to point out tho inaccuracies is commander. its condition would be improved 1st; Jobn B. May. 2d.
referred to at this time; they are unim- manding the railroad and threatening the duced Capt. Thomas P. Beals of Port-
Bob” Evans lioved Now, it happened, as is common, that the neetions via Mountain Division M. C. R. K.—
food supply. Dr. Simons gracefully responded to the ty a closer relationship with the regular Single Scull—Ex-Cbamplon W. Caffrey, miller’s wife had sat a number of duck Arrive at 8.40 a m. and 8.10 p. m.; dose at 7.45
portant. It is true that I requested that land, who read a paper which graphically A m. and 12.30 and 7.80 p. m.
A despatch from Iloilo says Gen. Rios, hearty reception tendered him. He said army. He also advocated a division of 1st; A. Hinchellppe, 2d. eggs under a hen, whioh in due
time were
iuy troops in Porto Rico on their return the Spanish commander has given orders described the oharge on Fort Hell,'at Pet- Rochester. X. H„ intermediate offices and con-
home should be allowed to camp some- be permitted to the Iowa's commander has beep often the directing power. Instead of having It RACES AT SAUGUS. incubated, and of course the ducklings, nections, via Portlands Roohcster railroad—
that American vessels ersburg, April 12, 1865, which he, as the as soon as they oame forth, ran with nat-
where in New York, preferably Brooklyn alluded to a3 "Fighting Bob’,’ and all concentrated at Washington. Com- Arrive at 1.45 and 6.00 p. m.; dose at 6.30 and
have free acoess to Spanish Philippine senior captain led. Saugus, Mass., Sept. 7.—Two races
Heights, Fort Wadsworth or Governor’s hut the red ural instinct to the water, and the hen and 11.45 a. m.
Bob” Evans, officers menting the department tape, he
ports. This is an abstract of Col. Beal's paper: “Swearing
on that were unfinished
island. And I also requested of the war yesterday were was in a sad puoker, her matornity urging Cumberland Mills. Gorham and Westbrook
department that the troops be allowed to and mBn of his ship know him as an said he visited the Maine camp hospital completed today at the old Saugus track, (Saccarappa.> Arrive at 8.45 A m. 5.301.45 and 6.00
MACIAS VISITS BROOKE. IN A CHARGE NEAR FORT HELL, her to follow tho brood, and her instinct
march through New York olty. I never bonest, conscientious, kind, able and a few days ago and found great rejoicing a large crowd enjoying the additional p. m.; close 6.30 and 11.45 a. m. and p. m.
disposing her to keep on dry land. South Portland and Willard—Arrive at 7.30.
Intended to parade myself as 1 shall go to San Juan de Porto Rico September 7. PETERSBURG. brave commander. He bad his share of there. The ocoasion of the rejoicing was heats. Gillis, the driver of Leola, was “In the meanwhile up. sailed tho goose, 1.00 a. m, 8.00 p. m.; dose 6.30 Am., l.oo and
Washington in a few days and would not —This afternoon Captain General Macias taken out after the sixth heat, and Dur-
April 8, 1865. the fighting in the war jast ended, but that a permit had been reoeived from and with noisy gabble, which certainly 2.00 p. m.
be here at the time of the contemplated returned the visit of courtesy paid him land drove the mare in the next winning Pleasant dale and Cash Comer— Arrive ..36
parade. yesterday afternoon by Major General Where the Jerusalem road, running in- was fortunate enoughjjnot to get hit or Washington for the dirty linen to be sent
the heat and race. Happy Girl won the (being interpreted) meant ‘Leave them to and 11.15 a. m, and 4.80 p. m.; close 7.30
a. ;n.

"I asked that tbe Wisconsin men on JRrooke, rear Admiral Schley and Brig to the city of Petersburg, Va., passed to lose a man from his ship. “The
from the hospital to
a laundry.
2.48 paoo, although Gagnaunt managed my care, she swam up and down with and 1.00 and 6.00 p. m.
beard the Obdam be permitted to stay in Gen. Gordon, the United States military through the earthworks of the contending Latin race did not appear to have Connor adv coated to get one of the heats in fast time. tho ducklings, and when they were tired
his vicinity for a day or two to give them commissioners. Earlier in the day, Ad- forces, a little east of south of the city, got Its In conclusion Gen. with their aquatlo excursion she consigned

a ebunce to seu the city. It would do nc miral Schley with his personal staff, there had been hot contention from the eye down to sights, as well as our own holding on to every possession aoquired Summary: them to the care of the hen.
2.23 class, trotting, purse $400 (un- Island—Arrive at 10.30 A m., 2.30 p. m. i
harm to let these western boys get o Lieut. Sears and Lieut. Wells, returned first approaoh of the Union army. The gunners had,” added Dr. Simons; “con-
the late war, and doing
the best we
“The next morning down came again
hy finished yesterday.)
giimpse of New York. Surely they merit
t. Many of them, I think, have nevei
the official visit pnid him yesterday by
Brig. Vallerno of the Spanish marine
right of the original line of Confederate sequently none of our men were injured
works, rested on this broad road. After can with them.
Leola, first; Bertolus, second; Gold- the ducklings to the pond, and there was ^^iJZ^i.lands-Atrt.e at 9.00

corps. our army arrived In June, 1864. an at- and none even frightened. We felt as If bug, third. Best time 2.18 3-4 the goose waiting for them, and there a’Arrive at 12.00 m.; close
tempt was made to turn their works by keeping np the reputation 2.29 stood the hen in her great flustration. On
n we were we class, pacing, purse $400 (unfinlsh- 2.30 p. m.

SECRETARY CHAMBERLAIN HERE. flank movement. But the enemy were had won as a nation in the previous yesterday. this oooasion we are not at all sure that STAGS MAILS.
on the alert and baffled it. But this aid the goose invited the hen, observing her

Easy Food
New York, Sept. 7.—The
Joseph Chamberlain,
Right Hon.
Secretray of
not hinder the “movement to the left,’’ This
and Anally the Fifth Corps planted itself mentous effects.
was a short war, but a war of mo-
Both the North and
Wash your Happy Girl, first; Cognaunt second;
Clara third. Best time 2.19. maternal trouble, but it is a faot that, she
being near the shore, the hen jumped on
Bowery Beach-Arrive
2.00 p. m.
at 5.30 p.m.; dose at

Cape Elizabeth and Knightville-Arrtve

State for the British colonies, arrived at the plank road, opposite the enemy's South were united. There was no
divid- and 5.30 p. m.; dose at 6.00 a m. and
Easy Buy,
to SPANIARDS ACTING BADLY. her baok and there sat, tho ducklings 7^6 Am.

Easy to Cook,
here this evening on the steamship Ma-
jestic. He was accompanied by his
wife and Miss Chamberlain. They left
right, 500 yards distant, and immediate- ing lino between them, though it is relat-
ly intrenched. Meade's line
southward to this point, run along a
trending ed of Gen. Wheeler that on one
dog Washington, Sept. 7.—A cable mes-
sage was received from Havana today
swimming, and the goose and hen after
them, up and down the pond. i'°I>uck1Pond, Pride's
Windham. Raymond and South
Corner, Windham, Xa.
plateau of some elevation, but at the he forgot himself
and siiouted, ‘Come “This was not a solitary event. at 10.30 A m.: dose at
2.00 p. m.
later for Massachusetts where they will stating that the Spanish authorities abso- Day
Easy to Eat,
Plank Road this high ground fell away. boys, the Yankees are running.’ *>
with Fels-Naptlia soap and after day the hen was seen on board tho
visit the Ecdicotts, of which family Mrs. lutely refused to allow the Comal to land
At the extremity Fort Sedgwick was
Dr. Simons said the great question now cold water. Keep* liitn the provisions which she oarried for the goose, attending the duoklings up and
Chamberlain is a member.
Easy to Digest. constructed, covering the Plank
The hostile lines were not far apart, is what
shall we do with the flealess starving inhabitants of Cuba unless the down in perfeot contentedness and good
uaker Oats GRAY WON’T SERVE.
north of this point. The breastworks acquired by the war. Porto Rico can [ (j
territory cool and clean. full duty was paid. Secretary Alger humor, numbers of people coming to wit- hr. F. TENNEY,
Washington, Sepember 7.—It is practi- connecting a chain of forts on one side taken cure of, but Manila presents a seri Fols tfc Co., thereupon ordered the duties upon the ness, which oontinuod until tho ducklings,
At all grocers cally settled that Senator Gray of Dela- had been placed at the most advanced ous million rations to he paid and directed coming to days of discretion, required no
453 1-2 Congress St.,
problem. He supposed that we will that they bo distributed under the super-
-lb. ware will not serve as a member of the positions attained by our troops in the Of grocers. Philadelphia. longer tho joint guardianship of the goose Opp. Soldier*' Monaraeni.
pkgs. only peace commission. sanguinary assaults by the 9th, 3d, 6th have to fight our German friends over
vision of the United States officers. and hen,’—Now York Witness, Eyes examined free every ifaudti
Miss Bertha Reynolds, who has been the
guest of Miss Alioe Dodge, has returned
his prime. Here also oan be seen a beauti- e*oooooooooooo:oooooo0oco@©
to Dorchester,accompanied by Miss Annie A Bicycle Trip Whloh Is Recommended to
ful old French design of fruit in wax
• (0
banging on the walls, covered with glass,
Harry L. Hapgood Writes Concerning Hamilton. All Riders of the Wheel. consisting of grapes, apples, pears, Which Half is
Fight Off Santiago.

Witnessed Battle On Board V. S. Cruii

Mr. B. C. Bickford and wife, guests of
Mrs. J. E. Brndford, have returned to
their home in Reading.
Miss Ethel Richardson has returned to
To the Editor of the Press:
If so you
Reader, do you ride a wheel?
be interested in the little
can hardly fall to
peaches, etc., and if you look sharp you
will see on the wall a half picture of your-
self eating Ice cream.

you may call for another.

Try an assorted
cream and if it happens to be a warm day
Knjoying this
the Betterffatf
The housewife's duties are harder than men
i Stop, I
Newark—Sends Home Some Inter her home in Sanford, after a visit at the delightful rest we go down to the bridge
er trip that I would advise all riders to take on onr way to Saco, stopping to view the realize. Cleaning alone i3 a constant tax on her
residence of her grandmother Mrs. L. M. that can
Cap spare two, three, or even more magnificent fall of the Saco river as we strength, a never-ended task. More than half the

| Read,
eating Coins—Jottings Along:
Marriner. days, if they wish to linger on the shores pass over the bridge. We follow the elec- work of cleaning she can have done for her, if she
Shore—Personal Notes—Pleasantdal s trio road to Old Orchard Beaoh the wheel-
Mr. Richard E. Tnttle of the Thomas and beaohes that are scattered along our
Items, Etc. ing being splendid. The ride to Old Or- will, and the expense will be next to nothing.
Laughlin company of Portland, has gone rockbound coast on the route from Ports- chard ends in a long coaster and we go
of Pine street to Montreal on his vacation.
Mr. Harry L. Hapgood mouth, N. H., to Portland. The trip is flying over the road downHere to the beaoh
who Is a fireman on an officer’s steal; 1 Mrs. Florence Henderson, who has been easily mado by any fair rider in two days like a bird on the wing. one can

Newark, i 5 oheok his wheel at Briggs s bioycle store

visiting relatives in Knightvllle, has if the weather is

launch of the U. S. cruiser

§ Remember.
But first ofpleasant. hotel near the
witnessed th 5 returned to St. Johnsbury, Vt.
just below the Alberta
a South Portland boy who all be sure that your wheel is well oiled the pier and
track, or walk down to
naval battle between the American an 1 Mrs. McClellan of Malden has been the and lubrioated and carry as little bag- check your wheel inside the gate and

Spanish fleets off Santiago, and it wil 1 guest of Mrs. Beman. gage as possible on your carrier. If warm stroll down the longest pier in the world 1
leave picture'in.his ruind^wnich he wi] 1 Mr. C. M. Littlefield and family are at fold your coat and vest, place them on
and take a shore dinner. If you feel that
0 ©
Does the better half of cleaning; does it better
a the wheel
you have had riding enough on
always vividly remember. In a lotte r home after a week’s vacation at West tlie oarrier and make yourself as comfort- yourself and
for a day and a half put than any other way known ; does it easily, quickly
wheel aboard the cars at 7.26 p. m. and
written home to his mother from Quanta Kennebunk. able as possible. Take the 9 o’clook train
and cheaply. Largest package—greatest economy.
arrive in Portland at 8 o’clook. Or If on
had a big tlm 9 in the cause and such hard hitters as
n imo, Cuba, he says they from Portland and oheok your wheel for
a moonlight night suoh as no doubt was
at Manzanilla Bay, too, when they gc t Rev. S. F. Pearson and Dr. Ladd will Portsmouth. On arrival in that city take THE N. K. FAIRBANKS COMPANY,
especially provided for us, the run to Philadelphia.

Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Boston.
there. Word was sent ashore for thei: 1 address the meeting. a turn down through the business part of Portland Is delightful and cool. Try this

to surrender within six hours, he saye Miss Florence Merriman has returned the town, then back, tho cele- trio gentle reader and I thing you will


after a four weeks absence. never forget It, and you will be thankful
but the Spaniards sent word back to th ) from Boston brated Rookingham house
owned by for having your attention called to the
Americans to get out of the harbor withli Miss Alice Henry is at home after a Frank Jones, and also the beautiful resi- same. If you carry a drinking cup with
three hours, if not. they would blow then pleasant visit in Welchville. dence of Mr. Sinclair, son-in-law of you, many times on the trip you oan stop
to h—11. At two o’clock the guns fron Capt. Chandler’s family are once more Frank Jones, ra most delightful spot, then
and siake your thirst from
theAmerican ships commenced firing am in the village after a summer’s absence. pass on down to Newcastle.

On the way “The old oaken bucket.
kept it up until six o’clock in the morn
Nat Gordon left for Lewiston yesterday
down, which is a most romantio ride, we The iron bound bucket, —oF ™e ~—

ing. He also says: “We did terriblt

on a business trip.

The town was covered will Miss Nellie Pettengill gave a birthday
pass a great number of old fashioned
The moss covered bucket
That hangs in the well.” To MOTHERS.
aimage. dwellings with large square chimneys, go WE ARB ASSERTING IN THE COURTS 'OUR RIGHT TO
Red Cross and white flags and we senl party on Monday night which was greatly over three bridges, one a toll bridge, and
The aotual number of miles covered by
the wheel in a day and a half was 76, as
one of our boats ashore to see if the; enjoyed by her many friends. ride to Ammazine Point to the cafe, and shown by the cyclometers, including in “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADEMARK.
would surrender. When the boat got hall Mr. Clement E. Staples of Bowery
engage a row or sail boat and go across to this probably lb to 20 miles of coasting.
way the
ashore, fired at hor.
Our oaptuin, seeing what was up, gave
Beach has been on a trip down
a few days.
east for
Seavey’s iBland where the Spanish prison- The whole trip costs but little and it will
be a dream for years to come, both by day 4 DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyamis, Massachusetts,
ers are located. Probably you will not the that
the order to fire, and we gave it to then] Mrs. Perlin A. Emery, wife of the pop- be allowed to ana Dy night, in sleeping or waking,
land, but as their camp ex- day or two after a rain would of course
was the originator of “CASTORIA,” same
again. At about eight o’clock
a Spanish ular conductor on the Capo eleotrios, is tends down to the salt water front one make 7. 7. -7 j___ _ /in

officers and on a visit to Buxton.

everything more pleasant.
The summer is fast passing away, the
nuo uurriv u/civ uuvo iluuj
S/1T/? /?
boat came out loaded with can seo the prisoners on the shore engaged
told him
men to see the captain. They PLEASAN'l'DALE. in fishing, digging clams, playing cards Ootober are upon
harvest is us. September and the fae- simile signature of wrapper.
delightful months for wheel-
that peace had been declared, and we gol
and came back to the bay after £
Miss Luoy Chase has returned to Ui ^alUrB) Ul iiudjuu;, uicuuo uv
ing on the sea shore and in the moun- This is the original “CASTOR I A” which has been used in
ready high tide all with oigarettes in their tains. Make up your little parties and go
Brooklyn, N. Y.
hard battle. Nobody was hurt on oui Miss Helen Litchfield has returned mouths. They appear to be having a per-
before the season draws to a close. the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
killed WM. ALLEN, JR.
»hlps but a lot of Spaniards

on land. I have got a lot of Spanish

from passing a few days with her grand- fect picnic and many of them no doubt
oontented than
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
are happier and better THE CONGREGATIONAL!STS.
money from the wreoks and send
hom c
Mrs. Agnes Rounds and children of ever before in their lives. Many of them the kind you have always bought 071 ^e
one cuiju. i-uo -—~ ■

Boston are guests of her parents, Mr. and have deolared their Intention not to re- Programme of the Meeting of tlie General
home from the wreck Is blackened with
Mrs. Daniel Apt. turn to Spain unfess they are obliged to
and has the signature of wrap-
Conference In Saco.
smoke from the burning vessel, but gthe has to name except
letters are plain and clearly visible. Or
Mrs. Nellie Merrill and son Albert, do so, and even they say they will return per. No one authority from me use my
Wednesday with to the United
States as soon as possible.
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Pearl street, passed The 72d annual meetiDg of the general
side of the coin are the words: REX
one to the shore wc purchase a conference of the Congregational church-
Mrs. William Bailey, St. John street, On our return
CONST. Portland. fine photograph of the Spanish prisoners es in Maine will be held with the First
On the other side of the coin are the
Mrs. .F. O. Smith and daughter Jennie, at the cafe at the head ot the wharf, as a Parish church in Saco, Sept. 20-22. The
Pearl street, left Wednesday for a few memento of our visit and have it mailed, following will be the programme:
home on the spot, then run our wheels
Mareh24-im-QA^^^-^ .x>. Q
will be full of good things from the top of the first
column of the first page to the bottom of
DE DIOS 1880. The coin is about the
weeks in Salem, Mass.
Mr. Leroy Merrill h as returned to Con- down to the regular steamboat wharf, TUESDAY, SEPT. 20. Do Not Be Deceived. © the last column of the last page. ©
size of an American ten cent piece. Hi 10.00. —Organization and Business.
way, N. H. but a short distance only and step aboard Do not the life of your child by accepting
says the two boys from Portland.
Halla the steamer with our wheels for Kittery Necrology.
Walter Orne, Congress street, Port- Point.
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you

health. Hi: The steamer makes half hourly 11.00. —Conference Sermon, Rev. John
ban and Foley, are in line
letter is dated August 22d.
Alvin Hatt, of the bicycle factory ,ha!
returned from a trip down East andj ex
land, has been entertained ut the home of trips.
Mrs. W. A. Dyer, Chapel street.
On the trip across the river we S. Penman, Bangor.
have a fine view of
Mrs. H. B. Buttes and son of Law- yard and on landing we ride along a love-
the Kittery

ly. romantic road lull of elegant coasting

navy 2.00. —Devotional Service, Rev. S. N.
Adams, Westbrook.
2.30. —Report of Corresponding Secre-
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in-
gredients of which even he does not know.
to oocupy apartments in the Wilsoi
rence, Mass are gaests of Mrs. Charles B. to York Village, a distance of 10 miles. tary, Rev. E. M. Cousins. © besides containing the latest news from the
Bark Carrie Winslow was on the inn
Hamilton, Elm street. Here we partake of a glass of old
Mr. and Mrs. Will Goodwin have re- fashioned White Mountain spruce beer at Schools,
Walker’6 store opposite the bank, or fruit
2.45.—Report of Secretary for Sunday
Rev. Increase Robinson.
3.00. —Addresses: “Present Parish
’‘The Kind You Have Always Bought” ©
ball field and the race track will present a
review of the bicycle racing season just
turned from Wells. “The Chief Service of the BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF
can be had all along the route. Now over Problems.”
rlne railway yesterday undergoing repairs
Misses Helen and Letitia Foden, Port- to the Marshall house at York Harbor, a Church in Modern Sooiety,” Rev. D. L. © ended and some comment on the prospect ©
Fred Harford and family have returnet “Tho Right Relalion or
land, are passing the week with their most delightful spot, where, much to our Yale, Ellsworth; tho Churoh,” Rev. ti A. © of another international tussle of muscle ©
from Higgins Beach. we make but a brief stop as the Children to
grandpareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bal- regret
Niles Nelson and family who have beei (
lard, Ballard street.
day is passing on. Lockwood, Kennebunk; “Churoh Ser- © under the auspices of the New York ©
We retrace our steps to York Village vices,” Rev. C. S. Patton, Auburn;
camping out at Old Orchard are at home
Miss Susie Williams has returned from then down to Long Beach and York “The Ministerial Proulem,” Rev. B. S. © Athletic Club. Lovers of manly sport ©
Chas. A. Studley and wife started on Rideout, Norway; “The Problnm of
Yarmouth. Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches
Wo pass small Churoh Union,” Rev. N, MoKinnon,
© should not miss this feature of the TIMES. ©
CQrriago drive to North Conway, N. H, Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Sylvester of Old
on the coast of Maine.
Fox croft.
on Tuesday last. dwellings, elegant summer houses, sum-

Orchard, former residents of this place, mer hotels and stores of all kinds in pro 4 45 —Discussion, Address, Rtv. N. H.
A. E. Thurrill and wife who have beei ( Insist on Having UNCLE SAM’S NEW
•t North^Conway on a visit nave returne: I
passed Wednesday calling on frienda
fusion. We ride down on the point to Whittlesley of X. C. M. R.
Young’s hotel where a inagnillcent view
of the rooks, beach and ooeau can bo had.
7.15—Praise Service, the Moderator.
7.30. —Addresses:
“Christianity ami
Issues.” “The Church and Our The Kind That Never Failed You.
The Silvadore brothers have rented thi Do not fail to take in this sight, as it
Paris, September 7.—Figaro today says costs nothing and will do your soul good Industrial Problems,” Rev. H. W. Kim- THE CENTAUR CCMPANY, T7 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY.
house of A. W. Smart on Front street the cabinet council just held has unani- to look out on the exquisite panorama ball, Skowbogan;
“Divorce and Our
Noah Knight, town olcrk, has beei 1 Uu y Toward It,” Rev. E. R. Stearns.
mously agreed upon a revision of the which will meet your eye. After a short Warren;
six “The Ethics of Secret Societies,” © They number among them, the islanders of ©
confined to his home by a bad cold, Il- rest in this lovely spot we keep on
Dreyfus case and directed the minister of miles farther to Ogunquit and make our Rev. George Lewis, D. D., South Ber-
(r......<...uuHMa«|HiHll(*e«*tn«fQ(£^aC19?ftlN Ladrone group, the Guianga warrior, the ©
ia said to be improving.
Miss Pierce of Boston is visiting
Annie Davis, Pine street.
Mis 5
justice, M. Sarrien, to take the necessary stop for the night at Sperbawk hall, a wick; “Christianity Applied to Civic In-
steps to do so. new house erected last year on
the dis- ground and commanding
elevated terests,” Rev. J. B. Carruthers, Berlin.
magnificent WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21.
i It’s a g §the people of the Philippines, the Cubans and ©
Miss Jennie Reynolds, who has beei 1
The Matin today announces
view of ocean, rocks and beach. There 0 Pleasure g © Porto Ricans. Their pictures are amusing
covery of acts implicating the officers of are other hotels 6.00. —Sunrise Prayer Meeting. ©
g ©
in abundance in and
enjoying her vacation at the home of he r the general staff, adding that Gen. Zur- about Ogcnquit. We arrive at this placo 8.30. —Devotional Service, Rev. G. h\ ® to "nave a examples of the widely different specimens
parents in Knightville, has returned t linden, the new minister of war, reported about 6 p. ro. and after a hearty supper Woodwell, Bridgton. of the human race gathered under the stars ©

1 Cia +1 |8
her duties as teacher of elocution am ' take a stroll round the village. Souvenirs fi.00.—Maine Missionary Society, Hod.
the matter to the council and urged the
of views in this charming town can be Galen C. Moses, president. Rspmtof Sec- and stripes by the Spanish war. ©
physical culture at Oak Grove Seminar; necessity of reforming the intelligence obtained at the leading store at moderate retary, Rev. D P. Hiucb. Report of
at Vassalboro. department of the war office, whereupon prices and are very pretty. We retire early Treasurer, J. L. Crosby, Esq. Bus-
spot, with the iness. Addresses. MONSTER FIGHTING SHIPS-
Sergt. John.Cuyle of Battery D, Seventl 1 he was directed to elaborate a project of in this cool delightful

g g
waves of the ocean singing a sweet lullaby 2.00. —Devotional Service, Rev. D. M.
Artillery has teen ordered to Washing separating the duties of the general staff

dash on the rocks and beach, we bolsom, Bath.
ton for duty In the general service detach
ment. He left on the New York boa
Tuesday night.
from those of the
intelligence depart- as they
sleep ‘‘the sleep of the just.”
Breakfast at 8, off at 8.4o for Kenne- Bowdoin College.
bunk, distance of 11 miles passing
through Wells on our way, a delightful Bangor Seminary.
2.30. —Report of Committee to Visit

2.45.—Report of Committee to Visit

1 ©
The new vessels which will soon be added’to
the navy of the United States are to be

! RANGE, STIVE giants among the fighting craft of the world. ©

Marshall Dyer of Sooth Portland triei run with muoh lively coasting. On 3.CO—Maine College and Education So- ©
to do a man a good turn at his lobste: rival at Kennebunk we drive up
street where stands the largest and most dent.
Storer ciety, Rev. J. G. Merrill, D. D., presi- « © The battleships will be of 13,000 tons ©
ranch on Basket island by giving him th
privilege of pulling two traps for his owi
profit. Mr. Dyer upon visiting the islam
rood magnificent elm in New England,
branch to the end of an opposite branch,a
ex- 3.20.—Maine Congregational Charitable
tending from the extreme end of one Society, Rev. E. D. Mason, D. D., Pres- 2 It’s Made so well—Lasts so well.
wall—Works so
burden, floating fortresses with towering
sides from which will protrude many power-
Monday found that his friend had de distance of 120jfeet,asight not to be missed \i 3.40.—Report of Interdenominational
® ““•
The first and largest authentic ©
camped with all the lobsters from all th and its by lovers of the beautiful. This isboalso a Comity Committee. President W. De W. 2
You can’t afford to buy a poor article when a good one costs about
the same. If your dealer does not have the CLARION, write to us,

• 0 ful guns.
traps worth $35 or more.
historical tree. It is known
100 years old and from the front of the
to over Hyde, LL. 0., chairman.
4.00. —Reception and Reports of Dele © drawing of one of these monsters to be ©
Dr. and Mrs. Fritz of Manchester, N adjoining the lawn on gates from and to Corresponding Bodies. I ssawood & bishop co., s«ne.ob’ © printed in any paper will be found in the ©
Value house situated •
J. Fritz’ which the tree stands Lafayette addressed 7.15.—Praise Service, l'ho Moderator.
H., are the guests of Mrs. next issue of the TIMES. ©
mother and sister, Mrs. John Bolton am
r, nantllu tllVlllB PI TV
/inna/vilnoA hlC 1 « Q f' 7.30. —Addresses: Christian Patriot- ©
trip to the United Slates, aa they stood ism. “The War's Legacy to the Church,"
Miss Charlotte, Randall street.
Mrs. Simmons of B street was last weei
bitten quite badly by a vicious dog bo
It Is not of so much im-
how much foodwe
under the shade of this game tree. At the Rev. Charles Hnrbutt, Presque Islp.
foot of this street will be noticed one of
the largest shoe manufactories in
8.00. —“1 be Union
the Speaking Poople,” Rev. Philip S. Mox-
of the English
portance world. om, D. D. Springfield, Mass.
longing to Mr. Mark Mosher. The do;
eat as it is how much is Passing through this quaint, old and
a The story writers have seized upon the war 0
was chloroformed in consequence. Mrs beautiful village we stop at tho retail as a chance for them to display their talent
Simmons has not been sick in the leas assimilated. apothecary store under K. of P. ball, and 6.30. —Sunrise Prayer Meeting.
as a result of the dog’s bite and no dan Unless your food is prop- have a fine rest while a delicious ice 8.30. —Devotional Service. Rev. F.
and the TIMES will contain in its next 0
cream is very welcome, accompanied Southwoth, Portland.
gerous results are feared.
erly assimilated it can do with music from thi wonderful old Swiss 0.00.—Business.
0 issue fan interesting bit of fiction entitled 0
Mr. .Tosenh Tucker, assistant foremai musio box. This is noted the country 9.80.—Address: “Lost anil Cain Inci-
no good—in fact, it is round and is really fine affair. It has dent to Modern Views of the Bible and ^ ‘‘The First Law of the Service,” telfing how 0
of the composing room of the Bostoi you a

a brave young volunteer went to his death

attachments ol bells, bass and snare Inspiration,” Ro v. E. C. Brown, Free-
Transcript, who has been visiting hi: harmful. It over-burdens drums or clappers aud is much unlike port. 0
sister, Sirs. Griggs of Pine street, has re
the stomach and impaires anything we have ever seen before. Con- 10.00. —Address: “Tho Present As-
0 rather than disobey the commands of a 0
turned to Boston. tinuing on through the village we pass of Our Missionary Work in China,
Mrs. Henrietta Woodbury of West Higl the digestive organs. Food many elegant old residences, many old Sect
lev. Judson Smith, D. D., A. B. C. F.

trees and run over a tine road to Kenne- M.

street, who has been spending the sum is easily and
rapidly assimi- bunk Beach, thence to Kennebunkport JO 30.—Address: “The Death of
mer at her brother’s, Mr. Leonard York
of Orr’s island, formerly of Sbuth Port-
lated when Johann Hoff's
Malt Extract is taken with
and along the 6boro road to the Bluffs. Christ,” Prof. C. A. Beckwith, D D.
Hero will be scon many
mer houses, hotels and
beautiful sum- 11.00.—Communion Service.
churches, some Exeroises and Adjournment.
Closing §© innflL FEATURES. §
land, has arrived home , built of tbo rocks picked up in the fields The readers of the TIMES do not need to
Mr. Newcomb of Chebeague island li meals. shore, looking very WOMEN’S MISSIONARY MEETINGS, ©
have their attention drawn to the illustrated
and tho
stopping at the home ot his sister Mrs

picturesque. After a stroll on the Bluffs WEDNESDAY.

Edward P. Woodsum. we letrace our s ens toward Kennebunk-
11.00.—Twenty Sixth Semi-Annual © articles on topics of home interest found in ©
Johann port and stop at the saloon situated at the
!• Capt. Stephen
A. Woodbury has beer end of the bridge and order a fresh lobster Meeting of the Woman’s Board
of Mis-
© the second section. This week the TIMES’ O
sions, Mrs. llnnnnh T. Fenn, president.
putting the finishing touches—painting salad or anything else desired
dinner, and whll9 the same is being pre-
for a shore
3.30.—Eighteenth Annual Meeting of © artist pictures his discoveries at Old Orchard, ©
papering, etc.—on the interior of his Aid to Maine Missionary
handsome house on West High street, anc pared we stroll out and see the splendid the Woman’s
Society, Mrs. Katharine B. Lewis, Presi- © the resort where the missionary and the ©
he now has one of the finest
residences in the town.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Spear and wife

Hoff’s display of birch bark, cedar and canvas dent.
canoes of which there are more

hundred of all sizes and colors in the vil-

than a

lage. We sea the Indians engaged in Woman’s Aid to tho American

3 30—Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the
worldly sinner may be seen side by side.
Next week the paper will contain something
making onnoes, tbo squaws at work ary Association, Mrs. Ida V.-
© of equal interest to Portland people. Don’t ©
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dyer, who hav
MALT EXTRACT making baskets, little pappooscs crawling president.
been carriage drive up country, wil 1
on a and walking round tho ground, and some © miss it.
return today.
Burglars entered the residence ot Mr greatly aids digestion, and is
old enough to greet you with
familiar sound of “buy a brisket.”
the old SILVER
store dimier leing served fresh from the
A. J. Doughty, Marriner street, at abou t
2 o’clock Sunday morning. Nothing wa *
taken, but the burglars left behind a pai
also a food in itself.
The late Prof .D.Hayes Agnew
briny deep proves to be a grant treat, and

perhaps a glass ofof beer, is very refreshing.

Colorado Springs, Col., September 7.—
washed down with a onp of tea, coffee or The political war between the factions of
the silver Republican party resulted
5* Above
are half
a dozen

six out
After partaking a meal like this we are
of large shoes as a gentle reminder o f advised Mrs. Welchaus, wife of death of Charles Harris of many. With the unexcelled
their visit. Dr. Welchaus, of Lancaster, Pa.,
ready and willing
ford. 10 miles away.
to strike out for Bidiie-
When out about of Denver.
morning in tho
q Q
taka the left hand news service of the paper Q
Some of the boys about town mak as follows: “Get a case of the three cr four miles
It was tho result of an attempt by
ing their annual raids on the orchards. genuine Johann Hoff’s Malt Extract,
road for Biddeford. There is no sign to
direct the rider but there is a house at the Broad faction
to capture the opera house,
q they make the 0
Mr. Ira Davis, Pine street,is having hi
yearly vacation.
and use it freely and liberally.
small wineglass doses, but a good
No heater if you desire information as to the which was guarded by the Sprague
right rood. As the riding for a wheel is
1 The purely vegetable ingredlentTthat
True’s Pin Worm Elixir its wonderful
give fj Q
Mr. Charles Studley of the firm of Wm fire on tho by-paths most of the way, t' o
At 4 o'clock a rush was made by
<3 or
Si H a 19
make It also the o PflPTi AM THE BEST SUKDAY o
H power Of expelling worms,
half tumbler full, or even more last four or five miles being a delightful
T. Stnrtiey Co fish dealers, is enjoyin) !
every meal, and you will not have
run ana coasting, we arrive at Biddeford 80 of the Broad mon from both front
and B Ml BJj KB
las' BEW
best medicine known for curing all diseases
Of the mucous membrane of the stomach ami Q §1188 1 LRallf PAPER IN THE ©
"tine is aware c-f it. We mnko rear of the building and the Spraguo men
his annual vacation.
Mr. George Hnpgood, Pine street, whi (
cause to regret It.”
our way to the celebrated “ico cram
par- who held possession, in repelling the at-
nnsup m

bowelfl—or.eof the most frequent causes of
Illness in children and adults. An unrivalled

lors’’ situated on Main street in a build- Wff tonic and regulator of the towels cad atom-
all ptLsL,
has been confined to the house with >
sprained neck for several days, is nov

Johann Hoff’s Malt


ing formerly used as a dwelling, now oo
cupled as a store in the first
storey and as
tack fired a volley into their assailants.
Harris fell with a bullet through tho
“parlors’’ above. Hanging on tho walls abdomen and is past medical aid.

aCb True’s Elixir has been a household
remedy for 46 years. It acts; at once upon
the Wood, expcimiff Impurities and giving
land people,
able to nttond to his work.
Tonight at the Union Opera House
ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS of the front room in the second story can The shooting occurred just ouside the T__ faS B
health «nd new life w the whole system.
Price S5e. Ask your Druggist for It.

there will be a rally for the war agains ; Johann Hoff: New York, Berlin, Paris.
Le seen old paintings of
ton and Martha
Ceorge Washing- opera house doors.
Washington while
Dr. J. F. TRUE &CO., Auburn, Me.
the salo n and such well-known veterans sandwiched in-between them will bo seen Several arrests have been made.
misckixaneojtb., FINANCIAL. financial._ AMUSEMENTS. I AMUSEMENTS.
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. The Journal thinks the War
Boston shown himself a match for the troubles *—--^
had to
Department should be Investigated by a there, that Gen. Wolseley actually
Subscription Rates.
board of military experts. That would
be an ideal method, provided it is possi-
officers who will act with
ble to secure
lend him 300 pounds to start with. Before
reached the soene of action, half of
surahad gone to help a starving
Daily (in advance) $G per year; $3 for six strict impartiality, without fear or favor, comrade, and when he arrived
at Cairo,
months; $1.60 a quarter; 50 cents a month.
I he Daily is delivered every morning by
carrier anywhere within the city limits and at
and who the public will believe will so
act, for in the Investigation of a case
his tirst act was
out of the
to refuse 8000 pounds
allotted for his
10,000 pounds City of Portland 4s due 1902-1912
which has aroused great popular Interest salary as governor-general of the Sou- of Portland 6s “ 1907 By Koblnsou’s Orchestra.
Woodford* without extra charge. City
Daily (not in advance), invariably at the it is quite as necessary that the public dan. He deolarea he could not bear to
City of Peering; 4s “ l®15 BOKTDS Sundays 3 p. m. and 4.45 p. m., Concerts by
rate of $7 a year. shall believe the investiagtors to be hon- take money coming out of tho poverty-
City of Biddeford 4s “ 19*‘ The Coolest, Best Ventilated and Equ pied
OF THE Chandler’s Band.
published est and fearless as for them actually to be At Cairo he put down

stricken natives.
Town of Ynny-vuth, GOUP 4s due l9-1®

Maine State 3’kess, (Weekly) Summer Theatre In Aimrloa.

every Thursday, 51.00 per year; SO cents for 6 so. And here is the chief difficulty with the rapacious extortions of tho officials “
months; 25 cents for 3 months.
a military board. Army officers are so and their cruel punishment of the
Merrimac Co., N. H. 4s

l®!® J9" STANDISH WATER & Week Commencing Sept.5 SHORE DINNERS
Persons wishing to leave town for long of
closely connected with the War Depart- wretohed Fellaheen. Without help from City of Zanzesvillc, 0. 4s
short periods may have the addresses of their Gold 5s 1909
Cleveland City By.,
papers changed as oiten as desired.
ment that it will be difficult to convince large forces, English or native, he hunted 1945 CONSTRUCTION CO., Matinee Dally at 2.30 p. m. Evenings at 8.15. Served at Casino under management ol
the Dublic that they will act fearlessly and Union Pacific It. B. Gold 4s
Advertising Kates*
down with [.Napoleonic genius and Dion Boucicault's grea Irish drama
DUE 1928.
In Daily Press $1.60 per square, for on*
impartially. On the other hand an in-
vestigation by Congress will be open to
celerity, the savage Arabian dealers in
human Qesh. Once,the Darfur dis-
natural. A woman hates to think that she
is growing day by day less charming and ELMER WOODBURY.
week; $4.00 for one month.
or less, $1.00 per square.
Three insertions
Every ether duy ad-
the suspicion that it is affected by polit- trict, hearing that the slave-dealing tribes
attractive and youthful to her husband’s
eyes than in the days of courtship.
Prices on application. Correspon- This company snpplies Deering, West-
brook, Gorham and Standish, and the Orders can be telephoned any hour durlug
ical considerations, especially as there Is
dence Solicited.
rate3. were preparing a combined descent upon A woman may always retain her charms above bonds are
vertisements, one third less than these day,
Half square advertisements $1.00 for one an evident effort being made by one par-
week or $2.50 for one month,
*‘A square" is a space of the width
of a col-
ty already to make political capital out
of the alleged shortcomings of the War
him. ho, being unprovided with suffic-
ient forces to meet them, resolved to trust
to the wonderful personal magnetism
and the vivacity and freshness of youth if
she will take the proper care of her health.
A tremendous percentage of ill-health in GUARANTEED SHAUGHRAUN TELEPHONE 737-3.

Boating. Fishing, Tropical birds and other

women is due to weakness and disease of Park attractions.
umn and one inch long. Department. An investigation by a that had so often served him and he the distinctly feminine organism. Dr. by Portland Water Co. Produced under the personal direction oi
one-third addi- Manager MoCullum.
Special Notices, on first page, board of citizens, of national prominence rushed across tho Burning desert, attend- Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is an unfail- Reserved Seats on sale at Steinert & Sons,
Cars every 15 minutes from Monument
Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per
connected neither with Congress not the ed by one servant, whom he speedily dis- ing remedy for all disorders of this nature.
It allays inflammation, heals ulceration, SWAN & BARRETT, -FOR SALE BY- 617 Congress street. Square.

Three insertions or less. army, would command more conlldenoe, tanced, aud burst into the midst of tho stops debilitating drains and soothes and Middle St.,
186 Me. Portland, Round Trip Tickets with Coupon Admitting to Theatre only 20e
$1,50 per square.
we believe, than one mado by Congress hostile camp. Taking possession of u tones the nerves. It preserves in a woman
all the charm of healthy youth. Thou-
jly2 dtl
tent, he awaited his attendant's arrival
and classed or a board of military officers.
Heading Notices m nonpareil typo have testified to its mar-
with other paid notices, 15 cents per
line each
There is some reason to believe that tho
and then the man round to the

chiefs, summoning them authoritatively

sands of women
velous merits.
“Favorite Prescription is sold by all re-
Portland. Me.
Insertion. 33 Exchange St.
Pure Heading Notices in reading
$6 cents per line each insertion.
matter typo, wave of imperialism is recoding, due in
part to a more correct understanding of
to a conference. Utterly aghast at such spectable dealers in medicines. Deal only
where you are honestly treated. Any store-
MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD feb28 ott The Handsomest Summer Theatre in America.
Under the Personal Management of ME. BYRON DOUGLAS.
adver- the responsibilities that will be placed boldness,and believing Gordon must have keeper who tries to give you a substitute
Wants, To Let, For Sale and similar somewhere near, they
concealed for what you demand is not treating you
Commencing MONDAY AFTERNOON SEPT,, and every evening for the balance of the
themeuts, 25 cents per week In advanoe,
upon us in attempting to govern far
a force
EXCURSIONS. week, with Matinee. Every Afternoon.
40 words or less, no display. Displayed
away territory inhabited by semi-civilized
tisements under these headlines, and all adver- people, anti the great cost in money and
actually assembled peaceably and listened
to him. He Informed them calmly that
honestly and you should take your trade
For nine years I have suffered with falling WHITE MOUNTAIN?*.
and his excellent Stock Company will present for the firs t time in this city the exciting Comedy
tisements not paid in advance, will ba charged he was aware of their hostile projects and of internal organs,” writes Mrs. Mary Williams, Saturday, September 10, by regular morning Drama
perhap3 also in life of discharging them of Raleigh. Wake Co., N. C. (Box 196). ‘I was
was prepared, at the first move, to anni- trains from Waterville, Rockland,Lewiston,
at regular rates.
In Maine State Press—$1.00 per square
for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for
properly. Probably too, the condition in
which tho volunteers have returned from
hilate them. He gave them two hours to
send submission, and everyone
in their
troubled with bearing down pains. I had indi-
gestion and female weakness
I could not sleep nt night.
and nervousness.
I was constipated
Portland and intermediate points. Pare
from Portland $1.5o; other stations in pro-
giving the most perfect representation of this great play ever seen in this country.
ea.l: subsequent insertion. Southern camps has had an effect.
of them gave in before the time had ex-
and had urinal trouble. The doctor here said
that no medicine would reach my disease. Dr.
U. S. New 3 Per Ceot Bonds. Evening Performance at 8 o’clook. Matinees at 2.45 o’clock. Casco Bay Steamers leave Cus-
tom House Wharf at 2.15 for Matinees and 7.30 for Evening Performances. Round Trip Tickets,
Ailc ress all communications relating to sub- Nobody pretends that the Philippines
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, ‘Golden Medi- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. with coupons admitting to Theatre, 25 cents. Reserved Seats. 10 and 20 cents. Boies, six chairs
pired. His admirable biographer, Sir W. From Lewiston, Portland snd intermediate
scriptions and advertisements to Portland be held without a large army, but the Admission without Casco Bay Coupon, 20 cents. Hale of Re-
cal Discovery and Pleasant Pellets have in each box, 30 cents each chair.
Butler, says that his great, powerful, cured me.” stations Sunday, September II. s^®clal served Seats at Casco Bay Steamboat Office, Custom House Wharf.
Publishing Co., 97 Exchange Street, fathers and mothers of the youth of utho train leaves Lewiston at 8.00 a.
luminous, blue eye, ablaze Jwlth love and An every-day necessity in the home. A 10.10 a. m. Fare from juewiston, $1.75 ana
Portland, Mr. oountry from which such
la x _aLUrm
army must be
tKo nfFnnt faith, was a perfeot talisman with men
who would have made short work with
home medical work. Send
stamps, to cover mailing only, to the
21 one- lrom Portland. $1.50.
Also to Naples by same train. Fare from
Lewiston $1.50; from Portland $1.25; other
$10,000 WBEBL OF1 SBPT. X 2,
PKESST of few months stay in the comparatively
a World’s Dispensary Medical Association,
mild temperature of Tennessee and Vir-
ginia, have conceived a decided aversion
anv but him. How beautiful does this
great hero write to his sister: “X had
concealed forces but the Shekinab, and
Buffalo. N. Y., for a paper-covered copv of
Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad»
viaer. Cloth binding 31 stamps.
stations in proportion.

Sundav, September 11 by paper train. Rate
CUMBERLAND_COUNTY Change of opera every other night.
prices. Tickets now on sale.
Matinees every afternoon but Monday. No change la

to sacrificing their sons to the work of

from Portland $2.50; other stations in pro-
conferring blessings upon the Filipinos
in the torrid heat of Manila. Kven some
somehow I like best
And you oan't think what a wonderful
to trust to that.
DO YOU KNOW portion. $10,000
ELECTION MONDAY SEPT. 12. of the reigious bodies are beginning to
effect it has in an interview with dan-
Portland Men’s
for them be- September 12 and 13 by regular trains. Fare
see that as an assistance to missionary gerous men to have prayed from Portland to Houlton and return $7.00:
forehand. I tell you it seemed as if some- Presque Isle and return $7.50; Other star Christian Association.
enterprise the permanent holding of the
Republican Nominations.
Philippines will be of doubtful utility.
one had
been influencing them in my
He went, trusting to that
A GOOD RAZOR? lions In proportion.

The Koman Catholic Church is dominant
there now among the Christians same help,single-handed, into the strong-
doubtful let us show some-
If not or September 12 to 17 inclusive, by regular
train. Fare from Portland #8.60 ttte round
This Issue is secured by a first mortgage on
the land and building, on Congress and High
holds of the savage slaver, King John of thing we have sold for several years and streets, Portland, which cost *130,000. The in-
great. trip; orher stations in proportion. surance is $66,000. and the present rental of
and its influence is very
know is all light Take it home,1'try it, Woman’s Orchestra of
Llewellyn Powers Abyssinia. The “escort” sent to “at- stores and offloes is OVER $6,000 per annum.
The ohauoes are that if we under-
take to govern the Philippines we shall
tend” him,really was’a prisoner’s guard. and if not satisfactory, return aid get
At the King’s court, a stool was assigned your money back again.
Annual Excursion to Farmington and
The TOTAL Interest charge Is $2,000, so that
Of Houlton. Satui day, September 17. Fare from Port- INTEREST charges. Legal opinion and furth-
have to rely to some extent upon its as- land to Farmington and return #2.00; er information on application. All of the Presenting Novel Series of Attractive CAItOLINE B. NICHOLS, Conductor.
to Gordon, while the monarch ascended

sistance, at any rate it will be exceeding- Price $1.25 Each. Rangeley Lakes and return $3.50; other above three issues are in $500 pieces. ‘•Tlie Woman’s Orchestra Par Excellench1
For Representative to Congress, alienate it. Bat nothing
a gilded throne. Gordon promptly moved stations in proportion. We recommend all of the above securities as
ly unwise to
his seat up beside the throne and, through ABSOLUTELY SAFE, and offer in addition
more than a wise recognition ot its in- We also deal in Plated Ware, Shears, Annual Excursion to tlie White Mountains. the following high grade bonds, in limited tertainmen ta at 3.10 and 8.30 daily. Coil cert, at 2.15, 4.30 and 7.30 dally
Thomas B. Reed, fluence is likely to be denounoed by a
an interpreter, intimated to the King
that he came thither as his equal. King Scissors, Pocket Knives, &c. September 10 to October 8 inclusive at one
faro the round trip from all points. U. S. Bonds, 1925,

of Portland. large class in "this country as catering to furiously: Portland Water, Bold, 4’a
John, amazed, stammered
Romanism, and there will be the worst For further particulars posterssee and small
Portland Railroad, Bold, 4 1-2’s Fnr Bros- & 1,osfor(1’
FOR kind of a rumpus. The danger of getting
“Gordon Pasha, are you awaro I can
have you killed this minute?” "Why of
N. M. PERKINS & GO., hills, GEO. E. EVANS. General Manager.
E. E. BOOTHBV, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt
Maine Ceutral, 1st Mtge, 4’s IEEEEDCIIM
I nCn I II Ef Lessees and Managers-
religious Questions into politics in this Pori. & Kumford Palls, 4’s
JoAfnli H. Drummond, Jr., Portland. sepi7d4t
course,” calmly replied Gordon. “If you Union Pacific, 1st Mtge, 4’s
Edward C. Reynold*, south Portland, country is greatly enhanced by the an- HARDWARE DEALERS,
Cyrus S. Withain, Raymond.
Joseph Y. Hodsdon, Yarmouth. nexation of countries solidly Koman
are sc unwise as to wisn it, do it at once;
you will save me future troubles.” “So
8 Free St. MMURiawi
New York & New Eng.
West Chicago St. R. K.
Charles E. Blaney’s new American comedy arama
terrors for you?”
has no
Catholic, like Porto Rico and the Philip- my power aug27dtf Joliet Railroad, Bold, 5’s
“Certainly not,” replied Gordon. The TOM EHSON THE ELECTRICIAN. [R
FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY. pine?. And it is a danger which is exceed- King became at once tractable. Belfast O’s taken in exchange. JOS. J. DOWLING and MYRA DAVIS. Special
Presenting the talented artists
George Libby, Portland. ingly grave. No contest is half so bitter This was the man who in China, used Scenery. A most marvelous play. Two'glgantlc dynamos running at lull speed on the Q

as a religious contest It has
seeds of disruption. A national election
in it the to lead the “furlorn hope” up the breach
of a fortress, armed only with a cane
(which they at last called his “magic
tage. Get your seats early. _

Tomorrow! find Saturday Matinee and Night,

which should turn upon the policy to be wand of victory”), and when the hall of uug6 dtf Denman Thompson’s sucoeislul character drama
Oren T. Despeaux, Brunswick.
pursued toward the dominant religious shot and shell made his troops falter,
his cigar and
he /dia\ TO
The Sunshine of Paradise Alley. §
sects in our colonies, would leave no end would strike a matoh, light Written for the people who enjoyed the Old Homestead. The famous BOSTON I

“Come on, boys!” And = THB =
Eastern: Exhibition
FOR of evils behind it.
they could cot help it. He returned to Carload* of beautiful scenery. Sale of seats commencing Wednesday. ■
Benjamin C. Stone, Portland. quietly as he could; gave his
England as
considered (he most \


There can no longer be any doubt of the
authenticity of the Kansas
terview with Gen. Miles or
City Star’s in- splendid gold medal (the present of the
Chinese Emperor) to be sold for oharity,
of its sub- and finding be was going to be idolized,
/precious stones, yet even they \
/ depreciate in realizable money \
/ value upon the death of their owner.X AT
Casco National Bank
True, Pownal. and ttiat it OF
Gen. Miles has not feted, lionized everywhere,
— —
stantial accuracy.
only admitted both, but he has repeated
only lay with him to become Euglaud’s
retired into obscurity,
leading man, he \ with a policy of Life Insurance. /
James M.
Thompson, New Gloucester.
to another newspaper virtually the same
accusations that appeared in the
cannot be denied that the General’s way
Star. It
surrendering all his pay, exoept enough
for barest
Swift says;
necessities, to the poor.
“If a man know3 what he
wants, he will get it” Gordon

\ When the death of a person in- /
\ sured occurs, the investment /
Nattains its greatest, prompt-/
SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Incorporated 1824.
FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. of getting his complaints^0 the attention wanted God’B glory, man’s good and his est cash value. Fares round trip from Portland on 5th. 6th
CharloK C. Freeport. of the war office is unmilitary and not en- own abasement and privation. He got / and 9th September, Ssn.40. and on 7th and 8th

them all and has taken them to heaven. September, *4. la. Ail tickets good to return
tirely dignified. There may be extenuating Well may one say of him: “Let me


until September I2tb.
The Middle-of-the-Road populists have circumstances however. ItJ may be that die the death of the righteous. Let my


met at Cincinnati,denounced their traitor? the only way some officers can get recog- last end he like his.”
principal [among whom is mentioned nition from the war office is by farcing Very respeotfully,
Senator Butter, whom they liken to
Benedict Arnold, accused the Democrat?
it in some such method as this. Gen. Miles
is not the first officer to resort to the
142 Pleasant street.
Portland, September 7,
on Sept. 11th and each Sunday thereafter
until further notice from
The 37(h Annual Fair and Cattle Show of
of stealing the principal plank of
last national platform,
declared thal
newspapers to notify the war department
of his demands or complaints. It will “SUBJECT PROVINCES-” [Life Insurance] .

Portland to Gorham and Berlin, N. H., Interest Paid on Portland, 10-11-12. the M e State Agricultural Society
silver is no better than gold and gold nc
better than silver, and that both are gooc
bo remembered that before Gen. Merritt
accepted the command of the Manila ex-
Carl Scliorz Protests Against Any Foreign l Company, J and intermediate stations. Leave 8.30
Keturn 4.00 p. m.
a. m.
The subscription lists for course tickets will
for nothing as compared with the green-
back which they want issued in unlimit-
pedition he gave the secretary of war to
understand through the medium of a

YPortland, Maine. / Round Trip Fare $1.00, POSITIVELY CLOSE Sept. 15th. See thal
your name is placed at once on this list.
tender for and from Island Pond and Intermediate
Drafts drawn on National Provincial
blanks are in the hands of the chorus mem- Sept. S, 6, 7, 8, 1898.
ed quantities and made legal newspaper interview that he would aooept Hon. Carl Schurz contributes to the Bank of England, London, In largo or
bers and can also be found at Cressy. Jones
stations to Portland and Old Orchard Bench. ■until amount., for .ale at torrent rates.
all debts, public and private, and vocifer- only on compliance by the secretary with September Century "Thoughts on Ameri- I.eave Island Pond 4.30 a. m. Return from & Allen’s Music Store. Do rot neglect this
The Exhibition of Noted Horse Stock will be
Current Account, received ou favorable chance. Auction Sale will take place at City
ously asserverated their unfaltering in- _no tn thu n 11 m V\ni* nf
can Imperialism.” After protesting Portland 6.00 p. m. tire finest ever seen in the East. It will include
terms. Hall on Monday, Sept. 19th, at 9.30 a, m., sharp.
tlie French Coach Stallions and their got from
tention to stick forever to tho middle of
the road.
troops and kind of troops which he laid
Donnelly, who ap- down in the interview. Gen. Shatter, if
against American retention of Cuba or
Porto Kico, Mr. Scburz says:
Hound trip far. to Portland SI.50 and
to Old Orchard Beach SI.90.
Correspondence solicited from Indivld-
nnls. Corporations, Banka and others sep7_
the ••Elmwood", the famous stock farm owned
by J. S. Sanborn ot Boston. The royally bred
pears to be endowed with immortality he did not originate the round robin The admission as states of^the Philip-
/ M,°“TWI U LT! PL IE Rates to and from intermediate
correspondingly low rates.
points at
desiring to open accounts. as well as from
those wishing to transact Banking busi-
AUCTION 8AJLJCS. Trotting Stork from C. H. Nelson’s celebrated
“Sunt'vsiue Farm” at Watervdle and the wide-
description through this
furnished most of the music. demand to have the troops removed from pines, the Carolines and so on—that is, /why Union Mutual
Policies\ ness of any
BAILEY & CO. ly known exhibition from B. F. & F. H. Briggs
Bauke __ F. O. “Maple Grove Farm”, the home o; Messenger
Prof. David Starr Jordan of Leland Santiago to the United States, was at least the transformation of “the United States
of America” into “the United States of
best. It is enough to state
Wilkes, the sire of speed and of superb gentle-
men’s driving horses.
Stanford University, who is thoroughly
a party to it as were half a dozen other
/in all requirements they are moderateX MARSHALL R. G0DIN3, Cashier-
generals. All these officers knew perfect- Amerioa and Asia”—would. I suppose \in all privileges they are generous,/
familiar with Alaska, says Russia has as febTdtl Salesroom 48 Exchange Street, The special program will inciude a Fireman's

ly well that these were unmilltary appear too monstrous to Le seriously
\ in all terms they are timely,/ Special Notice. Muster- Great Special Horse Parade: Contin-
good protest against
reason to our
methods and might subject them to court thought of even by the wildest imperial- r. o. BAiisr. c. w. aue> uous Performance In the open airibefore tho
government of the natives there as we Y*n ah values they are /
_tf grandstand: Great Pacing event?, the latter

Those countries with an aggregate □mrliA
martial and punishment, yet all of them, ist.. being well filled, and with very fast horses.
have had to protest against Spanish ml?'
old and experienced soldiers as they are, of about 10,000,000 inhabitants, would Y liberal. Asfc for / On ami after May lltli the
They are as tollowlng:
government of Cuba. Certainly this Is deliberately resorted to them. Who will have to be governed as subject provinces,
with no expectation of their becoming
Y fuller facts. / fare will be FIVE CENTS to FINANCIAL.
Monday. Sept.. 5.

not \ery encouraging to those who advo- and front Forest City Landing, Trotting Foals of 1894 and under, $400
cate the annexation of the Philippines
confer upon the
say that if these officers were convinced
by experience that the only way to get the
self-governing states.
This means governed without the con-
/ Peaks’ Island. Trust Co., 2.29 class, pacing,
Tuesday, Sept. 6.

order that we may

recognition which thelrjrequests and com- sent of the governed.. It means the very Steamers leave Custom House 2.23 stake, pace. Sioo
natives the blessings of good government. things against which tho Declaration Wharf. First National Bank Building, Facing foal of 1894 and under, 400
plaints were entitled to was by bringing
Independence remonstrated, and against 2.50 ciass, stake, pacing, 4n0
If we have not succeeded in' blessing the
Alaska natives who are close at hand
public sentiment to not
bear, they were which the fathers rose in revolution. It
means that the American people would
See time table in another Corner Exchange and Middle
Streets, Portland, Maine,
WOODBURY & MOULTOH, 2.30 stake, trotting,
£ Wednesday. Sept, 7.

justified in resorting to that method? We column.

comparatively, the chances that we shall do not know that tbit was the case, but
carrv on large subject populations a
over C. W. T. CODING, Trotting foals 1895 and uuder $400
succeed In blessing the natives of the
if it should be shown to be, the people
kind of rule against which their own
mylldtf Gen. Manager following bonds:
offer the 2.29 class, trot. 4°®
Pnilippines ten thousand miles away are will be likely to take a very charitable
not very brilliant. But we imagine
view of these apparent broaches of mili-
Government is thejmost solemn p-otest,
it may be said that those countries and
populations cannot be governed in any
SUMMER VISITORS U. S. Govt. New BANKERS, 2.45 class, stake, trot,
2.20 class, trot,
Thursday, Sept. S.

other way; but is not that the most con-
Mactiias Water Go. gold 5’s. minute class, trot.

Day Steamer for

that an opportunity to confer blessings on 3
tary rules.
others is the controlling motive of but a clusive reason why this lepublic should are welcome to the
Gar. Middle & Exchange Sts. 2.25 stake, pace,
2.15 class, trot,
very insigniQcant number of the Philip- “CHINESE” GOhDON.
not attempt to govern them at all?
Against suoh an attempt there are ob-
other Newport, Maine, Water Go. gold 5’s- 2.25 class, stake, trot,
Friday, Sept. !».
Bangor & Aroostook R, R. 1st INVESTMENT SECURITIES
pine annexation boomers. The idea which reasons hardly less vital, ^'o candid
animates most of them is that in some Recollections of tlio Pioneer In tlie Soudan
server of current events in this republic
will deny that the exercise of more
or less BOOK STORE 2.10 class, pace, ..

Consolation race, (for horses starting in,


way annexation will confer blessings Region. will

arbitrary rule over distant countries(effects ___OF.
International S. S. Co.
Mortg. gold 5's. hut not wfnniug money in Classes

upon themselves. be apt to produce most porniojons Until Sept 19th, 1S98, Steamer will of Ellsworth 4’s. LETTERS OF CREDIT, slower than 2.40.

Thurs- City
upon our public morals, lhoare from leave R. R- Wharf
on Tuesday,
Excursion rates on ail railroads. For all par-
that the figures of the Vermont To the Editor of the Press: away those subject countries


Boston Terminal Co. bonds.
All at 7 ticulars programs, blanks, and so on, Lewiston.
day and Saturday
a. m.,
election show is that there was great lack Dear sir—Your terse and effective leader clo-e public observation,
more tempting their natural
tho richer

for BOSTON. We also otter $25,000 Washing-

of interest among the voters, in conse- about Kitchener’s recent victory m the for self- aug24dtf sepTdiw
the more unlit their populations WE : HAVE ; THE
quence cf which many did not go to the Soudan recalls memories which may be government and the more pronounced
As compared with the lig- interesting to your readers—memories, of race antagonisms, the more unrestrained FAME Sl.OO. ton County 4 s, that are exempt
pollsat all.
ures of four years ago the Republican a truly groat hero and military saint, of will bo the cupidity of the governing race JLtatest Koolts, served on board. from taxation in this State.
the less respect will there he for the right Meals
is represented in Portland by
vote shows some falling off, while the the Havelock sort; un earnost, devoted
and interests of tho subject races, and the ivlldtf II. P. C. IIKRSEY. Agent.
ft'Sac !§t»tffl©ai©B*y, MRS. L. A. PALMER.
Democratic shows a slight increase, bin pioneer in that vory Soudan, whoso bril- more unscrupulous and rapacious
rule over them—and this in spite of laws

APPLICATION. WM. M. MARKS, headquarters at M. Steiners

& Sons’ Mu-
the Republican vote in 1894 was unusual
excursion, PRICE ON
liant administrative and military genius, with
for their protection which may be fair on and many pretty goods. daily
ly large for an off year, and the Demo combined wiili his intense zeal for hu-
their face and well intended in theh aug9 dtl 3'send0us vour a^idres^and you will receive a
cratio unusuallr small. Really the Re
publican and Damocartic votes ure aboui
an off year average, showing that Che twe
manity have paved tho way for triumphs
amia which bis noble name is never
mentioned, though it is venerated like
that of a groat saint and prophet by the
There has been much complaint of the
influence wielded in our Government by
rich and powerful corporations such ns
To Soul It Harps well.
Trip Ticket
Dinner at the
including first-class
Meriyconeag only
Book, Card AMD—
ment Co.,36
illustrated prospectus with full par-
Button Mar Course
Brumfield St., Boston.
aug20 f

parties maintain the same numerical re-

the Sugar Trust. The more or less arbi- Take steamers of Harpswe 1 Steamboat
latlons as for many years past, that i:
about four Republicans to one Demo
poor .Soudanese for whom he was glad to
Gen. Charles George Gordon (who was
trary control exercised by our Govern-
ment over distant countries with
resource will inevitably
stimulate the
high school. from Portland Pier. See time table in
for Dinner Tickets.
j]y7dtf _Proprietors.
tills paper,
Casco Hotel Co.
Irregularities a Specialty.
JOB will
be held
cratio. The increase of Democratic repre of enterprises All pupils who have never attended the Higl PRINTERS’
multiplication speculative
sentation In the Legislature is probablj nicknamed “Chinese Gordon,” after his with much money behind them, subject- School,
and all who wish to consult the commit Open Evenings. Prices Moderate. 97 1-2 Exchange St., Portland SEPTEMBER 27th and 28th.
in regard to their studie'
to tee or the principal
due to the fact that many of the DemO' splendid services to the Chinese govern- ing the Government in all its branches are requested to do present at the High H. E. MILLS Races for Tuesday will he 2.50 class aud 2.28
cratio candidates espoused high lice net ment In quelling the looping rebellion), constant pressure and manipulation building, Monday, September 12, at 8.30 a m
which cannot fail to produco a most bane- All pupils who have received cards o£ pronto
Wednesday 2,37 class and 2.24.
instead of prohibition, and by so doinj was urged by the British government in
ful effect upon our politics. Of such ttou to be present at 11 a. m., Monday, Septem Piano Tuner, DENTIST-
All orders by mail telephone promptly gep7 dSW&wkylt
Musi** Store. *83 I
to her 12. Chandler's Boom 25-86-27. V. M. fj. A.. rono-.BA Pq. saDt22eodU
attracted some votes from the youngei 1883 (or 4),' so hastily to return to the things we have exnerience enough Order ilfttt ftttanriAd to.
Soudan, as the only living man who had warn us. sepSdlw M. O. LORD, Supt.
oonarress str««r„
| Ht-
to life that it seems to be cut $110. 50 give security for the material3

each bo true
bodily out of New York and placed on
furnished. Mr. Dysr argued that it


could be readily seen from this that the
tho stage. The first is an East River pier
number of persons aotually supplied
THE ELECTRICLIAN. with the water and Brooklyn Bridge be-
would be exceedingly small as compared
“The Eiectrioian” was given at thf yond. Then comes the interior of Widow
with the number of purchasers of in-
Jefferson last night to a rather light
house down stairs but a capital gallerj
McNally’s room in Puradise Alley, fol-
lowed in the next act by Paradise Alley
How the Floral Company Tanght structions and outfits. Mr. Dyer quoted
The large increase in the number of customers since we put on sal©
itself with the holes and corners of a New from the testimony of Miss Hayden, one
and good balcony. It is one of the playf (he Making of Flowers. of the complainant’s witnesses, to show this stock of Suits, Fall Overcoats, Trousers, Boys’ Clothing, etc,, CAR-
on itE York slum. The Inst is the famous au-
that depends for its sucoess obiefly
mechanical effects and these are particu- tumn scene in Bronx Park. There is that she estimated the number of persons
to whom, at the time the government RIED FROM LAST SEASON, at FORTY PER CENT less than present
the same laok of attempt to tell an intri-
larly shown In the fine eieotricai plant
displayed in the second act when
Edson cate story, as in “The Old Homistead,” A CASE WHICH ATTRACTED WIDE stopped the delivery of the oompany’s retail market prices has had its effect.
which Dei and the same firm hold on the attention mail, instructions had been sent as one
lights the
stretched out
oity of Denver
beyond the power
house. of the audience, and from the first scene SPREAD ATTENTION. hundred thousand and the number who
at about 25,000.
liki to the final curtain, the interest is main- had purchased outfits
Of course the play is a melodrama
all of its class and some of the principal tained by the revelation of human charac-
From the testimony of Post Office Inspec-
All caused by the wonderful Bargains which we are offerings.
cut loose lorn ter. It is a fitting contrast picture to tor King, a statement was quoted
soenes as where “Peaches
days later Mr. Arthur
It Involved tlie Constitutionality ot tlie H. Terry,
“The Old Homestead,’’and, as in this
after he has bound
been by Sessions a few
somewhat reminiscent
excites the audience to the
and every ont
of ot-hei play, the.seenio
and electrical effects
They are really beautiful,
that of Bronx Park in autumn being a
are Law Under "Which
Excluded from the Mail—The

Sought to Have a
Lottery Business is

of the
that the
nianft-er, had told the in-
total number of workers
Floral company, meaning
highest pitch of excitement other
was called before thf blaze of glory. The author has gathered from Withholding Its Mai!—Judge Put- those who had purchased material,
of the principals
curtain after the curtain fell at the dost together a company of players of excep- nam Decides Against the Company. than the beginners’ outfits was exactly For Boys.
tional ability, among them being Dyke 74 with 50 for a chance. It was
of chat act, last night.
J. B. Martin, Wm. Shea, Francis In the United States Circuit court yes- further shown that the 74 people working
There was a number of good people in Brooke, Over 500 double breasted 1 wo piece
notably Myra Davis, the bright, Nelson, Donald Harold, Albert Brown, terday, Judge Putnam made a decree in for the company did not supply the de-
the cast, Suitstfor Boys 7 to 16 years, all wool,
Joseph Briel, Carl Nelson, John J.Flynn, a case whioh has attracted attention all mand of stores for artificial flowers, but
witty street fruit vender known
May, Jessamine over the United States and one on whioh that all their prorluot was sent ont as ma- bought for cash long before the rise in
“Peaches”, Joseph J. Dowling, who is a May Thompson, Phila wool was thought of.
straightforward natural Tom Edron, J. MacDonald,
Marlhu Hamilton, Blanche largely depended the sucoess of the gov- terial in the beginners' outfits, "More
Verdi ernment in suppressing lotteries and gift than this it was claimed that these 74 1.95, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50,
W. Howland, tho Denver bank president, Fernandez, $1.50,
the famous Boston
Ladies’ Quartette and the Acme Male enterprises. The case was that of the persons who presumably were skilled at 4.00 and 5.00 Suit.
the villain who tries to wreck the Edsou
Mar- Quartette. Fairfield Floral company against W. J. the business did not earn anything like
fortunes, C. H. Phillips as Barney
Bradbury, as postmaster at Fairfield, and the amounts promised in the advertise- These are the great values that are
tin, a rollicking Irishman whose songs, SANFORD HIT HARD. to
ments and mentioned in the testimonials.
especially the one on tho late war,
drew was equity proceeding
in the form of an bringing the large amount of trade
to secure an injunction against the post- In reply to this part of the c ise, the
hearty encores. W. K. Morrow tho
insur- our store.
Tlie Electric Storm at That Fiaco Was
ance solicitor, W. V. Ramon a capital master restraining him from complying oomplainunt s counsel maintained that
foreman with an order from the post office depart- many of the statements alleged to be mis-
representative of Bill Turner the IN
of the plant and others too numerous
to ment forbidding the delivery of mail to leading had boon In advertisements pre- CREAT VALUES
mention for the cast is a very lengthy
the complainant company. The decree pared the present management
before RUGBY SCHOOL SUITS, We offer a large lot FINE SAILOR
Tho curtain was oalled after the Sanford, September 7.—Oneof the by Judge Putnam dismisses the case, assumed control of the company. It was
other acts and the audience was evidently
be re-
most severe
vn cpnt.irm
electrical storms ever known
tunc that nf t.hia nftfirnnfin
sustaining the postoffice department acd further claimed that the company’s bust
was the making of outfits for the
School Soils for Boys. $5.00 EACH. SLITS for Boys 4 to 10 years of age, in
blue and fancy mixed colors, goods all
greatly pleased. The play
will allowing the costs to the defendant. ness

The orchestra was en- The lightning struck in several pieces, ine case Deoamo one or note oeoauso manufacture of flowers; that it had car- 300 Fine up to date MIDDIT SUITS For Boys 8 to 10 years. Everybody wool, present price today, $4.00, 5.00 and
peated tonight.
its agreements and that its knows that these are the best .Suits in 0.00 and selling at last season’s low prices
cored after several
oi men- kwuwuub though except in

damage was done.

of a barn located
about live miles from Springvale no great
involved the constitutionality of the law
upon which the post offloe department
relies to exclude from the mails the busi-
ried out
method of operations was not fraudu-
lent, all its promises being kept and thero
for Boys 3 to 9 years of age, latest styles,
carried from last season and selliner at
last season’s low
the market $3.50 and 3.50 each
Also quite a lot at only $1.50 each.
Long Trouser Suits for Boys 15 t* 19
RIVERTON PARK. for misunderstanding
The harn in question was the property ness of fraudulent nature. Had the law being no ground years Blue Cheviot Suits $6.00. (New
Riverton offers its kindly invitation to of Mr. Albert Chadbourne and was to be unconstitutional it is ns to its offers. Both sides argued the $1.50, 1.98, 2.35,2.63 and 3.50 AND fall BOYS’
price will be $10.) TOI* COATS
Black Cheviot
been found
all pleasure seekers to come out and enjoy burned to the ground. It was filled with said that it would have opened the door question of constitutionality, the com- No such values as these can be found 1090 PAIRS OF REEFERS, extra values, for Boys 4 to Suita $7.50. (New Fall price $10.)
themselves in the handsomest park to be hay but the live stock was in the pasture. to a resumption of business by"tbe plainant claiming that the law. violated for qualitity and price anywhere outside 15 yoars, only $3.50 EACH VEST SUITS, with Knee Pants, for
The thousands 9 to 17 years, 1 lot $3.85, Hot 4.60,
found in New England.
The loss will be between $700 and $800. Louisiana lottery and it is said that that the rights of the citizen, and the defen- of ourstore. Boys’ fine BICYCLE and «OLF boys
Odd Knee Trousers 1 lot 5.00, 1 lot 6.00, 1 lot 0.6C, 1 lot 7.50
who have availed themselves of the In the village the house owned by famous concern one like it would dant holding that the usb of the mails is Suits of- SUITS, 8 to 19 years, only
or One large lot of Boys' Middy ages and 8.00 a suit.
tation this summer ere spread from the Samuel Nason and occupied by Samuel have been a privilege, not a right, and that it can For school wear, 50c, 75c and $1.00 $3.50 and 5.00 a Suit.
promptly put in operation had fered at $1.00, worth $2.50 today. Odd long Pants for Boys, 1,25,1.50 A 2.
Atlantic to the Mississippi, for of the Mitohell was struck and damaged $25 or the decision of the case made it possible. be regulated in the manner provided by
enormous audiences that have been
so. Mr. Mitohell was sleeping In his At the
hearing on the motion for a per- the law. _
daily at the park a great number chamber when the storm broke and his manent among the spectators
injunction, Judge Putnam's decree is a long and
taken in
been summer visitors who have wife who was nervous called him. He exhaustive discussion of the points in-
a part
were representatives of
about SO concerns,
ths ride and the entertainments as had been up about two minutes when the whose business was such as to cause their volved. It sustains the law, the decision


of their summer diversion. The result house was struck and the plastering was being in harmony witth the decisions of
representatives to take great interest Id
that the fame of the park and its beauty shaken from the ceiling over the bed. the proceedings. the courts in other districts, and consid-
and the splendid character of the Woman’s The bnilding ocoupied by the Eleotrio The case has been in tbe courts since eration being given to the alleged nature
orohestra is well known the oountry over, Supply company was struck and set on last spring. On the 23d of March the of the business of the floral company.
for every visitor has to tell his friends fire. The current came in over a private issued a “fraud”
office post department sep8d4t
the charming spot on the banks of
telephone wire and the instrument was order forbidding Postmaster Bradbury SHALL THE PEOPLE HAVE LIGHT?
little river of Presumpscot. Probably the smashed. to deliver mail to the Fairfield Floral -$20,000 SAVED.ON LIGHTS.
Fadettes could hardly huve found a place The bnilding is next to that occupied WESTBROOK. Central Railroad.
Where their fame would become so wide-
company, on the ground that tbe compa- To the Editor:
by the hose cart and the fire was out al- ny was nsing the mails for fraudulent The proposition of the Cumberland Illu-
spread as here, for while Washington most as soon as the alarm was rung iu. minating Company to light the streets of
purposes. The mail was of large amount
gave them a good deal
of fame yet visitors A Mousam Biver railway car was struck and its stoppage brought the business of Portland, the city to own its own pole Deering Eleotrio Light company
The Mrs. Elisha Newcomb had a serious at- Mr. Earls Blake has resumed his work ANNOUNCEMENT OF .

generally go there at a time of year at Springvale and the motor burned out. the company to a standstill. The compa- lines, would be one step in the right di- busily engaged In supplying de- tack of sickness Monday. She is in very at the Brand Trunk station.
there are so many things going on at the The city telephone service was badly ny, through its attorneys, Hon. William rection. The proposition covers 700-65 mands for lights for several residences feeble health. Mr. Fred W. York is enjoying a vaca- and ===—
capltol that the outside attractions damaged, the Portland wire being the T. Haines of Waterville, and Thomas J. o. p. incandescent lights, 148-38 o. p. throughout the city. The sewing oirole of the D. of L., met tion in Berlin, N. H.
less interest in comparison. Here the .
only one out of town that was in order. Boynton, Esq., of Boston, then brought and 258-1300 o. p. new type arc lights for During the past few days the houses at the residence of Mrs. Frank Uraffam, Mrs. Leila Chandler of Portland has FOR THE —

tourist comes for entertainment and here The Springvale fair that was to have the suit, the sum of $20,820. 40-65 o. p., 115-32 of M. D. Hanson, Grant street; Charles Haskell
alleging that the law under street, yesterday. lately been the guest of Capt. and Mrs.
the first thing is to go to Riverton. This

fact is of great value to the city of Port-

begnn today was set ahead a day on ac- which the frand order was issued was
oount of the storm. unconstitutional in that it deprived the
c. p. and 230-1200 o. p. aro lights are for Jordan, Nevens street;A.L.T. Cummings,
the streets. The 70-65 o. p., 14S-33 o. p. Oakdale; Dr. Kimball’s house, Fessenden
There will be a special meeting of Uni- A. T. Small.
Star L. L. D. L, Thursday evening at Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Clay and daughter
of its ty
land, for with each description company of the use of the mails without and the 258-1200 o. p. cost the oity last street; Mr. Swett’s, South street; Mr.
Every member is urged to be of Westbrook and Miss Small of Liruing-
ANDKEWS RE-UNION. 8 o’clock.
charms others are led to desire to visit year $36,730. Deduct the sura of $20,890 Collin’s, Spring street, near High; the
hearing or moans of redress. Following present. ton called on friends in town a few days
the handsome little Forest City, and that The descendants of Joshua Andrews
the usual custom in suoh cases the post and we have a saving for the tax payers residences of Messrs. Emmons and Lock-
In this way River- who was a native of England and the B. M. East- Joseph Perry and Rosie Gaudet were ago. AT
visit leads to others. office department asked the department af $15,840. Now the difference between wood, Glenwood avenue:
married Sunday by Rev. Father Deoelles. Mrs. Howard Loving and son, Mr.
ton is of immense advantage to us in ad- first of the name to locate in America, the present cost and what can be saved man’s, Pleasant; Charles S. Wilson’s,
held their second annual reunion Monday
of justice that the district attorney for the
They left Sunday night for a short wed- Elliott Loring, have returned home from IEWISTOS
vertising the delights of summer life in distriot of Maine be instructed to defend by making contract with the new com- Thomas street, and two houses of A. F.
the 5th Inst., on the place known ding trip to Connecticut. a visit to Lisbon, N. H.
pany is $15,840 a year. Now take this for Hill’s Woodfords have been connected. 5, 6, 7, 18, 9, ’98.
Portland the country over.
of Mr.
the suit. The case first came before Judge SEPTEMBER
This week the Fadettes and the Boston Great HB1 Farm, at the residenoe
Putnam on a motion for a preliminary a term of five years and we have just The thunder storm of yesterday after- Mrs. Wallace Mayhew and Miss Mattie Mr, James Elwood and Mr. Matthew EXCURSION TICKETS WILL BE SOLD
Comedy company are pleasing their audi- Stephen Harvey, when nearly 100 persons,
injunction and was argued on the consti- 879,200, and this would more than pay noon partially wrecked a tree on Pleas- Mayhew, who have been the guests of Burk of Portland and Miss Addle Smith AT Portlaud. Woodfords. Westbrook Junction.
86 of whom were connected in the line of West Falmouth, Cumberland and Walnut Hill
ences, and the regret that the season is the entire cost of a pole line. Now. why ant street, Woodfords. The lightning Mr and Mrs. Hebron Mayhew, have re- of Malden are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
tutional poiDt raised by the complainant. f°r""
near over is almost universal. descent, enjoyed one of the pleasantest Judga Putnam issued the temporary in- not nay the Cumberland Illg. Co. the struck one of the limbs and split it so turned to their home in Braintree, Mass. Joseph Manley.
M’CULLUM’S THEATRE. and most successful meetings of the kind
junction and Postmaster Bradbury again present price paid the Consolidated Elec- that it fell over on to the trolley wires Miss Etta Harmon, who has been head Master Howard Plummer fell from the and from
that it has been our lot to attend. Light Co. for a term of five yeurs of the electrio road. The repair team of waitress at
“The Shaughraun,” Dion Bouciconlt’f began delivering mail to the company. trio The Ridge, Kearsarge, re- top of the grist mill bridge on Monday FREEPORT $1.50
The day was fair and the spacious lawn with the understanding that they erect the Portland Kailroad company wae soon turns today to her aunt’s, Mrs. H.L Her- injuring him quite seriously.
celebrated Irish comedy drama is the at- Then the case was carefully prepared for from stations other
adjacent to the Harvey mansion was including admission, and
the pole lines and at the end of live yenrs on hand and the limb was out off and riman. Miss Harmon will resume her named above at
traction at MoCullum’s theatre this week, presentation on the motion for a perma- Mr. Albert Gooding of Arlington, than those
densely oocupied at an early hour by a
seems destined to break all records for at- nent injunction. The department of jus- give them to the city and pay tho oity freed from the wire. studies at the Gorham Normal school.
Mass., is the guest of bis brother Mr. ONE FARE THE ROUND TRIP

the closing week company oherishing kindred and recipro- tice left the matter entirely in the bands ever after that the sum of $5000 for their W. W. Jewett, Fessenden street, Oak- Mr. John D. Knonlton is introducing Charles Gooding. With PRICE OF ADMI6SI0N ADDED,
tenance and make this, l lckets on sale Monday, Sept. Btb, and sold
cal attachments one for another, enlivened use each year? Would this not be a splen- dale, has removed his family to a rent on his
of the first season at McCullum’s theatre, of Distriot Attorney Dyer, giving him no new light into quite a number of until Sept. 9th. good for return until Sopt. istli.
Mrs. J. H. Humphrey and son, Mr. G.
the by cheerful greetings and renewed friend- instructions at to the method to be fol- did investment for the city? But if the Cumberland street, Portland. stores in the oity. REMEMBER the trains otthe Maine Central
the most memorable of any since Howard Humphrey, and Mr. John Bur- Railroad run
ships, [and in some instances by newly being the recipient of Herbert Berry of East Deering, aoting
The attendance since Monday lowed m tbe conduct of the case. In his oity objects to Dana Cloudman of Atlanta, Go., form- rowes are spending a'tew days at Rock- DIRECT TO THE FAIR GROUNDS
is away in excess of any previous produc-
foundjrelatlves not before known. conduct of the matter Mr. Dyer has shown $79,290 worth of underground conduits corporal on the T7. S. S. cruiser Machias thus avoiding all trouble of transfer across
'The morning was spent in an informal them consider that other is in the city on a few days furlough,
erly a resident of this oity, is enjoying a land, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. K.
that this confidence of the department and poles let Lewiston.
tion, not even excepting the Ensign that social way while preparations under a visit with his sisters in this city. Smith.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and FrK

proposition of the Cumberland Illg. Co.
was supposed to have reached the high was not misplaced. visiting relatives and friends. Miss Mary C. Barstowe, who bas been day Sopt. 8, 7. 8 «M 9. by Regular and
broad canvas were being made for a feast
Before the matter oame up for a final Let the Cumberland Illg. Co. put in this An electric car on the Westbrook di-
Mr. Alonzo Libby went to Lewiston Special Trains, as ftjIWWS ?
water mark, and last evening, even with
of good things, and at a seasonable hour
underground through Congress, Middle vision between Deering and Westbrook
last evening, to attend the State fair. enjoying the summer at the Hloks cot- Leave a.m. am. a.m. f.m. pju. r.i%
the inoiement weather, it was simply hearing testimony was taken as to the PORTLAND.... 8.25 8.30 11.06 1.10 6,10 8d»
all were gathered within the tent and and Exchange streets and furnish the Private W. W. Webb of Co. M, stationed tage, Priuoe's Point, is the guest of Mr.
impossible to get seats after 8 o’clock. company’s business methods. From this was struck by lightning yesterday after- short time, before
seated at the tables, whereon was spread
testimony, the distriot attorney aiugod oity lights for nil its streets,, and publio at Augusta, returned to his home in this A. H. Twombly for a F. E. BOOTHBY, GEO. F. EVANS,
It was the biggest day of the season for
beholder noon. The liglitDing worked havoc with her return to. Bradford academy, Brad- G. F. & T. A. V. P. & G. Mga,
out in tempting array where a
buildings, for the sum of $:8,0Q0 a year oity ill with malarial fever.
attendance, and the advance sale indi- that the business of the oompany was in- the controller. The car was laid up for septs uSt GorStbp
could but say in the language of the and then save 115,774.34 eaob year. Is Au- ford, Mass.
cates that the next three days it will be tended to defraud and that it did not Private Dan S. Cram of,Co, M, at
the remainder of the afternoon for re-
poeC; V IttXlua ui tcmiuud ajaiuo v».«

come into court with clean hands. Much there any reason why public sentiment gusta, arrived home yesterday for a few Mr. William S. Cooper, who has recent-
simply impossible to get seats if they are INSTRUCTION.
taste.” of the testimony was an interesting de- should object to giving this contract to pairs. days. ly been a guest at the J. C. Stockbridge
not secured in advanoe. The production
This part of the programme was in all of the business methods of the a company that will save the city such a Lightning entered the city electrician’s Llrhtnincr homestead bas returned to Providence, R.
in the
is one that no idea can be had of its ex-
tent and magnificence without witness-
in which the alluring viands demanded
respects satisfactory except in a few cases company. It was shown that the floral large sum ana a much greater sum for
the oitizens by reduced cost for lights and
ruuuia 111

Wood fords.

roiiun o

Soveral fuses were burned

~ strnnk
direction of Rooky Hill ye«t*rd*y after-
several trees
ing it. No other production ever given by company advertised extensively; that it noon. The lightning also burned oat Hon. Wilbur F. Lunt ot New York,
more space than present capacity afforded. was in tne business of
making artificial power in their homes and places of busi- out, and as a result several etray blows
formerly a resident of Portland, is the Oeering, Me.
Manager McCullum can compare with it, been effected
the current breakers at the Westbrook
The organization having ness. were sounded on the fire alarm.
and it has never been excelled by any at- flowers to supply the demand of large car house so that about 40 lights were guest of Mr. C. L. Marston.
last year’s reports of the officers were This is a fight of the people versus mo- Mr. William Allen Kerstead, clerk at affected. Mr. C. M. Mitchell, who has been visit- 65th year begins September 6, 1893. For
wholesale stores and that it would em-
traction ever teen in this city. catalogue with full information send to tlte
called for and properly noted, and the nopoly and if monopoly wins this time It grocery store at
Everybody knows what an enjoyable ploy people to do this work in their C. H. Thompson’s ing at Mr. J. W. Porter’s for the past few President, REV. H. 8.
choioe for the year to come was as fol- is the people’s fault, and it will he all Jly27d8w Deering. Me.
night the dosing performance of a Mc- homes, it being stated in the advertise- Woodfords was united in marriage yes- EASTMAK-COFFIN. weeks has returned to Boston.
Cullum season brings, and no one should
lows: ments that in some cases tho pay was day with them. terday afternoon to Miss Mary Louise Mr. Frank W. Smith of Portland was
neglect securing their seat early for this
The demand is very brisk and
President-Rev. George W. Andrews, considerable.
In addition the advertise-
contained various testimonials
Tax Payer.
Fiekett of Portland. Yesterday morning at the residence of
Mr. Kimball Eastman, occurred the mar-
calling on friends in town on Tuesday, PORTLAND ACADEMY.
occasion. Vice President—Mrs. Mary Butler, Ber- ments SEA BREEZE TEMPLE. Mr. and Mrs. Kerstead left on the
of Mr. Eastman’s only daughter, CHANCES OF LIFE. Fall Tarn) begin. Sept. 12th, at TGOIDS ill
the theatre uoxt Saturday evening will wick. which the government claimed to be Sea Breeze Temple will meet Thursday boat last evening for Sussex, N. B., his riage
Secretary—Edward Stone, Berwick. fraudulent.. There were many answers Lula Caroline Eastman, to Mr. Elmer Baxter Building. Pupils of both sexes re-
contain all the true friends of Manager former homo, where they will spend Private pupils are received afternoon*
Treasurer—H. W. Andrews. Berwiok. the company’s evening, Sept. lb. at 6.30. A full attend- What May Expect
a Man After He Reaches ceived
McCullum and his popular company. Sc to these advertisements, Ellsworth Coffin of Westbrook. Prompt- and evenings. For lurther particulars inquire
General Committee—Stephen Harvey, ance Is desired. their honeymoon. Various Ages. MISS ETTA A. FILES, Principal.
get in line and by your presence make Gilmon Knight, E. G. Andrews. mail at the time tne fraud order was is- ly at 11 o’clock the couplo entered the 120 Free st.
EMERY-WALKER, In the English Illustrated Magazine Mr.
this a gala night. Reserved seats on sale On inquiring concerning the historical sued being some 3000 ordinary letters and MARRIAUES. spacious parlors to tho strains of the J. Holt Schooling works out some inter- Portland, Aug. 27, 180$. aug31d3w
at Steinert & Son’s musio store. informed several hundred registered letters daily.
by Mr. A pretty wedding occurred last evening of
genealogy we were
Mrs. F. C.
wedding march pldyed by Mrs. Barring esting results as regards the chances MISS A. L. SAWYER’S
by which the company con- at 8.30 o’clock at the home of 80 and
THE GAIETY. William Harvey of Edina, The mode
Miss., who In this city, Sept. 7. by Rev. S. F. Pearson.
when her daughter,
of Farmington. They were preceded by males at ages 20, 30, 40, 50, 00, 70,
with his family is stopping at the Great ducted Its business was 6hown to bo as Charles L. Scott and Miss Clara J. Crozler, both Parker, Morrills, 90, living for 10 years more, 20 yoars more,
Messrs, W. V. Williams and J. E.
Hill Farm, the plaoe of his birth, as fol- follows: The advertisements requested
of Portland, s
In Buxton, Sept. 6, by Rev. E. 0. Harrison, Josephine Bradford Walker was united in
Master Johnnie Eastman, carrying a
30 years more, etc. For example, as re- School of Shorthand and Typewriting,
Adams of Fall River, have leased the basket of roses, and little Olive East- “live
lows: In 1725 Great Grandfather Joshua that four cents should be sent to the com- William T. Sanborn of Portland and Miss marriage to Dr. Harry Smith Kmeiy, gards 1,000 men aged20, 939 of thorn 93 EXCHANGE STREET,
Gaiety theatre for two years with the Georgia Venetta Owen of Buxton. man, carrying the wedding ring on a ten years more'’—1. e., to age 80—that is,
Andrews, the 1st. native of England, an pany by those intended to loarn to moke In Parmlngdale, Sept. 7. Guy Flint and Miss
a young practitioner recently located in 30 and 6 cent
privilege of extending the lease. The settled in flowers. In response to this there was Bertha Barker. Deering. The ceremony was performed salver. The rooms were very beautiful- 94 per cent live to age per
Poriliuxi, Maine,
ambitious self educated man, chance at ago 20 to live to
theatre is now undergoing a thorough
Mass., now Maine, in the
In Oiono, Sept. 6, Lucius J. Shepard and Miss
sent back a “request for $25 Instructions Harr et C. Wilson.* in the presence of the relatives and a com- ly decorated with asparagus, golden rod do not, so the 16 to 1 in favor of liv- 13th year begins Sept. 1, 1893. augSldtf
renovation and remodelling and will be Berwick, 30 is not quite
free.” This required 82 cents on the part In Bath. Sept. 0, William D. Merry and Miss pany of about 100 of the most Intimate and sweet peas. Tho couple took their age 40
in first-class order with new scenery or vicinity of Beaver Dam, erected a log
Winnie 8. Wilson. ing. Similarly 559 out of 1,000 “live
of the applicant. Having sent tho 82 friends of the contracting parties. station under a wedding bell of white CO—so that tho
the opening date September 12th. The house, and doubtless for his bravery and years more’’—i. e., to ago THE KINDERGARTEN,
success as a hunter he was niok-named cents the applicant got in return the $25 The bridal party entered the parlor to and pink asters, the tongue of which odds in favor of a man agod 20 living to
New York Vaudeville company, ten stai Dc-A I'lf-s* 4—in sport-
“The Wolf and Indian Slayer.” Three certificate and the instructions. Those the strains of the wedding march played was composed of sweet peas. The bell age 60 are 65 to 44—say 5 to
performers will be the opening attrac 132 Spring Street, will reopen
brothers came with him and settled in were some directions for branching ar- In tills cl y, Sept. 7. Thomas J.. Infant son of by Miss Louise Knight of Deering. was suspended from tho oenter of a ing phrase.
live Monday, September 12,
tlon. The management will present onl; Again, as only 10 out of the 1,000
tificial flowers. With the instructions John and Fannie Mulkeru. aged 4 mouths. The young couple were attended by
Massachusetts. Prof. Andrews of Chicago beautiful arch made of evergreen and 70 to ago 90—the The Training School for Kin-
years moro”—i. e.,

refined vaudeville, and hope to earn thi [Funeral from parents’ residence, 2o Union Misses Mabel G. Folsom of Greenville, "9.
University lineal descendent, so was
is a was sent a statement that the applicant street, this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30 o cik.. white elysium. The bride looked charm- chanco of a man agod 20 attaining age 90 der;;,inner* will reopen Sept.
{patronage and respect of the ladles HiiUiiliter Ethel P. Sawyer of Portland, Lizzie G. ABBV N. NOBTO*
ex-Gov. Andrews, the war governor of would need a beginner’s outfit which the In ails city. Sept. 7. Mary A., 1 in 100, or odds of 99 to 1 against Apply 10
popular prices will prevail. of Arthur J. and Mary 0. Archibald, aged 2
Rogers of Old Town and Miss Annie L. ing in a dress of white muslin and car- is only
132 Spring St., Portland.
Massachusetts. company offered to send for $2. W’hen As to the chances for men aged 50,
months, 1) days. ried a boquet of bridal roses. The groom him. sep3
SUNSHINE OF PARADISE ALLEY of the groom as brides-

[Funeral from parents’ residence, 56 Salem Emery, 770 per 1,000 live 10 yeurs more—i. e., to
with the beginner’s outfit a sister
Simon Andrews, son of Joshua, was the applicant o cut. was dressed in the conventional black.
have thi street, tills (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30 maids. The maid of honor was Miss 60. Therefore we may say the chanoe
The thousands who enjoyed ualled “Witch Slayer,” and was contem- had made some samples acceptable to the In this eftv, Sept. 7, Frank A. ltussell, aged
Edith H. Greenhnlge, who was dressed
The maid of honor was Miss Mand of a man agod 50 living to 60 is represent- FALL TERM
famous “Old Homestead” year after year porary with Cotton Mather. He married company, ho was notified that he would 85 years. 2 months, 16 days.
at 2.30
will be glad to hear that Denman Thomp [Funeral this (Thursday) afternoon in yellow satin. The best man wns Dr. Addition, and tho best man was Mr. ed by odds of 77 to 23, or about 7 to 2 in
a Miss Chick and had four sons and four bo given employment, but must bny ma- o’clock from the home of Ins sister, Mrs. George
son’s latest success, “The Sunshine
Paradise Alloy” which is now in thi 1
daughters, the late Mrs. Mary Harvey,
mother of oar Informant and Great Hill
terials of tho company to the extent of F Hunker
18 Anderson street.
tills city. Sept.
Helen C.. wife of Andrew
J. Shepherd May of Boston, a classmate
at Bowdoiu with the groom. The bride
Clarke Eastman, brother of the bride. favor of the man aged 60 living ten years
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
more. This chance, favorable as it is, is
of courso not nearly as great as tho 16 to 1
•T York aged years, 5 months, 7 days.
third year of its career, will have Its firs 1 family of Harveys, being one of them. Yservlces will be heM tills (Thursday) after- was given
away by her uncle Mr.
James Wm. G. Mann and Rev. C. C. Phelan
chanco in favor of a man aged 20 living to will open Tuesday, SepT.
noon at 2.30 at Second
Parish church. Interment E. Sawyer of Portland, and the impres- offered prayer. After the conclusion age 30.
local performance at the Jefferson Frida; We regret that Mr. Harvey’s record of the at Viueyard-Havan. Mass. For catalogue send to
will take place
night. There are four principal scones Andrews family had not been read at the In ibis city, Sept. 7, Mary Stokes, aged
72 yrs. sive marriage ceremony was performed of the ceremony, light refreshments Glancing at men aged 70 wo see that W. E. SARGENT.
nrimernl Irom the residence of her daughter, by Rev. W. H. Gould of Dexter, a rela- Miss Ruth Eastman of only 335 per 1,000 live ten years more—
Inday were served.
meeting. Mrs Daniel O'Connor, 176 Grant street, i. e., to age 80. Tills means that 34 per Jly20eod2m Principal, Hebron, Maine.
FOR AFTERNOON TEAS. morning at 8.30 o-clock.
tive of the bride's family. Portland served punch and Miss Marie
At an after dinner talk several gentle-
rlieiiiiiemhigh mass at the Church ot the The bride wore a handsome white silk 100 live the ton years and 66 per 100 do
When ludies serve tea to visitors in th< men addressed the company, viz: Rev. Z.
Sacred Heart at 0 o’clock. Clement, ice cream. Tho ushers were not, so the chance at ago 70 of a man liv-
afternoon, it is a graceful act to serve t Knight, Rev. Mr. Hicks, Mr. Brackett will take
dress trimmed with pearls.
Miss Bello Clement and Mr. Clinton ing to ago 80 is represented by the odds of The Kindergarten at Woodfcrds
[The funeral of Mrs. Ann Duddy her late After a pleasant bnt informal recep- As for men aged 90, will be reopened MONDAY. Sept. 12. 1S98, cor-
saucer containing two or three teaspoon Hull and others, but the lateness of the place tills afternoon at. 2 o’clock from Eastman. The presents were numerous 2 to 1 against him.
residence. 481 Dauforth stree.’. tion the young couple left on the Pullman of 1,000 men alive at ago 90 only four live ln-r oi Brown and Souih streets, (entrance on
fuls of Grape-Nuts and some cream. hour compelled the departure of some and very beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Coffin
(Services at St. Dominic’s church at
The Grape-Nuts can be kept dry In c and the final handshaking ended a de-
train for a brief trip in Eastern Maine. to ago 100. Thus at ago 90 tho chanco of Brown street.
o’clock. left at noon on a carriage drive to the living ten it being Personal application may be made on Tues-
dish on the tea table, and are ready tc lightful session, with the hops of succeed- Will not Scratch [The funeral services of the late Arthur at
w. On their return they will reside with years is very small, day, Sept. at the rooms or address
Dyer of Co. B, 1st Maine Regt.. will be
Mrs. Parker at Morrills, where the doctor mountains. On their return they will represented by the long odds of 249 to i MISS SARAH M. HACKER.
•erve Instantly, as they require no cook- ing reunions while here and a final meet- Always used in the form or a lather. hi's father’s residence. No. 67 Franklin street, is against the man, quite an outside chance. aug31eod2w* Westbrook, Me.
located In his practice. take up their residence iu Westbrook.
ing. ing when parting will not be known. AND DOES NO MORE INJURY THAN VJATEB. this alteruooii at 2 o’clock.
'WAS'OE.p. SAyS*_
i THE FIRST QUARREL. I pondenco day wo'll make a celebration MAINE TOWNS. STANDlSH.
f Stamjish, Sept. 0.—The fall term of the
Forty words Inserted under this head
one week for df cento, eeih in ndrnnce.
Forty da inserted under this head
week f<fr 2H o^nrs. cash >n adTimo*-
ourselves, girls. I d like to seo them try one
publio schools openpd today.
Carre*, Most of the
gxve La' bade her promise and released her. to stop US.” item* of Interest Gathered fcy
I teachers are the same as last term. The WANTED—For adoption a bright baby sound and kind.
E3ah tender letter with it I returned. So tho rest of tho afternoon was spent vv girl ten months old. Address F. 1. be seen at WILSONS STABLE,
pondents of th6 Pro##* High school at Steep Falls, has forty
She Font me back the ring, and all was over in plotting. Giant crackers and other fire- pupils. Mr. Fred W. Hill, who has hod WITHAM. Onmberland Hills, Me. 8-1 Federal street._8-1
(The letters that 1 wrote her sho had burned). works were to be secretly procured and set charge of the school for several terms, is SALE—Close to Lincoln Park, a
OR THREE PERSONS desiring room
She took back every word that die had spoken
And begged that I consider them unsaid.
off in various places at the first tap of mid-
also to be
RICHMOND. principal, Mrs. A. R. McDonald of Gray TWO
and board in small private faintly where FORthorough built tenement house. 10
night. The church bell was CLARK AND CHAPLIN ICEHOUSE
succeeds Miss Dresser who resigned at the
thev can have privileges_of home would do well -ooms, hot and cold iwater and bath lor
Our short engagement then so soon was broken. armed close of last year as assistant. plumbing and new pain'nod
rung, ns usual, and two strong by applying to MRS. CHAPLIN, 39 Pine 81. lenant; new open
•The dream of love was over, hope was dead, BURNED. The apple crop in this vicinity is very paper this year; must be sold. W. 11. V> A i.-
Ono art-
A d then she bads me go—the weak voice fal- girls were detailed for this duty. Other crops are good. _ __7-1 DllON & CO.. 180 Middle St. 8-1
term'd— ful damsel undertook to got possession of Richmond, Sept 7.—An alarm of flro light. can be accommodated at
One rnen.rut mor* of wfld, impassioned bl538— tho Home guards’ big drum and beat it, nt 10.25 o’clook last
Most of the summer visitors have re-
night turned out the turned to their homes. BOARDERS
Road Farm during September and October. SALE—2 1-2 story house. 16 rooms and
For particulars address MRS. ROSCOE G. In perlect repair, ample heat; about
Her eyes met mine, they fall, her proud lip “Only I shall have to make up with Joo a fire department of this village for a fire
SMITH, Cornish. Maine. 1,000 feet of land; room lor two more houses;
quivered, little.” she protested, puckering her lips. CUMBERLAND. _7-1
at tilst supj t sod to bo at the south end located between Dow and Neal streets; handy
She asked, and I returned eacli cherished kiss. Others promised to blow horns and conchs, RARE opportunity active party with
for to Congress street ears. Price ?5,600. W. If.
West Cumberland, Sept. 7. —Mrs Aba-
—Detroit Freq Press.
hut the great act was to be the firing of
or the village, out which was found to be
Lowe, widow of the late Mr. George
A some capiial to invest, to take manage- WALDRON & CO„ 180 Middle street. 8-1
four miles away. Citizens who rode and gail ment of and an interest in a protected House-
the cannon, and this the adventurous Co- Lowe, died very suddenly last Sunday, hold Specially Business for eastern manufae In good condition
lumbia reserved for herself.
walked from here to the scene of the con-
aged 85 years. will stand the strictest In- FORtwoSALE—Furniture. price low, quick
COLUMBIA’S PLUCK. taring concern that dark chamber sets,
Mr. Walter Merrill of Woodfords visited vestigation. References exchanged. Address sale, Beckett street, City.O-l
“They’d never believe we could do that, flagration found the large buildings,
SPECIALTY, care Press Office.
but I’ve watched them lots of times, and known about here as the “Clark & Chap- at his father’s last Saturday. _«-l
Miss Bertha Ramsey has returned home POK SALE—A substantial and well-arranged
I wouldn’t miss it for persons purchasing our
History house of 9 rooms and bath, on line

Columbia her name—Columbia

I know wo can. lin ice houses,” in ruins. This ice plant
from Gray where she has been working. WANTED—All
"Made Strong” Trousers we sell for $1.00. Of
Dejring electrics; all modern Improvements,
used to anything. I shall want you, Hilda Gra- is situated at Harvard’s, opposite the low- Mrs. Mary Shaw has purchased a place that will
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 per pair to know electric lights, open plifmblng. set tubs, bard
Alpin. “I know it's queer, she ham, to help me, and you, Mamie Miller. not rip in scam, or buttons come off,
in- er end of Swan Island, and is the proper- in Auburn and will move thore shortly. wood floors. &c..
plenty of cl03et room. The
explain, “for strangers, when they’re The three of us can manage it, I’m sure.” Master Leon Prince, who has been they canhavo llndr money back If on examina- above was built for the owner's use afcd con-
tion are not satisfactory, by returning the
troduced. stare at me as if I were
always This cannon was a rusty relic of the
ty of the Consolidated Ice Company. the summer with his grand-
vetdenco lit tho most thorough and attractive
Double had spending eps to us Ik”ore having been worn.
HASKELL manner. Lot 60x120. BENJAMIN SHAW,
some sort, of foreigner, when I m not, Mexican war, procured from the govern-
crews recently been put to mother, has returned to his home in & JONES, Monument Square.® sept 1-4 SI 1-3 Exchange St. 5-1
work shipping the ice stored in the build- Salem.
thank goodness! But it’s the name I ve ment for Fourth of July purposes in the
WANTED—Case of bad heallli that K-I-P-A-N-S
Mr. Walter Clough of Lawrence, Mass., residence with about
got, and I’m going to try
to live up to it.” days when Rustival estoemed itself a ings, and about 15,000 tons of ice re-
relatives in this place last week
win not benefit. Send 5 cents to Blpans Chemical FOR85 SALE—Suburban
acres of land; house contains 16 rooms,
if not pa- model of patriotism. It was kept housed mained to bo shipped, or about twenty visited Co.,Wew York, lor 10 samples and 1,000 testimonials. steam heat, cemented cellar, and other modern
So Columbia was nothing Schools in town commenced thjs week
in an open shed at the top of a slight rise for the Improvements; within 5 minutes’ walk of the
triotic, and her name, however odd, day’s
didn’t work men. Possibly part with the same teachers as last term. No. electric cars. For full particulars apply to
of ground just outside the village. of that will be fit for shipment. Tho fire 2, Miss Alice Randall of Harpswell. No.
seem inappropriate. She had little need TO IiET. Real Estate Office. First National Bank Bulld-
“Wo won’t move it down,” said of Portland, No 4 ing. FltRDERICK S. VAILL.5-1
to deck herself with the
national colors is supposed to have caught in the engine 8, Miss Olivs Hayas C-» 1 — — —r~—"----■ ■ ■"

Columbia. “We’d best shoot it off right Miss Osgood of Portland, No. 6, Miss target or sporting rifle. Full
which sho so persistently flaunted, for
where it stands. room, where steam had been kept up Inez Howe of Cumberland Centre, No. 6. Forty word. Inserted under this head
oneweek for 25 cents, cash in advance.
pistol grip, English walnut stock, “Hep-
ture had printed the red, white
and blue At last the night of great events had during the recent shipping operations. Mias Gertrude Merrill of Cumberland We haveaa’t the hnt we have got slaeega burn” action,graduating globe and peep sights,
with spirit-level and wind-gauge, muzzle sight
and to the Centre, No. 8, Miss Nelli" Groves of Yar-
Jn dawn tints on her glowing face, The ice housos
come, to be signalized by a new revolt were burned
mouth, No. 9, Miss Elsie DRoff of North his wool a sad caia show It to yon woven iaa LET—Two unfurnished connected rooms, Will be sold at a great bargain. G. L. BAILE Y,
bright stars shone there, too, right out of against overbearing tyranny. All Rusti- ground, but the large boarding house and Yarmouth, grammar, ami Miss Annie TiO very pleasant and convenient. Suitable 263 Middle
Street._ _3-1
val was asloep apparently except Joel Slo- f©as the light housekeeping If desired; pOR SALE—One black mare, weighs fuio
the blue, to make all absolutely perfeot.
cum, who uneasily paced his porch and
the horse sheds were saved, the wind hav- Morrill, West Cumberland, primary. a IS the latest aiaal designs ©oSoa*ings for
floor; house uew; surroundings first class and
bath on same
JE- pounds, kind, safe, afraid of nothing: will
Bhe was herself our country’s fairest, ing been favorable. No vessels were Bliss Sarah Merrill has been spending
very convenient to Union Station. 924 Con work double or single and a good driver, reason
listened at the gate, still haunted by vague Fall and Win tea* laa
truest emblem.
apprehensions anent “them striped petti-
thire at the time. a few days at her brother’s, at Woodfordk
and South Portland.
com hag gress street, comer Gilman. 8-1 of selling because I have no use for her. Ad-
Butpatriotism was at a discount in WINTHROP. Bir. Frank Wilson of Webbs Mills oalled desirable store, corner Con-
dress BOX, 859, Portland,
Rustival, or Rustyville, as it was insult- coats.”
Suddenly tho still moonlight was jarred on friends in this place one day last week. SUITINGS, T'.O gress andvery
Gilman streets; rent very mod- FOR SALE—Elegant new house on Forest
Avenue, opposite residence qf Hon. W. W.
ingly nicknamed by its hustling noigh- Mrs. Elizabeth Fairbanks and daugh-
The Farmers’ Club hold their annual erate. Has steel celling, fitted for gns or elec-
iors in Nowburg, just across the lake, by the sharp clang of a bell. Peal after Brown, eleven good rooms. «16ctrlc lights and

for Rustival was a sour, belated littlo peal sang out with clashing and discordant
ter and Miss Eva Ballard of Portland are fair on their grounds at West
In !and. Sept 28th and 29th.
Cumher- OVERCOATINGS, tric lights, cement cellar, 23x43 feet; lurnace
heat. Key at C. W. HADLOCK’S. 920 Con-
bells, open fireplace, laundry, steam beat, corner
lot, large shade trees, cement and brick walks,
the guests of friends and relatives
precipitancy like a fire alarm. Then there gress street, or at BOUTHWOKTH BROS., hard wood floors, porcelain bath tub, slate
country town which had aspired to become
burst forth an unearthly shrilling and town. Miss Ballard will take part in a
Bliss Nellio Cloves rf Yarmouth oalled
TROUSERINGS, 105 Middle street. 8-1
stnk. papered throughout, throughly up to date;
the local metropolis and hadn’t realized on frie nris in this place last week.
price low and terms to suit. DALTON & CO.
series of musicals during har stay in
its ambition. I remember that when I squawking of horns and conchs and a Bir. and Mrs. led Blerrill visited their
and FANCY VESTINGS. LET—Brick house 776 Congress street, 12
went there to start a tannery in 1800, the sputtering and banging of firecrackers of town. sens at Wcodfords end South Portland TOrooms and bath room, steam heat, nice con- ____

YJICYCL1? FOR SALE—Due new 1898 model

for the Z., all dimensions. Joel rushed out into the The high school commenced Sept. 5, last week. dition, location unsurpassed, good place for
year of the preliminary survey physician, or private family, or for lotting ‘-Imperial" Bicycle. Listed last season at
street, to be greeted by the hissing rush of Biany of the farmers are busy hauling
V. and W. railroad, it was impossible to with sixty pupils, under the tuition of their corn and leans to the mums. Apply to JOHN F. PROCTOR. 93 Fix- t>iuu. xun season at c-.u. xiio nest woeei
rocket, and the meteoric packers to be inany market. Will sell this one fpr $40.
a mountain change street, or to Edward Hasty, 12 Green
get a rod of ground for love or money,
so Charles Eawtelle of Waterville and Miss canned.
street.7 tf BAILEY’S GUN STORE, 263 Middle St
were the exnectations of the glare, as it exploded and spilled downward
Alice Bonney of Auburn. Th re wore _3-1
shower of particolored sparks, showed HAKPSWELL.
villagers. But they had seen the railroad its
and the county seat and all the other good him that the
things which they had accounted their
own one hy one slip from their grasp and moment
aforesaid “striped petti-
coats” were abundantly m evidence.
later came the roar of the cannon

the ear and rattling

but fifteen in the entering class whioh is
somewhat smaller than usual.
Work has begun on “the new Friends’
church on Bowdoin street which is to bo
West Harpsweli, Sopt. 7.—Mr. M. A.
Bearcc and wifo returned home to Turner
Bir. Kastman, of the firm of Katsman
Cornish Bros*, rr.O LnlT—Niceiy lurnisneu trout room, large
A and airy, in good quiet location, near lirst
class boarding house; also a very largo airy
alcove room, unfurnished, 15 GRAY ST., be-
tween Farit and State. 7-i
XT'OB SALE—Handsome bay pony, black
polnt3, spirited, good tempered and sound;
also two wheeled carriage and harness, ad-
dress “L.” at this office.
tumble into the lap of their upstart rival. from the hill, jolting ^
Thus Rustival, dwindling and dingy, con- all the window panes
with its harsh con- the gift of M. C. Bailey to the Friends’, Bros. & Bancroft, Portland, with his
wife are stopping at Mr. Pillsbury’s cot-
53S CONGRESS STREET. WM„, FOR RENT—Near Union Station, lower ten-
ement of seven rooms in excellent repair, To setJfrom Dkunohcjs. ^}ials^ pearls,
Rubys and all other precious stones. Engage-
tinually losing tho more alert of its youth cussion. society here. It is to be 50x50 feet and tage, Shore Acres. sunny and pleasant; urloe £14.00 per month.
ment and Wedding Rings a specialty. Larges!
and retaining only those whose shallow, Meanwhile the fair artillery corps were will be a mcdern church in all respeots. Blisses Yera Dyer and Isa Bailey have
BENJAMIN SHAW,' No. 511-2 Exchange St.
stock in the city. McixENNEY, the Jeweler,

terrific triumph by their fum-
rustic conceit found scant encouragement standing In
elsewhere, had become tho abode of pee- ing gun.
The Wiuth op Mills Co. has just erected gone to Westbrook to attend the fall term
a large addition to the woolen mill and
of school.
Colds Chaps A

mo LET—A very pleasant sunny rent of four

Monument Square.

vish and carping discontent, ripe for dis- “I thoughtlwas just blown to atoms!” John S. Randall and wife, from Port- (4) rooms, centrally located, three dooTS One hundred ol them to seleot from.

loyalty. Tho whole country was going to screamed Mamie, didn'tdancing

A glance at
still about.
6tay behind it,
have put in an elevator. They are now land, spent Labor Day here.
layinr the foundation for a chimney one
Coughs Chafing Croup from Smith on Cumberland street. Will be let
furnlstied if desired. Rent low. References re-
styles, all weights, all prices In 10, 14 and 18
Kt. Gold. Largest and best stock cl rings
the dogs; that was evident. “Luoky you quired. Apply to W. F, MACBRIDE, 137 Cum- in the city. A thousand of them. McKENN&Y.
their neglected street, weedy yards and Clumby. That was a real cute plea of
tho white paint scaling from a straggling yours to set it off
with a firecracker. See,
hundrd and ten feet in height. WIT AND WISDOM.
Catarrh Chilblains Cramps berland street. _

HOoSTTO LET—Furnished room, steam

the Jeweler, Monument Square.
OR Sale OB LEASE-Brfck honse Ife
Joseph Briggs has decided not to erect a the free AV heat, for single man, £2a week. 134 Free
hole right through the back Are ills to which all flesh is heir. You can relieve and speedily cure all of these by
line of houses was proof enough to this it’s kicked a three story brick building at the ‘corner A Fancy.
use of our old reliable Anodyne. Generation after generation have used it v/ith entire satis- street.6-1
Winter street, thoroughly built, 12 rooms,
of the shed!” inheri- beside bath ana linen room, fourteen closets,
mildewed oommunity. of Main and Elm streets where Bonney Possibly the idea has got abroad among faction, and handed down the knowledge of its worth to their children as a valuable
cellar plastered and cemented, containing laun-
when the war with Spain “And Isn’t the smell perfectly awful?” the old tance. Could a remedy have existed for eighty years except that it possesses great merit for or two front rooms, sun all day; new
To eried Hilda, sneezing.
hlook now stands, but to repair
building, adding another story to it
poets that the sea waves are sad because family use? It was originated to 9ure all ailments attended with inflammation; such as ONE bouse with steam heat and all conven- dry, storage rooms and water closet, furnace
broke out there was no enthusiasm. the wholo ocoan’s blue.—Philadelphia asthma abscesses, bites, burns, bruises, bronchitis, all forms of sore throat, earache,
head- iences ; very near electric cars; part board If heat, two open fires, lot 60x100 very pleasant,
be sure, Joel Slocum, the local politician, “I rather like the smell of gunpowder A reuort has been circulated that
soreness, neuralgia, scalds, stings, sprains, desb-ed: private family; terms very reasonable, overlooking fnio gardens and State street. P.
Times. ache, la grippe, lame back, mumps, muscular
O, MANNING, 234 Middle street. fly29,tf
made off to Washington to try for an ap- myself,” answered
Columbia stoutly, but “Sbawhurst” has been purchased by stiff toothache, tousilitis and whooping cough. The great vital and muscle nervine.
joints, fib Neal street near Fine.6-1
she, too, choked and sneezed. Thomas Flynn of Boston for a summer
pointment, but he soon came back and LARGE pleasant furnished room to rent to
hotel. It is one of tte best places for 4 SViARRY ME, NELLIE,
“Now for another one!” shouted Mamie. Who can fail to take advantage of this offer A one or two gentlemen with reference. Hot
ported a general state of rottenness. boforo anybody summer business In town, being a large, and cold water, furnace heat and gas. with pri- And I will buy you su-ti a pretty King at
“Them Spaniards,” he declared, “are “Hurry up, Clumby, roomy house with fine grounds bordering Send
10 cents to us for a generous trial size or.
vate family, on congress street above State. McKenney’s. A thousand solid gold Rings,
I’m comes! But we’ve hardly any newspaper Diamonds, Opal-Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds and
geln to lick us out of our boots, an on Maranacook outlet, very near the lake ask your druggist. Ask for Efy’s Cream Balm, For particulars address '’F." this office, d-l
all other precious stoned. Engagement and
all left for waddiDg. I’d no idea the old It soothes every ache, every bruise, every cramp, every irritation, every lameness, every
hopin it may do us good. Everything’s itself. the most positive catarrh cure. Full size 50
mO LET—Man and wife or others looking for Wedding Rings a specialty. Largest stock In
at sixes an sevens, an there can’t no- thing would take so
much. What will we The number of summer boarders in cents. swelling everywhere. It is for INTERNAL as much as EXTERNAL use. It was originated
in1810, by Dr. A- Johnson, an old Family Physician. Every Mother Should have it m the house. A a good room with board for the winter will city. McKENNEY, The Jeweler, Monument
exceptin a ruck of rich do?” town is much smaller than it has been
ELY BROS., 56 Warren St, N. Y. City. do well by calling at 129 Park street. Modern
body git any show
during the eat Her part of tbo season, but
Square. _mar22fltl
men’s sons.” “I’ve seen the boys use grass,” replied “Best Liver Pill Made.35 I use Johnson’s Liniment for catarrh. I had conveniences, central location.6-1 OR SAl.Ii—FSrm in Bethel, Maine. 120 acres
there are a large number here yet, es- I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever
0 m « tried almost everything recommended for good land, i: 1-2 story house, sheu and two
“Why don’t you enlist in the ranks and the resourceful captain. pecially at Cruig’s Point. since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but 0 i $ catarrh, but find Jolinsou’s Anodyne Liniment IVANTED—Furnished house in the western barns, all in good condition, good orchard, and
serve your country that way?’ demanded So, with straining arms and heroic dis- • s
part of the citv by a small family for six
Columbia, with characteristic aggressive- regard of grime, they pulled their heavy
ness. “I’d call that better business for a ordnance back into position and filled it
Vest Gray, Kept. 5.—School commenced
Ely’s Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many
acquaintances have used it with excellent re- arsons l iSlS
and Sick Headache, liver
months ox a year. Unexceptional references
given. Kindly send full particulars to Real
Estate Office. First National Bank Building,
well supplier! with wood and water; also about
200.000 feet of pine timber. About two miles
from Bethel village, and known m the Edward
of dewy sults—Oscar Ostrum, « Warren Ave., Chicago, Positively cure Biliousness Boo^ "Treatment for Diseases” Mailed Free. A. Capen farm; will be sold on favorable terms
big, strong man like you than loafing nearly to the muzzle with armfuls on Monday, MBs Edith Allen, teacher. in. ??om\7e°bSPl& Doctor’s Signature and Directions on every bottle,
FREDERICK S. VAILL.5-1 Or may be exchanged for Portland property.
about and grumbling here.” grass, ramming it home with all their Mr. and" Mrs. Geo. A. Bailey are con- _
them. Price
using five #1. 25c; 6olu everywhere. Ail Druggists. L S. Johnson A- Co., Boston, Mass. rooms, bath and large
Of 6 MISS SABAH BIDEN, Na 394 Fore at.
She had just entered the postoffice, strength. giatulated on the birth of a son (John TO LET—Tenement
shed: tine location;first olass odder: $16 Portland, Me.mar9-tf
They always fill it An Amiable Young Man.
where Joel was haranguing, and stood like “Don’t be afraid. Allen) August 28. per mouth. Also rent of 5 rooms, $12 per
SALE OE LEASE—A lot of land at the
an animated edition of the “Star Span- clear up!” panted Columbia, breathless Mrs. Jennie King and dauchter Alice “Mamma,” said Bliss Northside, “I am NOTICE. C3TY OF PORTLAND, month. All newly papered and painted. No
children. References required. Address 256
FOR West End, corner Forest and Congress
were the guests of Mrs. Jennie Allen last streets, containing about 41124 feet. Apply to
gled Banner” on the edge of tho crowd. with her exertions. quite certain that Mr. Esplanade mrans To the Electors of the City of Portland: BRACKETT ST.5-1 E. Harlow. 919 Congress street, jai;2&dtf
’Ketch me servin under them nincom- “You didn’t forget to put in the pow- business.” Notice Is hereby given that the Board o! Reg-
fiariy Golding has ipoved from the I take tills method of notifying RENT—A beautifully situated large
poops!” roared Joel. “Better run home, der?” Simeon Skillings place to Prince’s Gully.
“What makes you so certain?” asked
the public that E have purchased istration of Voters of said oitv will he In open FOltsquare furnished or unfurnished,
little gal, an stick on a few moro of them “Not I,” she responded. “That would Mr. Chapman from Pown 1 is about to Mrs. Northside. session at Room Number Eleven (11) City suitable ladles
for two or man and wife, steam
the Drug store at 659 Congress Building, upon e«ch of the twelve secular days
red, white an blue posies you’ve sot out in be a girl trick, wouldn’t it?” mov# into the Skillings house. “He’s trying so hard to placate papa. heat, bath, Bic. An exceptional opportunity. ■WANTED—Gentlenjan to assume control
street, formerly doing business prior to the State election, which occurs on Rent very low. Address B. B. B„ this office.
your pa’s front yard. That’s the way you At that moment shouts were heard at Mr. Fied Knight and Miss Fannie Papa told him that his wheel was a better
under the name of ftoold & Monday the twelfth day of September next, be- 3-1
If and management of our gobds In this sec-
An- make than Mr. Esplanado’s, and Mr. twenty-ninth to September tion. These goods are controlled entirely by
gals fight fer your country, Cluruby the foot of the hill. Sho hastily adjusted Frit ham of Freeport were muffled ing from Align. __

Bragdott. Having had long ex- tenth, inclusive. The first nine secular days of TO LET—Two large rooms, bath monopoly, Easy to sell and highly respect-
Alpin.” the priming and sprang to her feet. A g st 24 and are now keeping house at C. agreed that it was.”—
Esplanade meekly ROOMS
O. Knight’s. perience in this business I hope said Session, viz: August 29th to September 7th, room connections, two clqjew In each able. This opening Is for tho right im® Hi the
“I’ll just show you someday!”she cried throng of dark, gesticulating figures wero Pittsburg Chronicle. to merit a share of the public Inclusive, will be for the purpose of receiving room; gentlemen preferred- 16 ELM ST., first rialit place and only comes to a man one* In a
defiantly as she turned away with a lettei pressing up the slope, Joel Slocum at the | Mrs Daniel B. Cobb of South Portland confidence and patronage. Form- evidence touching the qualification of voters In nouse irom Congress St. on leffiiand side. life time. For full particulars and an examina-
ai d three lady friends are stopping for a said ojtv, and to revise and correct the voting tion of the goods call on the undefsUned at
postmarked Newbnrg. head of the column. few weeks at Charljs E. Allen’s camp at
CROP REPORT. erly with Edmund Dana, 15. P. Hats qf 'the several wards therein, from nine
3-l_ the United States Hotel. R. FRISBEY. 8-1
Even the news of the brilliant victory at “You leave alone that cannon!” he bel- Little Sebago lake S. Goold and Goold At Brngdon. o'clock lu the forenoon to one o’clock In the after- FOR RENT—Furnished or unfur-
Through the oouitesy of well known HOUSE young lady cashier by whole-
Manila fell flat in Rustival. lowed as he cantered toward them liko an Mr. Clarence Hoag was In Boston last
growers throughout the State, the Maine
noon, from three tillflve o’clock In the afternoon nished, 27 Pino St. Rent moderato to WANTED—A
sale house; must be a good penman,
“Jest happened so,” commented Joel. angry bull. “You shoot that gun again and from seven till nine In the evening, except- good tenant or will sell on installment plan. qniok ami correct at figures. Address, stating
ing on the'last day of said session (September W. C. G. CARNEY, Room 8, City Building or
“Likely the Spanish wa’n’t lookin fer nc an I’ll have you jailed.” Mis.i Bertha Twombly has gone to Farmer is able to present a complete sum- FRANK 4. BRACOON, 7th) When It will not be In session after live 85 Federal St.saps-tf
experience. CASHIER, this Oaicp._
laily to
seoh fool doin’s way off t’other side of no Groveland, M ass., to engage In teaching. mary of tbe crop condition to Sept 6th. o’clock in the Afternoon. The sessions on Sep- and sell alu-
“Put ’em under the pump!”bawled an-
Miss Alma Savoy of East Gray Miss APOTHECARY, tember eighth, ninth and tenth will be for the LET—A fine rent of seven rooms, steam WANTED-Geutlemau
miuum novelties; good pay guaranteed.
where, an what’s the good on it? Should other of the gallant party. The 6tory tola is one of good nows to most
TO Apply to A. E. LEIGHTON, rdom 4, Swett’s
Edith Allen and Mr. Ernest H. Allen of sections and all purpose'to enable the board to verify tha cor- heat, set tubs, hash and all modorn Im-
say we hed savitches enough on our han’t “Look out for yourselves! It’s going!”
West Gray in ide a bicycle trip to River-
now required Is a sharp 659 Congress St., (Near State). rectwes offeatd lists and for closing up the provements, No. 142 Sherman street, near | Hotel, city, between 9 anu-10 a. m., and 5 find 6
a’ready, specially with that gal ravin rang out the shrill, sweet treble of the cap- ton on Saturday. demand and fair price In the mark et Portland, Maine. sep2dlw records of said session. Grove street. Call forenoons or evenings. 3-1 p. m. _3-1
round in her war paint, makin a walkin ; tain, keyed to concert pitch by intense ex- and All registered voters who changed their resi-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Alien COEN. dence from one Ward to another previous to LET—Lower tenement, house 25T State \t ANTJSO— DlTUAlflOS

barber pole of herself. Wouldn’t mind citement. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Allen Of Port-
April 1. 189S, and have not bad theli- residence! street, seven rooms besides batt), pantry,
givin her a few feathers, though, to help The fuse wa6 already sparkling and land spent a week’s vacation at their The past month has materially changed j —"X“i?©95|3pa9®©®9399©gVk Crly corrected on the Voting List of the laundry, etc., hot waier heat. Inquire on Forty voritf Jfcsert©<t t*»der thi« head
the first day of 4ug24tf
out. She’s corruptin all the gals in the spitting gushes of fire. She stood in its father’s. Mr. R, A. Allan, last week. the corn outlook, and the loss nbw will
el where they resided on premises. an© we*3t for 45 o««4».*® advance

For Columbia had indeed succeeded in
fitful light, aglow with color. Then the
air was rent with a tremendous detona-
Charles Hunt of Portland and Samuel
Bunt of Dearing, former residents, called
be only in'those fields where seed failed
J2V£RY...| I should iiottfythe Boated pf Registration in
person or in writing of seen change,
tl CUy Building, on each of the nine secular
Room No. LET—At
T.O class
upper rent of eight
Cumberland street, a first
roojns. with bath
place as stenographer
and typewriter by tody ol experience; or

on friends here last week. to germinate. The canning factories are 29th inclu-
firing the maidens of Rustival with some-
tion, and both the cannon and its inolos- days, August to September 7th, 1898, tub and hot water cobnecetons, also hot water would like a few more easterners to do work on
North Gray, Sept. 6,-Jjlugane Humph- running all over the State, reporting sive ret apart as above indicated, for the revis- heat. Rvervthiucin fine condition and up to ray typewriter at homo for. Address. STENO-
thing of her own spirit. The war appeal- ing shed had vanished. rey of Boston was In Gray during
the .....
ion and correction ot the Voting Lists.
ed to them. The element of romance had heavyiyleld and superior quality. The GRAPHER, care of Portland Press office.
Slocum was hit full and fair by the fair visiting friends ond be During said time, satd Board will revise and toot ot Exchange street. _aug2dtf _7-1
been sadly lacking in their lives.
organized a Soldiers’ Aid society, held
They huge wad of pulpy grass. Luoky for him
pa- he was no nearer! Stained green from
log ten years since hi3 last
appearance yellow com
Is Riling rapidly and
fodder has made unusual growth.
A T01HS TRADE. 2 correct the Votthg Lists; and the Wardens of
said city shall be governed by said revised and
corrected’tist, an 1 no name shall be added to or DBNTKT’S OFFICE
Parlors now occupied
TO LET—The Dental ~WANXED—Situation by experienced cook
by Dr. D. \V. Fel- “f and waitress, good references if called
frlnUrt Tniuitincra nn fl fiftTlt floWftrS find ! 1 11 Ion w.ltlilon onH raninn
Henry Lawrence of Boston made his lows. 211-2 Freo street, comprising 2 operating for, cad in the aiternoob. Apply 18 8t-
large yield will be harvested if the weath- stricken from said lists, on ssirt d»y of election,
dainties to the hoys in blue in the volun- like a blistered snake. annual visit to the fair. er remains favorable, I Wa Em.wQ, h.r* Mutonm and no person shall vote at any election, whose rooms, reception room and work room; posses-
and Ex-
Mrs. T. J. Mayberry’s sister has re- mime Is not on said Itsts, but the board of regis- sion August 1. Also offices over 8K 90
teers’camp near Newburg. They also es- “She’s a-killin folks!” he yelled. "She POTATOES. ooma to ta With copy sad sag tration will be tu Session on the day of election change street. CHARLES MCCARTHY, JR. IV ANTED- SItna«on as drug dtrk;
tablished a boycott against the disloyal fired right at ns 1 Tar an feathers Is too turned to Massachusetts. or BENJAMIN SHAW.
<» ed: nine yeafis’ ff*ppr(ehce; best of reffir-
for the correction of errors that may have oc- Hy26dt£
Lurandus Legrow had the misfortune ences. Address DRUG t-EEif K, tills Qffioe, 8-1
though the Large size, good yield, superior quality curred during said revision.
youth of their own town,
good fer her!” And the crazed mob took lately to split one finger in the box
and but few reports of rotting or rusting
; n
Pat it fa sttsaetivo fbm ant i \ AUGUSTUS F. GERRISH. ANTED—Position ih an office by an expe-
young men strenuously Insisted that it up the cry. of C. E. Libby. MONROE A. BLANCHARD, rienced young woman stenographer and
was just tho other way, and the boycott

HOUSES IN DEERING, typewriter. Best of references. Address B,

But the girls also had vanished. The Mrs. Mary a. iriu» *= w tell the story of a bountiful harvest ol make foa price rsagoaabla." MICHAEL C. McUANN,
was on tho girls. Anyhow there was a two aids had fled in shrieking panic, but sister, Mrs. Balias Baines of West Gray. potatoes all over the State. It has been PapMuiiH
Boardof Registration of Voters.
AjumctiSO 1RQR. A.iipQQri2ur
Press Office. _28-2
and "sparking” Mr. Cyrus Latham Is drawn as grand many years siDce a better crop was har- 1
great dearth of “parties, as the storm of threats broke upon her In tusk ohm the work to alwnys WASTED,
was at a standstill. Columbia staggered to her feet, groping vested than will be seoured in '08. and Any location, atyle or price or terms. All

Then, as an offset to the hated volun- for support, a little stream of blood tric- JUMr Horatio Sawyer and family and with a partial failure elsewhere, fairly iOtWfturtoty and brines ccOcUsni kinds of property exchanged. Situation by a young man who understands
Mrs. Mury Low are visiting at Carthage, good prloes may be expected. GITY OF PORTLAND. bookkeeping and is willing to work. Two
teers at Newburg, these brave lads formed kling from her forehead. “Stand hack!” rcsdlto. years experience. Graduate of Grays Port-
a company of "home guards.” she cried faintly. “Don’t you dare touch cornshop^isin fall blast. Some we GRAIN.
BAi/rosj & co., land Business College. G06d references fur-
The Portland, Me. nished. Address CHA9. F. ALLEN, Skow-
“Fer right here’s where you’re goin to be me!”
hauling home more corn than they haul THE THURSTON PRINT, Notice to Contractor*. 478 1-2 Congress street, hegan, Maine. augSdew*
Grain of all kinds has ripened in grand ,
needed, boys,” asseverated Joel, "an purty “Stand back, you scoundrels!”
shape, furnishing a heavy yield per acre. Sealed proposals for constructing about 1300
septl _T.Th&Stf
soon too. Fancy them crazy gals’ll haul A dear, strong, menacing voice came Fivo scholars of this district are at-
feet of pipe sewer in Noyes and Devonshire
in some of their striped toggery whon like an echo with a reveille of hoof beats tending the Institute. Only in very limited sections are there streets win be received at the office dkthe Com-
School commenced this morning in reports of a shortage. mSCTXHANEOrS. IntertC/d under ttols he%d
onoe they see the Spaniards marohin into missioner of public Works, City HSA until
from the farther slope of the hill. A young Ferny y*rds
town.” this district, taught by Miss Maria Allen Monday, September 12, 1893, at 12 o’closk m„ one wrack for 25 ce^ti. csiih In advance.
cavalry officer, closely followed by a squad STOCK. ianorted nailer tW» Lead
of West Gray. when they will be publicly opened and read. forty words
But when this devoted troop of defend- of his men, drew rein beside her. He lift-
Frank Foster and James B. Humphrey With a bountiful hay crop, of su perloi CITY OF PORTLAND. The successful bidder wilt ho required to give a ona x«ok for 20 cents, cash 1b aaTance.
WANTED—Fifty Girls to ruu
power ma-
ers paraded the streets the girls scoffed at ed the girl to the saddle and drew a big of Freeport attended the fair two days bund tn a sum and with sureties satisfactory to chines. Apply to Mr. Kelly af nmnufaO-
them openly, and from day to day the bit- revolver. last week. quality, the people of Maine have awak- the Commissioner of Public Works to ensure —
| tory. iC8 Mljidlo sti-eet. fourth floor. MlLLi-

Mr. O. C. Stinchfleld is working in the ened to the fact that there is a great Notice to Contractors. the proper fulfillment of tlie conditions of the to 820 per KKN. COUSENS & SHOitT.aep7-4
terness grew. Finally, a3 the Fourth of “This gun shoots lead!” he warned ooutracr. lhanks on which proposals must be SPECIAL NOTICE-Will pay $15
July drew near, the men unanimously them. “Don’t you advanco another step. box-mill for C. E. Libby. shortage In stock of all kinds and a brisk made, and plans, specifications and furtuer in- month to any store keeper
II in a•
M^ANTED-GIrl for gsneral Housework." Suit
voted that they would have no celebration. demand, with advancing prices, is report- Sealed proposals for grading yard ad (oiulng I formrtlon can ha obtained af the office of the me one part store, or window, only Please ad- good * *
be a good cook. Apply at «o High St„
I suspected there might be trouble tonigbt CORNISH. the Chestnut street school will be received at business place for jewelry business.
‘Tt’d jest be a farce an a humiliation at in a ed all over the State. Aroostook County the office of the city clerk, City Hall, until Fri-
Commissioner, who reserves the right to reject
dress L. GORDON. Jeweler, Eagle Hotel,
despicable little town whero they re- Cornish, Sept. 7.—Sidney Marr of East in particular feels the loss. More calves 9th, any or aU bids, should he deem it for the inter- WANTED—A capable girl for general house
sioh a season as this,” Joel assured them, nor women.” day, September 1398. at twelve o’clock, m., Portland,
Ipect neither country Weymouth Mass., is here tor his annual are being kept than for many years. Fall when they will be publicly opened and read.
est of the city so to do. Bills should be marked Mo.____ *» work. Apply 183 Eastern Promenade,
“Are you badly hurt, sweetheart?”
“an you better keep your eyes peeled, boys, he “Proposals for Sewer1' end addressed to
visit. feed is good and now that the tly season The successful bidder will bo required to give a to loan on mortgages of real estate righp hand oell. __«"t
fer It’s more’n likely them striped petti- »sked tenderly as they rodo away. Miss Blanche F. Wedgewood who has Is about over, rapid growth is being bond in a sum and with sureties satisfactory to
Commissioner of Public Works.
MONEYat 5 and 6 per cent, forsaie
real estate,
WANTED—A smart, nea^, wilJlDg young or
coats’ll be out fer the Committee on Unimproved Real Estate. farms timber lands and suburban property. *7 middle-aired lady to do general house-
“No, Edmund; only a little gash on my heen visiting at her home here, returned made.
Flans may M tbe offioe of the Commis- Fortland, Sept. B, 1899. sepSdtd Bents' collected, and care of property. work in a lainily of two; good home, light work,
A nd in very truth this blue eyed daugh- a scratch,” she whispered, to Cambridge Monday, accompanied by
tomple—just FRUIT. sioner of Public Works. The Committee reserves Thorough acoualiitance of the value oi proper- lair pav for the fall aSd winter. Adorers L. G.
ter of Revolutionary rebels and Scotch but she was shuddering uncontrollably. Miss Antoinette Brantigan of Jamaica the right to reject any
or all bids, should they tv Having bud 25 years’ experience iu the Me. 8-1
PERRY, Pavsonsnold,
Covenanters not the 6ort of girl to a sol- Plain, who has been her guest here. While limited sections and occasional deem it for the interest
of the city so to do.
GSTY GF PORTLAND. business. N. 8. GARDINER, 176 1-2 Middle
“Anyhow,” ho responded, stifling v> ith

bear an insult tamely, least of all an in- dier’s Ur. W. C. Pike, Portland, was here last bills Bids should be marked “Proposals for grading” greet._B-l
oath, for he was still hot promise an average yield, the fruit and addressed to the Committee on Unimproved SU215125 It RESORTS-
And now a personal week for a vacation. Notice to Contractors.
sult to her flag.
wrath, “you shall fight no more fights Senator Leroy F. Pike has heen a vic- crop
of Maine will fall far below the Real Estate. sepodtd WANTED—I
am now ready to buy all kinds
A ■ ...

grievance was added, for some of these with the craven traitors of Rustival. If fv of cast gents’
ladles', children’s tills head
tim of hay fever for several days. average. The great producing sections 61 WEALED PROPOSALS for building sewers than any purchaser in
clothing. I pay more Forty words luserled n.der


chivalrous bumpkins had deemed it shall in Eastern Promenade and Orange street 25 cents, In
you will go to war, Columbia, you 'ihe fair was not a financial sucoess, the Kennebec, Franklin, Androscoggin and a
the city, beud letters
to MR. or MRS. 1>k one we^k for
clever joke to break into her garden at go with me.”—Boston Transcript. will be received at the office of the Commis-
expenses exceeding the receipts by at least southeastern Oxford
determine the vol- over put; on the GKOOT. 7fl Middle at.’>s-3
This Is the prettiest Spoon sioner of Public Works, City Hall, until 1 ues- BOR good country board pi a fine locality for
night, uprooting the flowers and tram- $5u0. The gate receipts are very small ume of the crop in the State, and hero the market Call and see It MeKENNEY, the day. September 6th, 1898, at 12 o clock m., I
! fishing, gunning, ro.filig, fine views, pleas-
pling down the beds, “exactly what a even though the attendance is large. yield will be light. With a fair demand Monament Sq uaro. mauudtf
when they wfcll Ue publicly opened and read. MONEY TO LOAN on first ana second mort- Broad
Names of Army Officers. for
Jeweler. Tfi. gages on real estate, life Insurance poli- ant drives ami plenty of shade trees.
drove of hogs would have done,” she Each share entitles the holder to three and reasonable prices potatoes, hay, Plans, specifications ana further informa-
cried, with angry tears, when she saw it.
A correspondent of the London Specta- daily admissions which will have to be pork and other products,
the farmers of tion may be obtained at the office of said com- cies and notes or any good security. Real es-
tate bought, sold and exchanged. 4S 1-2 Ex- SKSu. AJ. w“ pIpjImer"
tor calls attention to the fact that out of a be will enter the busy season of 189E persons ln want of trenks missioner, who reserves the right to reject any moinl, Me. 10-12 je
And this utterance didn’t tend to increase changed before the fair can a money Maine
WANTED-AU or ail bids, should he deem it for the interest of change street, I, P. BQTLKK.aug23-l
hor popularity.
random list of 81 officers in the American
and navy there are three German
maker. under easier conditions than for many
N. D. Colcord of the Biddeford Record years. H srySS? the city so to do. Bids should be marked
‘i roposols for Sower” and addressed to MONEY TO LOAN—On first and second
Following close on the hoels of this feat army
of vandalism, tho announcement of the names,
one Italian, one Fronch and one
All the rest are unquestionably
was in town last week for his vacation.
Mies Mabel Hasty of Saco was the

Ervrv.,% T»rar g
Trunks repaired. Open evenings.
We frame agsidtd
Commissioner of Public Wor*s
mortgages ou real estate at as low rate of
interest as can be obtained in Portland; also
loans made oti stocks, bonds, personal proper-
has removed to Y. M. C. A. Building, Room
Bo celebration resolution provoked a blaze 36. Tuesdays, other days by aepoiatraent.

British. guest of Mies Margaret Milllken last pictures-___ ty or any other good securities. Inquire of A.
of Indignation In the Soldiers’ Aid sooiety C. LIBliY & CO,, 4-2 1-2 Exchange St. anS13-4 Take Elevator. Boston office 187 Newbury
which was a flue display of fireworks in Ur. and Mrs. Louts N. Cheese of Port-
NORTH YARMOUTH ~TCIASNSPJ?1NCS, 75c. TM OTICK—We Will pay tile highest cash prices
“That shows them for just what they
Good Place to Boy.

She—I understand that matter weigh-

land were in town last week.
■Officer Melville Kicker, on duty at YARMOUTH, MAINE.
ACADEMY, best American Mainsprings, made by
Plain and Waltham eomlidmes.
is for housohoid goods cr store fixtures of
any description or receive the snmo at our auct-
Eighteen yearn successful
■pa 5
practice in ifaine.
E fi 0 Treated without pain or
Keith's theater in Boston, who has been Jeweler ioii rooms for sale ou commission. GOSS & BL U 1 9S3 detention from-business.
are—mean spirited, cowardly traitors,” ing one pound on the moon's surface, if Ihf one year. MeKENnifY, the
WILSON. Auctioneers, is Free at.19-1 n g g 3 gi Easy; safe; no l&ife. Core
transferred to the earth, would weigh six here for two weeks’ vacation with Mrs. The Sdtli year opens Sept. 13,
broke forth the warlike president, her
pounds. Ricker, has returned home 1898. Hoard and Tuition
Monument Square.__marlJdlf want tK) call your attention to the fi aw u acStt Guaranteed l or No Pay.
cheeks outfiaming her costume. “I don't
He—Can’t you managotobuy your but- Cormlv & Flannigan of Philadelphia FACTS—I
following: I do landscape gardening, fall
&& Dr. C.T. F 8 S K
wonder they sympathize with the Span-
ter up there, dear?—Yonkers Statesman.
have leased the corn factory owned by SE50 Per Year. WATCHES ON INSTALLMENTS. STEPHEN BEftRY, priming and grading, clean windows, oo scrub-
bing. clean and lay carpets. Al! my work is 333 Main Street, Lewiston,
tf&jjjjj 8“ A
birds, for they aren’t one bit oivilized, in- Fred T. Flint’s heirs and Mr. Pequinto
First class preparation for best Colleges an,, and Elgin Watches. A largo stock 0B
is good and
Waltham done in a satisfactory manner; it will pay you All letters answered. Consultation [p? is33
sulting women and sneaking about at superintendent. The corn For full luformation, address
and (ca'td
Bight to get revenge. But two can play
Take the Maine State Feess for a
there will be a big pack.
Aaron Marr has moved to his new
for Business.
the Principal,
IUiV. B. F. SNOW, A. M
Of new model Watches will be sold on easy pay-
ments at reasonable prices.
All Styles.
MeKENNEY, the Jewoler, Monument
All ffiookf Job
09, S7 Plum street
to give me
eer Bros.
a call; refer by permission to car-
LOUIS 11 LINCLICK, No. 9 Boyn-
ton Court. Telephone 750. aug2dtf
At U.
for free pamphlet, g |
S. Hotel, Portland; Saturdays only.
farm. aug8eod5w&w5w mai'lfldtt
it that game, I guoss, aud if the men weekly paper. home, the late Caleb H. Ayer Square.
won’t selebrate their own country’s Inde-
Grain Quotations. Corn—reoemts 81.876 b09b: exports 268.9SC GLOUCESTER—Ar 7th, sch Anna Shepherd, STEAMERS._
A DREAMING MATCH. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL CHICAGO BOARD Off TRA >1 bush; sales 160,000 bush futures.l< 3,000 bush
potsspol weak; No 2 at 36 fob afloat.
Roekport for New York.
The Indian Did Pretty Well, but the White
Frl ’ay’s quotations. Oats—receipts 876.600 bush: exports (376
bush[ sales 30,000 bush spot; spot dull: No 2
HYANN1S—Ar 7th, soh Addle Jordan, Port
land for New York.
Maine Steamship Co.
Portland & Worcester Line.
at 25tt®2Cc; No 3 at 24®44%c; No 2 wultfl at
JACKSONVILLE—Ar 6th, sell Richard F C
Man Did Better. sept May. Deo. Hartley, Falker. Philadelphia.
Among the famous Indian traders of tho
Closing.. 64 62% S8a28V»; track white 2b(2SGe.
Beef quiet: lamtly—; city extra India Mess
NEW BEDFORD—Ar 6th. sch Bradford C Long Island Sound By Daylight. DIRECT STEAMSHIP USE. POET!,A W & ROCHESTER It K.
past was George Galphin,
whoso trading Quotations of Staple Products in the Opening.. •• ....... 64%
63% 61A
Lard steady: Western steam 9< 16.
French. Sanford, Norfolk.
NEW LONDON—bidOth,schs HattleMMavo,
The steamships IJoiatlo Hall and Man- From Boston every Wednesday and Saturday,
Slaiion Foot of Preble St.
station at Silver Bluff, S. C., was fre- May. Deo. Pork quiet: mess at $9 60®10 00; short
Calais for Haverstraw; Grace F Willard, Hall,
hattan alternatively leave Franklin Wharf. On and after Monday, June 27, 1898, Passenger
quonted by Indians from far and near. a
Leading Markets. Onenine.. 334a
clear 11 00&13 00; family ®12@12 60.
Providence for New York; Robert Byron. Hart-
ford for do; J Frank Seavey, Kelley, Newport Portland. Tuesdays, 1 hursdays and Saturdays
at G p. in. for New York direct. Returning, leave
From Phiiadeipltii every Wednesday and trains will Leave Portland:
ForWorcester, Clinton, Ayer Junction. Nashua,
“Bench and Bar of South Carolina” Closing........ Butter steady; Western creamy 14V4018M e: News. Windham and lipping at 7.30 a. m. and 12.33
characteristic anecdote is related of Mr. New York Stock ami Money Market.
OATS. factory do at 1 l%Sii4c; Eigms atl8Va; state
dairy 18® 17c; do
PHILADELPHIA-Cld Gth, schs James 8 Pier 38, E, R., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-
days at 5 p. m.
From Central Wharf. Boston. 3 p. m. From
p. m.
May. Dec. crem ;4VaiuH8VSc. Hoyt. Boston; Chas ESchmidt. Gloucester: Ida For Manchester, Concord and points North at
Galphin and an Indian chief. Eggs weak; State aud Penn at 16o; Westorn II Mathis, do; Lizzie E Dennison. Portland; These steamers are superbly fitted and fur- Pine street Wharf. Philadelphia, at 3 p. m. In-
:Sy Telegraph Opening. 18% nished for passenger travel and afford the most 7.30 a. m. and 12.30 p. m.
Chief Mogoloch from beyond the Savan- Closing.. 18% fresh loVjc. Almeda Willey, Belfast; MarysO Stuart. Rock- surance one-half the rate of sailing vessels. For Rochester, Sprtngvale, Alfred, Water-
NEW YORK. Sept. 7. .. 22
Cheese weak: large stato wlute at 7Vi&7s/sc; convenient and comfortable route between F’relghts for the W9st by the Penn. K. It. and
nah river spent the night at Mr. Galphin s. Money on call was firm at 2H®4 ter cent; FOBS,
Portland and New York. South by connecting lines, lorwarded tree of
boro and Saco River at 7.30 A m., 12.30 and
In the morning the Indian said, “Me Dec. small while 7%. Ar Gill, schs If & J
Blenderman, Lee, Kenne- Fare: one way. $5.00; round trip, $8.00. 6210 P. m.
last loan at 3: prime mercantile pate' at 4&5
Opening. 8 87 Sugar—strong: held higher; fair refining at bec; Eheuezer Haegett, Warren, New York. J. F. LISCOMB.General Agent.
commission. For Gorham at 7.30 and 9.45 a ml, 12.30, 8.00,
dream last night. 3 13.16c; Csntrlfugal 96 test 4% ; Molasses at Ar 7th, tug Gladiator. Portland, towing two Passage $10.00. Round Trip $18.00. 6.30 and 6.20 p. m.
“What did my
per cent., sterling Exchange weak,with actual Closing. 8 77
3 9-1 Cc; refined market strong and unclia' ged; T1IQ3. M- BARTLETT, Agtocmltf Meals and room included.
“Ah!” suid Gulphin.
b Illness In bankers bills 4 6444*4 8444 lor barges. For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, Westbrook
Tuesday’s quotations. Staudnrd A 5% ;Confectioners A 6%; out loal Delaware Breakwater—In port Gth. ship Iro- For freight or passage apply to F. P. WING. Junction and Wocdfords at 7.30, 9.46 a m..
red brother dream?”
5 16-iC; crushed 6 16-16; powdered D% ; gran- Agent, Central Wharf, Boston. 12.30, 3.00, 5.30 and 6.20 p. m.
“Me dream you give me fine big rifle"
—in Galphiu’s possession at the time.
demand and 4 8244 «,4 8244 tor sixty daysipoei-
d r>i j 1344**86, houur-ercial bills are _

May Dec. ulated 6Vi; cubes 6%.
quois, Taylor, Honolulu (and ordered to New
York). International Steamship Co. Mlt. B. SAMPSON, Treasurer and General
Manager, 83 State SU, Fixhe Building, Boston, at
The 12.30 p. m. train trom Portland connects
Ayer Junction with "Hoosae Tunnel Route”
4 8iya®4 6o% CHICAGO—Cash auotatlons; PASCAGOULA—Cld 4th, sch Harold J Mc- ===== FOR oct22dtf
The trader instantly passed the rifle to
82. Closing. 62% 00% Carthy. Hawley, New York. ass. lor the West and at Union Station Worcester,
Iyer 6044. PERTH AMBOY—Sid 7rh. schs Lawrence lor Providence and New York, via “Providence
Wheat—No 2 spring wbeat 61c: No 3 do G8@ Eastport. Lubac, Calais, SI. Jo’ti, N.B..Hafilax, N.S-
B, S
“If y°u dreamed it, you
the chief, saying, Corn. Line” for Norwich and New York, via "Nor-
must havAit.
Mexican dollars 4644.
May. Dec. ®G2c; No 2 Red at
64*660. J at Haines. Augusta; George Gurney, Mt Desert.
Lorp—No and all parts of Now Brunswick, Nova Scotia SEBARO LAKE STEAMBOAT ROM E. wich Line” with Boston and Albany R. R. for
(Joyernmen Bontds firm. 30Vs®30“Ac; No 2 yellow 3K831Vsc.ii
ROCKLAND—Ar, sch Ira Bliss, Lord, Port- Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton. The to
Next niorniDg Galphin said to the chief, Opening"". 33 80V* No 2 at 20 Wo: N o awhile land.
r3 favorite route to Campobello and St. Andrews, Son^
Kiver, Naples, Bridgton, North the West, and with
the New Stork all rail via

“I dreamed last night."

Railroad bonds firm. Closing. 33% 30% white at 22ft23; No 3 rye No Ba2 SACO—Ar 7th. sch Bessie C. Philadelphia. Bridgton, Harrison and Waterford. Tile “Springfield.”
Oats. le.v 87®4ac: No 1 Flaxseed at 87c. <3a4.iy2c
prlmo Tim- SALEM—Ar Gth, schs R B Woodslde.lMcLean,
N. B. famous daily excursion route through the Trains arrive at Portland from Worcester
“What you dream?" asked Mogolooh. fC+tnil «.roo»r» >nr%f It*r44.
8 40®8_46. Lard Flulaaelphia; Rebecoa M Smith. Green, do. Summer Arrangement. Winding Songo and Sebago’s chain of Lakes. at 1.30 p. m.; from Rocnester at at3.30 a. m., 1.30
Sept Dec. othy seed at 2 46. Mess pork and 6.18 p. m.; from Gorham A30 and
“I dreamed you gave me tho Chickasaw Portland market—cut leaf 7 s confetlon ea y "t " 0°®6 2o. Sid. sens Nellie F Willard, Newark; On and after Monday. May 9th. steamer On and after June 27tli to make close 6.40,
10% 4 72Vh®4 82Va; short rib sides Sawyer, con-
tic; pulytrlsed powered, 6aj
6ct grauulateu Opening. at 4• snort Maggie Ellen. Littlejohn, New York; J Nicker- will leave Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays nections with steamer for above places, take
10.60 A m.. 1.SS. 4.15. 6.18 p. UA
stallion"—which the chief was then rid- 544. 1 toifee crushed 6c t yellow 4 •- Closing. 10% Dry salted meats—shoulders ail West
clear sides 5 60@5 60. son, Llttlrlohn. do; Jordan L Mott, Dyer, do; and Fridays at 5.30 p. m. M. C. K. 1L (Mountain l>iv.( train for Seba- For through tickets tor points and
ing. Wednesday’s quotations. 11 ,,
/a Leora M liiuriow, Roberts, do; E G Willard, Lake, leaving Union Station daily at South apply to 11. c. PALMER. Ticket Agent,
Butter steady 5 creaniry 13@18c: da ries Returning leave SLJohn and Eastport same go
if you dream um, you must have um, Aylward. New l. 25 p. m. Returning, steamer leaves ila‘
said the chief, and the horse was straight-
Aug May. Dec.
@l£c. Eggs firm—fresh at
Flour—Receipts—13,200 bbls;
/ac. London.
VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 7th.schs Ada Her-
0 days. Harrison 7.45 a. m., North Bridgton 8.00 a
tickets Issued and baggage checked m. Bridgton 8.30 a. in., Naples 9.15 a. m con-
1*'je28dtf’ J. W. PETERS. Snot
The following quotations represent the pay- Openlnr...* 63% 60% bush; corn G6«,000 bush; oats 744,000 bush, bert. Promised Land for Bucksport; Grace toThrough
way transferred to tho trader. ing prices In this market: 62% 60% rye 31,300 Push; barley 114.900 bush. Webstei, Elizabethport for Bangor; Edith & destination. cyFrelght received up to 4.00
necting at Lake Station with 11.45 a. m. train
The next morning the Indian remarked, Cow and steers.. c p lb
COBS. Shipments—Flour 8,400 bbls; wheat 92,600 May. Bangor for Atlautio City; Franconia,
Ells- p. m.
! for Portland and Boston. Information and
at the tickets obtained at Union Station,
“I dream last night.” Bulls ana stag?.6 o May. Deo. bush; corn 113.S00 bush; oats 301,400 bush; worth for Romlout; Maggie J Chadwick, Hills- Fine Tickets and Staterooms apply or
Sams—No 1 quality.1 lo boro for Tree Ticket Office, Monument Square jneiitf O. L. GOOHRIDGE, Mgr.
•‘What did my red brother dream?” was No X
Opening.. 33 30% rye 00.00 bush; barley
1C.200 bush. Philadelphia, and sailed. for other information, at Company’s Office,
....9o Closing.32% 60% Passed, sell Madalene Cooney, Kennebec for
the inquiry. No 3 .. @Bc MINNEAPOLIS—Wheat weak—Sep at 67% c; Philadelphia. Railroad Wharf, foot of State street.
Jr. effect Sept. 10 isis.
OATS. Dec at 67c; May at 69% c; No 1 hard ateiYsc; OFFICIAL TIME TABLE
“I dream,” answered Mogoloch, “you Culls .6017c WASHINGTON—Ar Gth, barque Auburndale, J. a COYLE, Gen. Man. TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND.
cal- May. Doe. No 1 Northern
6uVsc; ;No 2 Northern at 66Vie. Dow, Port Spall), Trinidad. Agent.
gave me red coat you wear and muoh 16% marisdtt H. P.C. HERSEY 7 00 a. m. For Brunswick, Lewiston. (Lower)
Portland Wholesale Market. Opening.
Closing... 16% Cotton Markets. Foreicn Fort*. FALMOUTH & FREEPORT Bath, Boothbay, Popham Beach, R ckland, Au-
“If you dreamed it, you must have it, •.PORTLAXi). Sept, 7. FOB A. SEPT. 7, 1838. Ar at nong Kong Sept 4, ship Challenger.
MAINE COAST NAVIGATION CO. gusta, Waterville, Skowhegan, and Belfast.
8.30 a, m. For Danville Jc., Rumford Falls,
said Galphin, and the Indian received the The following are todys wholesale urinai of Dec. NEW YORK—The Cotton market to-iisy
Gould. finish loading for Balti- STEAMERS. Bends, Lewiston, Farmington, Rangeley.
closed steady; middling gulf ;at 6c; do uplands more. Nagasaki, to
Proylsslon. Groceries; etc. Opening... S 38
red ooat and calico. ll.06a m. Express for Danville Jo., Lewis-
Next morning it was Galphin's turn. SuperOne at
Floor. Grata. Closing... 3 40
6% ; sales 1267 bales. Sid Sept 6. barque Emily F Whitney, Pendle- PORTLAND and BANGOR AUGUST 2Gt2i. 1893.
ton. Waterville, Moosehead Lake via Foxcroft,
Corn car S8 39 CHARLESTON—l’b* Cotton market to-day ton (from Shanghai), New York. Bangor, Bar Harbor, Aroostook County and for
He said to tho chief, “I dreamed last low grades.y 26*3 60 do bag lots .... 42 Portland Dally Frees Stock: Quotations. t Ar at Take previous to Sept 6, ship Benjamin WEEK DAY TIME TABLE. Houlton, Woodstock, St. Stephen, St. Andrews,
wao steady; Munllng 6c.
night.” Sprlnc Wneat ban- Meal oas lou *40 Corrected by Swan & Barrett Bankers, 18S F Packard. Allen. Port Townsend. Commencing Tuesday, June ?8, 181)8, On and alter Auv. 2f,th, steamers will leave St. John, and Halitax via Vanceboro. ana st36033 76 Oats, ear lou GALVESTON—Cotton market today was
“What you dream?” was Mogoloch’s in- 31*32 Middle street In port at Valparaiso Sept 6, Bldp Kenilworth, west side Portland Pier 12.30 p. m. Express for Brunswick. Bath,
Patent Spnur Oats, bag loss STOCKS. easy; middling 6 7-16c.
*35 Murphy, from Hilo for New York, to sail Sept For Great Diamond Island 0.00 a. m., 12.10, Rockland, Lisbon Falls. Augusta, Waterville,
“I dreamed,” replied Galphin, “you alien, strum
_C lnnd OWAIiml t.VlQ
Wneat... 4 85®5 CO Cotton Bests,

roller.... 3 90*4 00
car lou .00 00*23 00
ba* lo** 0000024 uo
Canal National Bank....100
Casoo National Bank.100
Far Value. Bid. Asked
100 i02
MEMPHIS—The CottOD market to-dar was 10. alter reloading the portion of cargo which
110 milet; middlings 8 Vie. J had been discharged _
STEAMER SALACIA 2.15, 3.30. 6.15 p. rn.
Returning leave Great Diamond 7.30, 9.35 a.m.,
Newport, Bangor.
town and Greenville.
Bucksport, Bar Harbor. Old-
1 10 p. in. For Danville Jc., Rumford Falls,

NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market to-oay Sid fin Zanzibar July 1G, ship Emily leaves Franklin Wharf, Portland, Tuesdays 1.45, 2.35, 6.40 p. m.
clear do.. .3 65£S 90 Backed Br’e Cumberland National Bank.. .40 30 32
Nichels, Singapore. and Saturdays at G a. m. For Falmouth 9.00, 12.10 a. m., 3.00, 6.15 p. m. Bends, Lewiston, Farmington, Carrabasset,
Ogcochee old town.” J00 quiet; middling 6s/aC.;
Touching at
Rsturuiug leave Falmouth 6.56 a. m., 1.05, 1.25, Rangeley, Bingham. Waterviile. Skowhegan.
-u.ouls st’a csx lots. 14 00*16 00 Chapman National Bank. Sid fm Bermuda Aug 24, sch Jennie Lock- Kookland, Camden, Belfast, Buck.^
“Wughl” said tho Indian. “If you roller... 3 00".4 oo pas 10U16 00*17 oo Fit st National Bank.100 #8 lOu MOBILE—The Cotton market to-day was wood,
Hathorn, United States. port and Wlnterport. Arriving at Bangor 6.00 p. m.
I. 15 p.m. For Freeport. Brunswick. Au-
dream, you must have um, but I droam w clear do. .806*3 90 Middling 80000*17 PO aulet; middling 6Vse. *
In port at Port Spain Aug 18, sch Wm J Ler- about 7 p. m. For Priuee's Point, Y’armouth, 9.00 a. gusta, Waterville, Skowhegan, Belfast. Dover
ni'r whea. m., and Foxcroft.
bag ote. .SOo®17 00 National Traders’ Bank.100 1)7 09 SAVANNAH—The Cotton market to-oay was mono. nupper. rrom isoriont (arrivuu ieiu. uio- Mondays and 3.00 u. m. Greenville, Bangor, Oldtown and
with you no more.” 4 10*4 35 Mixed feed.... J 7 00 Portland National Bank.100
Retuning—leave Bangor
mourn, Mattawamkeagand
patents. 102 104 oulet; middling SVie 1 to Bucksport Saturdays.
Fish. charglng). Thursdays at 6 a. m., making above landings Returning leave prince’s point at
Goflee. Portland Trust Co.100 180 186 Ar 11 til, barque Auburndale. Dow, Barbados, Touching at Northport and Sandy Point for c.40a. m., 6.05 p. m. For Brunswick, Bath, Rockland,
(Buying* selling price) Rlo.roasted ll®lo Portland Gas Company. 60 80 86 1.10, 4.45 (J. 111. Augusta and Waterville.
COASTING IN THE TROPICS. toropean Markets. and remained 18th for United States. For Cousins and Littlejohn's Islands, 9.00
Cod—Large Jayg&Mocha d026®28 Portland Water Co.100 102 104 In port at Turks Island Aug 20, brig Harry Portland about 6 p. m. 5.10 p.m. For Danville Junction. Mechanio
:1ST T»le«ra»h.i a. m., 3.00 and 3.30 p. m.
Shore ..a 500475 Molasses. Portland 8L liallroad Co..100 130 135 Falls, Lewiston, Satuulays 10 Rumford Falls.
email do. .2 00*8 26 Porto Kioo.28*80
Smith. Costa, for Boston (to sail 22d); sell Nlm- Connecting at Rockland lor Vinalahven, Returning leave Littlejohn’s and Cousins 8.00 p. m. Express to i,ewiston.
TUo Sport Confined to tho Summer In Ha- Maine Centfa! JFy.100 128 130 rf.wnny 7 1808_Consols closed at
dus, Bryant (for d" 25th). North Haven and Stonmgton. Islands 8.45 a. m., 12 55. 4.30 p. m.
Pollock ... .2 26*3 25 Barbados*. ... .280*9 Portland & Ogdensburg 100 43 to 109 8-16 for money and 109 6-l6ifor account. Ar at St John. NB. Sept 7. sobs Sea Bird. An-
II. 00 d. m. Night Express, for Brunswick,
waii—Snow Not Necestary. FARES FROM PORTLAND lO For Chebeague (Hamilton’s landing). Bus- cam, hewiston
Haddock.. .1 75*2 00 Faney.82*86 Augusta, water vine, nangor,
BONDS. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 7, 1898—Cotton' market drews, Eocklana; Hlverdale. Urquhart .itock- Rockland or Camden.. si.35, tin’s Island, Wolle’s Neele. So. Freeport and Moosehead
Although Hawaii lios within tho torrid Herring, Hake.2 00*2 25 Tam 8-32d .sales s.35 Porter's Lake. Aroostook county via
Portland 6s. 1907.118 120 is steady—American at inidling at 3 port. Landing, 9.00 a. ni., 3.30 p. in. Sunset Old Town, Bar Haroor, Bueksport "anceuoro,
Cld. sell Nellie J Crocker, Henderson, New Belfast. 3.00,
box Amoy)...23.*,u 3.50
lono, coasting can be enjoyed in any ■Scaled 9®14c Congous.. «... .25(860 Portland 4s. 1902—1912 Funding.. 102 103 12,000 bales, Including 1000 bales for specula- " Pier, 3.30 p. m. 8t. Stephen, St Andrews. 8t John and all
month of tho year. On the island of Ha-

Portland 4s. 1913, Funding.106 108 tion and export. York’ Bangor. S.oo 3,50
Returning leave Chebeague (Hamilton’s) 8.35
Japan.... ....80*31 Weather permitting. Aroostook County via Vanoeboro. Halifax and
Shore IS 322 000*26 Formoso....... 85*65 Bangor 6s. 1809. It. It. aid.101 102 a. ni., 12 45 p. ni. Sunset Pier, ».55. Leave Bus- the Provinces. The Saturday nignt train doe*
waii it would be possible to slide over Spoken. O. C. OLIVER, President. tin's Island 8.10 a. m,. 12.20 p. m. Leave South not run to Belfast
Shore 2s 618 00**18 Sugar. Bangor 6s. 1905.iWater.114 116 Dexter, Dover and Foxcroft
miles of snowfiolds, If one should take the Large ss *11(014 00 StandardGran 6 69 Batli 4%s, 1907, Municipal.101 103 SAILING DAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. CHAS. R, LEWIS, Treasurer. ]C25 dtf treeport 7.46 11.55 a. m. Leave Porter’s Land- or beyond Bangor, exceoting to liar Harbor.
July 23, lat 7 N. Ion 29 W. ship St Francis, ing,
trouble to climb the steep mountain rronDce Ex cllne duality 6 69 Bath 4s. 1921, Kefnudlng.100 10a FROMFOR Winn, from Norfolk for Honolulu.
7.30, 11.40 a. in. 12.55 a. m., midnight—Mi. Dessert special for
For Mero Foint and Harpsweil Center, 3.30 p. Brunswick, Augusta, Waterville, Bangor and
slopes, for Mauna Kea never loses its snow- Cape cranoernes rtitrac....
V orate.. s 60*5 £0 Yellow Extra C....|4%
6 2i Belfast 4s. Municipal.102
Calais 4s 1901—1MU F.efunding.... 100
102 Mongolian.New York. .Glasgow.... Sept 8 PORTLAND AND SMALL POINT m. Bar Uarlior.
cap even in the hottest summers. Maine. 0 00 Seed Lewiston 69,’1901. Municipal.106 107 Alene.New York. .Kingston... S pt 10 STEAMBOAT CO. Returning leave Mere Point via Bustln’s Isl-
White .'fountain Division.
But tho Hawaiians have never cared for Pea Beans,1 40®1 60 Timothy. S 6503 76 Lewiston4g, 1913, Municipal.103 105 Holstein.New York.. Jeretnle.&c.Sept 10 STEAMERS. and and Freeport 0.45 a. m. Leave Harpsweil
8.45 a.m. For Bridgton, Fabyans, Burling,
snow for coasting. It is entirely too cold Bed Kidney 2 16*)2 25 Clover West, 814@U Saco 4s. 1901. Municipal.loo 102 Champagne_New York. .Havre.Sept 10 Center via Bustin's Island and Freeport 6.30
ieliow Kves.l 70*1 76 do N. Y. 914*10 Maine Central UK 7s.l912.cons.mtgl33 135 Etruria.New Y'ork Liverpool. ..Sept 10 SCENIC ROUTE OF CASCO BAY. a. in. ton, Lancaster, St Johnsbury, Sherbrooke,
for them. They coast only in warm weath-
Cal Pea.... I 40*1 60 AlMire, IGiSlOvj
•• *•
“4%s. 106 107 City of lioir.e. ..New York. .Glasgow.. .Sept 10 Portland & Boothbay Steamboat Co. Sunday Time Table.
Montreal, Chicago St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Lake, Bridgton. via
The warmer the season tho better tho Potat's. dus 10 I. 25 For Sebago
Steamer Percy
York.. Hamburg...Sent u. m.
er. 40®c0 lted lop. 16*17 49 cons, mtg_103 106 Phoenicia.New
104 Aller.New York. .Genoa-Sept 10 On and after July 19th steamers will leave Rail and Songo River. North Conway. Fabyans,
sport, for they slide down hill on dry ! rrevUieas. g69,1900,exten’sn,103
Portland & Ogd’g g68,'.900, 1st mtg!04 106 Troian Prince..New York. .Azores.Sept 10 and west side of Portland Pier lor Great Diamond Lancaster, Colebrook,;Quebec, Lunenburg, St
Sweets, Jrsy2 86*3 00 Pork— Hum me r Arrangements—On After
grass or. in default of that, on a narrow Eastn Score 2 26 2 60 lieavv Portland Water Co’s 48. 1927.103 104% Scotsman.Montreal... Liverpool Sept 13 W
Q Island, Mackwortli s Island, Falmouth,Cousins, Johnsbury, Newport. Sleeper to Quebec.
June 18th, 1898. Capt. Chas. II. How,
■ 13 26
track constructed with slabs of smooth Unions. hatv2 00*2 26 medlumia 00®12 26 Majestic.New York.. Liverpool.. Sept 14 Littlejohn’s, Chebeague and Bustiu’s Islands, MO p. in. For Sebago Lake, Fryeburg,
GOING WEST. Wolfe’s Neck, So. Freeport at lu.00 a. m., 2.00 North Conway, Fabvans, Lunenburg, Sr. John-
to bo Western land .New York. .Antwerp.. .Sept 14
lava. Theso coasting tracks are now short cut aDd Boston tstocn Margot.
Amsterdam.. .New York. .Amsterdam.Sept 15 CTK. ENTEEPBISE leaves East Boothbay Will Ie3V3 PORTLAND PIER, PORTLAND,
p. m. For Forter’s Lauding 2.00 and 6.00 p. m. bury, Montreal and" to Toronto and Chicago
found by hundreds on the hills and aro a Chickens.... 14*1C clear
Tlie following were ths cIosib : quota- Sparndam.New York. .ltottorda—Sept 17 C5 far Portland Mondays at 7.16 a. in., touch- Dally at 3.00 p, tn. RETURNING—Leave Forter’s Landing at daily except Saturday. Lancaster, Colebrook,
Turkeys, ivei, 130.5 Beef—llghtlO 2501076 tions of stocks atBoston: Bristol Cove, Heron Is. Lime Sleeper Montreal.
sure sign that nearby is the site of some
heary,..ll 60012 oO York..Hamburg...Sept 17 ing at So. tChristmas 9.00 a. 111. and 4.00 p. m. lor Portland via all Ridge, Quebec. to
Northern do.. ..161017 Mexican Central 49. 66% Pennsylvania..New Werra.New York. .Genoa.Sept 17 land. tOcean Point, Boothbay
Harbor and For Orr*s IslaDd. Card’s Cove, Quohog Bay landings. So. Freeport at 9.15 a. m., 4.15 p. m.
Hawaiian village. howls... 10<tl2 BnlestsVfeDt 6 76® Atchison. Top. «;8anta,Fe. 13%
East Harpswell, Ashdale, HOrso Island Har SUNDAY TRAINS.
Navarre.New York. .Havre .Sent 17 Squirrel Island. Water Small Wolfe's Neck at 9.20 a. ni. and 4.20 p m.
The sled is a vehicle that calls for skill ippion. Lara, tea ana
Boston A Maine.162% York.. London

Sept 17 Wednesday, leave Damariscolta at G a. m. for bor, Cove, Point. West l’hipps- Bustin’s Island at 9.30 a. in. ami 4.30 p. m. 7.20 a. m. Paper train for Bangor.
It is made of EatingapDi'sa 60*3 no 19 bhi.oure 6 @6Vi Cleopatra.New —

touching at anove landings. burg and Cindy’s Hurbor. 12.30 p. m. For Brunswick. Lewiston, Bath,
on the part of the rider. do common **2 001 doeom’nn. 4V2@4A.
oo pfd
Vancouver_Montreal. ..Liverpool.. Sept 17 Portland, leave RETURNING—Leave Cundy’s Harbor at Chebeague Island ut
9.45 a. m. and 3.45 p. ui.
hard timber, for it has to stand very rough Baldwins 0 0000 00 Balls,comma &li®o{4 Maine Central.134
Campania_New York..Liverpool...Sept 17 Friday, Pemaquid for Portland at 6 a. 0.00 Cousins and Littlejohn’s Islands at 9.50 a. m. Augusta, Waterville, Bangor.
a. m.; Asbdala, 0.30 a. m.; Water Cove, 0.45 II, 00 p. m. Night Express for all points.
t?ab»b> logll'/jo palls, pure 7Vi»7r, Union Pacific. 33% Anohorla.New York. .Glasgow .Sept 17 m.,touching at above landings except Damaris- a. m. Card’s
Cove. 7.15 a. m.; Orr’s Island, 8.00
and 3.50 p. m. Falmouth at 10.20 a. ni. and 5.00
usage, and its runners require dense stuff Lemons, purellX 8 V. »»a tv Union Pacific pfd. 66% Vancouver;... .Montreal.. .Liverpool....Sept 17 cotta. a. m.
Arrive in Portland at 10.00 a. m. p. m. Mackworth's 1-laud at 10.35 a. 111. and 12.55 a.m. Mt. Desert special or Watervilie,
to t die tho polish without which there Messina American Bell.280 York. .London.Sept 17 GOING EAST. 5.25 (). 111. Diamond at 10.45 a. in. and 5.35 p. m. Bangor and Bar Harbor.
6 00®6 60 Bants.... 9 @t>y2 Manitoba.New Every Saturday will make round trip from
could be no speed. A sled is all the way California cooerra ..
American pugar. common.141% Rhyuland_New Y’ork. .Antwerp.. .Sept 17 Tuesdays and Saturdays, leave Portland at 7 Portland leaving at 2 00 p. m. Return about Arrive at Portland at 11.25 a. m. and 600 p. in. AM'iv.'l1 f* in Portland.
Oil. Sugar,. pld..„. Xrave.New Y’ork.. Bremen.Sept 20 a. m. for Damariscotta, (touching at Squirrel 8.00 p. m. For Harpsweil Center at 10.00 a. in. anil 0.00 From Montreal. Quebec, Fabyans, 8.10 a. m.
from 7 to 20 feet long, t he two runners Granges.
Ceu Mass*'pld.... York.. Liverpool.. Sept 20 Island, Boothbay Harbor, tOcean Point, Heron p. in. weather permitting.
Florida ooogooo Kerosenel20t» 814 Servia.New SUNDAYS. daily, Lewiston an 1 Mechanic Falls, 8.30 a. m.,
separated by no more than a handbreadth, California, 0 00*0 00 Llgoma. 814 >io common
Coleridge.New York.. F’rn’mbuco, Sept 20 Island. tChristmas Cove, So. Bristol and East Leave Portland Pier 9.30 a. m.. Orr’s Island Returning leave Harpsweil at 8.00 a.m. and Waterville Rockland ami Augu ta, 8.35 a. m.,
a hand rail on each side. With a sled of do Beedlugs 3 00*3 50 Centennial. 8-vg Bates Manlg Co .101 Germanic_New York.. Liverpool....Sept 21 Boothbay. 11.15 a. m. Airive Cundy’s Harbor 12 m.
3.00 p. m.
augeley Farmington. Bemis, Rumford Falls,
that narrowness it would be impossible to jtggs. Pratt's Astral ..1014 Kensington_New York. .Antwerp. ..Septal Thursdays, leave Portland at 7 a. m. for Pem- Leave Cundy’s Harbor at 2 p. m., Orr’s Island Arrive in Portland at 11.25 a. m., 6.00 p. m.
Skowhegau and Lewiston. 12.15 p. in., Iiaugor,
Eastern extra., an 10 In hall bbfs le extra New torn '{notation* Sco t* *nd Bonds. Canada.Boston.Livreoool.. Sept 22 aquld, touching at above jandiugs excer". 3 p. in. Arrive Portland 5 p. in. Unavoidable delays excepted and subjec. Augusta aud Rockland, 11.5b a. m.; Beecher
sit down and shove oneself along until hreshWesteru..@18 to change without notice.
Itaisins. ,By Telegraph.' P Bismarck.. .New York. Hamburg.. .Sept 22 Daiuarl3eotta. F'alls, St. Johnsbury, Bridgton, 12.13 p. m.; Ex-
caught by the velocity of descent. The Held. MusoU.60 lh hxs5@6y2 York. .LaGuaira Sept 24 On Saturday wlU return from Damariscotta BENJ. M. SEABURY, Gen. Manager. press. Maltawamkeag. Bar Harbor. Bueksport,
The folloing ware to-day's closing quotations Abydos.New

only way is to pick up the long sled, take Creamery.lncy..21®22 Batter. Loudon iny’rll 76*200
Deal, oi Bonus
Yorkshire ..Montreal.

Y’letoria.New York. London.Sept 24

Liverpool .Sept 24 to East Boothbay.
t Passengers conveyed by team.
J. H. McDONALD, Man.,
Office. 158 Commercial St,
aug.4dtf Greenville,Bangor,l.ifip.m; Lewiston, 8.25 p.m.;
Skowhegau. Waterville, Augusta and Rockland
a speed gathering run and fling the body Sept. 7 Sept. 6.
ailttuge Vr’mt.l8®2o Retell—delivered. Normania .New Y’ork..Hamburg. ..Sept 24
... Tuesdays and Saturdays passengers for Pem- Telephone 40-3.aug3dtf 5.20 p.m. daily: St.John, Bar Harbor. Aroos-
and sled together down the hill. Done .. Cumberland 000@3 00 New 4s, reg 27 120%
do-coup. 127
Palatla.New York.. Hamburg.. Sept 24 aquid conveyed by ferrv from So. Bristol.
3t6% Ems.New York. .Genoa.Sept24
took County. Moosehend Lake and Bangor,
Cheeses. Chestnut-.. @6 00 JelTdtf ALFRED RACK. Manager. 6.30 p. m.; Kangeley, Farmington, Kumford
just right there is a whizzing, breathless S..Y. fct'ry New 4’s reg..110
ride down tho hill and over tho level val- Vermont... 8°/. fe 919 Lehluh. ...
ley lands. Done just tho least little wrong sage.....
814®914 Franklin-..
1014 Pea. ......
4 60
New *-» coup. .. 111%
L'envor it it. G. 11 St.110
Umbria.New York. .Liverpool.. Sept 24
Fuxnesla.New York. .Ulasgowh.. Sept 27
K Friedrich....New York. Bremen. Sept
24 DOMINION LINE. Falls, Lewiston, 5.45 p. m.; Chicago. Montreal,
Lancaster and Fabyans. 8.05
keag, Bar Harbor anti Bangor, 1.40 a. m.
p. m.; Mattawam-

thero is no slido, but a tearing up of dried Bread mbump fi>le geu 4s. 73% 72% Dominion.Montreal.. .Liverpool ..Oct 1 Halifax, St. John, Bar Harbor, Bangor and
Pilotsup.... 8®3V4I Whitewood— Mo.Kan.!* Texas 2ds.. •; 64% 64
Augusta, 5.08 a. m.
grass and perhaps a broken bone or so

do s.
and the onlookers’ shout of derision. This Crackers.... 614*7 1 Baos.X-in.
7*7I Nol&2, l-ln832*8S5 uansas Pacilio consols.
Oregon Nat. lets...114% 314%
I) LIVERPOOL. Sundays—Bar Harbor, 12.23 d. m.. and Water-
886**28 MINIATURE ALMANAC.SEPT. 8. vole. 5.20 p. m.
is all in tho way of sport, and in that pur- Cooperage. *
Com'n,l-ln *23*528 C osing quotations of stocks\ GEO. F’. EVANS. Vice Pres, and Gen. Man.
ALL HAIL LINE Steamer From Montreal From Quebec.
suit oven a Hawaiian is willing to make tlhhd shocks 160*176
£hds— j 114,114612-
in, Nol&2*33*$3S Atchison.. ... 13%
Sept. 7. Sept 6. i^rsetes9:.-.:::v: SEN*<«*«{;;;;
13% Aloou rises. 0 OOl Height.0 0— ou Scotsman Sept. lOJdayllght [Sent. 10,2.30 p. m.
F. E. BOOTHBY. G. P. & T. A.
some sacrifices.—New York Sun.
Bug.count’y 85 ®1 OOj 14i,ll!i42-lli
Atchison pfd.. 36 36% Vancouver 17, 17,
1 SaDS, S28@*J0
Country MoL
| Squares, *36**38 Central; Pacino. 23 24 TO
■ — Yorkshire 24, 24, Daily Line, ^smdnys fine®tided.
At Liberty to Scream.
hhdshooks Cues, tu U310.. ,.. 2;-%
•••••«..•• 23% Dominion Oct. 1. Oct. 1, THE NEW AND VAL4TIAL 8TEAMBK9
bhd hdir ml Cypress— cuicaxo* Alton.153 167 Labrador 8, I 8,

BAY STATE AND PORTLAND, Portland & Rumford Falls R’y.

It was on a ferryboat plying between 32 n..... 24,326 1-ia No 1&2 *S0@S33

Sydney and Manly, one of that city’s beau- (loops 14ft. 26*30
tiful suburbs. Every scat was occupied.
Sughd35m 21*23 114,114 & 2- ao uw
in.N0l&2 *32@C34 Chicago*,’BurIIneten S Oulucyll6%
219. 3S!4-m*:-,e<g*3H Delaware a Hudson CaualCo.106%
Bridgton, N. Bridgton, Harrison BOSTON
12 ft. 25028 alternately leave Franklin Wharf. Port- Lin Effect 27, I8»8.
Each occupant felt the influence and pre-
h s t 8 @y S’th pine._*25*435 Oolawa,re.l.acKawana
Clear plus—
A Wesil51% 149 VIA. M. C. mil B. & S. R. R. R. TO L1VKKPOOL VIA. QUEENSTOWN. land. every Evening at 7 o’clock arriving in DEPART CJlErv.
Cordage. Deuvitl it itio Granae....... 16 16 WEDNESDAY, Sopt. 7. From From season for connection with earliest tra ns for
pared for an enjoyable trip, when a lank imernUlb 10 ®lt Uppers.*36@9r> 14% a.m. p.m. p.m. Liverpool. Steamer.Boston. 8.30 A. M. and 1.10 P.M. From Union Station
girl of 15 appeared, dragging by the hand Manilla... 1114 ® 1214 Select.$46@65 «o 1st sreter 37% 88 Arrived. Trains leave Portland M.C.E.B., 8.43 1.25 5.55 points beyond. for Poland, Mechanic F'alls. BaekPeld. Cam
Manilla bolt Fine common. .842*46 Illinois Central.115 114% Arrive Harrison, 11.33 4.10 8.61 AUtf 25. &. S. New England, Sept. 8, 3.oo d. m. Through tickets for Providence, Lowell,
ton, Dixneld. Rumtord F'alls and Bemis.
a screaming child.
rope. 00*124‘. spruce. *13 @14 00 Lake Erie* West. 17 18
Steamship Horatio Hall, Bragg, New York— Sept. 8, S. 8. Canada,•* 12. 2.00 p. m. Worcester, New York, etc.
passengers and mdse to J F I.iseoinb. a.m. a.m. p.m. 6.30 a. m. 1.10 and 5.10 p. m. From Union
There she stood glowering. A mild lady Russia do. 18 @1819 Homlock.*11®12 Lake28hore.193 Keturning leave India Wharf. Boston, every
192% Steamer State of Maine, Colby, Boston, for Returning, leave Harrison 5.20 9.25 5.10 BATES OP PASSAGE. Evening at 7 o’clock. Station for.Meeiiamc Falls and intermediate
suggested the child might lie in pain. An Sisal...... ay, a,o<>. Clapboards— Louis it Nash. 68% 63
St John. NB a.m. p.m. p.m.
First Cabin, $60.00 and upwards. Keturn J. B. COYLE, Manager. stations.
old bachelor muttered that people who limes and Dyes. Spruce. X.$32®36 Mannattan Eisvated 96 97
Steamer Percy Yr, How, Phipsburg via Cundy
Arrive Portland 8.10 12.12 7.42
J. F. LISCOMB. Gen. AgL Saturdays only, 5.10 p. m. tram runs through
Acid Oxalic_12314 Clear.828*80 o% 6% Stage from Harrison to Waterford. $114 and upwards according to steamer and ac-
had charge of children should keep them Acid tart.8. ®(‘ i2c. clear.$25*27 Mexican Ceutral. Harbor. $8 commodation. Sept. L 1897. to Kumford F'alls.
Michigan Central.107 107 J. A. BEN NUTT, Supt.
Low voiced, but distinct im- Ammonia.16*201 No 1.*16*20 Minn *: St Louis. 27 Steamer Enterprise. Race. South Brlstql^nd Second Cabin, to Liverpool, London, Lon- Through ears between Portland, Rumford
at home. 27 augl2dtf B. & S. B. R. R.
East Boothbav. donderry and Queenstown, $35 to $40.C0. De- F'alls and Bemis.
Ashes, pot. .6%® 61 fine.*86@60 Minn A St Louis of. 89%
precations wero now rife. 89 Sell Sarah & Ellen. York. Baltimore} With

she took not tho slightest need oi tne

Ba!s cooabla.. .660601 8hlcstles—
Beeswax.37®4S|Xcodsr... .2 76@3 25 Missouri
Pacific. 35% 36
coal to Randall & McAllister.
turn $66.50 to $76.00, according to steamer
and accommodation. Portland, Ml. fleser! sn1 Macbiaj Stb!. Go Connections at Bemis for all points in the
Kangeley Lakes.
jerseT Central. 91 90% Sell Damletta & Joanna. Wallace, New York,
muttering or tho bawling, which was now Blch powuers... 7@9 [Clear cedar. 2 80®2 76 New
iJ8 113% d cueorage, iu juiverpooi. t.onaon, uoiiuou- Sir. “Frank Jones.” Summer ixcursiou Tickets on Sale.
Borax.- XOiglllX No 1.1 85@2 25 New YorkCentral. with clay to Portlai d Stoneware Co. derry, Glasgow, Queenstown and Belfast I'rldav
at tho highest pitch, till the suggestion 14 SSh Lily (Br), Pettis, Bass River, NStf 'jvlth
RprMnnimr .Tiilv 9Qrh 1XQS will luavp
Crlmstone. .314® ■V.1No 1 cedar..1 2601 75 New Sort. Chicago* St Louis 14 $22,50 to $25.50 according to steamer. Portland Tuesdays and i/r days at 11.00 p. m.,
was offered that medicine would do it Bochlneai.40(0431 Spruce.1 2601 60 do pf 68 66
Tripoli to Fossil Flour Co. J. 15. KEATING, T. I'. McGOWAN, B. C. BRADFORD, Tiaffic Manager,
good. Then she arose in her wrath, as it Copneras.... 114® 2ILaths.spee..l
90*2 or Northern
com. 38%
nfrt. 78
: 9%
Qf.ia TT*»1ph S
bell Francis
Knrm>«. Tlaskoll Boston.
Coffin. Hutcliins, Boston.
«to NSEN, V. ASHTON, Portland, or
on arrival ot train
leaving Boston at 7 p m., for
Kockland, Bar Harbor. Mac hi as port and inter-
Portland, Maine.
E. L. LOVEJOY, Snpenntendent
Creamiarta2SVi@3 "*i DAVID TORRANCE & CO., Gen. Agents, mediate landings. Returning leave Machias-
were, and, giving the child a vigorous Ex logwood... Llme.W oek.85® Northwestern....186% 18*Va Sell Talisman, fishing. Montreal.jeisdtf jel8 dtl Bumloid Falls. Maine,
.12016 176 port on Mondays and Thursdays at 4 a. m., ar-
■hake, said: lliin.nw.hi. 7Awl 04 naw.owr 1 ‘livii QO Dfd. 176
Cleared. riving in Portland about 11.00 p. m.
“Ethel, cry as loud 03 you like. I’ve Glycerine
faro!”—London Tit-Bits.
,20 ®7o;
Matches. Ont & Western. id
BO .. 18%
Sell Pandora (Br), Holder, St John, NB —
CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. Passenger and freight rates tlie lowest, ser-
paid your Camphor.......auntth IDlriao. (B 66 Koofclsiana.103% 1<’4% Master. Custom House Wharf.
vice the best.
marlodtf General Manager. BOSTON & MAINE II. K.
Mytrh..,824*66IForestCitv.60 St, Paul.il2% 113%
Opium....4.50 "6 i'0i Metals. no |bfd...i46 lodVa SAILED-Sells Alice E Clark, Norfolk; Cnaa In Effect June 37th, 189S,
Modern Warships, Davenport. Kennebec.
Paul 4s<imaaa. 88% 83
It is of historic interest that the modern lidilro';::
loams....sco®y 86
:iX\ ilWr*...
roiisnea cooper.
.«!«% St do orfd..
160 FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. A Fall Assortment o? Lehigh ami Free-
Trains leave Portland, Union Station, for
Ironclad, with its turrets and massive ipecac.2 25®2 601Bolts.
StT.PAUl.5Mmn. (6 Mann...
16®V« Texas Pacific. *4% MT DESERT, Sept 6—Ar, sch Wm F Camp- The 365 Island Houte. Scarboro Lroosin?, 7.10, 9.C5, 10.00 a. in., 12.00,
Summer Arrangements, July 3, 1893
plates, had its root idea in the famous Ucorice. rt_16A20IY M sheatn.... 12
Union Pacific Dfd... ..*-6Sl/4 bell. Strout. Boston. Burning Coals for Domestic Use. 1.20.
Beginning July 2nd. 1838, steamer Aucoelseo Pine3.55, 5.15, 6.20,
6.50 p. IB.; Scarboro bench,
monitors first designed for the United Morphine.. .2 66te2cOlYM Bolts... 12 Point, 7.00, 7.10, 8.15, 9.05, 10.00 a. IB., 12.00,
Wabash.... 88a •• 8 /a Sid, sens Kate L Pray, Fray, Boston; E T For Forest City Landing, Peaks' Island, 6.45, will leave Portland Pier, Portland, daily, aa
1.20, 3.30, 3*55, 5.15, 5.50. 6.20. 6.50, 8.00 p. ill., Old
by Ericsson, who Oil bereamow 760S 201 Bottoms.22®24 I!amor. Brown, do. 6.40, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, *10.30 12.00 m„
States government do ^rfd.. 121‘5'g 22 W Pocahontas (Semi-Bituminous) and 11.00 8. 111.. follows:
Orchil' <i beach. 5.20, 7.00. 7.10,8.15,8.40,9.05,
Nor.Codliver20o@226 I Ingot.... 11013 16-U4 KOCKPORT, Sept 7—Ar. soils Mlantonomah, 12.30, *1.45, 2.15, 3.00, *3.45, 4.30 6 00, 5.45, 6.15, For Long Isiaud," Little and Great Chebeag-
•ought to combine invulnerability with American do 3101 251 Tut— Boston Maine.192 *7.00, 7.30, *8.00, 9.30 10.00 a. in., 12.00, 12.30, 1.20, 1.45, 3.30, 3.55, 5.15,
Very heavy ordnance. The earliest moni- Lemon.... ltiOSiU oiBtrait*. 15J.s@lU4s i>ew Yorx&New England Did. 98 98 Merrill, Boston; II S Boynton, Cooper, do. -Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are p. m. ue, Clift Island. So. Harpswell. Bailey's and
Return. Leave Forest City Landing, 6.20, 7.20. Orr's Islands. S.50 a. m., 1.50, 6.10 n. in. 6.50, 6.05, 6.20, 6.50. 8.00 p. m; saco, Buidnlord,
Old Colonv.192 193 10.00 a. m., 12.00, 12.30, 1220,
7.00, 8.15, 8.40, 9.05,
tors had decks almost level with tho wa- Olive.100®2 50|£nf>llsn...
@° Adams 1 Express.«1J0 JlJJ EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. unsurpassed for general steam and 8.30, 9.30, 10.20, *11.00, 11.30 a. m.. 12.20, 1.00, Keturn for Portland —Leave Orr’s island, via
*2.15, 2.45. 3.20, *4.15, 5.00, 5.30, 6.05, 6.30, *7.30. abovo landings, 5.50, ll.uoa. m.,3.50 p. m. Arrive 3.30, 3.55, 5.15, 5.60, 6.20, 8.00 p. 10.00 m.; Keimebui.k,
ter, revolving turrets and cannon that Peppt.176®2
0" Char. L Co-.
§0'tnanoan Express......130 iso Ar atArdrossan Sept. 6, barque Normandy, 8.20. *9.00, 10.15 p. m., or at close of entertain- Portland, 8.15 a. m., l.oo, 6 00 p. m. Iveniiebnnkport, 7.00, 8.40, a. m.t 12.30,
Wlmergree nl 7 6®2
threw round shot 150 pounds and upward Potass pr’mde. 64®5b'Terne.60<~LtV U. OOjChar. ■

Express. 41 42
Murpby. Portland.
forge use. ment. 3.30,,6.20 p. iu.; Writ* bench. 7.00,
Peoples'! Gas...™5=/a lOfrVs BUN DAI'S. 8.40 a. ni„ 3.30. 5.15 p. m.; Dover, xomurs-
In weight, but even under favorable con- Chlorate.s 5® 4ni Antimony... ijaio Gomestaie, 61 4C/I Memoranda.
Genuine Lykens Valley Frankltn, For Cushing's Island. 6.40, 8.00, 9.00, *10.30, li.oo
Leave Portland for Long Island, Little and worth, 7.00. 8.40 a. in., 12.30, 3.30, 5.15 p. m.;
ditions they could fire only one round in Iodide.2 6Srf2 8<)|0’Sc*-.*7M5V° 4 4
a. in., 12.30, 1.45, 2.15, 8.00, 4.30. 6.00, 6.15 *7.00,
Great Gliebeague, Clift Island, and So. Harps- Koche-i'er, Farmington, Alton bay,
Quicksilver. -70«80lBpelter. C,°..^“1CI?
.. ..
New York, Sept;G—Str Patrle (Br), Briand, English and American CanneL *8.00, 9.30, p. in.
three minutes, and, although thafr meas- Quinine.. 29a 32 tholderMiXW 12®14 Pacific iMau...1S4V% 347/8 Return. Leave Cushing's, 7.00, 815,9.15, *10.45, well. 10.15 a. m., 2.00 p. m. boro, 8.40 a. m., 12.30, 3.30 p. m.; Lftkepon, La-
1»7 from Marseilles, reports Sept 4. 2 p m, 1st 40 2ft, Keturn for Portland, leave So. Harpswell. via conia, Weirs, I'lymoui h, 8.40 a. 111., 12.30 p.
of offensive imau ..-87 11,20, a. m.. 12.45, 2.00, 2.55, 3.30, 4.45, 5.40, 6.40,
ure capacity was capable of RheubarD, rt.76e@l 60
6Cffll nK 06 Guitar lssya Ion 72 24, during a dense fog, was In collision Above Coals Constant- *7.20, 8.30. 9.45 p. m. Jenlt’s landing, Little Gliebeague and Long m.; Wetre, Centro Harbor, long Island
destroying any other contemporary man- Kt snake.3e®40 Caok.ctDasel wire .1 8o® 1 Do
common.138J4 ;4 with four-masted sell F'rances M (of Batli, Me), For Trefethen’s, Evergreen, Little and Great island, 11.45 a. m.. 3.4'> p. m. Clift Islaud, (via Alton Bay and steamer), 8.40 a. m; Wor-
Saltpetre.12015 Western'Union...V&A
of-war, it would be of no account at the
senna .264*80
present day. Ericsson, iiowever, gave the Canary seed.... 4@6 Tar
Naval Stores.
4* 651. .,3 00,<?3 26
southern Ky pfd...
Union Pacific.
Hagan, from Kennebec lor Baltimore, wltn ice.
striking her berween fore and main rigging on ly On Hand. 100-2
Diamond Islands, 6.30. 6.0o. 7.oo, 8.00, 9.00, 3.45 p. m. Arrive Portland. 1.00. 5.30 p.
10.30 a. m.. 12.00 m., 2.00, *3.16, 4.20, 5.45, 6.15,
in. cester (via Somers worth and Rochester). 7. a.
Fare to So. Harpswell and return Sundays, m.; Manchester, Concord, (via Rockingham
port side abalt tile fore hatch; the crew of ten TELEPHONE Junction;, 7.00 a. m.. 3.30 p. m.; North Ber-
cue to naval designers all over tho world, Cardamons 1 25®] 60 Coal tar..
® ?5 took to their own boat and were picked up by 7.30, 9.30 p. m.<; 35e, other landings, 25c.
Return. Leave Trefethen's. 6.20, 7.00, 8.00, ISAIAH DANIELS, Get.’l Manager. wick, Hover, Exeter, Havarh* 1, Lawrence,
and hia elementary principle has only beon Soda, r.i
by-car b3»4<g6% Plteh.2 75«3 00
.....iftfl8 WiL Pltoa..2 76«SOO
Boston Prodnoe Market. by the Patria and brought to this port. Shortly OFFICE: 9.10, 10.20, 11.50 a. m.. 1.05, 3.20, *4.35, 5.25, 6.55, juue30tf Lowell, Boston, a 5.20, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.30,
BOSTON. Sept. 6. 1898—The |IoUowing are alter the Patrla withdrew (roni the impact of 3.30, 6.05 p. m. Arrive Boston, a. m..
developed and modified during tho years i uloYYr ..... 8
that have elapsed.—Invention.
I Bosin.3 oo«4 00
tukir lead.20®22|Tapentl»e.g»i. .36®*6
to-uay’s quotations of Provisions, eto.j the collision the Frances M rolled over. Sue is Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts.
7bapr3 8.30, *10.25 p. m.
Return. Leave Evergreen, 6.15, 6.55, 7.55, 12.42, 4.02, 7.15, 9.15 p. m. Leave Boston for

Yvmte wax... .60066 Oakum.. ..

»urol. Dlue. e^iKD* OU*
7440OV1. FLOUX.

Soring patents. * 26®6 25.

dangerous to navigation.
Beaufort, S C. Bent«—Schs Caroline C Foss,
ashore at Hunting island; May O’Neil, ashore
_M.W&Ftl 9.05, 10.15, 11.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.15, *4.30, 6.20,
6.50, 8.25, *10.20 p. m.
ALLAN LINE Portland, 5.59, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30 a. m., 1.15, 4.15, 6.00
p. m. Arrive ortknd, 10.10, 11.50, 10.55 a.m.,
12.10. 5.00, 7.50, 9.30 p. m.

Return. Leave Little Diamond, 6.S0, 7.10,
He Always Spoke Up.
Duck. iBoued........ §®*™
Vanilla.oean. .113*181 JJnf**®*•.8/4842 Spring. Clear ana straight. 3 OOM 60. at Candy Island, and Nelson Bartlett, on Hilton
8.10, 9.20, 10.30 a. m., 12.00 m., 1.15, 3.30, *4.45,
Bishop Wilberforco, whose powers of re- No ..S2|Sperm. 704880 Winter clear patents. 8 65*4 60. Hoad, will he abandoned and the crews paid off 5.35, 7.05. 8.40, *10.35 p. in.
Winter, and straight, 3 2o£4 00 For Sea’boro Cronsing, 7.10, 9.20, 10.15 a. m.,
partee were among his most conspicuous No ..28IWhale.600(54
Return. Leave Great Diamond, 6.25, 7.05. 8.05, Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool.
Extra and Seconds ou.
From 2.00., 5.10, C.15, 7.15 p. ill.; Scarboro
gifts, was always ready to use them where No 10.20 Bank.0® 46 Fine and Supers
9.15, 10.25, 11.55 a. m.. 1.10, 3.25, *4.40, 5.30. lieach, Bin*' Poini, 7.10, 8.15, 9.20, 10.15 a. Ilk,

lOoz.13 Shore.. Domestic Ports. 7.00. 8.36. *10.30 p. m. Liverpool, 3.40, 4.15, 5.10,6.15, 7.15 p. m.; Old
retaliation was possible, not in the safe 8 oi.11 t’orgie.,.SO«86 Which attracted so much atten For Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, 5.30, 6.00 12 May. 28 May Orchard
Chicago Live Stock Market, NEW YORK—Ar Gth, schs Longfellow, Chase. California. each, 5.20, 7.10. 8.15, 9.20. 10.15 a. m.,
lnclosure of the Episcopal study, but on Gunpowder—Shot. Lard. 66066 tion at (he NEW ENGLAND PAIR 7.00, 8.00. 9.00, 10.30 a. R„ 12.40 m., 2.00, *3.15, 19 May. Nunildian. 4 Jane
12.55, 2.00, 3.40, 4.15, 5.00, 5.10, 5.30. 6.15, 7.15 p. in.;
Satina River; Emma Me Adam, Swalne, Calais;
the open battlefield of the platform and BlaetlncE. -3 26®X60 Castor.x 10®1 20 (By Telegraph.) can slow be seen at our ware-
4.20. 5.45. 6.15, 7.30, *9.30 p. m. 20 May. Laurentian. }> J“oe
haco, Biddetoni, 8.15, 9.20, 10.15 a. m.. 12.«.
460065 Eliza S Potter, Sawyer, Swan’s Island.
.4 6u®S:,26 Neatsfeot ... Return. Leave Ponce’s Landing. 6.05, 6,40, 2 June.
the house of lords. At the great meeting Sporting... lbs. emCAGO. 8ept.::7. 1898.—Cattle—receipts Also ar 7th, steamer Manhattan, Fnrljal, / rooms, in conjunction with our
Parisian. J,Hun0
26 June
2.00., 5.10, 5.30, 6.15, 7.15 p. in.;
Dropsnot.26 .1 26 Blame.(ffi
18,60(>; declined: choice steers at 6 n20
6 70; 7.45, 8.50. 9.50, 11.20 a. UV, 12.50, 2.60, *4.05, 9 June. Carthaginian. 12.55, 4.15* 5.00, 5.30 p. m.; Roch-
In St. James’ hall in the summer of 1868 Buck. b. SB. 1 schs Lizzie Carr, Thomaston; Seih M Todd, Krnnebunk,
medium 4 GO®* 80: beef steers at 3 5® 4 oO; Calais; Maud Snare Bangor: Victory, Ellsworth
elegant and extensive stock of 5.10, 6.25. 6.65, 8.15, *10.15 p. m. 16 June. Caiuorman,soJuee ester, Farmington, Alton Bay, 4.15, 5.30 p.
to protest against the disestablishment of Straw, car lotssio@12j Am Zinc... .6 0007 00 aud heif- For Marriner’s Landing, Long Island, 9.00, North Berwick, Dover, Exeter, Raver
Iron. Stockers and feeders 3 c0@4 66; cows forRondout; A & M Carlisle, Bath: Miranda, Steamers sail from Montreal at 9 a. in., con- 111.;
1 Rochelle .3 at 2 &6®4 ,0; 10.3(1 a. m., 2.00. *8.15. 5.45 p. m.
trains leaving Port- bill, Lawrence, Lowell. Boston, a 6—0 a. 111.,
ers 3"60ft4 26; Western rangers
the Irish church, some Orange enthusiast, Common....i%@2 do: (Sardinian, Rockland: Adclla T Carleton, Return. Leave Marriner's Landing, Is- necting with Grand Trunk
In the hope of disturbing the bishop, kept Refined....
i Rle*.
1% 02V* | Domestic. 6^ifi7 Texans 3 26®4
Hoes—receipts 29,000; lower; fair to choice
Clark’s Island: Maggie Mulvcv, Bangor: 8 J
Lindsay, Rockland; Island City, do; Henrietta
STEMMY, HARDMAN, land, 10.00, 11.30 a. Dl., 3.00, *4.15, 6.35 p. m. land the previous evening.
Laurentian carries cabin passengers only.
12.55, 5.00, 5.30 p. m. Arrive Boston 8.40 a. in.,
5.2-s, 8.32. 9.42 p. ni. I.eave Boston lor Port laud
Interrupting his honeyed eloquence with Norway.... 3ya®4, I Bull. at 3 6G®3 72Va ; butch- Sunday Time Table. Carthaginian carries second cabin passengers 3.45a. nt. Arrive Portland
7.10a. m.

Cast steel..

8<tlo I Tks

ls.lbhd 200(5)2
Inopportune shouts of “Spoak up, my German steel..... way, Liverpool 2 0002 25 ers 8 30.(£3 90;" light 8 66®3 87% ; pigs 2 75®

bbl 3


35243 02%; packers A Whitney. Ellsworth lor Ronuout.
BOSTON—Ar 6tl>, sens EUa M Storer, Has-
kell, Pnlladelphla; George It Bradford, Little-
GABLER, PEASE, For Forest City Landing, Peaks’ Island, 8.00,
9.00, 10.00, 11.00 a. 111.. 12.20, *71.30, 2.15, *3.15. OI'ni0 Saloons and Staterooms are In the cen-
For Klddeford, Portsmouth. Newburv-

sner' iron— , saleratu*. Sneep-receipts 16 000; ranging from S 66 field. Laneoviile. 3.45. 4.45, 6.15. 7.30 p. m. tral part, where least motion is lelt. Elec-
“I am already speaking up,’’replied the 85. And other Celebrated For Cush lig’s Island. 8.00, 9.00, 11.00 a. 12.20, tricity is used for lighting the ships through- porl A me*burr. Salem, Lvnn, Itoston, 2.00,
H.c.4’rise Baleraius ....6*5*4 ®4 ou; lambs 3 75®5 Cld, sell Hyena. Dlx, Lubec. <) 00 a. nn. 12.45, b 1.45, 6.00 p. m. Arrive Bos-
bishop in his most dulcet tone. “I always ..
2.15, 3.45, 6.15. 7.30 p. m. lights being at the command of
Ar 7th. schs Nimbus, Bryant, Turks Island,
Gen.RussialSV4®14 out. the the
Spice*. 12.30, 4.00. 4.30. 9.00 p. m. Leave
speak up, and I decline to speak down to Ameri'onRusslal ligia Cassia, pure_21022 Domestto Markets, Kate B Ogden. Wilbert, Philadelphia.
For Trefethen’s. Evergreen, Little and Great passengers at any hour oi the night. Music ton 5.57 a. n:.,
FIAMOS Diamond Islands. 7 00, 8.09, 9.30, 10.30, a. m. Booms and Smoking Koomsontho promenade Bost n for Portland, 7.30, 9.00 a. m.. 12.30. 7.00,
the level of the ill mannered person in the Galv.5 Mi 07 Mace. 80c® 100 thy Telegraph: Sid. schs Hyena, for Lubec; busan Stetson,for 12.15. (2.00. *3.15. 4.20, 5.15, 0.15, *7.30 p. m. dock. Tlie Saloons and .-taterooins are heated 9.45 p. in. A rive Portland,
11.45 a. m„ 12.00,
Leather Nutmegs.66086 4.30, 10.15 p. ill., 12.40 a. ill.
gallery.” New York—
Light.260261 Cloves.16®17
NEW YORK—The flour market—receipts
Sept 7,1898. EBaltimore—cid cm. schs o d withereij.
Boston; W II Oler, do; J K
-AND- For Ponce’s Landing. Long Island, 7.oo, 8.00,
9.30, 10.30 a. ill.. 12.15, *71.30, 2.00, *3.15, 4.20,
by steam.
Kates o! passage {52.60 to *7u.OO. A re- aUMJAY THAIS*.
Portland Spartan.
Mid weienl... .1:6® 26 "Ginger.14®U6 46 726 bbls; exports 12,291 bbis; sales 7000
Souther. Portsmouth, an. ^bolians 6.15, *7.30 P. n.
For Marriner's Landing. Long Island, 9 30,
duction is made on Bound Trip Tickets.
Second Cabin—To Liverpool,- London and For ltiadefo d, Portsmouth. Xvvbnrv.
Good d’mg.... .240261 Laundry.... Tl’*'®#
Starch. packages; dull and easy, except ola spring pts, BANGOR-Ar 7th, schs Kate Walker, Sege-Bel- All arc in- 10.30 a. rn., 2.00. *3.16, 4.20. 5.15 p. 111. Londonderry, 834.uO and {36.26; return. port, Salem.
Lvnn, llostnn, 2 a. 111., 12.45p.m.;
Grease on the Floor.
Union paoks.. .3T®)3«lGlo«».8Vj®7*4
which are in demand. batli Edgartown; Lucia Porter, Farrow, cordially invited to
*Not run iu stormy or foggy weather. *60.75 and *69.00. Arrive Boston 5.57 a. Du, 4.00 p. m. i.eave Bos-
flour quotations—city mills patents —; winter i.,.’ w Emerson, Perkins, Boston. spect these instruments. c 9.00 a. in., 7.00, 9.45
Grease epots on a hard wood floor are Am. call.. DOei.OOl
steamer Whitburn (Br), Hutton.Glasgov
; tFor Forest City Landing, Peaks’ Island and Steerage—To Liverpool, London, Glasgow, ton for Portland, p. ill.
Tobacco. patents 3 76/t4 10: city nulls clears —; winter <sb'i Belfast or Londonderry. Inelutilnis every re- Arrive Portland, 12.110.'5p.
m„ 12.40a. m.

Lead. Best ponce’s Landing, Long Island, only.

barouo New York (ltal), Cafiero, Castelamare;
brand s.... 60060 straits S 60.153 70; Minn, patents at 4 North and Exeter
sometimes obstinate. A little baking soda Sheet.
@7 Medium.30,540 26®4 5<> New York; Margaret Rob- quisite far the voyage *22.60 and *28.50. stops at Berwick
extras 2 50fi2 95; Mlnr. bakers at 3 0 schs Leeds A Lewis, Tickets sold ove this line to the Gem
moistened and rubbed on with a cloth will (Pipe.
often Another hint of this Zinc.
06 i Common.254*30 winter
@3 50; winter low grades 2 76®3 60. 1Hson« Now Haven.
Abenaki, New York; L
M. STEIHEST & SODS CL Then re. For tickets or fi-rtber information apply h>
T. P. McGowan, 420 Congress St-. J- B. OI(!.y'
Western Division to North Berwick;
remove them. 7 ®84g Naturaiat ...604*70 Rye firmer; No 2 Western 43c cir Sei-t. HATH—Ar 7tb, schs
rA.-oldable delavs excepted and subject to KEATING. 61L* Exchange at.. ASHTON’S Btops Kittery ,'ct. and Portsmouth on.
6ort is that if oil is spilled on a carpet T. TT.F.1 601 Lead-
Wheal—receipts 2L3.676 bus]]; exports 287
bush: sales 1.I86.0U0 bush futures: and
t Hamilton, do; Leander V Beebe, Boston;
Hilaries N Simmons, do; Johb J Hanson, do.
Tel. 8 !2-2. ~>17 Congress 8.’/ clinic without notice. TICKET AGE Ft: Y. 931 1-2 congress St.. II. c. Western Div ision from North Bwick.
D. J. FLANDERS. G. P, St T. A. Rosus*,
prompt covering with Indian meal will Hay. I Pure ground.6 76®6 25 T. C. McGOULXXtlC, Mgr. C. W. T. CODING, General Manager. & a. ALLAN, Montreal, 92, Boston,
Pressed _*10®l2|Bed-.,..6 7506 25 160.000 bush spot: spot weak; No 2 Rod at ELLSWORTH—Sid 6t!i, schs Storm Petrel. and 1 India st. Purttauc.- tiyolUU ]e2f -v

•bsorb and remove it 69%c fob afloat to arrive, Bonsey, New York. aug20 eoatf jlyiiLt
Loose flay .*s@tJ0IEhgVenRe4» ® 3

Till7: PRESS.
Yarmouth Koad Suffered Badly From Arrangements for Distributing Chil-

Hawkes Loses HIg t.he

Conductor Albion The



Yesterday afternoon as the showers be-


Lightning entered the power

house oi

Among Other Schools.

to a notice in the advertising

the Portland and Yarmouth Eleotrio
J. It. Libby Co. Rail- columns it will be seen that the pupfili
gan Conductor Albion Hawkes of the
:wen, Moore & Co. of Park street school who last year wer«
limes Brothers Co. Portland Klectric rood pulled down the way at Falmouth Foreside yesterday
in Miss Fulisr’s,
steamer Percy V. front windows of his oar, which was pro- afternoon and did considerable damage, Miss Nesmith’s and
G and Trunk Excursion,
standard Clothing Co. ceeding to Portland from Riverton at a the exact amount, however, is not
known. Miss Beck’s rooms, are requested to as- Among the Dress Goods : and a few Costume
semble at the Park street schoolhouse foi
C irti of Thanks, The wires of the company at Martin
slow rate of speed. He then stepped on
bongo Liver Excursion.
the foot board to pull down the curtains. Point bridge were also affected,
the distribution among other schools next Suggestions.
At that time the oar was just beyond the lightning burning out the wires that
con- Monday morning at 9 o’olook.
New Wants. To Let, For Sale, Lost, Found The Ail other pupils in the Park street dis-
where the car stands on the siding the bridge.
r.nd similar advertisements will he fouu under Casino trol the currentover;
and trict are requested to meet at the Part Any Fashion book that
their appropriate heads ou page G. to wait for the passengers after the con- damage will [doubtless be repaired

cert. In some way, Mr. Hawkes can’t
tell how, nor can the live or six people
who saw the acoident, was struck by one
the oars running without serious delays.
The wires of the Postal Telegraph Co.
which run over the same bridge were also
street sohool at 2 p. m. Monday, wher
they will be assigned to other schools.
Parents should be particular to have
Dress Trimmings
you choose to
tell you that planish, quiet
stuffs are at the front this
consult will

their children there promptly at the tlmef

of the oars on the siding and knocked quite badly damaged. The telephone ser-
Marshall Dyer of South Portland owns from his car and before the car could be vice in East Deering and Falmouth was named, for in this case the pupils will Autumn. Broadcloth, Drap
a lobster ranch on Basket island. He
hired a man to look after the traps and
gave him a certain share
of the profits
stopped the trailer ran upon hi^eft fore-
arm and crushed the small bones and
muscles terribly. He also received a slight
effected and it was impossible to secure
telephone connection last evening through
that territory.
ing year.
be better placed

It has been arranged to have Miss True

for the com-
Garnitures d’Ete, Serge Vigoureux,
Covert, Cheviot, and all the
but the man, Mr. Dyer says, has de- and Miss Nesmith take their olasses to tailor made types.
scalp wound.
camped with all the Jobsters. Mr. Hawkes was taken at once to Mor- the Jaokson school. Miss Clark will go
The Executive Committee cf the Maine to the Casco street sohool with her class 10 per cent. Discount from
rills where Dr. TopliU, his physician, ad-
meet A Case of Assault and Battery Arising Camel’s Hair effects
Woman Suffrage Association, will vised his going to the Maine General and and Miss Beck to the Brackett street Lowest 'Prices if you pny too
Quarrel Gray.
this afternoon at 3 o’clock at eS3 Brack-
From a
school with her class. All other children

he was token in the car to Vaughan cash. are noticeable.

ett street. All members are urgently re- street and thence by Rich’s ambulance will be distributed among the other
There was an assault and battery case primary schools.
quested to he present. to the hospital. There his arm was ampu- neighboring
Eleven men from Sanford ware natura- in the municipal oourt yesterday forenoon
tated above the elbow by Drs. J. F. It’sgood fortune to be
which came up in connection with a con* PERSONAL.
lized before Judge Bonney in the Superi- Thompson and Gilson. At last aooounts
or court yesterday morning. troversy which has been waxing bitter in prepared in the early days
Mr. Hawkes was doing well. He is about Miss Lansing Kowan of the Douglas
of some $1700 of Autumn for calls on this
Today will be observed in the Homan 45 years old, came from Windham, C;is Gray over the disposition stock company, has presented her valu-
of the Na- worth of left by the late Mrs.
Catbolio churches as the day married but has no children. He has been property class of imported fabrics.
and Small. There were two count* in
able Yorkshire terrier ‘‘Sloppy Weather,” M U
tivity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, several years in the employ of the com- Sophie

and to Miss A. A. Chenery.
also of St. Adrian, martyr. Friday is the charge, one of assault and battery
pany and was an^excellent conductor. He Dr. F. E. Clark, formerly pastor of the
sacred as the Octave of the Trinity and resides at Woodfords. the other with assault and battery with
Williston church, and renowned as the
PARIS, 46 in-
also to the memory of St. Gorgonius, intent to kill. ches friend in
founder of the Christian Endeavor move-
martyr. WEDDINGS. Daniel H. Twombly of West Gray oom-
merit, and Mrs. Clark, will come eaBt in wide, $1.00 and 1.50 a new dress, 44 inch, 75c
The ancient Arabic order of Nobles of plains that Capt. George Dolley of that Ootober. will attend the New
a session met him on the street last Saturday
They The colorings are light and dark
the Mystio Shrine, will hold
TOWLE—THURSTON. place i l amp-hire State Christian Endeavor navy, cadet, old and royal blues, tan, Firm, snug, wiry in texture, dust
at Kora Temple, Lewiston, this evening and struck him a heavy blow with a oane, medium and seal brown, old rose, makes no Lome on its surface.
The social event of the season at Free- convention at Manchester, N. H., Octo- scarlet, garnet, cerise, empire, emer-
for the purpose of initiating candidates. leaving a large nruise on ms arm.
ber 3, 4 and 5. ald, bottle green, pearl, stone gray,
Several Portland Shriners will attend. dom, N. H., oocurred September 1, In the Capt. Dolley through his counsel, War- purple, heliotrope. More than 50 color combina-
Le Roy Towle, ren H. Vinton, did not attempt to deny Rev. Father Heaiy of New York, who We have a certain make of Corsets that have been considered
11.. fimnrt A ssomhlv. Pvthian Sister- Union church. Bernard tions.
M. and Jennie Cordelia Thurston has been visiting his brother, Bishop the best values shown at 50 cents per pair, that we offer on
hood of Maine, will be held at Pythian D., but what a technical assault was com-
were united in marriage by Rev. George to the in- Heaiy of Portland,for a number of weeks,
Thursday at
ETE, 43inch,
hall, Portland, on Thursday, Soptember mitted, but he took exceptions to return to his home.
A. Smith in the presence of an audienoe tent to kill part, and claimed that the as- left yesterday $1.25
29th at 10 o’clock a. m. Reduced rates Miss Rhoda Sutcliffe,who for some time
Bos- completely illling the large house. A Both this and Drap de Paris have BEDFORD CORD. 47
on the Maine Central railroad and sault was justifiable.
ton & Maine.
It was a fine morning yesterday fol- mony,
musioale of high merit preceded the cere-
the participants being Mrs. J. M.
The court found Mr. Dolley guilty on
the first count and ordered him to pay $20
past has been head nurse of Ward C, at
the Maine General hospital, will graduate 38 Cents Per Pair. a
high patrlsian lustre. Colors same
above. inch

at the and the Mrs. Net- next Thursday, having completed her two 75c
lowed by showers, thunder and lightning Leavitt,
organ, and costs, but dismissed the second count. t
tie Glidden and Grace True, who rendered be- years’ course. WHIP CORDS, 48 inch,
in the afternoon. The affair grew out of ill feeling
We have a Corset that is in every way equal to the best 75 cen Only in quiet colors. We rec-
Montreal solos. The songs were folioitons in ap- tween Capt. George B. Riley of the Boston fire $1.50
The through train from Capt. Dolley and Mr. Twombly Corset on the market today that we sell at ommend it for elderly ladies.
and were sung with ex- of tha department, formerly captain of Wash-
whioh Is due in Portland at 6.40 a. m., propriateness, over the disposition of the property
1 ot this city, is here on his vaca-
Plain, illuminated and two tone.
sweetness and effectiveness. To ington Elegant for church and street wear.
did not arrive here yesterday morning quisite late Mrs. S(nall who was an aunt of Mr.
the march of “Lohengrin,” the bridal tion. Navy, seal and medium brown, to-
9 o’olook. The engine broke down at Twombly and also of Mrs. Dolley. bacco brown, 2 greens, garnet, smoke

58 Cents Per Pair.

the centre aisle, part- William Wiley Shaw is visiting Mrs.
Berlin, and the big mogul engine 866 procession filed up Mrs. Dolley took care of the aged lady and blue. INDIA TWILLS.
ed and ascended the platform from each last illness Baker, William street.
for some 14 months during her
was sent .from Portland to bring the train 34 inch, 25o
end. They were composed of the ushers, and also for several months previously RIGBY IN THE GRAND CIRCUIT. COVERT 47
through. L, Merrill, when she was sick with the grip, and
CLOTH, 38 inch, 39o
Messrs. Geo. I. Piper, Wilbur
still alarm at 10.35 yesterday fore- Rigby Park is the arena upon whioh! We have the by the “R. and G.” Corset
style of Corset made inch,
*A oon called hose No. 2 to 24 Willis street,
a story and a half wooden house occu-
Cyrus Fowler and Leroy Wormwood, consequently olaims that she is entitled to
who formed a body guard,
lowed by the Misses Bessie M. De Merritt
and were fol-
the property left.
Mrs. Small died suddenly at last and or
many hard and hot battles have been
fought, but no recent event can surpass
Company advertised in the various magazines as being THE
pNE upon which they brace all their claims for popular favor, at Same
$1.25 and 1.50
colorings as Whip Cords,
50 inch,
50 inch,
pied by E. C. Munroe. The alarm proved bridesmaids. eclipse the contests whioh will ooour ; V 51 inch, $1.00
and Mary M. Thurston as Mr. Twombly and another aunt, a sister at this course on
to be caused by the burning out of a September 12th, 18th, tV4
These wete followed by Mr. Edwin A. of Mrs.
chimney. There was no damage. Small, with whom Mr. Twombly 14th, 15th and 16th. PRUNILLA CLOTH, 44 mo omer iaDnc can ever take

$1.00 Per Pair.

Thurston, with his daughter Jennie, the in
Daniel Heapby, who has been spending lives, were instrumental having post a
It is to be a grand circuit meeting, and inch, the place occupied by India
a ten days’ furlough at his parent’s
home bride-elect. The group closed up with the mortem examination, giving rise to the
and his best all of the best horses will be there, inclu- $1.25 Twills. There are so many “oc-
Bernard L. Towle,
on Washington street, will return today groom, suspicion that Mrs. Small was poisoned. Joe Patohen, John K. Gentry and
Towle. The bride was giv- Dr. Andrews made the post mortem ex- ding This fabric is an aristocratic casions” for a dress of this well
to Portsmouth, where many of the ma- man, Stanley Chehalls.
island. en away by ber father and then followed traces of poison. Why not see thesespecials and have your New Brest fitted
rines* are encamped on Seavey’s amination but found no
In the 2.04 paolng class will be several stuff, highly polished. For tailor groomed stuff.
There will be a Democratic rally at the the
beautiful and impressive wedding John Burns was also before the court over a Corset that will give you Style and Comfort?
occasion favorites like Searchlight, Planet and made costumes.
Every feature of the on suspicion of the larceny of two pairs of
corner of Clark and balem streets, Fri- ceremony. Roan Wilkes, while Anaconda, Courier-
was carried out with exactness, and the 2 browns, dark rose, 3 greens, dark
day night. pants which he was trying to sell in the Journal and fifteen others are entered in gray, illuminated brown with purple, made In
The Kastport fire engine which has been dignity and solemnity of the event will
pawn shops along Fore street. Burns
the 2. OS.
cadet blue with green, blue with HENRIETTA,
be something long and pleasantly remem- olaimed that he received the pants in part brown. Germany,
undergoing repairs at the Portland Com- The 2.11 trot will be for a purse of
bered. The bridal party with a throng settlement after a game of poker with a
pany’s works, was tested yesterday morn- 12000, and a like sum is offered in the 2.12 38 inch. 59c. Lustrous, fine in tex-
once to the bride’s
and was found to be in excellent of friends repaired at As the officers GERMAN POPLIN,
man by the name of Levi. 43
paoe. In all $24,000 in purse money

ing, ture, and it has a well bred
residence where a delightful reception could not prove that the pants were stolen
working order. offered. inch,
The wedding gifts occupied “hang” to it.
Look-out for sneak thieves. Some of the was held. Burns was discharged. On Sept. 14, Wednesday, there will be
recently entered the houses of a large space and were much admired for Thomas Mulkern, a 13 year old boy one of the best events of the season, when
gang 2 purples, red, garnet, cardinal,
their beauty uDd extensive array. Re- A new and promising fabric, plain
Mayor Randall on btate street and living on Fore street, was arrested Sun- Joe Patchen and Chehalls will have a scarlet. 2 navies, cadet, old blue,
James McUlinoby on Danforth street, but freshments were served
were frightened away before they secured course
and sooial inter-
day for stealing a ride on the Grand race of the two-minute order, and if John
made the oocasion of joyful inter- Trunk train on Commercial street. He R.
Grand Trunk Railway System, Portland. September 8, J898, and irridescent colorings. pearl. 2 grays. 2 greens.

Gentry should also be lnoluded It A IME to be

at the reoeption, pleasant was sentenced to pay $3 and costs but the seeing ENGLISH TWEED, 44 Fancy mixtures innumerable.
est. A feature
any booty. would not be surprising. The match
The Montauk arrived at Philadelphia and unexpected,
September 4.
was a poem by Henry sentence was
F. Snow, which he had dedicated to the There were also three cases of intoxica-
suspended on good behavior. will be for $2500 a side.
There is little doubt but what the com-
SPECIAL about the chil= inch,
Fricesranging from 50c to $2.00.

newly wedded pair. It was, as usual, tion and several

liquor cases disposed of.
dren’s School We would recommend an early
ing circuit meet at Rigby will be the
Sturdy but stylish stuff.
The Maine Central
with all his productions, full of vividity
is advertising a and aptness, and under the spell of his
in its history, and you don’t
want to miss it.
EXCURSION Stockings. ish all over. The color combina-
purchase of
outfit while stocks
part of the
grand excursion to Moosehead Lake and wondefrul voice, it made very pleasing
a Monday evening at the meeting of The Boston & Maine Railroad will
Under the auspices
of Biddaford, to
of the St. Joseph Society
They’ll need to be fitted nations are
Mt. Kineo for Sunday, September 11th, impression. Thatoher post, G. A. R., a oommittee of sell reduced rate tiokets ftom many out this week and there’s red with dark gray, tan with seal And when dressmakers can be
four was appointed including Commander
Montreal, and St.
train to leave Portland at 7.20 a. m.,
making an exceptionally low rate of
D. H. Towle, Past Commander Pearce in the
points, and an admission will be included
Quebec a large stock and much
brown, biue with brown, green with
black aud green with brown. had.
This is a chance
A very pretty home wedding took place
and Runnells and Comrade Fred Haskell Anue de Beaupre
*2.60 from Portland. yesterday afternoon when Miss Mary choose from
of a lifetime for any one to see Kineo, Louise Fickett and Mr. William Allen to investigate the lack of military funeral MAINE MUSICAL FESTIVAL. ASrx> HLETTJHW variety to
going via fast trains and giving ample Keirstead were united in matrimony at over
the remains of W. A. Carpenter, Choice of seats for Course tiokets will
Going by regular trains on September 12th,
1898, and good to return until October I2tb, ’98.
here. J. ft. LIBBY CO. J- R. LIBBY GO.
time for dinner at Greenville, thence a the home of the bride’s parents, Captain private in Co H, 1st Maine. be sold to subscribers at auction at the
beautiful sail across the lake to Mt. The report that there was a firing squad City hall, in Bangor, on Thursday, Sep-
Fates between Portland and Lewiston or Au-
biirn to Montreal Quebec, 87.00
Black ribbed, long
and Mrs. E. P. Fickett, 69 Hampshire or

Kineo, giving time there to land a trout street. The house was appropriately deco- from Fort Preble to fire a volley and that tember 15th, at 9.80 a. m. sharp; at the Montreal and Quebec, 89.00
To St. Anne de Beaupre, 88.00 legged stockings, fit for
before returning. the coffin was draped with a flag was in- City hall, in Portland, Monday, September To St Anne de Beaupre, Including Mon-
rated and at 3.30 o’olock the ceremony
correct. Comrade Soule of Thatcher post 19th, at 9.30 a. m. sharp. Seats must be treal, 89.50 boys or girls, spliced
The 1st Connecticut regiment, a part
was performed by Rev. Rolliu T. Hack
of the Secoud Parish churoh.
was notified Saturday by Undertaker Rich selected and paid for as fast as choice is
thut no arrangements had been made for made. Out-of-town subscribers can order
From other stations at correspondingly low

For further particnlars apply to Agents.

heels and knees,—full of !

Henry P. Fickett, brother of the bride, CIIAS. M. HATS, Gen’l Manager,
o: whioh was stationea at Fort Preble a military funeral. tiokets by mail, with or without pre- wear resisting qualities,
acted as groomsman, and Miss Cordelia
during the summer, left Dunn Loring, Bacon was bridesmaid. The Mendelsshon He endeavored to find the post com- mium stating amount of premium, if
sops atd

fast colors and all sizes,

1♦ is in the earth. T
Va., for Hartford, Conn., yesterday. The mander and not being successful went any, they wish to pay, and enclosing re-
wedding; march gwas fplayed by Miss

SUNDAY SAIL J the original money ^

The farmer plows
work of making up the rolls preparatory
Maynard. The bride was handsomely
nhn.-id on his own responsibility eivine mittance for the full amount with
•25c, 36c and 50c accord- 9 out of the ground. It then finds its way ♦
to mustering out has been completed. the undertaker permission to bury the ,1 wnsif.finvplone. Knnh nrdfira
dressed in white silk and the bridesmaid
ing to the degree of fine- ♦ into the channels of trade, and eventual- T
soldier in their lot at the Forest City will be promptly filled and oarefully
•iT/Min n rlvaca rf vrh 1 fa vnnaHn
-. UP: : X ly it takes the form of houses, barns and Z
The couple were the recipients of many cemetery. mailed at owner’s risk, or by registered ness. 9 other structures. •
The end of much wealth is destruction T

BABY COVERED indignant that a letter if necessary stamps are sent. They
The veterans are ♦
beautiful gifts and also of the very best Plain black

wishes of their many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Keirstead left last night
soldier who died in the government ser- must be addressed to Homer N. Chase,
vice should have been so neglected. Manager. Auburn, Maine, and 89nt to
four days previous to the ad-
New Meadows River
Steamer Percy V. will leave Portland Pier at
Stockings, specially

by fire. No power in the world can re-
store what the flames have obliterated. 9
But long ago the plan of fire insurance ♦

for a brief wedding trip to New Bruns- HORSeTuLLED BY ELECTRICITY. be received X was evolved, by which those who take X
will vertised auction sale. Seats unsold at the
9.80 a, m., Sunuay, Sept. 11 ih, for a sail np New
girls, 25c and 50c. ♦ advantage of it are reimbursed for their 9
wick, after which they reside in iucauuiio iu uunioi Dilute ai uiuihiuw»i

A horse belonging to Hodgdon’s express conclusion of the auction sale can be ob-

will touch at Orr’s Island and Cundy’s Harbor, ■ —losses. The plan itself is perfect, but ♦
Woodfords, then continue tip the river passing Winnegance Fine black lisle thread
was killed by an electric current on tained at M. H. Andrews’ musio store in
Bay, West Hath and many beautiful isiands 9 some of the companies which use the plan are not as reputable as the {
and ♦ careful man wants to insure with. Get the best insurance while you are «
BRAGDON—LITTLEFIELD. Spring street, Deering, yesterday after- Bangor, on Friday morning, September and bays. Tins is without exception the most
picturesque sail on this coast.
stockings, plain about it. It doesn’t cost more than the next best.
Could Not Teil What She Looked A home wedding took place Monday noon at about 6 o’olook. 16, and at Cressey, Jones & Allen’s, in
FARE 5ilC THE ROUND TRIP. ribbed, all weights, 25c
J f

Like. Got Worse with Doctor’3

evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. There i» considerable controversy as to Portland, on Tuesday morning, Septam
Henry Llttleiield, 33 Turner 6treet, where the cause of the accident. Two electric ber 20, and at these places thereafter until
Parties going up the river should take lunch
with them.sep8d3t to 58c. |% Dow ilPimlsLlietioa., i
Medicine. Could Not Sleep their only daughter,Eva May, was united light companies have wires in a tree the
opening day of the festival, when all AGENTS FOR REPUTABLE COMPANIES.
Tan and brown cotton
From Intense Itching. in marriage to Maurice F. Bragdon of nearby where the accident occurred and tickets will be on sale at tho auditoriums SUNDAY, SEPT. II. % 35 Exchange St. $
Westbrook by the Rev.W. F. Berry of the it is claimed that the ground was charged in each city,
EXCURSIO H Stockings, ribbed and 999999999999999999999999909 99999999 999999999999999999


IN Congress street Methodist church, in the by one of these, and that the horse step-
presence of the immediate members of ping on the charged ground and the FUNERAC OF PRIVATE DYER. THROUGH THE _ plain, 25c to 50c.
The house was prettily street tail completed a circuit The funeral of Privato Arthur W. Dyer black
When my baby was four months old her both families. railway
Hirer. Light weight
Famous Songo #
8kin broke out, and I thought it was ring-
worm. I took her to a doctor and he said it
was Eczema. He gave me medicine to
decorated in cut flowers and ferns and which resulted fatally for hiutwlf.
the presents were many and magnificent,
of Co. B, (Portland Cadets), will occur
Others say that it is impossible that the today at the residence
the high esteem in which the horse could have been killed from either Franklin street, at 2 p. m.
of his parents, 67
Train leaves Portland at 10.10 a. m.
cashmere, finish, very
j A $5.00 SHOE FOR $3.58 | Special
her, but she kept getting worse all the time,
and you could not tell what she looked like,
young couple were held. of the wires in the tree. The place where It was with profound regret that tho
was about opposite news of the death of Private Dyar at
Steamer “Louise” will leave SebagoLakeat
10.45, on arrival of above train, and run across
Sebago Lake ana through the Songo to Naples.
easy for
to 75c.
tender feet, 50c
i 11
her little face and hands were so covered with
gores and large scales. It got under her little
They left on the boat for Boston where the accident occurred
the City hospital, Augusta, on Tuesday Dinuer at Naples, 50 cents, and returning in
| $3.50 Soap Sale.
they will enjoy a short honeymoon and Grant street. season to connect with return train for Fort- Plaid lisle thread
finger nails. She was the worst looking sight
I ever saw. I heard of Cuticura Remedies,
bo I thought I would try them. Before I tried
will be home to friends after September
20th at 32 Turner street.
afternoon was received by his comrades.
While the physicians considered him
land, Lewiston and Watervllle. This is a most
unique trip, offering
a combination oi
Lake ana liiver travel, including the sail up the stockings, 50c. | $3.50 Good toilet soaps can be
made and sold for ac.
them we got no rest at night. She could not
sleep it itched so. After I gave her Cuticura SANBORN—OWEN. the
There will be a grand excursion over very sick they did not think his case dan-
Grand Trank to Montreal, Quebec
Kongo and through
the Lock,
C. L. ClOOPItlDGE, Mgr. Plaid silk plaited stock- I $3.50 You will find tuem in our
window this weok.
Resolvent, I saw a change in a week. It
commenced to dry all up and she would sleep
A pretty home wedding took place and St, Anno de Beaupre
Tuesday morning at the residence of Mr. coing on regular
and return,
September 12th
The cause of his death was hemorrhage
of the brain, though ho had been suffer- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ings, $1.00. | $3.50
all night, and when it was drying up the skin
all cracked open, so then I got Cuticura (oint-
ment) and Cuticura Soap, and in one month
and Mrs. M. L. H. Owen of Buxton, tickets good to return until October 12th. ing from typho-malaria.
when their youngest daughter, Georgia The advertisement givos full particulars.
The following transfers of real estate Plaid cashmere stock- I $3.50 Fine Perfumed Soaps,
IOc., S for 25c.
Private Dyer enlisted in Co. B, u ear-
the had not one sore on her face, and I don’t
think it is any more than justice to let you
Venetta, was united in marriage to Mr. BOARD OF REGISTRATION. ly two years ago and was much respected
have been recorded:
Thomas C. tlawkes of Westbrook, to ings, beautiful color com- |||
binations, 68c to $1.25.
William T. Sanborn of the firm of Rich- the officers and men. During tho stay of Windham, land
know what it has done for my baby. She now George AI. Woodman Armour’s Floating Tar
The Board of Registration is now in by
is fifteen months old and has got beautiful
skin. She doesn’t even have a pimple of any
ner & Sanborn of Portland. The cere-
session at City Building from 9 o’clouk of the Maine regiment in Chickamauga in Windham.
Roed O. John=on of Harpsweil to Aliss We are selling
also a
L. Douglas g Soap, 5c a cake.

kind, and she is aa fat as pudding.

mony was performed by Rev. E. C. Har-
to 1 and from 2 to 6, also in the evening
he withstood the ravages of, malaria and
E Y. McAllister of Philadelphia, laDd
|$3.50 SHOE In the°World.
special bargain in boys’
of Gorham. Only the immediate was considered one of the few who were
March 7,1898. Mrs. MARY SANDERS, on Orr’s island Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. !
;§ H. H, HAY &
must in
70D Spring St., Camden, N. J. families of the bride and groom and a from 7 to 9. Voters appear per-
not effected by the change of climate. Annie Anderson Lord of Newton, The style, fit and wear cannot be ex- ! SON,
Cuticura Remedies cure every humotof the skin and
few intimate friends wero presont. After son.
A squad from Fort Preble will act as Muss., to Daniel M. Woodbury, land in
heavy black cotton stock- g celled
S at any price. All kinds of Middle St.
a wedding breakfast was served Mr. and
escort and perform the military ceremony.
scalp of infancy and childhood, whether torturing, dis-
figuring, itching, burning, praly, crusted, pimply, or Mrs. Sanborn left on the noon train for a Frederick R. Thorpe to Charles R. ings made by the famous ■£ leather. All the modem styles. All »
widths. One price, $3.50. M ft-
blotchy, with logs of heir, and every impurity of the Thorpe, both of Raymond, land in Ray.


blood, whether simple. scrofulous, or hereditary, wiiea the brief wedding journey. On their Feturn Ipswich mills at 25c. A
best physicians and ail other remedies fail. they will reside at Woodfords. The members of tho Merchants’ Asso- ^Charles Jordan of Cape Elizabeth
to Charlotte L. Emerson of Somerville, great value for the money. | BOYS WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS |
Speedy Cube Teeatment fob Torturing, Drsna-
crino Humors, with Lossof Hair.—Warm baths with HARBOR NOTES.
ciation committee of New York
Alass., land In Cape Elizabeth.
\ $2.50 SHOE. Same quality as the E
went to Camp Wikoff, found that it was 5 men’s. Very stylish.
Cuticura Soai\ gentle anointings with Cuticuf.a, purest Restore full, regular action nea ■ n iS to
cf emollient skin cures, and mild doseB of Cuticura The following aro yesterday’s lobster of the bowels, do not irri- e * §1
impossible get a barge load
of ice in "With tVoodbury in charge of Cape
Mr. See them at exclusive store, £
Resolvent, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cures.
(g. New York, New Haven, New Condon or ^ our
I wish to extend to my friends that were so
arrivals: Herrmann Keesing, 4000; fate or Inflame, but leave || | Cottage Casino, patrons oan be assured
Sold throughout the world. PottebD&ug apidChem.
Corf-. Sole Vl>r»pB., Boston.
Lucretia, 4000; Lottie B„ 200S-, Eva and
all the delicate digestivo or-
m "

ganism in perfect condition. Try them. 25 cents. river.

Boston, and Tuesday last ordered a
schooner load of ice from the
Kennebec of a first-class fish dinner at a reasonable
546 Congress St.
| kind to me in mv hour of bereavement, my sin-
(\ H. KANE.
fo-—»• Hoy/to Cure Baby's Torturing Sk;n Diseases,' tree. Mildred, 2400. Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Loweli, Mas*. __,_
prioe. 1

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