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Human Resources


Dr. Sausan El-Challah

Assignment #1
HR 2025: Human Resource Management in
the Future

Summarized & Rephrased by:

Shaimaa Soliman Abd El Aziz

2025: Human Resource Management in the Future

We have many questions for the people at work.

 Input
 Influence
 Impact

Move over the Apprentice, here comes the Collaborators.

EQ as we know ourselves; our impact on others and manage that.

Adding to analytical skills and planning we will want to find people who are:

o Flexible as a norm
o Adaptable with ingenuity
o A continuous and applied learner
o A creative solutions generator

Team working as we know it is a false construct anyway.

Team working is a fixed feature like the chairs and desks the team sits at. Team
meetings are forced upon us and heck, we may even get to go on one of those
legendary out of bounds team building events.

My feeling that social business is needed is based on my own view that people don’t
belong to a team like they used to. And maybe never will. From my own experience, I
found more affinity with like-minded souls who I connected with on social networks than
I did the collection of people thrown together through circumstance that was my

Rephrasing was applied

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