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Human Resource Management

Assignment #1
HR2025- Human Resource Management
in the Future

8 – Exits are on their way out

From page 47 to page 49

Prepared by: -
Walaa Abd El Mohsen El Sisi

8 – Exits are on their way out

Most of the time it is painful to come out by quitting, firing, or moving

on to something bigger and better
In the past people was having a job for life where there was two-
way loyalty between company and employee
HR often thing that employee will never leave which is wrong as
employment contract is not endless contract and it can be broken
Smart HR can offer ways to avoid leaving like rotation, consulting
model or Secondments, these offer people a big amount of learning
this change can annoyed some people but it may be excited for
other, at the end they may leave but you may gain a warmer exist
or employee could swap job in their place.
We can gain employee loyalty if we allowed him roam free but we
should take care of intellectual property or competitors which could
stealing our market through stealing employees
At the end we can see that this book offers brave suggestions,
maybe it is silly assumptions or unlikely propositions, but it’s time to
change and work together to make 2025 better for work

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