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Assignment (week 1)

Rephrased by: Fatma Moneer Alwakeel

HR 2025: Human resource management in the future (from page 23 to 25)

(It similar to turn from marching music to fluid jazz.)

Social Business:

Social business mainly aims at helping us to make a good environment of work by

satisfying our psychological needs. It is similar to fulfill the desire of the customers
by the providers. This process of fulfilling customer’s desire will not succeed by give
them a perfect product but by making them feel they and their satisfaction matter
to you. Social business is an invitation to treat with people in work in the same way.
Social business is the answer to the problems which existed by bad managers who
turn work to a bad environment by getting them back to be technical specialists
and enable workers to do self-managing.

The success of the startups is a clear indicator to that applying the social business
model is the right way to make work )Good (because in the beginning they don’t
overly manage but after that they stutter because of being bigger then introduce
manage. Social business helps us to remove layers and layers of control and
bureaucracy in big corporation. IBM succeeded to apply social business for 15 years
and proofed that it is not a romantic or over liberalized way. Shortly, social business
helps us to make people feel that work is a valuable thing beyond money because
it helps them to express their passion which ensure respecting regulation and
ethics. It similar to turn from marching music to fluid jazz.

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