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M. B.

1,096,102. m Patented May 12, 1914.

A2%22 1222-22276.
O. O 24/k. e42zé4. 622e2%g
1,096,102. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented May 12, 1914.
Application filed November 25, 1912.
sal:No. 733,425,

all itwhom it may concern: the ingergeographical
ranged surface of indications
the globe are also ar
known that I, MARSHALL B. GARD continents which according to the theory of
NER, a citizen of the United States, and a the inventor exist upon the inner surface of EO
resident of the city of Aurora, county of the globe.
Kane, and State of Illinois, have invented The section 1 is reinforced by metallic
certain new and useful Improvements in bands 4 and 5 arranged therein, between
Geographical Apparatus, of which the fol the layers
lowing is a specification. a and b and rigidly secured to
the former,
My invention relates to geographical ap 2, the extremities as clearly shown in Figs. 1 and
paratus, that is to apparatus designed for of band 4 terminating at
use in the study of geography. the hinges 3 in order to reinforce the section
The object of my invention is the produc of the other of saidrespective
1 at these points. The extremities
tion of a device of the character mentioned 6riorly, terminating at bands project
diametrically exte 70
through the medium of which the geog points of the globe to serve as bearings in
5 raphy of the globe or earth may be studied the rotatable motinting of said globe be
with greater facility and ease. tween gudgeons 7 and 8 which are provided
A further object is the production of a de in
vice as mentioned, which will be of durable 9 istheprovidedsemi-circular support 9. The support
with a suitable base 10. The 75
and economical construction and efficient in gudgeon 7 is formed integral with the support
20 Se. -
Other objects will appear hereinafter. 9 and is stationary, the bearing 6 rotatably
My invention consists in the combinations tatably mounted in theThe
embracing the same. gudgeon 8 is ro.
support 9, the inner
and arrangements of parts hereinafter de end thereof being fixed to the bearing 6 so
scribed and claimed. that said gudgeon will rotate in unison with
25 The invention will be best understood by the globe. Secured to the outer end of saia
reference to the accompanying drawing
forming a part of this specification, and in gudgeon 8 is a notched disk 11 with:which
coöperates a dog 13 pivoted at 14, said dog
Figure i. is a partially sectional side eleva being
adapted for engagement with the 85.
i2 of disk 11 to releasably lock the
30 tion of a device embodying my invention, globe in, positions of rotatable adjustment.
the sectional globe included therein being: The arrangement is such, as will be ob
shown in closed position, Fig. 2 is a section served, that release of the globe to permit 90
taken on substantially line a--a of Fig. 1, of rotatable
with the globe sections in open position, and by depressingadjustment thereof is effected
the rearward end of dog 13
Fig. 3 is an enlarged fragmentary detail of in order to disengage the opposite end there
one of the bearings for the globe. of from the notches 12. ..
The preferred form of construction as Arranged centrally within the globe is an
illustrated in the drawing comprises a hol
low globe consisting of a main section 1 illuminant 15, preferably an electric light 95
40 hemispherical in form and two supplemen
bulb around which is arranged the corona
tal sections 2 quadrant in form, the sections 16. The lamp bulb 15 is mounted at the in
2 being secured to section 1 by hinges 3 ner end of an arm 17 which is secured
which permit of the sections 2 being swung rigidly at its opposite end to the globe sec 100
to open position, as clearly shown in Fig. 2, tion 1. The arm 17 is hollow to permit of
45 in order to expose the inner surface of the
the passage of the conductor wires 18 for the
globe. Each of said sections 1 and 2 is lamp bull 15, said wires passing from arm
17 through thethrough
formed preferably of two concentric layers downwardly hollow passage
wall of section 1 and .
19 formed at 05
a, and b of sheet metal which are spaced the lower end of support 9, as clearly shown
apart so as to increase the thickness of Said in Figs. 1 and 2. The arrangement of the
50 sections in order to represent more nearly illuminant as designed is in accordance with
the comparative thickness of the crust of
the earth in accordance with the geographi the inventor's theory as to the interior for
cal theory of the inventor. Upon the outer vided atand
mation arrangement of the earth. Pro
points in the 110
surface of the globe are the usual geographi globe at the terminalsopposite
of the axis about
55 cal indications or maps illustrating or indi
cating the continents of the world. Upon which the same is mounted to rotate are
3.23 2,383,383
penings 20 which also constitute one of the
features of the inventor's theory of the bands secured to one of said sections and ar- 3C
ranged between the layers thereof, the re
earth's construction. spective ends of one of said bands projecting Y
A device of the construction set forth is exteriorly at diametrically opposite sides of
durable and economical in construction, the
' arrangement is such that the sectional globe said
globe; and a support with which said
ends engage for pivotally supporting 35
is capable of ready rotary adjustment, such said globe, substantially as described.
as is desired in using the same, and the sec : 3. A device of the class described coln
stions of the globe are so connected as to be
i) adapted for ready swinging to open posi irising a hollow globe consisting of a plu
'ality of higedly connected sections each
tion in. order to expose the interior of the trained of two spaced layers; reinforcing ()
globe. : )aids secured to one of said sections and al.
While I have illustrated and described the raged between the layers thereof, the re
preferred form of constriction for carrying: spective ejids of one of said :ands projecting
5 my invention it to effect, this is capable of exteriorly it diametric:lly opposite sides of
variation and modification withoit depart s: it globe, the respective extremitics of the 4.
ing from the spirit of the invention. , other of said lands terminating at the hinge
therefore, do not wisi to be limited to the ('(lections between said sections; and a
precise.details of construction set fortli, bit sport with which said exteriorly project
desire to avail myself of such variations. ing band ends engage for pivotally, Support
and modifications as come within the scopic ing said globe, Sibstantially as described.
of the appended claims. In testioly whereff I have signed lily
Having described my invention what same to this specification in the presence of
claim as new and desire to secure by Lette's two sibs filing witnesses.
: Patent is:
1. A device of the class described "con A VRS, AAL 3. GARDNER.
prising a hollow globe consisting of a lu Witnesses:
rality of hingedly connected sections each A. A. OLSON,
formed of two spaced lasers; reinforcing Josil 'A li. II Ports.

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