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100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin

Fruits and Oddments to Find

in The Hedge

Neal Litherland

A Sourcebook for
Changeling The Los t
Goblin Fruit
Jacoby hissed, snatching Joselyn’s hand away as she reached for a low-
hanging fruit. The ogre glared at her with his one good eye, the other lost in
a nest of scar tissue. He didn’t squeeze her hand, but his grip on her was as
inescapable (and as uncomfortable) as an iron manacle.
“What did I tell you?” he asked.
“But it looks so-” Joselyn started, her cat-like tail whipping back and forth
behind her knees.
“Repeat what I said to you,” Jacoby said. “Before I agreed to take you on
this fool’s errand.”
Joselyn looked up at him, widening her eyes and letting them gleam. She
even lowered her ears, trying to look contrite. When Jacoby’s resolve didn’t
waver, she sighed, and let her head drop.
“Don’t touch anything,” she said. “No matter how good it looks, no matter
how sure you are that you know what it is, keep your claws off the briars.”
“Good to see those big ears of yours can listen, even if the rest of you can’t,”
the ogre grunted, releasing his hold on Joselyn’s hand. She glared at him,
licking at the fur to get it to lay down properly again.
“My ears are not big,” she said, with enough of a hiss to let Jacoby know
he’d poked a sensitive spot.
Jacoby ignored her, leaning on the staff he carried. It looked like a shepherd’s
crook, and the scratches down the wood showed he’d used it to keep claws
and teeth away from him more than once. He turned that fearsome glare
onto tall bushes that flanked the trod. If the Hedge was bothered, it gave
no sign. Taking his staff in both hands, Jacoby rooted around in the bush,
grunting as he hooked and twisted the crook. Something snapped, and he
pulled out a bunch of berries. They were a light, minty blue, and even from
where she stood Joselyn could smell the scent coming off of them. The ogre
snapped off three of the berries, putting one in his mouth and two in the
breast pocket of his vest of patches. The rest he tossed to Joselyn, who caught
them without even thinking about it.
“Eat them slowly,” Jacoby said, turning back the way they’d been going
and setting off again. “Sweet nothings will give you a tummy ache if you pop
them like grapes.”
Joselyn had the bunch most of the way to her mouth, but she paused.
Jacoby hadn’t made a joke or cracked a smile since she’d met him. He took
everything seriously, and the Hedge most seriously of all. So she broke off
a single berry, and put it on her tongue as if it would explode. Then she bit
into it, and felt the impossible sweetness fill her mouth. Purring, savoring
the flavor, she hurried to catch up with her guide before he left her behind.
And she told herself, very sternly this time, not to let the Hedge distract her.
Even if the fruit looked soft, shiny and delicious. Those weren’t the sort of
games she needed to be playing..
Author: Neal Litherland
Editing & Layout: Adrian Kennelly
Published By: Azukail Games

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4 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge
100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin
Fruits and Oddments to Find
in The Hedge

Table Of Contents

Introduction 7

The Fruits of the Poisoned Tree 8

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 5
I nt r o d u ct i o n

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits

and Oddments to Find in The Hedge

The Hedge is a dangerous place, filled with deadly Creepers that can be worn like armor, and thorns that
creatures, hungry plants and bizarre relics lost to time can be wielded like swords.
and legend. It is an ever-changing nightmare that stands Goblin fruits and oddments come in a dizzying ar-
between the mortal world and the world of Arcadia. How- ray, and just like the Hedge itself there is always more to
ever, there are useful things to be found in the Hedge, find. The following examples can be used to add flavor-
too. Strange fruits that put mortal foods to shame. Roots ful options, or even useful tools, to your Changeling: The
that can suck out poison. Flowers that cure diseases. Lost chronicle!

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 7
The Fruits of the point of glamour, the flower’s petals turn red and fan
Poisoned Tree out. A compass rose gives one their current bearing in
the Hedge (with Arcadia replacing magnetic north), pro-
1. Hansel Stones: Found in small handfuls in the viding +2 dice to their next attempt to navigate the Hedge
Hedge, these white, oblong seeds are hard as stone, and using Survival. Once plucked out of the ground a com-
large enough to fill a child’s hand. More than that, they pass rose becomes useless, as it requires a connection to
always seem to draw the eye. Named for the fairy tale the Hedge itself for its magic to work. Many changelings
about the lost children in the woods, Hansel stones help will transplant these flowers all over, however, ensuring
someone find their way back through the Hedge with- they take root in order to give fellow Lost a little guid-
out getting lost. The Hansel stones must be activated ance on their journeys.
by spending one point of glamour while one is near a 5. Fairy Lights: These fat globes are milky white,
landmark in the Hedge (a hollow, a gateway to the real and always seem to bend the branch they’re hanging
world, a goblin market, etc.). Every few dozen steps the from into a bow. Spending a point of glamour and per-
changeling must stop, glance over their shoulder at the forming an action to “activate” the oddment in some way
last stone they dropped, and drop another at their feet. (clapping, touching it, pretending to flick a switch on the
No matter how many stones they’ve dropped, or how far tree’s trunk, asking the light to come on etc.) causes it to
they’ve walked, there always seems to be a few more in light up like a street lamp. Some freeholds plant these
their pocket. While the magic of the Hansel stones is oddments specifically along their nearby trods, sending
active, they act as a temporary guideline in the ever-shift- out “lamp lighters” when the night grows near so that
ing Hedge, adding +2 dice to dice pools to navigate the any lost or fleeing changelings can find a safe harbor in
Hedge in order to retrace one’s steps back to where they the chaos of the Hedge. Lit globes may be cut down and
came from. carried with someone like a lantern, but they will only
2. Tealips: Easily mistaken for simple flowers at a glow for one hour per dot of the activating creature’s
glance, tealip petals are hard and crunchy. Additionally, Wyrd, rather than until dawn like globes left to dangle
the flower gathers dew from the Hedge, allowing it to from their branches. Additionally, a globe that’s been cut
steep inside the petals like a tiny cup. Though drinking down fizzles out when it reaches the end of its light span,
from a tealip quenches one’s thirst, the tiny cup of dew while those left on the vine can be re-lit again and again.
often provides a single point of glamour to a drinker as 6. Jack Dagger: A thorny vine that seems to slither
well. Not all tealips are the same, though. Some have out of sight like a serpent when one draws near, Jack
steamy brews that need to be allowed to cool once they’re dagger can be a particularly nasty snare for the unwary.
plucked, while others boast a fizzy drink that tickles one’s While the scratches it leaves are shallow, barely drawing
nose. Some are bitter, some are sweet, and it’s even pos- any blood at all, a Jack dagger sucks glamour like a mos-
sible to pick a bad cup that will steal a point of glamour quito sucks blood (brushing against the vine will drain
when one pricks their fingers on the flower’s thorns. A one point of glamour). If one manages to snatch the vine
success on an Intelligence + Occult roll will tell a change- and either cut or tear it open, drinking the sap allows
ling whether a given tealip is safe or not, and three suc- them to regain any glamour stored in the Jack dagger.
cesses will allow them to determine precisely what the Usually this is between 1 and 3 points, but there are
effects of a given tealip will be. hobs and changelings alike known for making snares and
3. Sweet Nothings: Fat, pale blue berries that feel scratch wires from this oddment near trods specifically to
like they’re full of juice, sweet nothings can sustain some- snatch glamour from passing travelers.
one just as if they’d eaten a full, nourishing meal. It’s a 7. Herald’s Bells: The Gentry often announce their
trick, though, and the next day it’s like they never ate presence when they wander the Hedge, but those who at-
anything at all. While sweet nothings will hold off the tempt to move about unseen often curse the twist of the
penalties and weakness of hunger and thirst as long as Wyrd that birthed herald’s bells. These flowers, which
someone eats a handful of them a day, they won’t sustain look like miniature silver trumpets, let forth tinkling
life past the point where not eating or drinking will kill notes whenever a creature with a notably high Wyrd is
someone. In a pinch, though, they can keep a changeling near. So while most changelings and hobgoblins will only
one step ahead of the huntsmen... for a while, at least. cause whispered notes, and monarchs may be met with a
4. Compass Rose: These white flowers are easy to song loud enough to be heard over conversation, the True
miss for those who don’t know precisely what they’re Fae make these flowers positively blare with their ap-
looking for. While they may look similar to pedestrian proach. Many changelings who spend time in the Hedge
roses, the petals are always perfectly symmetrical, and if actively cultivate this oddment in their hollows and on
one leans in to smell the flower, they find it has the salt trods they frequent, using it as an early warning system in
smell of the sea. At the cost of a drop of blood and a the event a threat like the Wild Hunt draws nigh.

8 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge
8. Counterfeit Lettuce: It’s said most of the loose their appearance in the real world varies, from simple dis-
change dropped in the world finds its way into the Hedge coloration, to a matte black tooth that looks almost like
sooner or later, and that it was these coins that planted an artistic statement to eyes that can’t piece the Mask.
the seed of this useful oddment. Whether it takes the 12. Mummer’s Mud: Found in small, bubbling
shape of small, leafy ficas, an oddly patterned bush or a puddles that smell of cold coffee and used oil, mummer’s
head of cabbage, counterfeit lettuce appears to be made mud is a thin, viscous material that helps skin stretch
of the local currency closest to a particular real-world into different contours than it would normally tolerate.
boundary with a certain part of the Hedge. Crisp and Applied to the face, it alters one’s appearance in subtle
smooth when first plucked, the leaves of money begin ways, providing a bonus die to pools using Subterfuge
to brown and wither quickly. Usually reduced to dried to disguise one’s identity (though the mud must be re-
husks within a few days, many changelings use this coun- applied if one is going to craft a different disguise with
terfeit cash to pay for necessities in the real world when it). Mummer’s mud usually lasts for one hour per dot of
they have few other options, and won’t be around long the user’s Wyrd, but spending a single point of glamour
enough to deal with the mortals who were tricked into extends the time to 24 hours, after which the mud dries
taking it in exchange for valuable goods or services. up and flakes away.
9. Hagstone: Legends tell of magic stones that can 13. Phoenix Grass: Dry, sawtoothed red grass, it’s
see past the illusions and tricks of fae magic, often found very difficult to pull phoenix grass without getting at least
discarded by rivers and brooks. These stones tend to be one cut. Typically found in small bundles, it takes flame
small, with a hole in the center worn away by the natural with ease, and burns well. Commonly planted in hearths
flow of water. It’s this hole that provides a lens to see the and in the center of campfire rings by changelings and
truth. When such a stone is found in the Hedge, it is hobs alike, once the fire burns out the grass stands tall,
often imbued with the Hedge’s ability to strip away the thick, and rejuvenated. This allows it to take fire time
protective camouflage the Wyrd weaves around change- and time again, making it a near-perpetual source of fuel.
lings, hedgespun items and even creatures like fetches.
14. Boom Fruits: Thick, spiny oddments with tightly
If a hagstone is given to a mortal, and they look through
stretched skins, boom fruits are the furthest thing from
the hole in it, it allows them to see through any Mask that
a tasty treat. Roughly the size of a large apple, all it takes
has not been hardened. Often given as gifts to mortal
to start this fruit counting down is to infuse it with a
friends, lovers and confidantes, these stones have proven
point of glamour, and to make a Wyrd + Resolve roll as a
very useful to those who can’t afford to be taken in by
Reflexive action (the result of which determines the dam-
fae lies.
age inflicted by a boom fruit explosion). Once thrown
10. Pale Melons: Plump, pale fruits, these melons the boom fruit explodes like a shrapnel grenade, send-
aren’t particularly flavorful. Worse, they taste like the ing its spines out in all directions (with a blast zone of
person who planted the seed whispered the word “cit- 20 feet in every direction of the impact zone). Damage
rus,” but didn’t specify which variety, or explain what is dealt automatically to those in the blast zone, though
that word really meant. Most changelings who cultivate armor and cover automatically reduce the damage by the
pale melons, though, don’t eat them. Rather they use the listed value (treating the blast as ballistic damage). This
juice as ink, which becomes completely invisible once it includes reducing the damage from lethal to bashing if
dries, leaving no residue behind. Revealed by rubbing a one is wearing ballistic armor.
surface with a fresh pale melon rind, this trick is often
15. Night Eye: Black berries that grow on the un-
used by Winter Courtiers looking to leave hidden mes-
derside of bushes which are typically found in the deep-
sages for others to find.
er, darker parts of the Hedge, night eye has a sharp, al-
11. Thorntooth: A friend of many a changeling that’s most antiseptic scent to it. They don’t taste particularly
come out on the wrong end of a Hedge duel, these thick, good either, but if the juice is squeezed into one’s eyes
black thorns can be used to replace broken or knocked it causes the pupil to widen until the eye itself is nearly
out teeth. All it takes is a point of glamour, and a deep black. While this effect is active the user can see in dim
breath as the thorntooth is pressed into the busted chom- light and darkness, but any light brighter than a candle is
per or empty socket in the gums. Once it’s taken root a nearly blinding (-2 die penalty on all dice pools while in
thorntooth is surprisingly resilient, as long as it is regu- brightly lit areas). Smoked goggles, sunglasses and other
larly watered, and receives a single point of glamour every measures taken to protect the eyes negate this penalty.
fortnight. A thorntooth starved of glamour quickly rots Night eye can only be taken while one stands in shadows,
away, leaving the changeling in much the same situation and the effect ends as soon as daylight (or effects that
they were in before. Once it has taken root, a thorntooth count as sunlight) fall upon the user’s face.
no longer counts against the total goblin fruits/oddments
16. Hiker’s Moss: Soft and spongy, this moss always
a changeling is carrying on their person. Additionally,
grows alongside trods. A brownish red color, it looks

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 9
almost like shreds of leather clinging to the trunks and die from the dice pool for the next attack made against
branches of the Hedge. If plucked and placed within the the chewer’s Clarity instead.
sole of one’s shoe, the moss eases the rigors of walking. 21. Elf’s Ear: A white plant that looks similar to cau-
Hiker’s moss adds +2 bonus dice to Stamina dice pools liflower, elf’s ear has a distinct crunch, as well as a flavor
for avoiding fatigue caused by rigorous or extended effort that’s somewhat similar to both onion and garlic. Once
for the next 24 hours. After this point the moss collapses, eaten this goblin fruit increases the sensitivity of one’s
leaving nothing more than a red stain in one’s shoes, and hearing, granting +2 bonus dice on Wits-based percep-
on the soles of their feet. tion dice pools that involve listening. The benefit lasts
17. Sugarweed: A rare kindness in the Hedge, sugar- for a number of hours equal to the eater’s Wyrd, but af-
weed grows in places where love has been spoken, promis- terward it tends to leave one’s head muzzy and thick, im-
es kept and beautiful moments shared. Tall cat tails with posing a -2 penalty to Wits-based perception dice pools
red, silky banners atop them that wave in the breeze, sug- that involve listening for an equal amount of time.
arweed is sweet inside. All one has to do is pluck off the 22. Ghost Peppers: These pale goblin fruits have a
cap and suck out the juice to gain a point of glamour (2 spicy kick to them, there’s no doubt about that. Once
points for Spring Courtiers). Additionally, the memories eaten, however, a ghost pepper gives someone the ability
of love and laughter can elevate one’s mood; something to see and interact with the ethereal. Whether dealing
even more valuable than glamour to some changelings. with ghosts and similar spirits, or changelings who have
Called pixie sticks by some, it’s far from uncommon to stepped into the ethereal in order to avoid confronta-
see these being cultivated in many freeholds. tion, ghost peppers allow one to see, hear and even touch
18. Chirurgeon Petals: Nasty-looking plants with ethereal creatures as if the eater was on the same plane
thorns all along the petals, these flowers are a great boon as them. This means they can engage in melee combat,
to anyone who’s been injured in the Hedge. The flow- but ranged weapons do not work unless the ammunition
er sinks its thorns into the skin, covering a wound and fired would affect ethereal beings on its own. A ghost
latching itself over an area. This prevents any bleeding pepper’s effects last for 1 scene.
effects, but what’s even more useful is that the flower 23. Marsh Mallows: Found floating in flooded areas
secretes a numbing agent that reduces pain. As long as of the Hedge, these goblin fruits look and feel like float-
the oddment is attached (1 hour per total Health of the ing mushrooms, but are as sweet and airy as their name-
host, if not removed before then) it allows the host to ig- sake once one takes a bite. Often used as a component in
nore the first -1 from wound penalties. The effects are not preserves made from other goblin fruits, adding a marsh
cumulative with additional applications of the oddment, mallow to such a concoction increases the lifespan of the
though multiple chirurgeon petals will stack with merits preserve by a full fortnight. It also makes the bitterest
or contracts that reduce or eliminate wound penalties. jams and jellies into something tolerable to the palate,
19. Passion Seed: There are some who believe that which is sometimes just as valuable a contribution.
passion seeds are, in truth, the last vestiges of silphium, 24. Squire’s Quiver: Easily mistaken for cattails if
which was used both as an aphrodisiac and a form of one doesn’t look closely, these oddments tend to grow
birth control in the days of antiquity. While nowhere near battlefields, or where Hedge duels are regularly
near as potent in initiating desire as Spring’s contracts fought. Once plucked, the woody shaft of this oddment
are, this plant renders someone who eats it sterile for the can be laid to a bow or crossbow, and fired just as one
next day and night. While not much use to changelings, would a normal bolt or arrow. Favorites of hunters who
passion seed can make for a particularly useful item to stalk the Hedge, many hobs and changelings who use
trade with mortals who would like to take advantage of these oddments will remove the head of one of these
its powers. shafts that was used to deliver a killing shot, planting
20. Viridian Root: Looking like a thick, woody vein, it in a garden near their hollows. While it’s hard to be
viridian root tends to grow near the thin places of the sure of anything when it comes to the Hedge’s unusual
world, and is most commonly found in the proximity of harvests, most agree that such a “seed” that claimed a life
gateways into the Hedge. While some changelings use will grow straight, true and plentiful as the Hedge hopes
this goblin fruit as a telltale to help them find a way into to entice one to further violence by providing even more
the real world again, there are others who harvest and shafts for future hunts.
chew it. It has a bitter flavor that some compare to strong 25. Thimbleshuck: The shell of a cracked nut, this
licorice, but in that bitterness are all the disappointments oddment has the distinctive pattern of a sewing thimble.
and hard edges of the real world. Chewing viridian root Those who prick a finger, and smear a drop of blood in-
provides +1 bonus die on your next Clarity check, if made side a thimbleshuck, find that it sticks comfortably to the
within 24 hours. pad of their finger for hours, making time spent crafting
* For 2nd edition Changeling: The Lost, subtract a so much easier. A thimbleshuck adds a bonus die to dice

10 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge
pools involving Crafts, excluding contract activations. check is rolled. A creature who already has the Danger
From sewing, to automotive work, to swordsmithing, a Sense merit instead gains a bonus die on the check.
thimbleshuck doesn’t care what the project is, so long as 31. Bloody Pom: Similar to a pomegranate in ap-
it’s being made with one’s hands. This oddment’s effects pearance, a bloody pom is just as sweet as you’d expect.
last until the end of an extended roll made to craft some- The seeds aren’t for eating, though. The juice of this odd-
thing, or until it is removed, whichever comes first. ment is as slick as machine oil, and the oblong seeds can
26. Spring’s Regalia: These flowers are long, fluted be slipped into a magazine or cylinder to be used in lieu
things with round bulbs near their bases. If one bends of bullets... within the confines of the Hedge, at least.
down and whispers softly, the flower will usually open. Outside of the Hedge a magazine’s worth of this alterna-
A squeeze on the bulb will spray a light coating of nectar tive ammunition requires spending a point of glamour
onto one’s neck or wrists, leaving an intoxicating aroma to activate it for the next hour. Once that hour is up, the
behind. This perfume adds a bonus die to dice pools in- seeds wither away to nothing, which makes them a favor-
volving Persuasion or Socialize, as long as the target(s) are ite tool of assassins who want to leave no evidence be-
close enough to smell the scent. A single application lasts hind. Additionally, a full magazine of these seeds counts
until either sunup or sundown, whichever comes first. as a single oddment for the purposes of how many goblin
27. Sprite Snatchers: Thick and thorny, these bright fruits and oddments a changeling can take with them out
flowers with flat, wide leaves look sweet and inviting... of the Hedge.
which is how they catch their prey. Tiny Hedge creatures, 32. Rainbow Pears: Growing in a wide variety of
particularly those who make pests of themselves, are a hues, these juicy fruits are tasty, but that isn’t their prima-
sprite snatcher’s favorite prey. Changelings and hobs who ry use among changelings. Whether the juice is applied
want to add a little extra security to their hollows often to lips, cheeks, nails or eyelids, the vibrant colors of these
plant several of these, as snatchers will take care of biting fruits dyes skin as well as clothes until sunrise, which
flies and thieving nixies. Handily enough they will also makes them a popular form of enchanted cosmetics.
dispose of goblin fruit peels, and other small bits of or- They also make for particularly fantastical food fights,
ganic waste if one is willing to feed it to them. if even a handful of stories from the freeholds along the
28. Loose Leaf: Often found blowing on the winds, Western seaboard are to be believed.
these flapping leaves could easily be mistaken for pages 33. Go Juice: Found in oblong red fruits whose
torn from a notebook. Shed by plants that are sometimes stems neatly twist off to reveal a reservoir of thick, sticky
called scholar’s bush, loose leaf can be collected and used juice, these fruits are often imbibed by changelings and
to draw maps, write letters, or for those with a baser need, hobs on guard duty as they tend to hold sleep at bay un-
as toilet paper. It’s far from uncommon to see journals for til morning (while also providing +2 bonus dice on dice
sale in goblin markets made from this unusual oddment. pools to resist supernatural effects that might force one
A sheaf of loose leaf (often collected into a notebook) to sleep). Once morning comes, however, the eater must
counts as a single oddment for the purposes of how many make a Stamina + Resolve check to remain awake. Fail-
goblin fruits and oddments a changeling can bring with ure means the character falls asleep within the first hour
them out of the Hedge. after sunrise. 2 successes means they remain awake, but
29. Golden Leaf: A friend to those who travel the suffer a -1 penalty to all dice pools until they finally get
Hedge, golden leaf can either be chewed in a thick plug at least 8 hours of sleep. An exceptional success negates
kept in the cheek, or dried and smoked with a pipe or this penalty altogether. There are rumors of go juice be-
rolling papers. In both cases it leaves one’s breath smell- ing used in vehicles as fuel (requiring spending a point
ing clean, with a light, smoky scent not unlike incense. of glamour in the real world), which would allow said ve-
Those who smoke golden leaf while telling stories often hicle to run until morning without burning any actual
find that the smoke takes on fanciful shapes, acting out gasoline. Doing so might be a foolish endeavor, though,
the scenes as they’re being described. It’s earned the nick- as there’s the potential the goblin fruit might alter the
name “Gandalf Weed” among some changelings for this machine in unexpected ways.
reason. 34. Wooden Nickels: The seed found in the center
30. Husker’s Companion: Gnarled seeds that appear of olmeric, a fruit considered a rare delicacy even within
to have wizened faces on them, a husker’s companion can the Hedge, these flat, round seeds resemble nothing so
be hung from a pack, a belt or even a shoelace. Someone much as wooden pocket change. Highly valued by goblin
carrying one of these tiny look outs is treated as having merchants, many of whom will attempt to plant the seeds
the Danger Sense merit the next time they have to make a themselves, wooden nickels can be used to trade for valu-
Wits + Composure roll to try to spot an ambush. Wheth- able resources ranging from information to Hedge spin-
er someone successfully spots an ambush or not, the nut ning services if one can find the right goblin buyer.
cracks, and the effects of its magic end after that initial 35. Flavor Pits: Thick, rough objects that feel like

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 11
fruit pits, these oddments are roughly the size of a small been sworn. Anyone who eats a liar’s bane finds that
jawbreaker. Collected by those who often venture into sweet lies curdle on their tongue, imposing a -2 die pen-
the Hedge, flavor pits will carry the taste of any goblin alty to all dice pools involving Subterfuge made to lie
fruit they’ve been placed inside, which turns them into or mislead. An unfortunate side effect is that even lies
a pleasant lozenge that never loses its flavor. While the meant to save one’s feelings are often impossible for an
pits can be broken by those with particularly strong jaws, eater to tell, leading to their unvarnished, blunt opinions
this destroys their magic, and floods one’s mouth with an rolling off their tongue in a way that might harm friend-
acrid, bitter taste as the core opens up. ships more than any lie could have. These effects last for
36. Butterflies: These bug-like fruit tend to bloom one hour per point of the eater’s Wyrd, as the berries
on low-hanging branches. It’s only when one gets close latch onto the creature’s fae nature.
that they realize the broad wings and fanciful whorls 41. Whisper Lilies: White flowers that grow from
aren’t actually an insect ready to take flight, but a soft, thick vines, whisper lilies are most commonly found
easily-plucked fruit. Easily spread on traveling biscuits, creeping up broken walls and twisted trees, or growing
butterflies are a way to make even stale, unappetizing out of the floor of a hollow. By spending a point of glam-
meals delicious, and they’re often used by changeling our and whispering the name of a location or an individ-
cooks who want to put a bit of magic into their meals. ual, a whisper lily will open its network throughout the
37. Milkweed: Despite sharing a name with a mortal Hedge. Once a connection is made the whisper lily clos-
plant, milkweed looks like a plump fruit that typically est to the location or individual named will open, and
hangs just high enough from the Hedge that ground-rov- ask if the person on the other end wishes to accept the
ing creatures can’t reach it. Squeezing near the lower end contact. If the lily is refused, or there is no one there to
of the fruit actually squirts the thick, white juice out, and accept it, the original lily apologizes, and the petals close.
while some changelings will drink this milk straight from If the call is accepted, the lily emits a low hum to let one
the Hedge, others prefer to milk the contents into a cup. know a connection has been established. Once this hap-
This is particularly true for those who can’t tell how fresh pens, a creature may speak into the lily as if speaking into
a milkweed is, because if the juice has been sitting for any a telephone. An individual need not know a target’s true
length of time, then it may have gone sour, and that is a name to use a whisper lily to try to contact them, but
uniquely awful experience for one’s palate. they must know them by a name recognized by the Wyrd.
Whisper lilies cannot reach into the real world, though
38. Sweetwater Pitcher: A strange oddment, these
there are rumors that they will pick up multiple calls if
plants grow straight out of the ground in the shape of
multiple creatures attempt to butt into a conversation
pitchers, complete with fully-formed handles of tough
at the same time. The call ends when someone thanks
vines. Once removed from the ground a sweetwater pitch-
the whisper lily, and steps away from the flower, which
er can be used to scoop water from a spring, or to serve
promptly closes once more.
drinks in a hollow, the same as any common pitcher. The
unique feature of this oddment, though, is that for one 42. Laurel Crown: A symbol of victors for centuries,
point of glamour it will suck any poison or disease out of crowns of laurel leaves grow at the tops of certain walls
its liquid contents, leaving behind clean, safe drinking of the Hedge to tempt those who want to prove they are
water. Performing this task leaves the sweetwater pitcher skilled enough to reach them. Those who manage to lay
a dark, bruised color, as well, making it obvious when their hands on one of these oddments, and to place it
something placed inside was harmful. Once a pitcher has upon their heads, receive a bonus die on dice pools in-
absorbed poisons in this way it cannot do so again. volving either Athletics or Presence, as the laurels confer
a small measure of the air and skill of a champion onto
39. Pipe Weeds: An unusual growth, there are all
the bearer. A laurel crown lasts until the wearer next
kinds of theories held by occult botanists about why this
sleeps, at which point its magic ends and the leaves fall
oddment grows, and what causes it to take its final form.
away to nothing. After all, one cannot rest on their lau-
Some pipe weeds are clear, resembling organic glass,
while others develop fanciful figures and symbols in their
grains. Some even come with a dry root ball that, when 43. Cordweed: A vine that’s rough to the touch, clev-
powdered, can be smoked. The effects of doing this var- er Hedge explorers often use cordweed as twine to make
ies from one oddment to another, and while most change- field repairs to their gear, to string up warning bells or
lings see little risk in it as long as one is careful, there are even to weave travel necessities like rain capes or tents.
more than a few tales about what’s befallen incautious Hedge duelists sometimes wrap the grips of their weap-
smokers who’ve plucked a pipe weed, and forgot that the ons (or even their fists) in cordweed to provide a better
Hedge does not have their best interests at heart. grip. Those who wield a weapon with a grip wrapped in
cordweed automatically subtract one success from at-
40. Liar’s Bane: These thick, juicy berries are bright
tempts to disarm them of that weapon. Those who wrap
green, and they tend to grow in areas where pledges have

12 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge
their limbs in cordweed add a bonus die to their Brawl shoes (or one’s feet, if one happens to walk barefoot),
dice pools to strike with a wrapped limb. This is consid- hunter’s step quiets creaks and other betraying sounds,
ered an equipment bonus, and doesn’t stack with other adding a bonus die to dice pools involving Stealth to
equipment bonuses. move silently. Hunter’s step does leave a trail of oily foot-
44. Pixie’s Tears: Usually found sprinkled along steps behind, though, providing a bonus die to pools for
vines in the Hedge like morning dew, this pink dust is people who are tracking someone using this oddment.
highly valued as a spice. Whether added to travel rations, Those who regularly use hunter’s step, though, may at-
or stirred into a more elaborate dish, marketeers and ped- tempt to lay false trails with it, and to double back in
dlers are always on the lookout for this particular gob- order to get the drop on someone. The residue of hunter’s
lin fruit. Merchants who move from one location in the step vanishes when it’s touched by daylight, and the ap-
Hedge to another often put quite a lot of stock in pixie’s plication on one’s feet lasts until they take their shoes off,
tears as a mobile form of wealth, paying in packets of this or the sun next rises, whichever comes first.
spice for those who are, as the saying goes, worth their 50. Aegis Flower: A silvery flower with layered petals
salt. that looks almost like a shield, this flower tends to grow
45. Fire Melons: Similar to watermelons in gener- near battlefields, or places where Hedge duels are regu-
al appearance, fire melons are an angry red color with larly fought. Once plucked and worn (typically through
bright hashes along their shells. The “meat” of the fruit is a button hole, woven into one’s hair or tucked into the
dry and smoky, often compared to ham, or bacon when band of a hat), an aegis flower provides a small measure
it’s sliced. Getting these fruits while they’re ripe is of of protection for its wearer. The flower provides a bonus
paramount importance, because if they’re past their time die to the next dice pool the wearer rolls to resist a su-
then the taste of rotting meat will linger on one’s tongue pernatural power. If the wearer successfully resists, the
for days to remind them of their poor judgment. flower loses a petal, but continues to provide its protec-
tion. If the wearer fails to resist, all remaining petals fall
46. Brook Pearls: Occasionally found drifting in
off. A fresh flower boasts 5 petals. An aegis flower lasts
streams throughout the Hedge, these berries are unusu-
either until it’s lost all of its petals, or a number of days
ally heavy with juice. While they come in a variety of
equal to the wearer’s Wyrd, whichever comes first.
different flavors, depending on where they grow, they are
rarely eaten as a standalone meal. Instead, brook pearls 51. Leechweed: A long, red vine that only grows away
are put in the bottom of a glass of water, tea, juice or from trods unless properly cultivated, leechweed is high-
even blended coffee, and sucked up through a straw. The ly prized for its ability to siphon out poison. Attaching
pearls pop when pressure is put on them, creating a satis- leechweed to a creature deals 1 point of lethal damage
fying rush of flavor in one’s mouth. as it burrows into the target’s vein. The oddment then
siphons out any impurities in the blood, darkening like
47. Cleansing Root: Typically found near pools,
a leech as it siphons out the poison or venom. Once the
ponds, and waterfalls cleansing root easily crumbles into
target has been purified the leechweed slithers out, and
a gritty paste that smells vaguely of citrus. Used to wash
drops off, stiffening into a dry twig. Though only usable
hair, clothes and one’s body, there’s no stain that cleans-
once, leechweed is particularly prized for its ability to re-
ing root can’t remove. This is particularly useful for wan-
move dream venom, and other fae poisons, as well as to
derers in the Hedge who don’t want to arrive to court in
save one from more mortal dangers.
sweat-stained clothes, or enforcers who need to get blood
out of their garments before officers start asking ques- 52. Skeleton Key: Every filcher’s friend, this woody
tions. oddment looks like a knobby finger bone poking out of
the ground; something that’s far from an unusual sight in
48. Painter Bushes: Used by changeling artists as
the Hedge. Once dug up the root ball resembles an old-
well as hobs, painter bushes have berries that come in
fashioned key. While it lacks the magic common to more
every shade and color of the rainbow. When crushed and
potent items, this oddment adds a bonus die to any dice
mixed with paint, these berries create works that are vi-
pool using Larceny to pick a lock. If there is no keyhole
brant to the point that they’re almost lifelike. Any paint-
this oddment still provides its bonus as long as it’s held
er who uses these berries receives +2 bonus dice on the
in one hand, or clenched between one’s teeth. Skeleton
extended rolls for making a single painting. In order to
keys are fragile, though, and as soon as someone fails to
maintain this bonus, however, an artist will need to use
make progress on the lock, the oddment snaps. Worse,
at least one berry per roll to ensure the paint is properly
future attempts to pick that specific lock now suffer a -1
saturated with the magic of the Hedge.
die penalty to the dice pool. A skeleton key lasts for one
49. Hunter’s Step: A thick sap that runs like oil from day from the time it first provides its bonus, or until it
particularly thorny parts of the Hedge, hunter’s step is breaks, whichever comes first.
black as midnight. When applied to the bottom of one’s
53. Spite Berries: Thick black berries that look juicy,

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 13
spite berries taste vile. It’s the pit in the center of these whichever is longer.
berries that’s the real treasure. Ground up, these pits can 58. Chicken Peas: Large balls dangling from bushes
be used to make a robust coffee that will make a spoon and branches in the Hedge, chicken peas are covered in
stand up in the pot according to those who drink it. Ped- downy feathers. White peas are chewy with a crisp out-
dlers often sell these “cups of malice” to those looking side, much like a chicken nugget once the feathers have
for the strength to face the day. A full cup of spite berry been plucked. The darker the feathers, the spicier the
coffee, once drank, adds a bonus die to the next Resolve chicken pea will be. It’s said those with black feathers
+ Composure check one has to make within the next day. pack more heat than any pepper grown in the mortal
54. Smoke Screen: A moss that tends to grow from world, and eating them is usually a contest of endurance
places where fire has kissed the Hedge, smoke screen has at goblin markets.
the uncanny ability to absorb smoke when it’s placed near 59. Nixie Skulls: These macabre-looking berries
a fire. This trick is used by several Hedge rangers who use tend to grow in parts of the Hedge that abut cemeteries
this oddment to stop their smoke from reaching above and graveyards, or to grow where a large number of bod-
the nearby greenery, but it’s also found something of a ies have been buried over the years. These white berries
unique use among many in the Summer Court. When boast dark seeds that make them look like tiny skulls, and
placed in a face mask and used as a filter, smoke screen they have a granular, sweet core just beneath the skin that
absorbs inhaled smoke, poisons and many gases, provid- acts almost like sugar. Some hobs and changelings pluck
ing +2 bonus dice to dice pools to resist these effects. The them off the vine and eat them like candy, while others
oddment expires at the end of the scene, however. keep them in cold rooms or gather them in jars, mixing
55. Story Trees: A bizarre plant that no one seems them into dishes and drinks for a little added sweetness.
to truly know the origin of, story trees are small, woody 60. Patch Fruit: Looking more like an old leather
bushes. Instead of needles, though, their branches sprout gym ball than something one would try to eat, these odd-
wooden pens. The caps are delicate, and the juice used ments are particularly handy for those who catch their
for ink is a little on the thick side, but these oddments clothing on the Hedge’s thorns. Simply peeling off the
are carried by a variety of pledge mongers and oath mak- exterior reveals a patch that’s sticky on one side, and sur-
ers. Partially for convenience, but also because there are prisingly durable on the other. Many wanderers who’ve
some who believe that signing an agreement with an in- come to know the Hedge keep at least one of these odd-
strument born from the Hedge makes it that much more ments in their packs, much like how one would keep a
binding. roll of duct tape in their vehicle. Though patch fruit can
56. Cob Sacks: Spiders of all sizes lurk in the Hedge be used as a bandage, doing so is an unpleasant experi-
weaving potent snares to entrap flies, hobs, wandering ence as the sticky juice stings in open wounds. It will hold
changelings and more. The Hedge resents being con- like no other, though, and keep a wound safe from infec-
strained, though, and when it moves these webs often tion, which is often worth the discomfort.
surface far away from where their weavers left them. Cut 61. Fizzy Fruits: Found hanging in bunches like a
down out of the branches, larger webs can actually be strange combination of apples and bananas, the stems of
rolled and tied, used as impromptu duffel bags or even fizzy fruits are hollow. All one has to do is snip it off to
hammocks once their stickiness has been rubbed away. set the juice within to bubbling with carbonation. Some
There are even some who re-purpose them as net traps have suggested these fruits grow where someone buries a
and ground snares, though hobs will do this far more 12-pack of soda in the Hedge, and there are always hor-
often than changelings, as a rule. ticulturists running their own experiments to alter the
57. Summer Blossoms: Said to grow in places where consistency, the amount of fizz and the overall flavor of
blood was spilled in anger, these red-petaled flowers look the syrupy treat that grows inside these fruits.
almost like sunflowers. Almost. In addition to their col- 62. Buzz Berries: Typically the size of a pear, buzz
oring, though, they’re quite warm to the touch, and seem berries are warm to the touch, and tend to grow either
indifferent to what season it actually is. Those who like in areas of constant storms, or when there’s a power sta-
to keep their hollows warm often planet window boxes of tion abutting the boundary of the Hedge. Once plucked,
these flowers, though it’s important to regularly scream, a buzz berry can charge any mobile device just like a
work out frustrations, or to play loud, wrathful music battery pack, with the charger’s prongs pushed directly
near them in order to keep them happy. If plucked and through the fruit’s skin. Some changelings claim that us-
kept in one’s pocket, or tucked into a lapel, hat band etc., ing “Hedge juice” can have strange effects on a device,
the flowers provide a bonus die to dice pools for resisting though, from bizarre messages coming from unlisted
the effects of a cold environment. The flower lasts for numbers, to garbled code, or in some cases downloading
a number of hours equal to the wearer’s Wyrd, or for a phantom programs that don’t exist in the real world.
number of days equal to their dots of Summer Mantle,

14 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge
63. Sharp Pits: Typically found in blood peaches, a brambles to slide back down, though, at which point it
sweet fruit whose juices run thick and red, sharp pits are will be ready for use again.
rough stones the color of bone. While most hobs and 67. Riddlers: Unusual fruits, the skin of these treats
changelings simply toss them aside, those who rely on bears a puzzle or a riddle. Tradition dictates that you can-
their steel use these pits as whetstones to sharpen their not eat the fruit until you solve the puzzle, making them
blades. Using a sharp pit in this way takes roughly 15 ideal for a traveler looking for something of a game to
minutes of concentrated work, after which the pit be- play to pass the time. While eating the fruit prematurely
comes smooth and useless. This honing increases the does one no harm, those who speak the answer aloud, or
blade’s equipment bonus to attacks for the next scene it’s who mark the solution on the skin, do find that solving
used in combat, after which the magic fades. These odd- the riddle enhances the taste. It also unlocks the fruit’s
ments only work on mortal weapons which are not made true benefits, granting the eater a point of glamour and
from cold iron, and it does not stack with contracts and healing a single point of bashing damage if they have any.
other magic effects that increase a weapon’s effectiveness
68. Knotted Ketch: This thick vine is rough to the
such as Blessing of Perfection.
touch, and grows in a braided pattern like rope. Not only
64. Knight’s Varnish: An oddment that’s tacky on that, but when it’s cut, the sap quickly hardens, which
one side and smooth on the other, these wide leaves are seals one end to prevent it from fraying. A handy resource
quite useful for holding the elements at bay when woven that’s used by changelings and hobs alike, the fact that
into a cloak or other outer garment. When used to polish this oddment always seems to weave one end of itself into
any metal aside from cold iron, though, the tacky mate- a noose is what gave it such an unusual name. Though
rial actually protects the metal from moisture, as well as some changelings claim knotted ketch will try to snatch
any natural form of rust. Changelings with a preference unwary passer-by to hang them from the Hedge, such
for firearms have found that knight’s varnish allows their snares are usually set by hobs trying to catch travelers on
guns to shoot without issue even after they’ve been sub- the trods. Usually.
merged in water. This protection only lasts for a fortnight
69. Poacher’s Pit: A poacher’s pit is a slang term for
(roughly two weeks), which means re-applying this odd-
a hole dug in the earth where the unwanted pieces of a
ment is something of a ritual for many changelings.
kill are thrown to molder after an animal is field dressed.
65. Bauble Fruit: Found hanging from trees with The oddments that bear this name look like hollow tree
widespread limbs, bauble fruits actually appear to be stumps. They are short and wide, with thick bark, and
clinging to the branches via woody tendrils rather than they have a kind of heady perfume to them that covers up
growing from them. One must place an offering in the the scent of rot unless one gets very close. In the bottom
hollow of the tree (a few drops of blood, another goblin of the hollow “trunk” is a pool of potent acid (touching
fruit, an offer of glamour, a whispered secret etc.), and it deals 1 point of aggravated damage). Refuse tossed into
once the tree has weighed the payment one of the odd- these oddments is dissolved, feeding the oddment. If it’s
ments will drop to the ground. Rather than being a true filled up, then a fanged maw closes over the top until the
“fruit” though, one finds a prize inside the shell. It might poacher’s pit has finished digesting. Often found growing
be a necklace, a watch made from vines with thorns as on the sides of trods, some of these pits have adapted to
the hands, a wooden ring in the shape of a fanciful crea- fit certain diets, preferring organic waste, glass, metals
ture or something else entirely. Rumors swirl, saying that etc. depending on what they’re fed over time.
costlier offerings will yield better baubles such as secret
70. Button Bushes: Every tailor’s friend, button
messages, warnings of danger or even unexpected Hedg-
bushes are exactly what one would imagine when you hear
espun items.
their name. From silvery uniform buttons that would be
66. Bumbershoots: Squat bushes whose leaves vary at-home on a soldier’s dress uniform, to simple wooden
wildly in color and pattern, bumbershoots are named for buttons that can handle the rigors of the trail, there are
the British slang term for umbrellas, as these oddments hundreds of different offerings dangling from these bush-
serve a similar purpose. When yanked out of the soil the es’ branches. Even more useful, though, is the gossamer
branches of the oddment all slide upward, creating an moss that gathers on the lower branches, which can be
interwoven shield from the rain. Some varieties are cov- used as thread to attach whatever is taken from the bush.
ered in flowers and act more like parasols, while some Unlike other oddments, these buttons aren’t counted to-
can grow large enough to serve as beach umbrellas. These wards a changeling’s total goblin fruit/oddment carrying
oddments only live for a few days if taken out of the soil, capacity as long as they are sewn onto an item.
and taken out of the Hedge they will rapidly degrade,
71. Peacock Bushes: Named for the unique fans
lasting a number of hours equal to the holder’s Wyrd.
that grow from their branches, peacock bushes are a
If placed back into the soil of the Hedge a bumbershoot
great friend to those who travel in the summer season.
will re-plant itself. It takes at least a day for the bush’s
Plucking one of these fans (which can fold up to fit into

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 15
a pocket) is easy, and as long as one is regularly fanning glance a coat tree looks just like what its name implies.
themselves this oddment provides a bonus die to Stamina Only when one looks more closely, though, does the na-
dice pools to endure heat. No one is entirely sure why, ture of this oddment stand out. From capes of flowers
but the breeze always seems to be a bit cooler when it so fine they almost look like patterned fabric, to thick
comes from one of these fans. overcoats of dark, woven vines, to jackets whose suede
72. Lost Keys: There are some who believe that when exterior is more like the down on a nut than animal skin,
things go missing in the real world that they’ve slipped these garments are often life savers for those caught in
through a passage and fallen into the Hedge. This is par- the elements without protection. They don’t last long,
ticularly true when it comes to keys that just go missing, falling to pieces one day after they’ve been plucked from
even though you’re sure they were on a hook, in a drawer the tree, but an infusion of 1 point of glamour will allow
or tucked behind your work bench. However these odd- the garment to last for 1 week, instead.
ments come to be, lost keys dangle from vines, or hang 76. Sparkle Stones: These oddments grow in the
from trees, tantalizing passers-by with possibilities. Some soil like potatoes, and when one digs them up it’s not
of them will have tags or labels, while others will be plain uncommon to think they’ve found a buried treasure.
and unadorned. These keys’ passage through the Hedge, These “fool’s stones” can look quite convincing to the
and their rebirth through the realm, has imbued them untrained eye, and they look beautiful if set in a ring
with a rather unique trick; a lost key can open an exist- or worn as a necklace... for a while, anyway. The issue is
ing gateway into (or out of) the Hedge... once, anyway. that they’ll rot away to nothing roughly a fortnight after
Though not strong enough to overcome barriers such as leaving the Hedge, which is why most changelings only
a hollow’s wards, they bypass the point of glamour and/ wear them during courtly gatherings, or to try to make a
or ritual normally needed to open a dormant gateway quick buck during desperate times by tricking pawn shop
into the Hedge, though doing so sucks the magic out of owners and jewelers out in the real world.
the key. As long as the key hasn’t been used yet, though, 77. Titan Grass: A thick vegetable that’s a vibrant
it vibrates when a gateway into the Hedge (or from the green, titan grass is crisp when bit into, and it has a thick
Hedge into the real world) is near, providing a bonus die juice that can stain one’s teeth dark crimson. Once eaten,
on Wits-based perception dice pools to spot the gate. a handful of this grass provides +2 bonus dice to dice
73. Lug Nuts: While most would never consider pools for Athletics checks, and the creature’s Strength
bringing a vehicle into the Hedge on purpose, there are score is considered 1 dot higher for the purposes of deter-
some changelings who speculate that enough cars have mining how much they can lift, carry and throw without
been swallowed up in that between-realm for these un- making a check. This effect lasts for a scene, though crea-
usual oddments to take root. Looking like chrome-plat- tures with a Wyrd of 5 dots or higher are too powerful to
ed acorns, a lug nut runs like mercury when it’s used, be affected by titan grass.
melding into a damaged vehicle when repairs are being 78. Hornspeaker Root: Looking like a buried antler
made. Using a lug nut adds a bonus die to any dice pools sticking up out of the ground, hornspeaker root crumbles
involving Crafts used to repair motorized vehicles, with in one’s mouth with a taste like the ghost of vanilla. For
the oddment taking the form of a welding strip, a new the rest of the scene this unique goblin fruit allows one to
fluid cap, or as the name implies, a decorative lug nut. converse with the beasts of the Hedge... those who can’t
Each oddment only adds to a single roll, so multiple odd- already speak, at least. Though it sometimes allows one
ments will need to be used for extended efforts to repair to converse with animals in the real world as well, the
a vehicle. user must be looking at the specific kind of animal they
74. Luncheon Leaves: Flat, wide leaves, these odd- wish to speak with as they eat the root for the magic to
ments often look strange or artificial; as if they’re made take effect.
of plastic instead of the more organic materials of the 79. Shriekers: A wrinkled ball roughly the size
surrounding Hedge. Snapped off at the base, these odd- and contours of a human head, shriekers grow atop tall
ments make for ideal plates... which is convenient both stalks. When a creature approaches one of these fruits
for travelers, and for those who reside in the Hedge in a the “mouth” opens and emits an ear-piercing scream.
more permanent fashion. Commonly found near clear- It’s possible to sneak up on an individual shrieker un-
ings where travelers come to rest, large groupings of these noticed with at least 1 success on a Stealth + Dexterity
oddments is often read as a sign of danger. Anywhere check, but if they’re grown in close proximity than an
that’s a common enough dining spot to warrant that kind additional success is required for each additional shrieker
of growth likely means there are dangerous hobs about... within a dozen or so yards. Changelings and hobgoblins
or worse, that this is a place favored by the Gentry with alike plant these annoying fruits along the boundaries of
their retinues of hunters. their hollows and the trods that lead to them, counting
75. Coat Tree: An odd sight to say the least, at first on these oddments to warn of approaching “company”.

16 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge
80. Dryad’s Kiss: A small green berry, this fruit is scholars theorize that arming trees, and the oddments
found primarily on the limbs of older oaks in the deep they provide, are the source of these myths... though
Hedge, or in areas long held by the agents of Spring. A when it comes to the Hedge it’s hard to say if its actions
noted aphrodisiac, dryad’s kiss doesn’t have much of an caused the myths, or if the myths were repeated often
effect on hobs and changelings. It does, however, send a enough that they inspired the Hedge. Either way, an arm-
mortal’s blood to singing in their veins. Harvesting glam- ing tree is a rather squat plant that looks almost like a
our associated with desire from a mortal who has recently tailor’s closet. If a changeling steps into the arming tree
eaten one of these berries yields an extra point of glam- and offers it glamour, they will be compensated hand-
our. While some changelings will use the juice from these somely. For one point of glamour the tree forms a round
berries to spike a target’s drink, others are wary of using shield, with a crude depiction of the changeling’s court
this goblin fruit clandestinely. Mortals can become obses- on it as a crest (it is left blank if one is courtless). For
sive and demanding while under the effects of dryad’s two points of glamour the changeling will be wrapped
kiss, and that can lead to dangerous situations. in loops of thick, hardy vines that are the equivalent of
81. Fortune Flowers: A bashful oddment, these chainmail armor. For five points the arming tree wraps
flowers remain closed until someone comes to ask their the changeling in creepers and thick bark that acts as the
fortune. Some blow warm breath onto the flower, while equivalent of plate armor. These offerings only last for
others leave a drop of blood on the petals, but the flower one day, at which point they crumble away to broken veg-
needs a taste of someone before it can comb the skein of etation and rotting leaves. An individual arming tree can
the Wyrd for their fate. Once the offering has been given, only be used by a particular creature once per day.
the flower opens up to show the pattern within. Deep 85. Gardener’s Gossip: These small, green mush-
red is usually a sign of danger, pink a signal of opportu- rooms with red spots on their caps are bright and shin-
nity and white with black veins a warning of impending ing, with a taste that’s often compared to cupcake frost-
death (or worse, one’s Keeper is drawing nigh). Once in ing. Once eaten, they give one a general sense of the local
the next 24 hours a changeling gains a bonus die on any Hedge, where trods are and if there are any dangerous
dice pool associated with the reading given by a fortune hobs or other creatures nearby. Eating more of these
flower, according to ST discretion. Multiple uses of these mushrooms than one has dots of Stamina during a single
oddments in the same 24 hours do not stack. day leads to nausea, sickness and pain, giving the eater a
82. Brewer’s Berries: Smelling like they’ve already -2 die penalty on all Stamina and Willpower dice pools
been pickled in particularly strong spirits, these berries for either the next day, or until they eat a goblin fruit that
are each as potent as a shot glass of hard liquor. While either cures the effects of poison or heals physical dam-
some hobs and changelings collect them purely for this age. A contract that heals damage will also eliminate the
purpose, those who brew alcohol from these goblin fruits penalty. In both cases, the penalty returns if the character
add +2 bonus dice to every dice pool involving Crafts for eats another mushroom before a day has passed. Lastly,
the brewing process. These bonus dice are only removed gardener’s gossip provides information about the part of
if they come up as 1s, so they should either be rolled sepa- the Hedge it’s harvested from, not where it’s eaten. Also,
rately, or be color-coded to stand out from the rest of the once it’s been harvested the mushrooms convey no new
dice pool. information, which prevents them from being used as a
way to spy on a location from afar.
83. Brooch Briars: An unusual oddment, these
prickly briars look almost like decorative cloak pins, or 86. Camping Seeds: Favored by those who want at
lapel buttons. Often taking fanciful forms like white, least a little shelter if they get caught out in the elements,
wooden flowers, silvery swords or brass cogs, a brooch camping seeds are small, tightly compacted nuts of what
briar can be used to fasten a cloak or jacket easily enough. looks and feels like canvas. Buried in the ground and
However, these items are also worn by many Winter watered, the seeds grow into a sizable bush that resembles
Courtiers, who grow their own, specific varieties used to a tent, with a central trunk supporting the leaves that
identify both one another and their agents. Since these stretch down to the ground. These seeds will work in the
oddments are fairly popular it’s difficult to tell who is real world as well, but it takes a point of glamour for them
wearing one for practical reasons, who is wearing one be- to sprout once they’ve been planted. Additionally, when
cause they enjoy it as a decoration and who is wearing one planted in the real world, the bush collapses to nothing
as a sign of loyalty to Winter... which one might argue is a day after it was planted. In the Hedge these bushes can
by the Silent Arrow’s design. grow significantly over time, joining together to form nat-
ural pavilion tents which may attract groups of hobs, as
84. Arming Tree: There are tales of changelings who
well as hunting parties of the Gentry looking for a place
issued challenges to the Gentry, and who were then pro-
to take their ease.
vided arms and armor by the Hedge out of some perverse
desire to provide balance to the upcoming battle. Some 87. Lost Tales: These oddments grow beneath

100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 17
sheltering limbs of trees, and are sometimes found in in this way does not count against the normal amount of
abandoned hollows or at well-used camping sites. Look- glamour a changeling may spend in a round.
ing like a diary, with peach fuzz covering the hard shell 92. Wispers: An airy moss, wispers melt in one’s
of the cover, “peeling” the layers allows one to read the mouth in a way that’s similar to cotton candy. Found in
stories found inside. Often what’s recorded inside this windy places, there are some who believe this goblin fruit
oddment is nonsensical ramblings; fragments of stories catches secrets snatched by passing breezes. While many
told at the fireside, or a threat recorded without context changelings write such tales off as nothing more than su-
to give it real meaning. Many changelings collect these perstition, others claim they’ve had inexplicable flashes
oddments, carefully documenting when and where they of insight not long after eating a wisper. For one hour
were found, believing there might be secrets learned from equal to a changeling’s Wyrd, they gain a bonus die on
fitting together the seemingly random information they dice pools involving Empathy to discern lies.
contain. Some believe they might provide the True Name
93. Ogre’s Grip: Hedge legend tells of an ogre
of a Keeper, help solve a disappearance or provide secrets
named Bracken. An enforcer of his master’s will who was
that would be otherwise valuable once discerned. Those
punished whether he did a good job or a bad one, the
who obsess over these oddments tend to find their clarity
only thing that kept him going was his lover Arendale.
leaving them, though, the space where it was filled up by
When his Keeper murdered Arendale to break Bracken’s
the meanderings found in these Hedge-grown tomes.
heart, there was only one thing left for the ogre to do.
88. Sparkers: Small cylindrical oddments that feel He smashed his way into the heart of the mountains,
more like a walnut than anything else, the stem of a and took a forbidden sword that could slay the True Fae.
sparker is a hollow tube. When the side of the oddment Once he had the blade in hand, Bracken tied it to his fist
is pressed, gas wheezes up from inside, sparking against with Arendale’s braid, taken as a last memento of her.
the sharp edge of the upper lip. This causes a short-lived Impossible to disarm, his wrath shook the skies, and for
blue flame to burst from the stem, which can be used to the first time in aeons one of the Gentry knew real fear.
light a cigarette, a candle or a pipe. Properly capped and This oddment, which feels soft and supple as silk, is like-
stored, sparkers can last for as long as a week, assuming wise used by hobs and changelings to ensure their weap-
one isn’t a heavy smoker. ons never leave their hands. Once a weapon is bound in
89. Citrus Scrub: Resembling a lumpy lime, scrub- place by tying ogre’s grip around one’s hand, this odd-
bers taste like soap for those who are unfortunate enough ment must be cut away (taking a total of 5 lethal damage)
to bite into one. The juices of this oddment will clean before it drops off. Doing this in combat requires a called
practically anything, though, and it makes housework shot to the hand. If not cut away, ogre’s grip unwinds
a great deal easier. Often grown in pots or windowsills itself when the wearer willingly sheathes their weapon.
of the kitchen in one’s hollow, cutting one of these odd- 94. Promise Glue: Looking like pink sap usually
ments in half and using it as a scrub can remove stains, found dribbling from the bottom branches of scrub bush-
rust and more from nearly any surface or carpet. es, promise glue feels more like an oil than an adhesive
90. Tree Tarts: A favorite of changelings who prefer when one first collects it. Once applied, though, all one
not to cook, these fruits have a crisp, crunchy exterior, has to do is recite a vow they’ve taken, and upheld. This
and a filling of fruit jam. The flavor varies depending on causes the glue to harden with the strength of that vow.
where they’re plucked from, and a number of gardeners A changeling might speak of their loyalty to their court,
have decided to see what varieties they can persuade the their devotion to a lover or just their promise to get home
Hedge to make. From strawberry, cherry and apricot, to by dinner to set the glue. Promise glue can repair most
s’mores, brown sugar and one oddball variety that con- mundane items with the strength of a weld, though enter-
tains scrambled eggs and imitation sausage, these tarts prising changelings have used it to seal doors, or to repair
are a common sight early in the day when breakfast is in arches they can use to make gateways into the Hedge.
season. Once set, promise glue lasts for one day.
91. Fairy Dust: A glimmering golden substance of- 95. Rust Root: A flaky red oddment that must be
ten found in the higher boughs of trees and brambles in handled with care, rust root is the bane of metal objects.
the Hedge, this oddment can be a lifesaver. Sprinkled on If rubbed around or against an object, rust root will deal
one’s head, for the next hour they can fall much more a single point of structural damage per round until it’s re-
safely. Resolve all falls as normal, but any hob or change- moved, or the object is destroyed. Used by some change-
ling under this oddment’s effects may spend glamour as lings to eat through metal bars and handcuffs, or to de-
a Reflexive action to negate bashing damage caused by stroy door locks, only cold iron is immune to rust root’s
a fall on a 1 to 1 basis. This is limited only by the maxi- effects. Once used to destroy a single item, this oddment
mum amount of glamour a changeling currently possess- dissipates into a flaky, useless powder.
es, and not by their Wyrd. Additionally, glamour spent 96. Vermin Bane: This goblin fruit looks almost like

18 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge
a purple honeycomb, with a smell that’s somewhere be- parts of the Hedge often use these oddments to navigate
tween lemongrass and sweet lime. While it is edible, ver- waterways, and to ford deeper streams when they don’t
min bane’s true benefits come from dabbing some of the want to go for a swim just to get to a nearby trod.
juice on one’s neck, or in the hollows of their wrists. For 99. Bangers: With blooms that look like tightly-
one day afterward mortal insects will refuse to approach wrapped firecrackers, bangers pop with a sound like a
someone who’s been anointed in this way. Even insects starting pistol. In addition to being loud, it fills the air
native to the Hedge will be leery, requiring a success on with a sharp, acrid stench. These flowers don’t hurt any-
a Resolve + Composure check to approach or attack the one in and of themselves, but they do tend to give away
creature. one’s position in the Hedge when they’re accidentally set
97. Ichor Slick: Found in crocks that grow in the off... which might be a death sentence of another variety,
Hedge like tubers, ichor slick immediately smooths out depending on what comes to investigate the noise.
knots and tangles in one’s hair or beard, leaving it smooth 100. Reap Lanterns: Only growing in the Autumn
and glossy. Some varieties will also dye one’s hair for a season, reap lanterns look like fearsome Jack-o-lanterns
brief period of time. An additional benefit of using ichor hanging from twisted, spindly trees. Prized by change-
slick, though, is that for one hour per dot of the user’s lings who participate in the Hunt of the Fallen Leaves,
Wyrd they leave no fingerprints behind. This is one rea- carrying a reap lantern casts one in a fearful gloom, al-
son a head of slicked-back hair is so often associated with lowing them to take on the visage of the pitiless hunter.
thieves and scoundrels in many changeling freeholds. While carrying a reap lantern one is immune to purely
98. Lily Paddles: Huge lily pads which are usually mundane sources of fear, and they gain a bonus die on
occupied by equally massive toads, lily paddles are large dice pools involving Intimidation. A reap lantern, once
enough they can be used as free-floating rafts. Change- plucked, will burn through the night before finally going
lings and hobs who make their homes in the damper out, its magic snuffed by the morning light.
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100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 19
100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin

Fruits and Oddments to Find in

The Hedge

The Hedge is a dangerous place, filled with deadly creatures, hungry plants
and bizarre relics lost to time and legend. It is an ever-changing nightmare that
stands between the mortal world and the world of Arcadia. However, there are
useful things to be found in the Hedge, too. Strange fruits that put mortal foods to
shame. Roots that can suck out poison. Flowers that cure diseases. Creepers that
can be worn like armor, and thorns that can be wielded like swords.

Goblin fruits and oddments come in a dizzying array, and just like the Hedge
itself there is always more to find. The following examples can be used to add fla-
vorful options, or even useful tools, to your Changeling: The Lost chronicle!

20 100 (Mostly) Harmless Goblin Fruits and Oddments to Find in The Hedge 20

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