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Name : Aditya Rahman

NIM : N1D220146
Class : EL-C

Components of Stylistic Studies

by Fella Lafamane

Introduction to Stylistics

Leech & Short reveal that stylistics is the study of stile, the study of the form of language
performance, especially those found in literary texts. Now in academic studies, the stylistic
approach is often divided into literary and non-literary language studies (Nurgiyantoro, 2014: 75).
Stylistic studies are intended to explain the function of the beauty of using certain linguistic forms
ranging from aspects of sound, lexical, structure, figurative language, rhetorical means to
graphology. In addition, stylistic studies also aim to determine how far and in what ways and how
authors use linguistic signs to obtain special effects (Nurgiyantoro, 2014: 75-76).
The elements/aspects of stile that can be studied from a literary work include sound aspects,
lexical aspects, grammatical aspects, cohesion aspects, maximization, structural investigation,
and imagery.

A. Lexical
Lexical elements have the same meaning as diction, which refers to the use of certain words
deliberately chosen by the author to achieve certain goals (Nurgiyantoro, 2014: 172). Lexical
aspects in a short story can be in the form of colloquial language, the use of other languages
(regional and foreign languages), deviant words, and others. Colloquial is the language used in
daily conversation, conversational language, not written language (Chaer & Agustina, 2010: 67).

B. Grammatical
In the element of stile, the grammatical aspect in question is the syntactic element in which there
are phrases, clauses, and sentences. Grammatical aspects also determine the smoothness of
language communication. If the vocabulary used is simple and supported by a syntactic structure
that is also simple, it is a guarantee that language communication will be smooth (Nurgiyantoro,
2014: 186-187).
According to Nurgiyantoro (2014: 191), structural elements that can be used as the focus of study
are sentence complexity, sentence types, and types of phrases and clauses. These elements can
be taken in part or in whole.

C. Cohesion
Cohesion is the relationship between parts in a syntactic structure or discourse structure to
convey meaning. This meaning is then sought and tried to be understood by the reader
(Nurgiyantoro, 2014: 195).
Meanwhile, coherence is a certain relationship used to relate between ideas in an utterance
explicitly or implicitly (Yule via Nurgiyantoro, 2014: 196).
Cohesion can be divided into various forms. According to Brown and Yule, cohesion is divided into
explicit and implicit categories based on whether or not its presence is concrete. Alwi et al.
distinguish cohesion into explicit and implicit linkage relationships as well as grammatical and
lexical cohesion. Meanwhile, Leech and Short besides suggesting explicit and implicit cohesion
also distinguish it into two categories, namely cross-reference and linkage (Nurgiyantoro, 2014:

D. Imagery
Figurative language (figurative language, figures of thought) is a technique of language
expression, linguistics, whose meaning does not refer to the literal meaning of the words that
support it, but rather to the added meaning or implied meaning. The forms of figurative language
include the following.

E. Structural Investigations
Structural investigation (figures of speech) is another term for rhetorical devices, often known as
stylistics. Structural manipulation plays in the realm of structure, meaning that the structure is
deliberately manipulated, manipulated, and utilized to achieve a beautiful effect. In relation to
the goal of achieving the rhetorical effect of a disclosure, rhetorical figures are more prominent
than idioms, but both can be combined in a structure (Nurgiyantoro, 2014: 245-246).

F. Imagery
Imagery is the use of words and expressions that can evoke sensory responses. Image and
imagery refer to mental reproduction. Imagery is a picture of various sensory experiences evoked
by words. Abrams; Kenny in Nurgiyantoro (2012: 276) imagery is a collection of images used to
write objects and the quality of sensory responses used in literary works, both with literal and
figurative descriptions. Imagery is one of the important elements of stile because it functions to
concretize and enliven the narrative (Nurgiyantoro, 2014: 275-276).

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