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Sub: Automobiles and a few thoughts

Automobiles are a happening industry on account of the transition to EVs and

secondly, due to the pressure, it is facing due to climate concerns and pollution in
cities. With less disposable incomes even if one offers through EMIs people may
NOT buy new, or even refurbished old vehicles. 

Data for the month of Nov. 2022 is shared by the industry body. If they compare wrt
the last year's Nov. that is 2021 November, it shows a fifth of the average rise in the
number of vehicles sold. but one has to remember that last year Nov. was still
inching towards post-Covid normalcy.

Reportedly two-wheelers recorded lower growth compared to other segments. The

data is partial as a few manufacturers' data is not there. Hopefully, when the
comparisons are made, previous year data excluding those who did not submit now
shall be done so that A-A and O-O comparison is done i.e. Apple to Apple and
Orange to Orange. 

On a closing note, PV or personal vehicle segment witnessing great growth is it a

piece of good news from a sustainability point of view? Ideally, travel should be
minimized, city redesigns (bringing residential and offices closer), WFH practiced
more (of course with proper checks and balances) should support us. When travel is
necessary - resorting to common, public transportation as per capita emissions from
larger shared vehicles is much lower than individualized or personal transport. 

Think it over and Student Council may have a debate or panel discussion around the

GOD bless

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