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Hi good morning Everyone!The honorable Adjudicators,ladies and Gentleman.

Name is Yosep Hilwanto Prasetyo and today,I would like to tell you a story from my
region.My region is from small island in east java.I give you some clue.Te.. sate…Yes its
from Madura Island.And the title is Joko Tole.Do you know Joko Tole.I bet you never heard
the story.So lets get ready to go back to time called,Once upon a time.there live a very
famous blacksmith named Mpu kelleng.Mpu Kelleng had an adopted son named Joko
Tole.Joko Tole’s biological father was a king.Full meditated in The Forest.

One Day The king of Majapahit named sri Majesty Brawijaya,commanded mpu
kelleng to build a big majesty iron gate,Mpu kelleng immidietly went to majapahit.The gate
of majapahit had worked for year but has not been completed yet.the Blacksmith who helped
Mpu kelleng,one by one left him,so he work hard and as a result,he fell ill.Joko tole heard the
news that his adoptive father was sick,so he finish his work at home and then he went to
majapahit to help his adoptive father.

After walking through several villages,joko tole entered a dense forest.Then he met someone
who welcomed him.The man told him that Joko Tole is his son.So it was joko tole’s
biological father ,adipoday.he surprised and he kneeled down in front of his father,and tells
the reason why he went to majapahit.Adipoday explain that if building the iron gate of
majapahit was not easy and took a long time.Joko tole Confused,then adipoday give
something to was forest flower to be eaten by joko tole.Later, if joko tole burned his
body,it will come out solder from his naval.Joko tole accept and eat the flower .after that
Joko Tole continue his Journey.

Meanwhile,Sri Majesty Brawijaya Was Mad because the gate didn’t finish.So,he
Commanded The Blacksmith that the gate must be finished tomorrow.If not,They will receive
punishment.Suddently Joko tole Came and ask permission to finish the gate by burning his
body.And it shock everyone there.The king didn’t believe it, especially mpu kelleng.But,Joko
tole try to convince them ,and finally they all believed.Towards noon ,joko tole’s body
burned,and white liquid came out from his naval.It could firmly glued the gate parts.When
Finished they move Joko Tole’s Body into the pond
The gate was finished and Sri Majesty brawijaya was he give rewards to all the
Blacksmith who worked on it,Including Mpu kelleng and joko Tole.Finally,Mpu Kelleng
returned to Madura but,joko tole stayed in majapahit kingdom,who was later appointed as a
commander.Well,that is the end of my Story.And the moral value of this story is, the smallest
amount of kindness can change a life,so we kind and share it with the world.thank you Have
a great day

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