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Mohan Arora:

Managing innovation and facing dilemmas

during critical decision making in a startup

The startup world is always a challenging one, full of unknowns and

unread paths. With so many companies hoping to take wings and fly
high, the competition is extremely fierce. Mohan Arora wanted to deep
dive into the automobile industry by developing a patented technology
that can be used to increase the efficiency of electric vehicles. As rightly
said by a successful startup founder  
“Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.”
–Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos
“MRN EV advanced solution” came into being as a brainchild of Mohan
with collective effort and hard work from two other co-founders - Nupur
Singh and Rachit Agarwal. Conflicts and several dilemmas started to
arise among the three of them during the stage of scaling up when they
received three offers of investment and collaboration from the industry. 
In the midst of the conflict, Mohan needs to take several critical
decisions as the CEO of MRN including deciding on the investor for
scaling the business. Several other questions crop up in his mind like will
the cofounders stay together or part ways after the decision? Which one
will they give more weightage “individual’s personal interest” or “the
future of the startup”? Can he afford to let go of any of them? Or If any of
them left, will he be able to find a replacement quickly amidst the scaling
up the timeframe for their startup? How will the three investors respond
to this situation - will they see Mohan and MRN as immature and
lacking foundational business skills and lose trust in their abilities?
Mohan is now thinking about how to manage this situation and also
questioning whether he has taken the right decision in collaborating with
Nupur and Rachit.

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