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1. The hyperreal number system

-every real function can extend its domain to all hyperreal numbers (extension principle)
-every real statement can be extended to all hyperreal numbers (transfer principle)

2. Computations of infinitesimal, finite and infinite numbers

→is the result infinitesimal, finite or infinite?
3. Computations of infinitesimal, finite and infinite numbers→intermediate form
(i.e. requires extra manipulations to determine the result is infinitesimal, finite, or infinite)

4. The standard part of a finite hyperreal number b

The standard part of b, denoted by st(b), is the real number which is infinitely close to b.
-two hyperreal numbers b and c are infinitely close to each other (i.e. b ≈ c) if and only if
the difference between b and c is infinitesimal
-infinite hyperreal numbers do not have standard parts

1. Derivative
f ' ( x )=st ( ΔΔ xy )=st ( f ( x+ ΔΔxx)−f ( x) )
2. The increment theorem
Δ y dy Δ y dy '
≈ → − =ϵ → Δ y=f ( x ) Δ x +ϵ Δ x
Δ x dx Δ x dx

3. Derivatives of rational functions

-rational function is built from the variable x and real numbers using the operations addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division

4. The derivative of the inverse function

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