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You will listen to each section twice.
Section I: Complete the table by filling in each of the given blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE


Hobby/interest landscape photography


2.________________ dancing

RELIGIOUS 3.________________

4.________________ human rights


5.________________ Republicans

PERFORMING ARTS 7.________________ amateur theatre

8. Some districts now have more ________________ than others.

9. In this city, clubs and societies are mainly paid for by ________________.
10. Finding the right club might influence your choice of ________________.
11. If the right club does not exist, ________________.
Section II: Complete the table by filling in each of the given blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE
12. Cavers explore underground places such as mines and _______________ as well as caves.
13. When cavers camp underground, they choose places which have _______________ and _______________
14. In the UK, the place Mike likes best for caving is _______________.
15. As a physical activity, Mike compares caving to _______________.
16. Cavers can pay as much as £20 for a suitable ______________.
17. Cavers can pay as much as £50 for the right kind of ______________, which is worn on the head.
18. Mike recommends buying expensive ______________ to avoid having accidents.
19. Some caves in Britain are called ‘places of ______________’.
20. The need for safety explains why people don’t organize caving ______________.
Part I: For questions 21-22, write your letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the word whose
underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.
21. A. innovation B. suggestion C. invention D. tuition
22. A. plumber B. number C. umpire D. numerous
23. A. smooth B. anthem C. wrath D. mouth
Part II: For questions 24-25, write your letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the word whose
primary stress is different from the other three.
24. A. further B. victim C. tortoise D. report
25. A. opponent B. rivalry C. television D. literature
Part III: For questions 26-40, write your letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the best answer
to each question.
26. His irresponsibility really drives people _____ the wall.
A. on B. to C. up D. bias
27. There is no consensus on the best book genre; feel free to take your _____.
A. choice B. pick C. selection D. bias
28. There used to be a playground behind our house when we were small, ______ ?
A. weren’t there B. wasn’t there C. didn’t there C. doesn’t there
29. I wonder _____ to ride an elephant.
A. how it is like B. how is it like C. what it is like D. what is it like
30. Tom used to be very shy, but he has come out of his _____ since he was inspired by his teacher.
A. box B. blue C. ordinary D. shell
31. _____ on the go all day, she was all in when she got home.
A. Having been B. Being C. Having to be D. To be
32. It was really a _____ day. Never had I been so emotional before!
A. red herring B. red tape C. red-letter D. red carpet
33. At first they thought the game was very challenging, but later discovered that it was _____ play.
A. child’s B. children C. child D. children’s
34. On the occasion of Mrs. Brown's retirement, she received a _____ house in recognition of her contribution
to the company.
A. white new gorgeous B. new white gorgeous C. gorgeous new white D. gorgeous white new
35. Had it not been for our teacher's help, we _____ the campaign successfully.
A. don't launch B. wouldn't have launched C. didn’t launch D. won't have launched
36. _____ his poor academic performance, isn't this test result quite unreal ?
A. Given B. Assuming C. Supposing D. Despite
37. The government is making serious attempts to reduce the negative impacts of urban ______ on society and
the environment.
A. expanse B. sprawl C. sprawling D. expansion
38. It is _____ that the law be introduced to minimize crime rates, especially in big cities.
A. imperative B. immediate C. indispensable D. compelling
39. You can insist that she go the the movies till the _____ come home, but she won't accept.
A. oxes B. buffaloes C. sheep D. cows
40. She saw _____ of wolves preying on a deer and was immediately weak at the knees.
A. swarms B. hordes C. packs D. loads
Part IV: For questions 41-50, fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
a) He has glued his eye (41) _____ the screen for many hours (42) _____ end.
b) The case is still shrouded (43) _____ mystery, but the police are determined to get (44) _____ the bottom of
c) Shortly after the actress made sensitive remarks about the political situation between two countries, she
came (45) _____ (46) _____ severe criticism.
d) She treated herself (47) _____ a vacation after many months of being snowed (48)_____ with her work.
e) Coming out (49) _____ top in such a big competition is (50) _____ her wildest dreams.
Part V: For questions 51-60, fill in each numbered blank with the correct form of the word given in
It is not a coincidence that Britain went through a phase of (51.MOMENT) _______________ change
when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was in power, according to her supporters. She is credited with
abolishing the country’s (52.ANTIQUE) _______________ laws, thus facilitating a modern and (53.
COMPETE) _______________ economy with improved (54.PRODUCE) _______________. However,
(55.ADVERSE) _______________ of her policies point to the (56.RUN) _______________ unemployment
rates during her premiership, which they think can show Margaret Thatcher’s (57.COMPETENT)
In November 1990, Britain was split when she lost much support, which eventually led to her
(58.RESIGN) ______________. Some thought this was (59.TIME) _______________, while others wished
this had happened sooner. Up to now, even historians and (60.ECONOMY) _______________ are unsure
whether her legacy has positive or negative implications.
Part I: For questions 61-68, choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each question.
By Leonardo Lawrence
You will probably laugh when I tell you that my interest in body language was sparked by a favorite
professor of mine at university. He mentioned “Pinocchio Syndrome” to me one wintry morning after claiming
that I rubbed my nose when giving excuses for being late for his lectures. Apparently, when someone tells a
lie, the person's blood rushes to the nose and the extra blood makes it itchy. So if you think someone is not
being entirely honest with you, perhaps like my professor you should watch to see if they scratch their nose!
This little example of non-verbal communication inspired me to become a body language expert.
Now, I earn my living by training people in non-verbal communication. Knowing when someone is lying
and knowing how to convince people you're telling the truth are two of the most important skills you will ever
learn. For example, lawyers build their reputation on their deductive skills when cross-examining in court,
while politicians need to rely on their power of persuasion to gain support.
I have dedicated my life to studying the ways the human body gives more reliable information than the
words we speak. The words say one thing but the body might say something completely different. This is the
theory of body language and most of us are familiar with the basics. We know that crossed arms can be seen as
defense or aggression, but what about facial expressions, gestures, posture, and the intonation of a speech? All
of these volumes can be understood if you know how to make sense of these signs.
Take the eyes, for instance. If you told a lie, you would probably expect me to look away rather than look
you full in the face.
However, this is not, as commonly thought, the sure sign of a lie, but the reflexive movements we make
when we are trying to remember something. Because of this, glancing away is not as easy to interpret as you
might think. A good liar is not searching his memory for truth, so he can quite easily look you straight in the
eyes as he speaks to make the lie more convincing. Here’s a tip, though. Watch the pupil of the eye; does it
change size? If it gets bigger, this is probably an involuntary sign that something is being hidden.
Body language is something that the majority of us cannot control; it's what escapes when we're
concentrating on something else. I might think I'm creating a good impression because my voice is strong and
steady and my speech is clear, but the sweat pouring off my forehead and my constantly moving feet say
Business clients are constantly in need of my services and I try to improve their confidence in themselves
by teaching them about body language. I give advice about handshakes, which should always be firm that
people who live in warm climates stand a lot closer to one another than in cooler climates. They may seem like
minor matters, but these codes of behavior can be the key to making or breathing a business deal.
My working life gives me a great deal of satisfaction.I feel that I'm providing a public service, but it is a
service that has its downside. Whenever I meet someone new and I tell them what I do for a living, they
immediately put their guard up and they are no longer relaxed. They quite literally freeze in an attempt to hide
all the signals that they assume I'm reading.It makes life difficult at times, but I consider it a small price to pay
for a job I enjoy so much.
61. The writer originally became interested in body language _____.
A. because of a comment someone made it to him
B. he wanted to learn more about the “Pinocchio Syndrome”
C. because he wanted to know why people tell lies
D. his professor recommended it to him
62. According to the writer, non-verbal communication is important because _____.
A. it helps lawyers to be more skillful
B. it can help make people believe what you want to tell them
C. politicians need to know when people are lying
D. it provides a unique way of earning a living
63. What does the writer assume about his readers ?
A. They are able to change their intonation. B. They need to develop good posture.
C. They use only words to communicate. D. They know something about the subject.
64. According to the writer, it is not easy to realize when someone is lying because _____.
A. they have an honest look on their face B. they move their eyes very rapidly
C. listeners read their body language incorrectly D. listeners do not look into their eyes
65. To have a positive effect on someone, you should try to avoid _____.
A. making any facial expressions B. having any involuntary reactions
C. giving the impression of not caring D. moving your legs about too much
66. What is the most important thing for businessmen to learn ?
A. The laws of a particular country. B. The correct way to behave.
C. The necessity of being polite. D. The skill of appearing confident.
67. Why do people react in a negative way when they meet the writer ?
A. They think he is too self-confident. B. They assume that he is always lying.
C. They have heard about him previously. D. They believe he is studying them.
68. What do we learn about the writer from the passage ?
A. He makes a lot of money from his job B. He travels the world giving advice.
C. He is dedicated to his work. D. He trains body language experts.
Part II: For questions 69-75, fill in the blank with a suitable letter which contains missing information to
make a complete article.
Onto a winner
Two brothers are finding that their childhood game is very good for business.
Dave and Norm Lagasse, two bushy-bearded brothers in their forties, are sitting in their modest home in
Santa Fe in New Mexico. USA, and reliving their childhood. In front of them lies a wooden board covered in
round plastic pieces. They are playing the ancient game of pichenotte. one which, they insist, is unlike any
Their grandfather, Lucien Rajotte, a grocer originally from Quebec, Canada, brought the game into the
USA and introduced it to his family. It wasn’t long before, on just about every weekend and holiday, the
family were playing the game and, as Dave says, ‘having the best time ever’. Eventually, the family moved to
New Mexico. (69)_____. If visitors dropped by they were often fascinated, for the game was completely
unknown in southern USA.
One day, three years ago, Dave set up the ancient pichenotte board and, realising how cracked and battered
it had become, decided to make a new one. This turned out to be a beauty. A relative noticed and wanted one.
Then a friend wanted another. (70)_____. ‘People there started to watch,’ says Dave, ‘and say, “No way I’m
playing that silly game." Then they'd sit down, and pretty soon you couldn’t get them up from the table!’
(71)_____. The roots, he discovered, were probably in India, where a similar game called ‘carroms’ exists.
That was adapted into a game called ‘squails’ which was played in pubs in Britain and, a century ago, British
people emigrating to Canada brought the game with them. Pichenotte is the name of the French-Canadian
version of the game that developed in Quebec.
(72)_____. Each competitor gets 12 pieces or ‘pucks’. These are ‘flicked’ across a wheel-like board using
the middle or index finger of one hand. Flicking a puck into a small hole is worth 20 points. Three concentric
rings around the hole are worth 15, 10 and 5, respectively. Eight tiny posts present obstacles. The game usually
lasts just two minutes.
When they saw how popular the game was at the Santa Fe bar, the Lagasses made a couple more boards
and took them to markets and craft fairs. Crowds gathered, money changed hands and the game’s popularity
grew. (73)_____. With word spreading more widely, the boards began to sell as fast as the brothers could make
them. Eventually, they decided to go into the pichenotte business full-time.
They set up a workshop in the garage of their house and started turning out boards. More than 450 have
been produced to date. (74)_____. As Norm explains, ‘They’re very durable, as they have to stand up to lots of
wear. ’ They are available, at $595 each, from the brothers’ website.
As yet, there are no professional pichenotte players or TV coverage to produce pichenotte celebrities.
(75)_____. Until then, they're happy to spend their off-duty hours playing the game they hope will make their
Missing sentences:
A This idea always brings a smile to Mrs Lagasse’s face. At 70, she is an excellent player herself.
B Made of birchwood and mahogany, each weighs 12kg and is 1cm thick.
C Pichenotte, which can be played by two to four people, is clearly a game of skill.
D But Grandpa’s pichenotte board, which had been made out of old wooden food crates, was not forgotten and
they continued to play regularly.
E When people started talking about the origins of the game, Dave decided to do some research.
F So much so that championships began to take place and a trophy called the ‘Lord Pichenotte Cup’ was
G Nonetheless, the day is not far off when the brothers’ garage will be home to a luxury Mercedes rather than
a saw and piles of wood.
H Curious as to how great the interest might be, one night the brothers took one of Dave’s new game boards to
a sports bar in Santa Fe.
Part III: For questions 76-85, fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
A recent report by a government department suggests that unemployment is one of the most thorny
problems our society is currently faced (76)__________. Although there are differing (77)__________ on the
reason for rising unemployment, most agree that it is due to job seekers’ lack of experience, which leads to
employers’ refusal to (78)__________ them on. Many are still unable to find themselves employable
(79)__________ after partaking (80)__________ training sessions in their chosen field. One more reason is
that seniors may be reluctant to give newcomers (81)__________ for improvement for (82)__________ that
their security will be threatened. Although the report points the accusing (83)__________ at recruiters, it
(84)__________ clarify that some of them are changing for the better. At the same time, youngsters are
encouraged to (85)__________ the initiative to hone both their professional expertise and necessary soft skills
so as to land a good job.
Part IV: For questions 86-90, choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer.
In recent decades, a new (86)_____ of thought has emerged: people who have distinctive facial features
create a better first impression. However, those of us who are anxious (87)_____ being average-looking should
be (88) _____ by a new study that explains why the more ordinary a face is, the more people like it. Previous
research has revealed what is known as the beauty-in-averageness effect: the well-documented human
preference (89)_____ faces of standard size and shape. One explanation for this is our tendency to seek out
standard features in a potential mate as a way of ensuring successful breeding. Uncommon characteristics may
even (90)_____ health problems; therefore, the less “unique” a face, the better.
86. A. school B. line C. way D. train
87. A. over B. about C. upon D. on
88. A. ensured B. assured C. reassured D. ascertained
89. A. for B. to C. of D. with
90. A. point out B. initiate C. cease D. indicate
Part I: For questions 91-95, rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence
means exactly the same as the original one.
91. We couldn't go camping because of the heavy rain.
=> But _________________________________________.
92. She was only aware of his presence when he raised his voice.
=> Only when ___________________________.
93. Her book was bought in great numbers immediately after it was published. (CAKES)
=> Shortly after _________________________.
94. She is fighting hard to eliminate gender discrimination. (TOOTH)
=> She is ________________________________ with gender discrimination.
95. He deserves to be praised for making the theory more interesting. (LIFE)
=> He deserves a pat __________________________ into the theory.
Part II: Write an essay of 250 words about the following topic.
Some people say that globalization only advances countries and their citizens, while others argue it may
exert negative influences. Discuss both statements and give your opinion.


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