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Remember – chapter5

1. wordlist
Matter 物质 Elastic 弹性的 Plastic 塑性的
Spring 弹簧 Load 负载 Stretch 伸长
Extension 伸长量 Limit of proportionality 正比例极限 Hooke’s law 胡克定律
Spring constant 弹簧常数 Pressure 压强 Pascal 帕斯卡

2. limit of proportionality: Up to this limit, the extension on a spring is proportional to load.

3. Hooke’s law
The extension of a spring is proportional to the load applied to it, provided the limit of proportionality is
not exceeded.
F = k·x
k is the spring constant(弹簧常数), it is force per unit extension.
4. Pressure: Pressure is defined as force per unit area, where the force F acts perpendicularly to the area

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