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Lê Trang Thiên Hương

1. The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in
 It is believed that social network has eclipsed direct interaction of the general public.

2. Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier, while
others disagree
 Many people adopt a view that the proliferation of technology advancement has
eased customers’ ways of purchasing, but there are still opposing opinions just the

3. Online communication is becoming more popular than face-to-face communication in

many companies
 In the context of modern society, contact via the Internet is favored in a good
number of businesses, leading to the gradually fade of physical interaction.

4. Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting in more
works of art like paintings and statues in cities to make them better places to live in
 Artworks display has become an issue of broad interest to the general public over
the past decades. Many adopt a view that local governments should invest higher
sums of money on pieces of art such as paintings and statues in order to exhibit ones
in more decent places.

5. Museums and art galleries should concentrate on local works rather than showing the
cultures or artworks from other countries.
 It is widely believed that those exhibits presented in museums and art galleries
should source from host country instead of displaying exotic cultures and pieces of

6. Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists
such as painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by
alternative sources.
 Over the past decades, artwork creators’ financial aid has become an area of focus
to the general public. Many adopt a view that local authorities should shoulder the
subsidy for art innovators; however, the counter argument raised by opponents is
that this fund should be launched by other sponsors.
7. Art is considered as essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these
days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science,
technology, and business.
 Over the past decades, the aesthetic has always been an issue of broad interest to
the general public. It is widely accepted that art plays a crucial role in whole cultures
the world over; in the context of modern society notwithstanding, the art values
estimation has been gradually decreased, which gives foremost places to the
development of science, technology, and business.

8. Art is considered an important part of society as well as an expression of its culture.

 Art has been taken as playing an essential role in civilizations, the one at the same
time identifies and indicates the cultural diversity of societies.

9. Some people think the money spent in developing the technology for space
exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this money.
 Investments put into aerospace science has dramatically raised opposing
perspectives. A great amount of people think that financing a colossal sum of money
on space research is squander, this fund should be invested in other appropriate

10. Space exploration costs taxpayers’ an exorbitant amount of money each year.
 Investing in aerospace science has never failed to draw public attention and provoke
debates. This practice has been taken as the chief culprit of levying high tax on
citizens on a yearly basis.

11. Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space
tourism could be developed in the future.
 Aerospace industry has owned itself certain achievement over the past decades.
Human has successfully launched satellites into space as well as making spaceflights
flying earliest astronauts to other planets, which creates a premise for the
development of aerospace journeys.
12. Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think
that it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live.
 Too great an amount of people think that outer space exploration is a way of
draining resources; all the same, the counter argument raised by opponents is that
researching the cosmos where human dwelling is crucial.

13. More and more people in the city live in homes with small spaces or not outdoor
 Housing space has always become a point of discussion. There is an increasing
number of urban citizens dwelling in cramped accommodations as well as
habitations without any green space.
14. In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on the television and the general
public can watch them.
 By some countries, citizens are easy to access a certain number of offender courts
thanks to the practice of broadcasting ones on the television.

15. Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison
sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing
 Alarming crime has always become a heated debate. A great amount of people take
lengthening imprisonment as the ultimate measure to cut illegal cases; just the
same, the counter argument raised by opponents is that there are more appropriate
methods to control offenses.
16. In some countries, it is legal for people to own military weapons when they have a
 By certain countries, citizens have a right to be armed with ordnance provided that
they are licensed.

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