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Assignment: Proposal Memo to the Decision-maker

Topic: Proposal to implement a work-enhancing training program

Andres Gonzalez

University of Maryland Global Campus


May 26, 2022

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To: Kelly Anderson, Section Chief

From: Andres Gonzalez, Executive Travel Coordinator

Date: June 05, 2022

Subject: Proposal to implement a work-enhancing training program


Since my appointment, I have realized that there is no active training strategy in place.

An office that implements a training strategy can experience a significant improvement in their

ability to complete their missions successfully. Executive travel communications is a dynamic

field, and it is critical that new employees are professionally trained before they begin working

there. Now, it takes each new member a total of six months of practical, on-the-job training and

experience before they are considered prepared to begin travelling and carrying out the work that

must be done. If you successfully implement a solid training strategy, it will cut by around three

months the length of time it takes for the typical new employee to become qualified.

What the problem is and why it needs to be investigated

During the course of my research, I came across a number of studies that provide

credence to the notion that a training program might increase the performance of workers.

Because we only hire people who have a significant amount of prior experience in Information

Technology, we never have to worry about whether or not our employees have the necessary

work expertise. Nevertheless, it is necessary to discuss the aspects of our work that do not often

come under the purview of the position of a traditional computer technician. These aspects are

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It is expected of us in the workplace that we will be proficient in the process of

configuring our communication equipment and that we will be quick to respond to any

difficulties that may be encountered by our clients. Although it is not our responsibility to have

all the answers, it is very necessary for us to be aware of the potential origin of the problem and

the individuals with whom we must speak to begin the process of resolving the problem.

According to the research that has been done on training on the job, there are many

different aspects that go into determining training transfer, which can be defined as the distance

between education and practical use of newly acquired skills. Studies have shown that persons

who had sufficient training had much greater understanding of the profession compared to those

who came into the position with no training at all. This is even though there is no mechanism

that can predict what would work best for each person. Studies have shown that good training

lowers stress levels and increases employee retention rates.

Secondary research you will conduct

Secondary research has led me to scientific publications and journals that discussed the

effectiveness of corporate training programs. Training programs for the workplace have been

established by many businesses, and the outcomes of these programs reveal that mission success

and employee happiness tend to provide much better results when training has been applied.

Benefits of your research and your report’s recommendations

My research will be beneficial to our company since I play a role that provides

communications skills to leaders in senior positions who are responsible for making extremely

significant choices. Because of this, every minute counts, and the sooner you can find a solution

to a problem that hinders these leaders' capacity to connect with people all over the world, the
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more successful our office will be. In addition, if the training turns out to be effective, we will be

able to reduce the amount of time that new persons are required to wait before they are permitted

to go on trips. This will be advantageous in two ways: first, the new people will be more likely to

travel and add support on trips more quickly than usual. Second, this will provide relief to the

people who are feeling burned out from the operations pace we have while waiting for new

workers to be fully qualified for the position.


It is critical to execute an effective training program inside a workplace to produce skilled

individuals and to position those people for future achievement. The organization as a whole will

improve in direct proportion to the quality of the training program. With your approval, I would

want to use my study, questionnaire, and training plan to help our company save vast amounts of

time in training time, reduce stress for new workers, and make them ready three months earlier.

This will help us stand out from our competitors as well as other teams who do not do thorough

training. If we could reduce the amount of time it takes to get completely trained for our work,

not only would we save thousands of dollars, but we would also save time.

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