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Name: Neyla Shakira Fadillah

Class: 2A

Student ID: 2110631060096

Subject: Essay Writing (Expo and Argumentative)


Today’s Youth Lifestyle

Behavior that describes the lifestyle of today's teenagers.

A. Consumptive tendencies
- Buying branded goods only to increase social status
- Buying things that are not really needed because of discount frills
- Bought the product because of the advertisement.
- Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
B. Having bad habits
- Wake up immediately looking for gadgets
- Hard to advise but fond of criticizing
- Many are spoiled and a little bit like to complain.
- Playtime outside is over the limit
- Promiscuity is considered normal
C. Less socializing
- Playing social media excessively
- Passing time by playing games
- Spend time watching.
Today’s Youth Lifestyle

Lifestyle is a picture for everyone that describes how much the person's moral value is in
the surrounding community and how that person lives. Lifestyle can also be interpreted as an art
that is cultivated by everyone. In addition, lifestyle is also related to technological developments
and times. If an era develops, then his lifestyle will also expand.

In another sense, lifestyle can have a positive and negative influence on everyone who
runs it. One of them is the lifestyle of teenagers. Teenagers are in a period of transition and tend
to always follow trends that are popular, follow idol figures, and so on. Teenagers can be
regarded as a time of formation and search for identity.

Most of today's teenagers abuse their lifestyle. Especially teenagers who live in
metropolitan cities. Behavior that describes the lifestyle of today's teenagers is very visible. They
tend to be consumptive. Teenagers today are always seen by the material they have, so they
compete to buy branded goods just for the sake of prestige and improve their social status. In
addition, they buy what they want, not what they need just because of a discount. Of course, this
kind of behavior is not good to do because it is a waste of money. In addition to discounts, they
also buy because they are tempted by the advertisements offered. Teenagers are an interesting
object to be interested in marketing experts. The teenage age group is one of the potential
markets for producers because teenagers are usually easily persuaded. There is also the Fear of
Missing Out (FOMO) which usually hits young people, teenagers to be exact. FOMO is a feeling
of worry or even fear of missing something. Whether it's using the latest items, trying new
vacation spots, and much more. This feeling of fear of not looking trendy is certainly very
closely related to consumptive behavior.

Teenagers today have bad habits. When they wake up, the first thing they look for is a
gadget. Most have this habit, although not all. This needs to be avoided. If it continues, the result
will be lazier and life will become unproductive. They are also difficult to advise, but most like
to criticize. It is also for their good. But they prefer to blame here and there without being
balanced with real action. Most teenagers today are spoiled and a little bit like complaining. A
simple example is if they are hungry, and prefer to buy food through the application. In addition,
when playing outside or hanging out, they forget the hours of home time and exceed the limit
just because their parents let them. This bad habit should be avoided so that they can be
disciplined in time. Even worse, promiscuity such as sex, drugs, and alcohol is considered
normal among teenagers today.

In this era, technological advances continue to grow rapidly and significantly affect the
current lifestyle, especially among teenagers. With technology, some of them even become less
able to socialize in the outside world. They are more preoccupied with their world with their
gadgets. The increasingly crowded use of social media makes them inseparable from their
smartphones. In addition, those who like to play games, usually forget the time to do other
activities such as studying and eating, and they even don't sleep just for their games. Not only
playing games, and spending time just watching excessive streaming services also only makes
their time wasted.

The lifestyle of today's teenagers is indeed more advanced, and open compared to the
past. The mindset, way of acting, and way of speaking are also strongly influenced by modern
lifestyles which are nothing but generalizations of western culture itself. These are all positive
sides of the birth of an advanced culture. And the positive sides of the modern lifestyle are
undeniable. But we also must not forget that where there is a positive side, there must also be a
negative side. Likewise in terms of modern lifestyles. Modern lifestyle in addition to providing
positive values also results in a negative side that is no less dangerous. We need to keep up with
the times. But don't get carried away. There are times when we even have to go against the flow
(in a positive way). Because not always the current we follow will lead to where it should be. Be
good at choosing and sorting, don't follow the trend too much, it'll even trouble your parents and
harm you.

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