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Firewalls Bypassed: Adhomai Liberation Voice Spread Across Extranet

Since the early years of the revolution the illegal and illegitimate government
based in Nal'Tor has utilized several satellites in orbit of Adhomai that jammed
any unauthorized signals from being broadcast through the extranet, creating a
great firewall that stifled the true voice of the people. This censorship has been
crushed by the Liberation Army. Our patriotic agents managed to infiltrate the
Nal'Tor puppet government and steal the blueprints to the satellite jamming
network. The glorious Liberation Army now possess all the bypass codes and we have
hijacked the government's telecommunication systems, gaining access to the great
galactic Extranet.

The Adhomai Liberation Network is an extranet broadcast where members of our

glorious republic can have their voice be heard across the galaxy. We will strive
to maintain this broadcast to provide the true and accurate accounts of our
glorious Adhomai against the lies and falsehoods of the state run media of the
illegal and illegitimate government.

Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Na'ted'Akhan, leader of Liberation Forces, is expected

to give regular and formal statements with this channel.

The Tyrants of Nal'Tor Will Answer for Their Atrocities

On 18.4.2458, the People's Republic of Adhomai authorized the deployment of what is

believed to have been a nuclear weapon of mass destruction, which was used to
violently destroy the Liberation Army's headquarters in the Rhazkjara mountains.
Millions of refugees are now scrambling from the affected zones in search of
asylum. It is your holy obligation as sons and daughters of S'rendarr to shelter
and feed the victims of the Government's treachery.

Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Na'ted'Akhan, leader of Liberation Forces and a first

hand survivor of the attack, had this to say on the matter:

Translated: Children of Adhomai, look at what your government has wrought! Look at
the carnage they sew! One can only imagine what they intend to desecrate our sacred
homeworld with next! He begs of you, as your kin, to not abandon your duty, and
join the fight in any way possible - be it caring for the wounded and homeless,
reporting Republic spies, or through taking the fight to the illegitimate and
corrupt government fighters. This war is long from over; it will only end once the
treacherous officials have been overthrown. The tens of thousands of deaths at
Quizosa will be repaid with noble blood. He swears it!

Report spies and possible collaborators immediately! Inactivity is the weapon of a

People's Republic Supporter!

Government Collaborators Destroyed in Decisive Victory at Ghril'ki'aas Village

The day is 29.4.2458, a day of great celebration for the Liberation Army as the
freedom fighters sweep West from Shastar City into the corrupt province of
Ghril'maak, East of Crevus. An enemy village, Ghril'ki'aas, known collaborator to
the false government of the People's Republic, refused to grant quarter to
Liberation Army forces this 28th of Hmgrya.

Knowing this was sign of collaboration with the puppeteering People's Republic -
and most likely symptomatic of a hostile garrison already in the village - the
region was shelled and overtaken within a day. No Government soldier bodies have
been reported so far.

Supreme Commander Halkiikijr Na'ted'Akhan greeted his noble soldiers with this
announcement once the village was properly stationed with troops:

Translated: Throughout the history of this war there have been two types of
battles, just and unjust. Unjust battles impede progress and serve nothing but the
attainment of glory. The Adhomai Liberation army abhors such conflict, but just
battles are progressive and required. When the majority of the town of Ghril'ki'aas
was shelled today, such was done justly! From where we previously had no asylum for
our 5th and 7th regiments after the destruction of our capital, we now have a
flourishing point of tactical importance. Where we were denied shelter, we have a
home! The collaborators continue to lose to us that which they deny to us! We will
have what is rightfully ours, and if such is denied, it will be claimed with force.

This announcement should serve as an important reminder to the duty all citizens of
Adhomai possess to properly shelter those fighting for freedom.

Ekxknkcp rtkuqpgtu gp tqwvg vq Obvgn'okt. 50 yqwpfgf, 20 wpyqwpfgf. 40 hgocngu cpf

30 ocngu. Hkxg qh pqdng dnqqf. Dgikp fkiikpi jqngu dghqtg 0800 5.31.2458.

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