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Assessment Criteria in FLT

Duration: Two hours

Name: Zhuman Gulzira Иняз каз. группа


(i) Please answer the questions in your own words not the words in the book or other
sources. You need to paraphrase. You will be penalized for using wording directly
from the book or other sources.
(ii) You are not allowed to use laptop or mobile phone during the exam.
(iii) You may use the textbook and/or paper copies of Power point slides from class sessions
or other handouts
(iv) Please write clearly or type in the space provided under each question.
(v) You must answer all the questions.

1. Define the terms ‘testing’ and ‘assessment’ and compare them.

Initially, every teacher needs to measure knowledge and fix the new theme of learners. According to the
material, the educator judges the academic performance of each student. The teacher employs this approach to
be aware of the strength and weaknesses of the learners. This process calls assessment. Nowadays, educators
use various types of assessing. For instance, testing, gap-filling, quiz, etc. Testing has the different option that
ensures students to choose one of them.

2. Define five different types and purposes of language tests. Which ones do you apply in your class and
why? Give relevant examples.

Five tests usually use in teaching: placement tests, diagnostic tests, achievement tests, proficiency tests, and
aptitude tests. An individual may get a higher achievement score that shows that the person has shown a high
level of mastery and is ready for an advanced level of instruction. On the other hand, a low achievement score
might indicate that there are concerned areas that an individual should improve on, or that a particular subject
should be repeated.

3. What are the principles of assessment? Explain why it is important to follow them. 10 points

There are a lot of principles of assessing. It depends on the ages and level of students. I would like to mention
some of them: fairness, validity, equitableness and etc. Education is developing non-stop, accordingly the
principles are changing. For example, these days assessing process happens through digital technology. We
can mention apps such us padlet, quizlet, Duolingo etc. The reason is flexibility. The students who are far or
whose time is limited can easily use them.

4. Define Summative and formative assessment and give your examples. Provide examples from your own
experience as a teacher or as a learner? 10 points

Both of them use for assessing through understanding their strength and weaknesses. Summative assessment
pays attention to the results which are fixed by marks, recorded videos, and projects. Formative assessment
emphasizes the comprehension and possibilities of each student. However, the teacher needs to have extra time
to employ the lesson for each student personally. As a primary teacher assistant I try to provide personally
tasks, because of the different levels of students and it considers a formative assessing.

5 What are test specifications and why do you need them? 5 points
First of all, I would like to give definition about test specification. It’s a type of document that contains
features and function during this educational procedure. The test specifications provide information related on
educational sphere, that contain various characteristics and rules to guide and evolve branch of knowledge. It’s
a useful tool to provide planning materials for the assessment .

6. What are the stages of designing listening and reading tests. What kind of tasks do you use in each stage of
designing them?
Listening allows to understand the data that was gathered from market research, which of course also includes
analytics/metrics, it allows for an understanding of expectations, of trends, among many other sources of
input. The listening process involves five stages: receiving, understanding, evaluating, remembering, and
responding. Design tells who you are and what you stand for, as well as your tone and voice. Design and
writing exemplify everything that is your brand, each its own way.
5 points

7. Define holistic and analytic scales for assessing productive skills. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of
each scale. 5 points
Each type has strengths and weaknesses, which must be made to fit with the assessment situation. For
example, holistic scales can be relatively fast to use, given that only a single scoring decision must be made,
while analytic scales can be easier to use with examinees who have uneven development of language abilities. 
Analytic rubrics allows you to assess participants' achievements based on multiple criteria using a single
rubric. You can assign different weights (value) to different criteria and include an overall achievement by
totaling the criteria; written in a table form.

8. Discuss types of feedback you learned in the classroom. Which ones do you use in your class? Give
relevant examples from your experience.
5 points
There are many types of feedback. It can be related to their level and acceptance. Accordingly, for primary and
secondary it may occur differently. As a primary teacher I try to give feedback for each small detail. This tool
affects to student and encourage to study more. In general, every week, we send official written feedback to the
parents. The main purpose is to make them be aware of academic performance, and attitude. Mostly, I use oral,
formal feedback.

9. The following writing task was given to year 1 business students at a university.

These days many people prefer to online dating to traditional face-to-face one. What’s your view?
Which one do you prefer?

Write an essay.

What do you think of the task? Explain your view drawing on your reading. Would you set this task as it is or
would you modify? Why?

In my opinion this is the most important topic, because the students really need it. The main thing when we
write essay is how this topic is significant in life. I would have not changed it. The reason is it employs students
thinking and imagination.

10. A foreign translation company has entered the Kazakhstani market. They would like to hire 10 employees.
They have asked you, as a language expert, to help them with examining their candidates’ English languages

Explain what sort of assessment tasks (Type of test) you would set to assess candidates’ English language skills.
Provide examples of the tasks.

First of all, I will pay attention for the level of English because it is an international market. In this situation we
can provide different types of activities that will show us how the employees react and their action. The
activities can be related to teamwork, leadership, communication with clients and how they evaluate crisis and
difficult moments in the market. Language skills can be evaluated by intermediate level that contains speaking,
official writing, reading.

Total 100 points

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