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Feminism is a female thing, even the name implies it.

How can feminism mean

equality of sexes and masculism gets to mean patriarchy, male dominance and every
thing bad that is far from equality?

Feminism is bias and a woman thing for sloping its attention to the directions of
a girl child with little space in the picture for the boy child.

From the cradle, a boy child is taught to show no pain, taught to shed no tear,
suck up the emotions, bear burdens regardless of his might and walk with his
shoulders high when he is bleeding dry.

Feminism is altered when a man is called weak for reflecting same emotions as a
woman and vicious for turning blind eyes to the plights of the boy child.

We live in a declining world of partriachy where a boy child suffers too.

Chisom Igwurube writes.

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