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Nama Widi Gilang Hariyono

Nim 201400107

Kelas Pmat 02

1. A. cara menyapa menurut saya ada 2 jenis

Formal dan Informal

1. Formal dipake ketika ada dalam suatu kegiatan atau keadaan resmi

-Hello! (halo)

-Good Mornig ?(Selamat Pagi)

-How Are You? (Apa Kabar)

Example Conversation

A. “Good Morning Mr.been My name is widi nice to meet you sir”

B. “Oh hello there Mr been Im pleasure nice to meet you”

A. “sir . I have so many question, can you help sir

B. “no Im so very busy today, well after this meeting I can to help you

2. Informal digunakan ketika dalam keadaan tidak resmi atau bahasa sehari hari

-Hi. (halo)

-What’s up? (apa kabar?)

-Good to see you (senang bertemu dengan mu)

Example Conversation

A. “Hi Cahyo! What’s up?

B. “I’m Good, bro”

A. “well after this class, let’s play on mall malioboro

B. “alright, see you latter”

B. Encouraging to student

bagaimana cara guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa agar mempunyai semangat belajar.

Example Conversation

A. “alright student well if you are have many question. Let’s get the talk,”

B. “yess miss….”

A. “well, you have to belive that you can do it by your self”

B. “right miss,…..”

C. Closing on the meet class

penutupan sebuah pembelajaran dalam kelas

Example Conversation

A. “student attention please, its time is over , well see you next meeting student”

B. “yess miss, see you next time and thankyou miss”

2. Descriptive statistics is that branch of statistics which is concerned with describing the population
under study. Usage to describe situation. Its funcition is to organize, analyze, and present data in a
meaningful way

Example : using a combination of tabulated dscription (i.e., tables), graphical description (i.e., graphs
and charts) andstatistical commentrary (i.e.,a discussion of the result).
Inferential statistics is a type of statistics, that focuses on drawing conclusions about the population, on
the basis of sample analysis and observation. Usage to explain the chances of occurrence of an event. Its
function is to compares, test and predicts data.

Example : Probability

symbol Symbol in math

= Equals sign
+ Added by
- Minus sign
≠ Not equal to

3. Mempelajari Bahasa inggris untuk matematika sangatlah penting terlebih sekarang jurnal lebih
banyak menggunakan bahasa inggris juga selain itu juga memengaruhi kecerdasan otak anak bisa diukur
dari IQ untuk melihat kemampuan akademisnya dengan demikian Bahasa inggris untuk matematika
adalah cara untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mental yang sesuai untuk menghadapi realita
kehidupan yang kompleks sesuai logika.

Dampak positifnya tentu ada, yakni sebagai berikut :

1. Lebih cerdas hingga ke jenjang berikutnya

2. Kesehatan mental

3. Lebih cermat

4. Peluang kerja di masa depan

5. Potensi sukses
Bhs inggris

Course types of
Objective number


Flat Building Transformatio

Field Geometry
Geometry n Geometry


symbol Symbol in math

∞ infinity
∫ integral
|x| Mod x, modulo x
∴ therefor
log ₂ x Log to the base 2 of x
log Log
∑ sum


symbol Symbol in math

→ vectors
[] Matrix
Lampiran jurnal

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