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for the week :

Yoga practices for
Improving Digestion
(Part I)
How can yoga asanas improve digestion?
• ‘BAD DIGESTION IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL’. Our ancient texts concur. According to Ayurveda, the
root cause of all disorders lies in poor digestion. That is why it is imperative that our digestive fire
remain strong. So that the food that we eat is efficiently metabolized. Otherwise, regardless of how
healthy our food choices may be, our body will find it difficult to assimilate and absorb the nutrients
present in what we eat.
• The digestive fire / agni is stimulated. This increases the appetite & balances the metabolism.
• Asanas stretch the body, massaging the abdominal muscles. This causes food to move efficiently
along the digestive tract.
• Bowel movement is regulated and constipation relieved.
• Circulation of blood to the digestive organs increases, thus aiding digestion.
• Yoga asanas keep the MIND ACTIVE AND HAPPY. You are more likely to eat a balanced diet and this
eases digestion.
Warm ups : Mudra (Gesture) :
(focusing on abdomen)
 Apana Mudra
 Cobra pose movements
(Digestion Gesture) :
 Cat and cow pose movements
 Side twist
 Waist rotation

Surya Namaskar :
 Static – 12 nos.
 Dynamic – 12 nos.
Shavasana (Relaxation) :
 Relaxation for body, mind & the breath (Reverse counting & breath FOCUS)
Yogasanas (Yoga Poses) :
1) Ardha chandrasana (Half Moon pose) (warm up movements + Static pose)
2) Ardha Naukasana (Half Boat Pose) (warm up movements + Static pose)
3) Malasana (Garland pose)
4) Pawanmuktasana (Gas release pose)

Pranayama / shuddhi kriya

(Breathing excercises / cleansing technique) :
1) Kapalbhati (Rapid exhalation) (Regular speed + Fast speed)
2) Surya bhedan Pranayama with aantar kumbhak
(Right nostril breathing with Internal breath retention)
Thank you

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