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Eljen Dave Cayamba 3rd Year BSED-SCIENCE


1. Pick out one of the 21 st century skills and craft a concept map to illustrate how it
should be developed.


Taking care of Developing

Health and Brain Learning Skills Memory

Doing Things

2. Choose 2 principles of teaching & educational technology and explain them using
your own experiences.
 Principles of discovery
 When doing activities that includes finding out some details or involves
investigation and observation like experiments and research makes me feel
satisfied if I found out something new in me by myself. This is when principles of
discovery happens in me.
 Principles of Socialization
 In my own experience in the context of Principles of Socialization, when working
with peers where I am comfortable with or in a classroom where I am
comfortable, I can observe that I can learn more effectively and it is why social
setting is very important in learning process of a student because learning is
dependent on it.

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