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Eljen Dave Cayamba 3rd Year BSED-SCIENCE



1. Explain the differences between eccrine and apocrine sweat glands.

 Eccrine sweat glands are smaller glands than apocrine and discharges
their secretions directly to the surface of body skin while Apocrine glands
are located in body areas that has hair follicles like armpit, scalp and groin.
Apocrine sweat glands discharges their secretion to the canal of the hair

2. Describe the structure and composition of nails.

 Nails are composed of six parts which are root, nail bed, nail plate,
eponychium and hyponychium and each one has a specific role. The nail
root has a matrix of proliferating cells from the stratum basale that enables
the nail to grow continuously. It is also where the nail body forms. Nail
body serves as a protection to our fingers and toes. Nail plate refers to the
hard part of our nails that is made up of translucent keratin protein.
Eponychium is the nail cuticle that is the nail fold that meets the proximal
end of the nail body. Hyponychium consist of a thick layer of stratum
corneum located under the free edge of the nail

3. The skeletal system is composed of bone and cartilage and has many
functions. Choose three of these functions and discuss what features of
the skeletal system allow it to accomplish these functions.
 One of the main functions of skeletal system is supports the body through
the bone or osseous tissue that is a hard and dense connective tissue that
supports the structure of the body. Skeletal system also functions in
producing white and red blood cells through the bone marrow inside the
bone. Allowing body movement is one of the core function of skeletal
system which is possible because of joints or connective tissues in our

4. What are the five primary functions of skeletal muscle?

 Serves as protection for organs
 Supports body structure
 Storage for fats and minerals
 Production of Blood cells
 Allows body movement

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