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Datuin Arlyn M.

EDUC 17 - D59


Module 02. Bases and Policies of Special and Inclusive Education


Review on Cognitive Learning Theories
Activity 6. Piaget’s Cognitive Development. (20pts)
1. Give three (3) to five (5) characteristics and concepts of the stages of cognitive development.
2. Write in brief and clear sentences not in paragraphs.
3. Cite two (2) educational implications or specific learning situations per stage of development.

Cognitive Development Age Major Characteristics/ Educational Implication/

theory Range Concepts Learning situation
1. Sensory Motor Stage Birth- Main concept of this stage is to A child’s entire experience
Age 2 allows the child to represent at the earliest period
objects and and events that through sense and motor
acquire knowledge through responses.
Playing a peek-a-boo for
children around this age.
2. Pre-operational stage 2-7 The concept of ego centrism, Children use image and
centration and conservation, ideas that they can make a
and symbolic representation. role play.

Use cut out letters to make

a words
3. Concrete operation 7-11 According to Piaget thinking in Students can explore their
this stage is characterized by abilities through logic
logical operation. problem and brainteasers.
4. Formal Operation 11 and The ability to formulate Nurture your student’s
Beyond hypotheses and systematically developing logic and
test them to arrive at answer to reasoning skills with
a problem. board.

Students can do
mathematical calculations
and think creatively.

Activity 7. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory ( 15pts)

1.Describe observational learning in your own words. Have at least three sentences.
2. Give one (1) specific learning situation for each phase of Observational Learning following
the phases in the teaching-learning process.

Phases of Observational Learning Description Specific Learning Activity

NOTE: The learning activities are related
from Phase 1 to 4.
1. Attention An observation Doing take down notes in classroom can catch
of important an attention for students while the teacher
thing in a good discussion in front of the class.
way especially
in characteristics
of the model and
2. Retention Attention is not As I’ve said in number one doing take down
enough to learn notes can catch an attention but not only taking
a new behaviour down notes should be done,you should also
you must be something learned and retain from the lesson.
retain or
remember that
what you learn
especially in
3. Production Reproduction is A child watches their parents folding the laudry
ability to adopt later on they pick up some clothing and imitate
the behaviour folding the clothes.
that they
4. Motivation

Activity 8. Lev Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Cognitive Theory (15pts)

1. Define and differentiate in your own words the key terms used in Socio-Cultural Cognitive Theory.
2. Give two (2) specific learning situations at home or school about the key terms.

Socio-Cultural Cognitive Theory Definition Specific Learning Situation

1. Zone of Proximal Development Students can do their things wit Teacher is instructing students
or without help with adult about the water cycle, if a
guidance teacher has already taught a
lesson on the concept of
evaporation, the teacher should
use this prior knowledge of the
evaporation when introducing
information about condensation.

Through reading and

coursework,children continue to
make associations between ideas
and everyday experiences.
2. More Knowledge Others A higher ability level than the A students learns to read cause
learner. his instructors teaches them

The learners knows the

procedure of baking cause their
instructors presented well the
steps of baking.
3. Scaffolding A process to achieve a goal When students learning how to
beyond their effort wright, they often start by
writing and holding papers and
pencils that have trace by letters.

When a child finally recognizes

a specific letter the tutor or
teacher can teach the sound that
it makes, after that you can
move on to words.

Activity 9. Jean Lave’s Situated Learning (15pts)

1 Define and differentiate in your own the key terms used in Socio- Cultural Cognitive theory.
2. Give three (3) specific learning situations based on your experiences when you were in High School.

Definition and Description of Specific Learning Situations

Situated Learning
Situated learning is not a unitary, well- Real-World Learning Community/
defined concept. From an educational Environment Apprenticeship Learning
point of view, the core idea behind the  When I was High School
different uses of this term is to create a compete in poster making
situational context for learning that with my group mates.
strongly resembles possible application  Then when I was Senior
situations in order to assure that the High School we performed
learning experiences foster ‘real-life’ at Bread and Pastry with my
problem solving. Against this group mates.
background, traditional school learning  When I was High School we
is criticized because it creates contexts did speech quire for all
for learning that strongly differ from sections of grade 10.
‘real-life’ application contexts. Two
instructional models that are in accord
with a situatedness perspective are
presented: cognitive apprenticeship and
problem-based learning. After common
critiques of the situatedness approaches,
possible future developments of this
theoretical perspective are outlined.

Activity 10. Read and Analyse the Historical and Legal Bases Evidences (15pts)
1. Read and analyse the article written by Phil Foreman about the historical and philosophical bases of
inclusive education.
2. Make abstraction of the important ideas and facts about the article by citing specific evidences
written in the article.
3. Submission: October 6-7, 2022

Historical and Legal Bases Evidences Philosophical Bases and Evidences

Inclusivity Equality

Activity 11. K to 12 Inclusion Policy: Core Principle of the K to 12 Basic Education Program ( 30pts)
1. Open the pdf document file given to you.
2. You may transfer the pdf document to Word document.
3. You can print the document for each member of the group for your small group discussion.
4. Search the internet about the legal bases of Inclusive Education in the Philippines.
5. Copy the main statements or articles in the legal bases of inclusive education. Use 2 to 3 pages only.
6. Make a one page reaction and reflection paper about the implementation of inclusive education in the
Philippines in terms of:
6.1. Support of the government in terms of legal and financial.
6.2. Capability and preparedness of DepEd in the implementation of inclusive education.
6.3. Support of teachers, parents, and local government officials on inclusive education.
7. Make at least three to four paragraphs of your reaction and reflection paper.
8. Attach the copied articles of the legal bases of Inclusive Education in the Philippines to the reaction
and reflection paper.
9. Submission: October 6-7, 2022



Professor, Professional Education Courses

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