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Video Relevant to Business Course

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November 25, 2021


Video Relevant to Business Course

A TED Talk video relevant to the business course in which I am currently enrolled,

and the internship assignment is a video by Julissa Prado, “3 rules to help you build a

successful business.” She describes how Latino & immigrant communities inspired her she

grew up in -- and shares three principles that guide her in her work. She said that to run a

successful business, her entrepreneurial spirit works effectively. Three principles that she

followed are: get personal with customers, and we have to take time to really listen, break the

rules, and not be afraid, and last principle is to make intuition your best friend this might help

us stay to ourselves and own mission. Overall, from this video, I understand that people have

choices; therefore, it is important to appreciate the effort of employees (Prado, 2021).

Moreover, I agree with the three principles that she shares to run a successful

business. In the video content, I liked explaining principles and lasted where she gave a clear

picture of the topic.



Prado, J. (2021). 3 rules to help you build a successful business.


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