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Kendriya Vidyalaya DBN Shikar

class 1

Autumn Break Holiday Homework

Subject Homework
English 1. Do A-Z five times.
2. Do a-z five times in your
3. Write different colours names.
4. Write days of week.
5.Write months name
Hindi 1.5 फलों के नाम ललखने |
2.5 फू ल ोँ के नाम ललखने|
3.आ , इ ,ई उ ,ऊ , ए , ओ , औ अं की मात्रा
का एक सुलेख र ज एक पेज पर ललखना |
Maths 1. Write counting 1-100 five times in
your notebook.
2. Write number names from 1 to 10.
3. Write and learn tables 2 to 5.
EVS 1. Draw or past the different type of
clothes picture.
2. Make a house using chart paper,
straw or card board.
3. Learn your father and mother
name spelling.
4. Learn and write 5 fruits and
vegetables name
5. Write and learn five flowers name

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