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Class I

Dear Parents
Summer vacation is going to begin and we know that you must be ready to have
lots of fun with your child. Here are some fun filled summer activities to make
these holidays more effective and enjoyable.

1) Appreciate your child on using golden words. Please train your child to be
independent in doing their daily work.
2) ‘READING IS A FUN’ so develop a habit of reading books.

1) Water the plants every day.
2) Make lemonade with your mom.
3) Do any two YOGAASAN every day.
4) Watch the sunset and sunrise.
5) Clean and arrange your room.
6) Check your holiday homework.
7) Donate your old toys.
8) Eat any 1 fruit every day.
9) Pray to God every day.
* Make a list of golden words like Excuse Me , Thank you, Welcome etc on A4
size sheet.
* Make a list of 10 opposite words on A4 size sheet (like- full-empty).
* Do one page of cursive writing every day.
* Pick out any two pictures from the newspapers, magazines or old books and
frame few sentences on it.
* Name any 10 people around you who help in your daily life and discuss with
your parents how do they help you?
* Write names of any ten colours, cities, countries, river, friends, flowers,
animals, insects and birds in notebook.
* Learn and write names of months of a year and days of the week in notebook.
* Learn all the work done in book and notebook.
* Read the READER BOOK and write 5 difficult words from each chapter.
* Read News Headlines under parental guidance.
* Read “Enid Blyton’s short stories” during this summer vacation.

* Learn and write simple counting 1-500
* Learn and write number names 1- 100
* Practice missing numbers 1 – 100.
*Revise tables up to 10 everyday.
* Practice subtraction & addition of single digit numbers from 0 to 10 mentally
(e.g. 2+5=7),
*Draw any 6 shapes, name them and write 2 examples of each shape (like:
Rectangle- Book and Door).

PROJECT WORK -Write the birthday of your family members on A4 sheet and
write the date in words. For example: Mother – Sixth March.

* Learn all work done in school book and notebook.
* In A4 sheet draw diagram of any 3 external organs of your body (2 times).
* Write name of sense organs and 1 use of each in notebook.
PROJECT WORK – (On A4 size sheet)
1) Collect 4 different cloth materials which we use in daily life, paste them
on A4 size paper and name them.
2) Draw a beautiful rainbow, colour it and name the colours .
3) Visit a garden and collect leaves of 5 different plants or trees and name
4) Visit a park and describe it in few lines in notebook.
Complete from page no. 1 to 5 in your G.K. book
*गिनती 1-20 तक गिखित एवं मौखिक अभ्यास करें I
*स्वर एवं व्यंजन का गिखित रूप में अभ्यास करें I
*शब्दं की अंताक्षरी का मौखिक अभ्यास अपने पररवार के साथ करें I
उदा- रथ ,थरमस, सरकस
*चं पक व अकबर बीरबि की कहागनयााँ पढ़े |
Note: Do all the holiday homework in a separate 3 in 1 notebook.
Submit the work on the reopening day of the school in the month of June (after
the summer vacation).
Parents are suggested not to help their ward in doing the homework unless
extremely required.


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