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I am intelligent and I get more so every day.

⚫ I am a fast learner and can adapt to learning curves easily. My IQ is above average and I improve on it
every day.

⚫ I am a smart person and people recognize that.

⚫ I can solve difficult problems quickly.

. I excel at tests that require intelligence and fast-thinking.

⚫ I have a very sharp memory and I remember things vividly and accurately.

I can easily recall information stored in my memory.

⚫ I have great focus and concentration that makes me think fast and helps me solve complex problems.

My high IQ is recognized and respected by people who know me.

⚫ I have a mind that process information accurately.

• Solving complex puzzles and problems comes naturally to me.

Other people depend on me when solving difficult problems and situations.

I pass IQ tests with high scores, evident of my intelligence.

• People recognize my intelligence.

⚫ I am naturally intelligent person.

⚫ I have a wealth of information stored in side my mind that I can tap into when required.

• When a situation requires, all that I need to solve complex problems is naturally revealed to me.

•The correct answers come to me naturally and easily.

I am naturally inquisitive and this in creases my intelligence as I learn more.

I easily retain information, no matter how complex, and recall just as easily when needed.

⚫ I increase my knowledge and intelligence by reading and attending seminars that expand the powers
of my mind.

Information occurs to me as required, helping me solve complex scenarios.

• Being relaxed while tapping into the stored information in my memory is my key to solving hard

⚫ I actively seek knowledge by being well read and inquisitive.

My knowledge expands as days go by.

Truths and important information are revealed to me every day.

I increase my knowledge and wisdom. through life's experiences.

⚫ I can easily master a new skill.

⚫ Mastering a new skill every day is a key to wisdom.

Every day is a new day for discovery and learning.

I have an open mind that absorbs everything making me even more intelligent every day.

⚫ My skills are improving daily and so is my knowledge on each skill.

I am a sponge that naturally absorbs facts and truths.

⚫ I easily absorb understanding and knowledge.

⚫ I am a genius and people around me recognize that.

I am a master of my own mind and I flex it every day making me more intelligent than I was the day

Life is a lesson and I am a good student.

Studying comes naturally to me.

I am always on the lookout for new knowledge that expands my mind.

I improve every day and that includes my wisdom and intelligence.

I am open to learning and wisdom.

I am a student that is enthusiastic about life's lessons.

⚫ I am considered by people as an expert in my chosen field.

My knowledge makes me stand out in the field that I have chosen.

• Every day, I am becoming more and more wise and knowledgeable.

⚫ I am a brilliant thinker and this shows up in every decision that I make.

• My knowledge and wisdom about the facts of life are constantly evolving and improving as days go by.

• Improving my mind and my intelligence is a part of my daily routine.

⚫ I am an exceptionally intelligent person and people recognize that.

⚫ I am well-learned, well-read, and very knowledgeable in my field.

⚫ New ideas and thoughts always fascinate me and this keeps me hungry for more information and

• Gaining wisdom and knowledge in fields of my interests is a common thing for me.

Every day, I am improving on skills that will help me achieve my goals and objectives both short and long

• The universe is full of free-flowing information and I am a large, willing vessel.

. I have wisdom that is beyond my years.

I am savvy and smart.

⚫ I read a lot on fields of my interest and this keeps me well informed.

I absorb new information naturally and easily.

• Experience is a great teacher and I am a very good student.

⚫ I flex my brain muscles every day by engaging on difficult puzzles and problems.

• My mind is always hungry for new information and knowledge so I feed it by reading and learning new

I broadly understand many topics and can speak eloquently about them.

The inner wisdom within me tells me what to do when intelligence is not enough.

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