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Nama : Farda Rusdayanti

NPM : 130920210017
Fakultas/Prodi : FakultasKedokteran/Magister IlmuKesehatanMasyarakat
Mata kuliah : Promosi Kesehatan
Topik : Tugaske 2-Theory of Planned Behavior

Method to Change Habits, Automatic Behavior and Action Control

A. Social Cognitive
The first one of methods to change habits is social cognitive consist of
three factors(1)
1. cognitive influence: is personal abilities for processing information,
applying knowlage and changing preference. Its construct by self
efficacy, collective efficasy, outcome expectations and knowledge.
2. Envinronmetal influence: is physical and social factor in an
individuals environment that effect a persons behavior. Its
construct by observasional learning, normative belief, social
support, barriers and opportunities.
3. supporting behavioral factor: is individuals action which is has two
generalization the first is health enhancing leads improved health
and the opposite is health-compromising leads poorer health. Its
includes skill to enhance behavior, intentions (like goals),
reinforcement and punishment (tangible and social).

B. Subconscious
Our brain has two levels of mind (2)
1. the conscious mind is rational
2. the subconscious mind is irrational
“You think with your conscious mind and whatever you habitually think
sinks down into your subconscious mind, which creates according to the
nature of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is the seat of your
emotions and is the creative mind. If you think good, good will follow, if

you think evil, evil will follow. This is the way your mind works.”(Murphy J,
• Subconscious mind level is amenable to suggestion
• For example:
“Your subconscious has the answer to all problems. If you suggest to
your subconscious prior to sleep, “I want to get up at 6 AM,” it will
awaken you at that exact time.”(Murphy J, 2000).
Based on Journal Subconscious response to fear-appeal health
warnings: An exploratory study of cigarette packaging.”The results
indicate that both fear-based pictures and fear-based text messages
activated arousal among consumers.”(Bosho C, 2016)
C. The last but not least is Action Control.
The M-PAC stands for (Multi-Process Action Control) Framework
provides a practical approach to help people make changes in health
The M-PAC Framework consist of:
Sustain: Make the behavior part of your life and regular routine.
Endeavour: This is the layer where you set goals, manage challenges
and set yourself up for success.
Decide: Our basic thoughts about the behavior we want to change.
Based on journal Understanding Action Control of daily walking
behavior among dog owners: a community survey “The majority of dog
owners have positive intentions to walk, yet almost half fail to meet these
intentions. Interventions focused on affective judgments (e.g., more
enjoyable places to walk), behavioral regulation (e.g., setting a concrete
plan), habit (e.g., making routines and cues) and identity formation (e.g.,
affirmations of commitment) may help overcome difficulties with translating
these intentions into action, thus increasing overall levels of
walking.”(Rhodes RE, 2016)

Reference List

1. Glanz K, Rimer B k., Viswanath K. Health Behavior (Theory, Research

and Practice) 5th edition. 2002.
2. Murphy J. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind The POWER of Your
Subconscious Mind. Mind [Internet]. 2000;47(1):23–38. Available from:
3. Bosho C, Toerien L. Subconscious responses to fear-appeal health
warnings: An exploratory study of cigarette packaging. South African J
Econ Manag Sci [Internet]. 2017;20(1):1–13. Available from:
APPROACH (M-PAC Framework for Physical Activity Promotion)
[Internet]. University of Victoria. [cited 2022 Apr 13]. p. 1. Available
5. Rhodes RE, Lim C. Understanding action control of daily walking
behavior among dog owners: a community survey. BMC Public Health
[Internet]. 2016;16(1). Available from:

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