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Se tu m'ami, se sospiri
If thou lov'st me
English version by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Dr. Theodore Baker For Educational Use Only (1710-1736)

Se tu_
If thou


rit. ,.....
m'a mi, se tu so - spi - ri Sol per
me, gen• til_ pa
lov'st me, and sigh - est ev - er But for me, 0 gen - tle_ swain,

Ma_ se_ pon - si

Should'st thou think tho',

Berklee College of Music, Voice Department

Copyright, 189#1 by <J. Schirmer, Ino.
Copyright renewal assigned, 1926, to G. Schirmer, Ino.

so - let - to Io_ ti_ deb- ba ri a - mar, Pa sto- i'el - lo,

de - mure- ly I_ on_ thee a - lone__ may smile, Sim - ple shep-herd,

a tempo

t,.m - ga n-nar; Pa- sto-rcl- lo, sei sog-get-to
to be-guile; Sim- ple shep-herd, thou art sure-ly


a fair red

.P -=======
poco cresc.

na Og - gi Sil - via see - glie - ra, Con la scu - sa

er Fain might Syl - via choose to - day, Hap - ly if_ he


me, gen- tiL pa - Ho do - lo r de' tuoi mar - ti - ri, Ho di - let - to
me, 0 gen-tle_ swain, Sweet I find thy lov- ing fa- vor, Pi - ti - ful I


Ma_ se_ pen - si so - let - to Io_ ti deb -ba ri - a- mar,

Should'st thou think tho', de-mure-ly I_ Oil thee a- lone _ may smile,

Pa- sto-rel - lo, sei sog:-get-to Fa - cil-men-t�a t'in - gan-nar, Pa- sto-rel - lo,
Sim-ple shep-herd, thou art sure-ly Prone thysens- es to be-guile, Sim-ple shep-herd 1

rit. assai

soi sog-get- to ,.
Fa - t m-gan-nar, Fa - ell - men -tea t'in-gan-nar.
thou art sure-ly Prone to be- guile, p rone thy_sens-es_ to be-guile.
rit. assai /1:"\


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