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Phubbing - ignoring.

Councissness awarness

Contact theory - the idea that intergroup contact under particular conditions can reduce prejudice

between group members.

Fixed mindset - you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might

believe you’ll never be good at it.

Growth mindset - you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time.

Grit - put an effort into something, keep doing something.

Racisim - Individual discrimination.

Fascism - collective discrimination.

Halo effect - being influenced by previous judgment, so if you see that someone good at one

thing, you are starting to think that this person good at everything.

Manufacturing consent - make you accept and believe that you want to buy product.

The most important 4 "C" to be successful:

1. Communication

2. Creativity

3. Critical thinking

4. Collaboration

Social loafing - in a group work, you are able to do smt, but you don't do anything.

Social inhibition - in a group work, you don't do anything, because you are afraid of making

mistakes and embarrassing yourself.

Social acceleration - comlete work faster due to group work.

Doomscrolling - Being addicted to scrolling, and keep looking at your phone despite the fact that

this content makes you depressed.

Commodity fetishism - To attribute to commodities, to money, the power which is inherent in

the labor expended on these commodities.

Avatar - means God.

Snapchat dysmorphia - not happy with your body, body-image disorder characterized by the

need to heavily edit one's own digital image.

Zoom dysmorphia - when people experience anxiety before and during video calls, perceive

facial flaws, and believe that others are monitoring those flaws.

Interactions - > dopamine - > important person - > feel good

Citizen journalism - collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the

general public, especially by means of the internet. ( The ability of all to distribute and create

information using the Internet)

Deepfake - Edit the content being shared. To show something different from the original.

Iphoneography - be addicted to iPhone.

Nomophobia - when people have a fear of being detached from mobile phone connectivity.

We have to keep everything in balance + control.

Echo chambers - An environment in which a person only communicates with people who have

the same thoughts as he does. Thus, a person begins to think that he is right and all other

opinions seem to him not true.

Confirmation bias - person tends to accept those references or findings which confirm his/her

existing belief in things.

Digital pacifier - pacify your emotions by using phones. It controls human pain and pleasure.

Fomo - fear of missing out

Jomo - joy of missing out

Paradox of choices - not to be happy and satisfied with your life by seeing lives shared on the


Quantified self - defined ourselves by numbers, example: followers

Performance self - showing off, you feel like you need to share your life.

Ringxiety - anxiety about ringing phones.

Textiety - the anxious feeling of not receiving or sending text messages.

Technological determinism - tech determine how we should live, or to do something.

Digital footprint - the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result

of their online activity.

Data fetishism - obsessed with data

Create - > edit - > share - > reaction - > social media

Social learning - behave socially. People can learn from each other through observation,

imitation and modeling.

Unconscious learning - learning without awareness.

Critical period - he period of development of someone, in which it is easier to learn something

than in other periods of life( childhood)

Sequential development - learning something step by step.

Holistic development - the social, emotional, physical, mental, and intellectual growth of a

Authoritative personality disorder - When parents put pressure on children. They attempt to

control children's behavior by explaining rules, discussing, and reasoning.

Tribal narcissism - When your group of people always seems to you better than the rest.

Behavioral science + Psychology :

1.helps us understand ourselves better, also other people around us.

2. Increase self awareness

3. Increase critical thinking

4. Helps to communicate with other people in a better way

Mirror - self: talking to yourself, critisize and check yourself like another person.

Bringe watching - Watch the series in a row without stopping, because you are interested in what

will happen next.

We need theory for well applying.

Communication - exchanging emotions, information, culture.

Communication lack lead to:

1. Communication crisis - lack of communication, misunderstanding in big companies,

2. Communication crush - misunderstanding between two people.


Sender - > encode - > message channel - > decode - >receiver - > feedback - >sender….


1. Societal : social communications

2. Intitutional : between organizations, more professional people.

3. Group : among many people

4. Interpersonal : among 2-3 people.

5. Intrapersonal : with yourself.

Verbal communication : type of communication by using words.

Nonverbal communication : the transfer of information through body language, facial

expressions, gestures.

K.I.S.S. - keep it simple, short.

Oral communication - communicate verbally, transmit your ideas to people.

Written communication - any written message that two or more people exchange.
In communication :

Words - 7%

Tone of voice - 38%

Body language - 55%

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