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It's essential to identify our values — as these will be the

compass to and the non-negotiable foundation of our dreams
and goals. Take some time to write down what your core
values are and why they are essential to you as an influencer.

Value #1: Value #2:

Value #3: Value #4:

Don't let your dreams be dreams — writing them down is the
first step to realizing them! Spend some time thinking about
what you want to achieve. Then, use the next page to plan
how you can get started on these dreams this month.

How do I want to grow as an influencer?

What motivates me to make these dreams a reality?


This Month's Top 4 Priorities & Goals:



Steps to Achieve #1: Steps to Achieve #2:

Steps to Achieve #3: Steps to Achieve #4:

If I Achieve This Month's Goals, I Will... (Rewards):

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