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Week 16-Conclusions and End of the Semester

Plan for the Week:

We will continue to discuss social policy challenges. Because this Thursday is our last day of class, we
will wrap up talking about resilience and focusing on take-aways from this semester.

To Do:

By Thursday- Read Chapter 14

Class Engagement Activities- Asynchronous. Due by 11:59pm on Sunday, December 11h.

Discussion Board: Watch a classmates video reflection. Make one comment related to what you might
have learned or considered from their video reflection. For example, did anything resonate with you?
Did you have a similar observation or experience? Did you learn something from what they said? Be
sure to keep it positive and constructive. Also, you must not comment on a reflection post that
someone else has already commented on.

Quiz 14: This quiz will cover material for the entire semester, but will is meant to take the same amount
of time as previous quizzes. It will open on Thursday at 9:45am and close on Sunday at 11:59pm.

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