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Final Exam Study Guide

Exam #2 will be available on eLearning from 12AM Friday, December 9 until 11:59PM Friday,
December 9. There will be no late exams accepted unless previously organized with your
professor. This exam will be comprehensive, covering all material in Modules 1, 2, and 3. The
exam will be approximately 40-45 questions and you will have 90 minutes to complete the exam.
You are able to use your notes and text for the exam, but MUST complete the exam by yourself
without the help of your peers. There will be multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, and
short answer questions on the exam. Please be sure to prepare accordingly for the exam. Best of
Information from Module1 and 2 included in previous study guides
Chapter 8- Culturally Responsive Research
- Key concepts
- Social structures of research
- Characteristics of CRR
- Why CRR is important and necessary
- Importance of research compliance
- What makes an individual a culturally responsive researcher?
- Theoretical frameworks for research
- Process of culturally responsive research

Chapter 12- Global Engagements, Sustainability, and Culturally Responsive Practices

- Key terms
- What the movement of people around the world means and entails for SLPs and AUDs
- Information regarding Uniter Nations Millennium Development goals detailed in your book
- Models used for global engagement
- ASHAs professional ethical standards for working globally
- Creating sustainable practices and what that looks like
- Information from the The Danger of a Single story TED talk

LGBTQ services and treatment lecture

- Considerations to keep in mind while working with individuals in the LGBTQ population
- Differing labels to be aware of
- How we can improve care of these individuals
- Specifics about Transgender and gender nonconforming voice therapy
o What information is necessary before beginning services?
o What specific voice and communication services look like for individuals in this

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