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The Urge Being viral

First, I want to thank the judges and teachers for present here and wanting to hear my
opinion about the urge being viral. And I will thank god because I am already here, because
without god help I would not be here, and take part in English Olympiad at SMAN 1

Today I want to tell you about my opinion The urge being viral. Being viral in Indonesia is so
easy, because people in Indonesia like new thing and challenges. Example:Dancing,Games
tutorial. Viral is about famous in every app like youtube,tiktok,twitter,and the others. Viral
has a bad impact and good impact. Viral nowdays is fast and widespread because
technology is advance

My hope is that the next viral will have a good impact, like how to speak English,
Mathematics tutorial, and the others. Because now there many children who already have
cellphones, viral must have a good impact children cannot distinguish which good and bad.
If children follows a viral bad influence parents must tell that it’s bad. So parents must
supervise their children so they don’t take part in bad viral activities

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