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Primary 6 ( ) Grammar Note Name: _________________ ( )

Conditional Tenses

 We use conditional sentences to express that an action or result depends upon a situation, an event or
another action.
 A conditional sentence is made up of an if-clause and a main clause.

if-clause main clause

If he comes early, he will get a good seat.
main clause if-clause
He will get a good seat if he comes early.

4 Types of Conditional Tenses

Type 0 To talk about something that is always  If you eat too much, you get stomachache.
true or something that always happens.

present + present

Type 1 To talk about what is likely to happen in  If you hurry, you will catch the bus.
the future when the condition (a situation
that is likely to be true) stated in the if-
clause is fulfilled.

present + future

Type 2 To describe imaginary or untrue  If I were you, I would forgive Susan.

situations which would result in future
events or actions.

past + would do

Type 3 To express regret, about things that can  If you had studied hard, you would have
now never happen. passed the exam.

had done + would have done

1. If the doctor _______________________ (find) that you are ill, he will advise you not to go to school.
2. They _______________________ (succeed) if they had put more effort.
3. If metal _______________________ (get) hot, it _______________________ (expand).
4. If you see him, please _______________________ (give) him this message.
5. If he falls of his bicycle, he _______________________ (get) hurt.
6. If a bigger airport _______________________ (be build), Macau will get more business.
7. If he _______________________ (be) here, he would help us.
8. I _______________________ (sleep) all day long if classes were cancelled tomorrow.
9. If you _______________________ (drop) the glass, it _______________________ (break).
10. Mary _______________________ (pass) the examination if she _______________________ (study)
harder. However, she did not pass it.
11. If I _______________________ (be) a billionaire, I would give a lot money to charity.
12. If I _______________________ (remember), I would have recorded that TV programme.
13. Milk ___________________ (go) bad if you _________________________ (not keep) it in the fridge.
14. It is Wednesday today. If tomorrow programme _______________________ (be) Sunday, we could all
15. He _______________________ (not break) his leg if he had been more careful.
16. If you _______________________ (heat) water to 100°C, it _______________________ (boil).
17. _______________________ (stay) with us if you _______________________ (visit) Macau next time.
18. I _______________________ (miss) the train if I hadn’t hurried.
19. If anything _______________________ (go) wrong, come and tell me.
20. If I _______________________ (know) this language, I would speak to him.
21. I _______________________ (come) if I had time to spare.
22. If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives _______________________ (be save).
23. If he _______________________ (be warn), he _______________________ (not take) that food. But
he does.
24. If she _______________________ (know) that Uncle Ben was here, she would have come to see him.
25. If Kitty had not been ill, her parents _______________________ (not spend) so much money.
26. If she _______________________ (talk) to us, she will not make that mistake.
27. You didn’t let me drive. If we __________________ (drive) in turn, you _______________________
(not get) so tired.
28. We _______________________ (go) on a picnic if the weather _______________________ (be) fine
29. Flowers _______________________ (wither) if they are left without water.
30. If she _______________________ (be) here, she _______________________ (meet) her idol. But she
wasn’t here.
31. If you _______________________ (heat) the ice, it _______________________ (melt)
32. As soon as I _______________ (get) a tick for the football match, I _______________ (let) you know.
33. It is raining now. We __________________________ (go) to the beach if it was not raining.
34. The mystery _______________________ (remain) unsolved if the scientist ______________________
(not find) the new evidence.
35. If a rainstorm ______________ (come) tomorrow, we __________________ (cancel) the camping trip.

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